B V Phone 49 Reasonable Rates SCHAEFER BROS. V,' <is#» itea. * fciNGWQOD.ILL. and Transferring Lon? Distance Hauling McHenry, m. Early Riserfc Flour most •>* •*-;•, J ^;o-#v^flouih guarantee it to £ IT please yoti >«*• "f **•'- .;-iijiT'ui..:,.v,£• ..• ffjlfji. •'•'*?£ McHENRY 1 West McHenrv. III. Hf •>:^' t4Sg£%' fegfj^FRESH •**, Fruity L&t?: gttix.' .-. Vegetables ;3£T78&" • - ',.*$*•• $T v'sa^ M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M m»r> ty: i'3' |n;-r ?;• ..3 I.S -,\:^ y r; '-t -ff Vo %*•••• .;*-i •» • v- •jVv*. "The Sweetest Voice '0. in the World 3 J|l welL-known " a A 5rr*;$- :§S« ^ ? >'•*»* i II die movie" star itreported as saying that, to her, *#<the sweetest voice in the world* tit that of my mother over the $png-distance telephone." * T ^ This girl finds time everyday t$ her mother, no matter-what stanch lies between them. II jpiakes a better day for both. Bell long-distance lines reacfe everywhere. Mother, father, husband, wife, son or daughter may be, reached anywhere in a few minutes. Our long-distance operators will quote rates to any point. V Evening" and "night" rates are fery low.- .... ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • « Tablets Ericksoa^s store. Mrs.Jas. Jackson is visiting friends in Chicago. ' * George Turner is doing carpenter work at Woodstock. , Mrs. Geo. Wirfs and daughter, Margaret, of McHenry were callers in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Linn and daughter, Helen, motored to Chicago jSunday morning. Mrs. Victor Alms and Mrs.- .Will Cornish were Chicago visitors Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Fannie Jobonnott returned from ^a week's JWII (Will as liliilfi were served at the & Wednesday evening visit at Harvard. Carload of nut coke just received. The Alexander Lumber company,^ West McHenry, 111. * Mr.-and Mrs. Nap Lazotte and family returned Monday evening from a visit with her mother. The new garage atour local store is completed, hdding much to the convenience of the proprietor. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Jung and daugh<- ter, Delia, were callers in the E. E. Cropley home Tuesday evenihg. Mr. and Mrs. C. Deuker Of Chicago were guests in the E. E. Cropley home from Friday evening till Sunday afternoon. Walter Reading and Mr. Peterson of Brooklyn, Mich., Were here visiting the former's parents Tuesday and Wednesday. H. G. Reading accompanied them home. George Frey and Earl ^Monear are moving into their new dwellings erected this summer in the new addition along Fox river at McHenry. Those who have seen them say they are homes of beauty and comfort. Alfred Parker is picking and selling the most excellent variety of apples/ such as Wolf river, for only $1.00 per bushel. Many are carrying them away. Our fruit growers' orchards are specimens of beauty this year, winning premiums at the various fairs. * , A. C. Merrell and his force of carpenters are rebuilding our M. E. chtirch, which was badly demolished by lightning a short time ago. The Social Wheel is busy at work preparing to have a bazaar the first week in November. Later on a complete menu will be given. Watch the date. Miss Leona Cropley returned to her duties as teacher in the Libertyville school, where she has been a successful instructor in the seventh grade two years previous. Miss Cropley is, a bright young lady, endeavoring each year thru her summer vacation to attend our best universities of knowledge. Her third year speaks favorably of the satisfaction she has 'fcivail. use o£ tion. The new officers will be in* stalled on Thursday evening, Oct. 5. TERRA COTTA Miss Florence Knox was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Aluminum percolator*, each $1.00, at Erickson's store* G. W. Ames is entertaining ids brpther from Waukegan. lira. Mary Grant was a business visitor in Elgin Monday. Choice Gage hats at the opening Saturday. Blake Sisters. William Conway was a business visitor in Elgin last-Thursday. Eugene Leisner of Chicago was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Miss Margaret" Crrant of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. William Erwin of Chicago spent a codple of days recently at ta^, home of Geo. B. Frisby. Mr. arid Mrs.* James P. Green of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday and Labor 4*?. Carload of nut coke just received. The Alexander t&mbef "companyv West McHenry, 111. Misses Dorothy Walsh and Elisabeth Vogt of McHenry were recent guests at the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. M. Knox. Harold Knox and Frank Doherty left Monday for the University of Notre Dame, where they will attend school the coming year. OSTEND Yes we handle Gage hatsf' ©oiSie in and see them. Slake Sisters. Little Sammie Rogers is & new beginner in our school this year. Myron Francisco of Wauconda was calling on relatives here Saturday last. Joe Greener and wife made a trip to Chicago in their auto truck one day last week. Elbert Thomas attended a Masonic meeting .at Crystal Lake last Week Thursday night. Carload of nut coke just received The Alexander Lumber company,, West McHenry, 111. & George and Annie Matyas, pupils of the Bull Valley school, are attending the Ostend school again this year. Rev. Raymond Sanger, pastor of the McHenry M. E. church, and his mother were making acquaintances in this neighborhood Monday. Every Monday fresh meat, groceries and two mail