martyrs Water and Tlere Soap Gttls who pride themselves cm their appearance know the value of a smooth and fragrant skin... Three generations of lovely women: have set an example in using the pure cleansing lather rap COLGATE'S Cashmere Bouquet Soafp) Luxurious--Lotting--Refined Y'T t WIMNI Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 79« Packages. Evaryw*** "ijow Sbn If So and Smooth tmrteSaot - g% UUdmm Sfai 10c TO N I C HT Tomorrow Alright NR Tablets stop rick iMtdtdwfc r»Bm MBoos tRacfa, ton* and Following their release from prison In India, where they served rarleu sentences for sedltlonary acts, a croup of Ghandl followers were feted and paraded about the city of DelhL Garlands of flowers were placed about their necks, luxurious carriages and other niceties were provided for the men who are looked upon as martyrs for the Indian cause of freedom. ' SAVE Sailor's Will, Engraved oil Disk, Is Probated Western Cttafe Ofhn ImM mt WmNi oeiityaadindeDntan. faftfe m tKfroowntnnc swecStiownsa aSt ttlS riMt h still toV had M Fsrfll* LsmI at H5 It $30 m Bm --land sittilar to that which tkrooah s yean has yitldtd few 30 to4SMNI of wheat to th* acre--oala, barter aad also in great abundance, white cah horaea,cattla. aheap aad haes lUP profitable. Hundreds at ftuni ta WMMra Canada have raised crops ia a riatfe ssaaao worth marc than the whole coat at their laad. Healthful cUm schools, rand and shipping facilities. offer inducements for almost erary branch a agriculture. The advantages for MryhiK, Mixed Failing and Stack Mates awke a tremendousappeal to indaatrfaaa settlers vahfaig to improve their dicafr stances. For oartificata aatkUaa warn , to reduced railway rataa. iUasUkei« literature, majx^dsacriptioo ol f katchewan, AlbotttodU tish Colombia, etc, write C. I. SMtMHTOS. 9mm 4tt. mwJUaweSt.CMMse.IH.: I. a. HaeUCHLiW. tOMhrsaa Ihian fOetrsH, Ntl. TQPCOYre MstefwALLcaa. Seadhi aslaafc. State Nasi* i>4 Taw ei cm. )B r*> T»U Toti Top u>4 kackcvttlfal "•"» coaroRY ADTO ror caapAinr Htt Ccraalm <We^W*a«f>aaa LUC STRIKE :IOARETTI Each Time Girl's Mountain Mule Bumped, and It Bumped Often, She Lost One. iiiiwtfrrol* URSTWOMMTDGROSSMIDES irtttMM. This due extra preceee gives e delightful quality that ean not be duplicated •m* at--* GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA COMPOUND • aiilckly relieves the distress lag parozrama. Used for B jmm aad revolt of loDg experience in treatment of throat and luf diseases by Dr. 3. H. aaildTYUS TRIAL BOX, Treaties on Asthma., Its oaaaea, treatment, etc., aant upon reqnwrt. He. and 91.00 at dru«ri<««. J. H GUILD OO., RT7PXRT, VT. Clear Babjr'sSkui With Cuticura Soap and Talcum leap 25c, Oiatawat 25 aad 50c, Talcaai 25c. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. 38-1922. Profession 8aves Life. jburing the rlnts in Londonderry, when the old Roman city was divided into hostile camps of belligerent Protestants and Catholics, an associate of mine, who went there to report the developments for the Times, was arrested, first by one camp and later -by another. Each time he w as released, and he was finally given the freedom of the city. When asked how It happened, be replied that, being charged with espionage, he was closely questioned; but his fate was decided by his answer to one leading fpestion, which both parties asked: ^'Are you Catholic or Protestant?" JHls reply was simple and effective. ."Neither--Journalist."--Cart W. Acksjjgnan in Atlantic Montlily. • Love of Adventure Leads Girl to Face Disease, Landslides, Kidnaping ~ Other exciting Experiencn* ; „•'* f * --Indiana Aflat Har. ' tfew Tork.--A line of bone" tnflfpins, the kind that sells for 10 cents a half dozen, marks the flrsft trail across the Andes mountains ever attempted by a white woman. Miss Katherine MacGregor of Waupaca, Wis., lost them her bobbed hair every time her mule slipped on the narrow but not so straight paths along the sides of steep precipices. Miss MacGregor does not look like an Intrepid explorer. She is below middle height, of pleasing slimness, with blonde hair that curls at the rear. Her age, at a rough estimate, is somewhere between twenty-live and forty. There was no reason In the world, as she sees it, why she should take to exploring the mountain and jungles of South America. Hei father, Malcolm MacGregor, Is of Scotch-Quaker descent. She, until seven months ago, was assistant to the general manager In a New York utilities office. The only traveling she had done previously had been limited to Pullmans and coaches. ' "I guess It was because I wished to write stories of adventures mostly," Is the best explanation she can give of the Impulse that dared her to face disease, kidnaping, landslides, tigers and snakes. Even the American consul in Peru refused to have