7S» •v m. » ** • flWB# h ;• • t , - " ' S ' * 1 ."> 5* . A"**! 'iw DRUG STOKE 3** if/' i;. ijf,:" ' '• ^ : 9 ' W *$'•*' i--%V " , J. ^n>, t ' > J» **** > ,*>x ^'v •" ^ - The Ptecc # ^ ' , ^?S". •• ••^I'i »" <5 .."• YourD^ll^il i-u'.n.*'*?,. i-;4. i^;- W- . i ' ' » •nwEunlsk H. PETESCHMMMI & •4•• «•"y-• " ;r-" - ff"') • &x ' » "".::.v V ""-f:.- White oxfords and pumps la all sizes, from baby to grandma, .oew up-to-date styles, ranging in price from *? ' •I.OO to S5.00 r Patent leather and kid jj&mps in new shapes with low heel and cut out vamps at per pair - $2.50, $3.50 $4.00, $4.50 $5.00 and $6.00 b^ - v&- : 5- ...v* - .' . - .- • . Goods Delivered Phone 117-R !M. J. WALSH i>"' '• • - • " ' ; w I mm PORCH AND LAWN PfPPWfP FURNITURE » •1: tjtir STOCK or porcn anarawn xurniTure is very complete and offers a varied selection. We can also supply you with window shades and awnings in various colors and designs. Let us show you our stock and quote our JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. Hdiir id« f I"5'1' When you get the McHenry ice cream, manufactured under perw 'iif tect sanitary conditions, you are <sure of quality. It is carbonated juid made up from pure foods. ; /Our factory is always open to inspecttoif •fev.-A v* > *> McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. Toggery Al AND «DmW A WBKK m OUR BUST VtLLAGB £ > by Plaiadeaier Bepertera YM#" lata Oar Old %3T Oar i 8m I Baaira Priests Miss Clara Freund «u i Chicago visitor last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Miss Clara S toff el passed last Friday in the metropolitan city. Miss Helen Fay passed a few days last week with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay were Rockford visit jrs last Thursday. Miss Kathryn Corr of Woodstock catled on McHenry friends Sunday. E. R. McGee was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wednesday. George Donavin was a business visitor in the metropolitan city last Friday. Mrs. A. G. Barbian is spending a few days with her daughter in Chicago Irvin Hart of Chicago passed the week end with his wife and family here. John Montgomery of Oak Park passed Sunday as the guest of home folks. Mrs. M; A. Thelen passed last Thursday as the guest of relatives at Elgin. Miss Louia? DeCroiX of Woodstock was a Sunday guest of Miss Rose Laures. ' Miss Marie McHugh of Chicago spent the week end with McHenry friends. Miss Mayme Buss passed the week end as the guest of Mrs. Carl Nelson at Elgin. Mrs. John Montgomery and chilen passed last week with relatives at Wauconda. Mrs. Lester Jencks and daughter, Ruth, spent a few days last week with Elgin relatives. Mrs. M. D. Smalley of Woodstock passed Saturday as the guest of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Grignon of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ritter. Mrs. Wm, Spencer and daughter, Mrs. Thos. Phalin, were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Mildred Gullachson of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Miss Barbara Wiedemann of Elgin spent the week end as the guest of Miss Emma Thelen. Miss Anna Pich of Chicago is spending two weeks cs the guest of Miss Emma Thelen. Donald Lamphere of Elgin was a caller in the home of his uncle, W?D. Wentworth, Sunday. Miss Julia Weber of Evanston spent the week end as the guest of relatives in and near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frazer and son of Chicago Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer. E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock spent Friday and Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelson of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Painter of Chicago are spending a couple of weeks in the home of Mrs. Mary Simon. Mrs. Delia Matthews passed a few days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoffman at Schaumberg. Mrs. Phil Meyers und daughters of Chicago are spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mrs. Ace Hitchcox and son, Thos., of Belvidere passed last Thursday and Friday as the guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glasford and sons, George and Kenneth, of Chicago were week end guests of Mrs. Mary Simon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and daughter, Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz were Aurora visitors Sunday. Mrs. John Worts of Chicago spent last week as the guest of McHenry relatives. Mr. Worts was out for a week end visit. Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago spent last Thursday in the home of her son, Chas. J. Reihansperger, and family. Miss Verena Justen and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marum of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chicago spent the week end as guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. Rollo Churchill' and family of Grayslake were recent callers at the home of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daughter, Miss Anna. Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daugh ter, Miss Anna, attended the funeral of little Glendora Sherburne at Crystal Lake one day last week. Carl Bickler, now a traveling salesman for the Sawyer Biscuit company, spent the week end with home folks. Mrs. Ed. L. Hayes and children of Minneapolis, Minn., are spending a few week* in the home of her mother, Mrs. D. A, Whiting, northwest of toDjn. Misses Susan Schw&rtz, Clara Rosing and Raymond Schwartz of Chicago spent the week end in McHenry as the guests of their aunt, Mrs. H. L. Ritter. Edwin Barrett, Marshal M. T. Pidgeon, W. J. McClaughessy and Geo. Kluber, who have been spending a few days at Wood row, Wis., are now the guests of McHenry friends. « Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock passed the latter part of last week with Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mr " jit;', ^ 's4->.v • -v'40«i trt^RSOAY. JULY SO PARAMOUNT NIGHT May McAvojf - --IN A COMEDY 4*Y WIFE'S HUSBAND'? -- -- Ff*t. A SAT. JULY 21 & 22 NORMA TALMADGE We .BRANDED WOMAN AND A UNIVERSAL COMEDY SUNDAY, JULY 23 FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION AND A 90LDWYN COMEDY MATINEE AT 2:3# TUESDAY. JULY 25 Marie Provost " 'i&j - i "Niglit of Nights" - r . AANN DD A CC OOMM EEDDYY THE BEAD WAITER": WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 PARAMOUNT NIGHT j All Star Cast V > s in " m "sfc ?' f.^ i^fiOSsL? D--WAYNND --Co ilEttVV . . Shows will be given at ike Empire every night except Monday until further notice wMl UplWI The «tthsiil -of given as opp<*rtani*r W hava thair sires *x*mined and glasses made to order at reasonable prices and under guarantee. Have made glasses for the past 20 years for suoh prominsntf families as tiie Bishops, Bnipibis, Buchs, Bohrs, Freunds, Rev. D. Lehane and many others. Office hours, at my summer hpme on Fox river, one block north of -Village limits, from 2:00 to 8:00 Monday of each week. Phone 9. S. J. Frazer was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. Ray Walsh of Fox Lake spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Walter Warner spent last Thnrsday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Warner, at Elgin. Miss Lucy Millet of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Miller. r. Miss Marguerite Farrell of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mrs. D. A. Whiting. Miss Mildred Welch passed the first of the week as the guest of friends in the metropolitan city. Miss Kate McLaughlin is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Otis Murray, at Geneva, 111. Miss Louise Stilling is spending a few days this week as the guest of Miss Sadie Meyers at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and daughters, Charlotte and Mary, -were guests of relatives at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and little son of Woodstock spent Sunday as guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Architect Here Tuesday ' The architect for the new church now under construction in McHenry was here from Rockford on Tuesday of this week and from the smile that graced his countenance it was plain to be seen that he was satisfied with the progress that had been made The big