deliveries, one from Woodstock and one from McHenry. Who says want in Ostend? Four pupils, all boys, did not start school last week on account of scarcity of help in silo filling.' These boys learned to tramp silage in the silo. UNIV SAL TRACTOR F.OlB. DETROIT 7 Reduce Your JOHNSBURG School supplies at Erickson's store. Mrs. Henry Nell spent Tuesday in Elgin. Hosiery far the school children at Erickson's. S. H^. Smith passed Tuesday in the metropolitan city. Fall opening Saturday at Blake Sisters' millinery. Mrs. Math. M. Schaefer attended to business matters in McHenry Tuesday. Ed. Degen passed the week end as the guest ot relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hetterman motored to Burlington, Wis., on Friday of last week. Carload of nut coke just received. The Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry, 111. JVfjss Lucile Hart of Wopdstock spent a few^days last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. • Misses Kathryn Freund, Clara Mertes, Frances and Coletta Fseund attended the wedding of Miss Rose Wilk at Pistakee Bay last Saturday. A few from here attended the McHenry- Wilmot baseball game at Wilmot last Sunday afternoon. Wilmot won the game by a score of 6 to 2. William Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, returned home this week Alexian Bros.' hospital in Chibeen confined durhundred and fifty new filing "have just been added to th,e office equipment of County Clerk Guy E. Still at the McHenry county court house at Woodstock. Completion of the Dundee-Algonquin leg of the Fox River trail this fall will depend entirely upon the shipment of cement. Concrete is yet to be poured upon a mile and one-half of this stretch. According to Harry Prince, .a grandson of the great Indian Chief Peguis, we are to experience an open fall with no cold weather until late in December. That aught to relieve the coal situation somewhat. The village board of Barrington is about to pass an ordinance giving that municipality a right to collect a vehicle tax. Such a tax is already in vogue in many of the cities and towns thruout northern Illinois. Two employes of the Beardsley Candy company were almost overcome by 'ammonia fumes escaping from the ice machipe at the plant at Harvard one day recently. Gas masks were used by rescuers. The people of Richmond also have very good reason to believe that a state road thru their municipality and thence on to Lake Geneva, Wis., would be a mighty good thing and enjoyed by thousands. It is estimated that no less than 3,000 cars, carrying 12,000 people, passed thru that village on Labor day. Carload of nut coke just received. The Alexander Lumber company, West McH«|h*y, 111. WEINSCHENKER'S ss CREAM SHIPPERS Ship your crfeam to us wt Elgin and always get highest prices. Elgin Is the butter center of the country. We manufacture both ice cream and butter. Write for tags* Information and our quotations. "Always ask your dealer for your FAV- . ORITE Ice Oream and HILLSIDE Creamery Butter. Made In Elgin." B. S. Pearsall Butter Co. Elgin, 111. DR. C. KELLER Optometrist and Optician Notice to the Public The citizens of McHenry are given an opportunity to have their eyes examined and glasses made to order at reasonable'prices and unddt guarantee. Have made glasses for the past 20 years for such prominent families as the Bishops, Engelns, Buchs, Bohrs. Freunds, Rev. D. Lehane and many others. Office hours, at my summer home on Fox river, one block north of village limits, from 2:00 to 3:00 Monday of each week. Phone 9. every other business* must cut ^down the overhead. |It is not a question of being able to afford a * jFordson; it is a question of being able to conlue farming on the old too-costly basifc, farmer's problem is not all a sales problem; is also a production problem. He must cut Idown the cost of production. „ ; • ^The Fordson does more work at a lower cost in leas time than the old hand methods. us give you the proof. today. Writ* phone or STAR OARAGE JOHN R. KNOX, Prop. PHONE mobile for will be guests of the latte in-law, Barney Jacobs. They will spend a week or more in Fremont and expect to land some of the big ones we hear the Wisconsin folks tell about. "• • Mrs. Frank Mathieu, her father, Theo. Meyers of this place and iMr. and Mrs. Joe Skifano of Racine^' Wis., have returned from a three weeks' auto tour thru South Dakota. During their stay in the west they visited among relatives at White Lake and Mitchell. Mr. Meyers, who is eighty-two years of age, enjoyed the trip fully as well as did the younger people of the party. Mrs. Mike SchaefeF celebrated her birthday anniversary last Sunday by entertaining a company of relatives at the home of her daughter, Mrs ttmma Young. The afternoon was passed at cards and social conversation. In the evening a delicious supper was served and greatly enjoyed by the large gathering present. The guests departed at a late hour wishing Mrs. Schaefer many happy returns of the day. St, Jehannes court, C. O. F., of this place held election of officers at the parish hall here last Thursday evening. The dfficers as elected are as follows: Math. N. Schmitt, chief ranger; Math. J. Schmitt, vice chief ranger; Wm. J. Meyers, recording secretary; Peter Schmitt, financial secetary; William Althoff, treasurer. Jos. Thelen was re-elected a trustee to serve a term of three years, while Math. Sdontt was •l»ct>d Iw, ADDITIONAL