anything more to do with her when she told him of the trail she intended to follow. As for her father, he kissed her good-by once and for all when she had fully determined to start on her trip. Triad to Kidnap Har. *^t was only after I reached Iqottoa. a fairly large Sout6 American town, that I heard from two Englishmen In another exploring party what I had FEELING OF SECURITY You naturally feel secure when jga know that the medicine you are shoot to take is absolutely pure and contains ao harmful or habit producing drugs. Bach a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp* Boot, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It is not a stimulant and is taken in tmgpoonful doses. "*lt ia not recommended for everything, •••it is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with •very bottle of Dr. Kilmer's &wamp» Boot. If yon need a Btedkine, yon should kave the best. On sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingbamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure a»d mention this paper.--Advertisement. The Last Word. argument started with the senp, progressed during the fish, swelled vttibfy when the Joint came, until at dessert husband and wife were so thoroughly indignant. that they could continue no longer. "I don't know what would happen, Paul, If you ever agreed with me sny subject," she finally said plaintively. f He looted at her, aad alghed Mt- Hrly. , ,"M be wrong." ha aaldh-Td he yfcfoas." missed," Miss MacGregor recounted., "The two men had been held by Campas Indian chiefs, who had been told by their Intertribal runners that a white woman was passing in a party. The chieftains have a great fondness for white women, and almost Invariably succeed In kidnaping them. It was only after much torture that the Englishmen finally convinced the chief that I was not In their party. I passed two or three days sooner than I was expected--the .only reason why they dln't get me. Once or twice, or perhaps. a few tines more, the American girl was frightened. On one occasion, had it not been for some fallen trees, she might have dropped to a dusty death along the mountain side. "It was just after a landslide, and the path--it couldn't have been even a foot wide--was slippery," she said. "The four pack mules Inarched on ahead, but my mule lost Its footing In the debris and plunged right down the side. An uprooted tree saved us. I climbed up again while the mule was hoisted up with a rope. I guess 1 roust have been pretty scared that time." Hotel accommodations were poor, as Miss MacGregor recalls them. Tambos, merely single rooms without baths, and the only running water that which leaked through the thatched roofs, offered the only shelter along the way. THtUjniore pretentions variety were sometimes stretched with cowhide, but more often a tambo consisted of four poles, with dried grass for a cover. Cooking was done over canned heat. It was imperative to boll the water, unless one wished to ward off malaria and other fevers with quinine. Miss MacGregor boasts that In all her trip she took only two grains of quinine, and that because she did not wish to offend an acquaintance. She was accompanied by an English guide hired In Peru upon the advice of friends, and by two muleteers. An Indian guide would have been out of the question, for the trip would have been brought to an untimely end, so far as she was concerned. Miss MacGregor believed. As for the technical details of her trip, she traveled to Key Weat from London.--Strange as the story of any document told In fiction is that of a will which has just been admitted to probate and is now filed in Somerset House. It is the "last will and testament" of a sailor, William Skinner, who lost his life when his ship, the Indefatigable, was sunk in the battle of Jutland. It is In the form of the ordinary Identification disk. On one side. In the usual deeply punched letters, appears the name, number, rating and religion of the man to whom it had been Issued. On the other side the disk ai>- pears at first sight to be Just a> circular piece of smooth, polished brass. But when viewed at a certain angle there can be seen about 75 minutely engraved words. With a microscope they can be plainly read. They constitute Skinner's will by which he bequeaths everything to his wife. The disk had been recovered from the sea with Skinner's body and on being cleaned revealed Its secret. Saves Need Buying a New Skirt Putnam Fadeless Dyes--dyes or tints as you wish LOOK OLD? Chicago in an unsensatlonal manner, flew from Key West to Havana, then by a United Fruit steamer to Cristobal and from there to Pertfl' where she began her trans-Andean climb oi June 20. For seven days she rode muleback. two days she progressed lu a dugout canoe on the Ucayall river, and until August 1 she walked, rode and paddled her way to Para, on the East coast. Her party cut Its own trails through heavy, tangled growths for the most part There were conquests not only of wild animals, but of South American gentlemen, but Miss MacGregor paid no attention to the proposals she received. for, she said, the fair American who could pass through the country without having a marriage thrust upon her was" mqrt. to be commenflgd than she who landed a mate. "For of Such Are tha Kingdom." The generous who is always Just and the Just who Is always generous may, unannounced, approach the throne of heaven.