cement foundation is almost completed. Some of the tile partitions are in and with favorable weather conditions the laying of brick should begin before the end of the present week. More than twenty men are now at work on the structure. Claim Allowed In Full At this month's session of the board of directors of the M. W. A., the proofs in the claim on the death of Neighbor Alfred M, Brown were passed on and an order issued allow ing the claim in full. The proofs showed that the deceased at the time of his death was 60 years, 8 monthsand 3 days of age. That he had been a member of the society for 20 years, 3 months and 3 days. The amount of the benefit certificate was *1,000, 1 y Electric ;•>? ,x ' •# mfor*^4" In ^Summer p, > T h e e n e r g y w h i c h a fit; may be drawn from a ;jany lamp socket . , modifies the discom • V' J •forts of that season . '4"by the appl iance \ ; > - r o u t 4 ] ' • V ' ' ' 3 iictric Fails, Electric Irons, Electric %£• Washers, Vacuum Ka --V. CleafiefS, Electric Grills We sell them Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS (FoinnsuSriy ?nSii«r*l Springs Hotel) BEAUTY SPOT OF THE l All rooms, with hot and cold water and electric fans in each room. Special Stsak aari Phone 604-M-2 A, F» WOEHNKER, :: GEN. MGR. !7A5* "i The oheapegt and safest insuraace «h v earth. Rates and other informatisai > may be had upon application ' Mifehaal Frensd, Agent, MeHenry WR.MAPFV PARTY NO DREAMS OF BLISS BR1N$ MORE DCUfiHTJMAMTHIS TOANV W HAT conjures up a more delightful entertainment than the idea of a nice juicy roftst served with the proper vegetables? This market makes such dreams come tr<% \ " '" 'Watch for Mr. Hipjqr 'FRETTS! 1HARKET U GROCERY STWESTMcHOWY.ILL PHONE 3 VACATION FARES Lower Than in Many Years CH'CAGO 8 NORTH WESTERN RY FVJ ' " ' A . ' 1';' %-.'H _ "*• TK'./X'i-'S-'-" •/'* » V' e ?7*' To San Francisco, Santa Barbara,. Lew Angeles and San. Diego, Cal.; Portland, Ore.; Seattle and Tacoma, Wash." ;r ,.v<' ii-ti,': To Sslt Ijike City, Utah; Denver, Colorado Springs,^ __ Pueblo, Colo.; Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain and Glacier./ National Parks, also to Important points In W^Mai^^v and South Dakota. -- Wide choice of Routes. Favorable rtopovw priyilegea. * j liberal return limits. J 4 Splendidly equipped through trains? Escorted all-expanse tours to Yellowstcne and Colorado vV ^ every week during Park season. A$k for particulars. < ~f:\y Let our travel experts plan your summer itinerary.' V Detailed information, sleeping car accomodations, etc.* .r % upon Application to Ticket Agefeta. Chicago Ac North . f .% Western Railway. .. r i . ' I " • . •' ' " ' J' - • - tl" VERY SPECIAL New scenic route to Yellowstone National Park via Lander now open. Takes you throuah the historic Indian country, Jackson Hole Region and Teton Mountains to the Southern Entrance. ' ^Station-to-Station* Long-Distance Service : A Get*~acquainted with the money an4 time saving "station-to-station" longdistance telephone service. Under " station-to-statiort" rsftes "* charge for a message is mad6 where p connection is established with anyone at the called station. 1 If you are willing to talk with anyonp Who answers the telephone on the prenf| ises of the distant telephone subscribe*^ justcall by number, if you know it, or bpname of subscriber or firm if you jdo not, and tell the operator you will tal|| to anyone who answers. * ;^his service' is quicker and aboiil twenty-five per cent cheaper than "pe^^ son-to-person" service. if.'<if.} COMPANY i i C.- •• 1 . ^ " - •wm, * BANK WIS NY Mil 99 - M ' z y- . , <v / ^ ' r' •*" :V-e "i2:.iU' .f•:"- •m V. % .*?.« • M' with these words. -•"-i£0-lt •/M - • = y „ > ' >* The strength and character of this business bank is pretty "generally known. But its friendly cordial spirit is best under»| Stc^l by thqp who come )n close contact with it. \ Vtm iffiL find kere a%$s*nesstike comradeship which grti "Ho the bottom of things and creates a clear and confidential 4 woikiag baai|^ ' -- -- -• n^' - v U 'B-' *,<.* " • v K - oj.*. *-</ <• Ifex. West McHenry ~ *•> • #