LOCAL William Heimer is making quite extensive improvements on his home on Elm street. The third annual West Kenosha county fair takes place at Wilmot, Wis., on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. A committee is now in communication with Walter J. Freund and Lester Bacon of this village to put on their bag punching exhibition, which has won for them well deserved comment during their connection with the Hagenbaek-Wallace circus, a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Kunz, who since their marriage have been occupying quarters in the Frisby house east of the river, have -moved to the Frank Hughes house a short distance north of their former place of abode. The rooms thus vacated by them are now occupied by Mr. and • Mrs. Ralph Huff, who have been residing in one of the cottages at the Rosedale greenhouses, where the former is employed. A number of the privately owned motor boats, which have been plying 4<he waters of this summer resort region during the season just closed, have already been placed into storage for the winter. It is expected that most of these craft will be pulled up into dry dock within the course of the next week or two. While local boat builders are not over crowded with orders for new work, there seems to be plenty of repair work to keep the various shops comfortably busy for some time to come. DITIONAL EXCHANGES picture show Saturday afts +shut-down ren.sus just recently compleWB,11 - KenosJ now has a population of 43 is an increase of 1,302 since Judging from the progr being made it now looks as soon be able to travel frot Rockford without leaving the cement highway. The opening of Barrington's schools last week showed an enrollment of 424 pupils, which is twenty-six more than enrolled on the opening day a year ago. H. A. Radke, who has operated a barber shop at Antioch for some twenty-five years, has turned over the business to two sons and is now livin retirement. Buy a Pair of HONOR BILTl SHOES You will be satisfied about the wear, comfort and price. * We like to sell ftfayet shoes and Arm out Plate stockings. THIS AD AND *e WILL BUY SI.W WORTH HRRF. ANYTIME ARE YOU INTERESTED V IN PRICES? Glad lowa Cornwile Sunbeam Corn N. S-Golden Bantam ,24c S. B. or Rich Small Sifted Peas --. --. S.C. Sifted Pea8._-i . lSc Mr. Red Tall Salmon. _ .32c SMITH BROS. McHenry. III. Draying and Long Distance Haulihg done by the hour or job. Furniture moved with can men of long experience. PHONE 35 McHENRY Ben STEAM, VAPOR ANET WATER HEATING V Estimates furnis Main Office, Chicago, 111. Crystal Lake Branch, 34»lf ALF RJGBY, Manager • CITTZKH PROTECT VQUI?. r-AHUX's ! HEALTH GOOD vmovtsonc root \S WHAT fOUCS NEED on hotwwo else - <SHOV>U> fCto r • ""HE mA and the wo men who p r o t e c t e d their families' health take a serious interest in the food question. They know that the high quality of our foods protect their folks' health and serve to make vtheir lire* healthier and, happfer.' foc Mr. U^u» K«Hy. >. •FRETTS! NMKET? amour STWBTMcHBWWULl .'•W ' An Open Letter " to Bankers TO BANKERS OF THE WESTERN UNITED TERRITORY Oftentimes you are called upon to ex> press opinions regarding investments-- many of them local. We appreciate the endorsement you are giving the 7% Preferred Shares of this company and your appreciation of out effort to provide investment opportunity that will upbuild your local community. In this connection we would like to call your attention to a recent" Bulletin * issued by Mr. Roger W. Babson, entitled "Invest at Home. ' Mr. Babson savs, In pert: "There ate three rules for successful investing: (1) Study fundamental conditions; (2) Put character before collateral; (3) Have faith in your own community." We believe the fundamental conditions of this company and its business are In ahealthy, growing state; the character ojf this business, its management and isf plants and equipment provide solid secu» rity; and we have faith in each of thit communities we serve. We are glad to be in this position which enables us to offer sound investment at an additional service. The story of this company is contained in our new booklet "Service and Security." Any additional information will gladly be furnished you, or your custom* en direct. .« ASK YOUR LOCAL GAS OFFICE WESTERN UNITED CORPORATION PHONE 3 Gem Theatre Grystal Lake, III. DAYS Wed, fhnr. Sept. 19,28, Delux Presentation HOUSE PETERS VIRGINIA VAIU > MATT MOORC JOSEF SWICKARDU MUSIC \i mm Dwijht Goodwill's • 4-Piece Orchestra !!>r. But the First Step that leads to influence is the >wards the SAV1NGSJBANK. n to n t put We giv* expert electrical service on any make of Farm Lighting Plant or Battery. New reliable lighting plants $176.00 and np Jnstalled. Wiring material sold below 1914 prices at Henry 's, Bound Lake, Hl^' -•* . 6 Our Savings Deparlrh * portant step--do it NOW! Starting a Banking Connections » a serious matter and ought to be done as the result of a careful consideration of all the qualifications of the bank teeking your business. , ** ; i This institution desires the closest inspection of its v " financial standing, equipment, methods and personnel on the part of those who are thinking of opening an account " ^;'s5#re- . It is satisfied that you will find it entirely worthy of confidence and business* * ^ ^ - r Fox River Valley * * McHenry, Illinois GERALD J . CAREY, C a s h . 4 l ;. ... an .• FREMONT HOY, Pres.