--Lavater. Systematic exploration of Africa began in 1788. Ruined City of Many Massacres in Turkey ^ Badly Behaved Garment. /Anita had a new dress which conj^ gtued to pull up and show her prttiaaats. Annoyed by this, the child said: *lIorher. cant you fix this dress; It eertalnly doesn't behave well." fttfrmhcj fteary Eyes hen Your Eves feel Dull and Hhtt, bn Marine. It ID- ,Reli**csthatTlrcdFceliM i diem Clear, £r<wh* ana Haiuilw, Sold aad dad by All DniSBtMS. »fllUR!NE* UK liaileied city of Aidin, 00 miles south of Smyrna, to whose ruin both Turks anil Greeks have COOTW iWusand victims of Turkish massacres lie beneath the. broken walls. GOLDEN CROSS SHINES ONCE MORE Throngs Worship in Belief That Miracle Has Been Wrought •eviet Lsadsra Fereo Priests of ae*- afr Cathedral to Say That Gilding «n Church Was Due to Wireless Action. isyAM --An interesting tale comas to me from the city of Kostolf on the Don, In soviet Russia, writes a correspondent to the Dally Telegraph. It will need some explaining on the port of our men of science, and .1 would not- have mentioned It If the official soviet press had not done so. 6ne morning citizens going at sunrise to attend early divine service in the great cathedral were surprised to see the cross on the cathedral dome sparkling as if it had been newly gilt The golden Crosses and cupolas of the Russian churches are a well knowp laadmaifc Set; aagiected and* tha Bolshevik regime, they have all become dull and tarnished. The great cross on the cathedral blazed, while the crosses on the small cupolas surrounding It remained dark. The people cried that a miracle had occurred. From all parts of the town crowds precipitated themselves toward the market place. Very soon the cathedrni was full to cTsrflvwiuB, and tuouawMla of wax candles before the Icons lit ap Its dark Interior. People continued to arrive, filling up the market place. The great house occupied by the Cheka was just opposite The • Red sentries became apprehensive of an attack and called out the guard. The Red soldiers came forward to disperse the- faithful, but they were overwhelmed and forced to take off their caps and make the sign of the croak. Cavalry arrived and re-established order with their heavy whips. The clergy of the cathedral were arrested, brought into the Chpka building and. oader menace.<£ #aat*t a*. dered to stop the "miracle" immediately. This the poor fellows naturally could not do. At last one of them had a brilliant idea, of which the leaders of the Cheka approved. The town wrs placarded with large notices explaining to the population that the gliding of the cross had been renovated by the action of the new high-powered wireless station just Installed. Tha fact of the renewal of the cross Is confirmed from several sources, hut one doubts if the explanation of Its wireiesa source Is the correct one. Heart on Right 8ids. Phoenix. Arix.--An Indian inmate of a local hospital, believed to be a victim of tuberculosis, **-as found by doctors to have his heart on the right side of his body. The man's liver Is reversed snd he has a double rib on one side. He is thirty-four years old. Violet-scented seaweed grows la the lakes of the Manyishlak peninsula tn the Caspian sea, and the pleasant odor therefrom scents the air for milaa froaa ita aoaroa. . Understood the Feeling. "Too admit you were speeding!" "Yes, your honor." "A frank confession goes a long way In this court. What excuse have yon for exceeding the speed limit?" "A man In a little old rattletrap flivver drove up behind me and bawled to me to get out of the way and let somebody use the street who could get more out of one cylinder than I could get out of six." "Umph! I do a little motoring myself. Til let yon off with the minimum fine this time." -- Birmingham Age- Herald. Cuticura for Pimply Faoea. To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cutlcurs Ointment Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Soap and hot yater. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to include Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement SAM SURELY MISJUDGED MULE SUCH IS LIFE IN NEW YORK Libelous to Call Animal Blind When Its Only Fault Was Absoluts Lack of Fear. Moae was trying to sell Saunho a mule. The mule was lying on4lie floor of the barn. "I doan' wan no daid mule," said Sambo. "He ain't daid," said Mose; and with his whip he forced the mule to a standing posture. But Sambo remained cold on the proposition. "Ah see he ain't daid," said Sambo. "But he kain't run, an' Ah done wants a mule as runs." Mose, thus challenged, with a vigorous kick so ehergfeed the mule that away it went, running down the street, with marvelous speed. But Sam's delight at the activity of the mule was short-lived, for bang, the mule ran head-on Into a tree. "Fo'^de lord," exclaimed Sam, "he ain't daid; he kin run, but he's blind. Ah, doan' wan no blind mule." "What's dat jou say?" cried Mose. "You all calls a mule like dat blind? Why, lordy, lordy. boy, dat muie ain't blind. He Jea doan' give a whoop 1" --Judge. Pictorial Education. "Do you think the films are educational ?" "They may be In some lines," answered Cactus Joe. "But they don't give any lessons In the way to use firearms. The average film hero handles a rifle like he had accidentally picked it up Instead of his walking stlgte?' Washington Star. Fear to Be Original. Simplicity of manner Is the last attainment Men are very long afraid of being natural, from the dread of being taken for ordinary.--Jeffrey. Those Girls. Mabel--"Clara's last photograph was lovely." Edlftb--"Yes, I had to ask her who It was* Unfinished Story Might Be Entitled "What Would You Have Done in This Caasr Por the first time in his Ufa Ogden Carter found himself studying the prices on the menu card. He had only $5 in his pocket, and $b does not go far in the Giltmore Grill. It requires close figuring to get a square meal out of such an insignificant sum and still have enough left for the waiter's tip. It may seem strange that a man so poorly supplied with cash should select such a place to dine, but this was a special occasion. It was to be Ot: den Carter's farewell to life. As ao«m as It was finished he Intended to wsfk down to the river and end it all. He I had learned that day that he was a ruined man. The $5 bill In his pocket was the last remnant of his fortune. There was nothing left to live for. Ignoring the waiter's recommendations of the more expensive viands. Carter ordered a dinner which came to exactly $4.50. That would leave 50 cents for the waiter; not so much as that worthy would expect, it is true, but still enough. As Carter - as never coming there again, it would not matter If the waiter was disgruntled. His frugal repast at an end, Carter laid the $5 bill on the waiter's tray and sauntered toward the coatroom to get his hat and stick. As he approached the spot he felt mechanically in his pocket for the accustomed coin. With a start he realised that in calculating the amount which he could spend for his last dinner on earth he had forgotten this Important item. Hurrying past the coatroom he went Into the hotel lobby and sat down to think. There must be some way out of this frightful dilemma. He searched his pockets again--not so much" as a penny--and he needed a dime at the very least. To demand his hat and stick and then go away wlNiout tipping the attendant was unthinkable. To go out on the street without them was equally impossible. And so he sat there and thought and thought and thought. For all I know, he may be sitting there aUll* obsurvefta Hew &wfc.$uu wrltar., UNIT k*ir B»kM look vorjr aid. Isat iivwry- ol Color Restorer will brlaf baek aukWy -- stop* d»ndrmff. At ill 7Sc, or Mnct frotu Hemstitching and P footing Works on any sewins machine; easily ad» Justed. Pries I2.S0. with Instructions. Oriental Novelty Co.. Box 11. Corpus Chrfatl. Tn. AGENTS--192! fastest seller; *00% profit. Carry 1" pocket. Exclusive territory. HANDT CO. 20S N. U A. St.. Los Alleles, OsUt. Score One for Mr. Pecksm. "William," said Mrs. Peckem, ly, "did you ever stop to think that some one might steal me from yatt when you are away from me?" "Well," answered little Mr. Pedtem thoughtfully,-"I was a little alarmed when a horse thief was prowling through these parts last week." Mrs. Peckem stiffened up haughtily. "A horse thief, did you say, WiltiaaBl" "Yes, my dear. I beard he canrled off two or three nags from this district." Irrelevant. "Dearest," whispered the movie star who had temporarily busted his craat while doing a stunt., "If I should die would you marry again?". "Why, what In the world would your dying have to do with It, darling?" surprisedly replied his wife, , the well* known vampire.--Kansas City Star. One can scold tb-> majority or acorn It--both ineffective. Sense that can be con-erted into cents Is the real article. n: j' HAD TO MAKE FULL ROUND Clergyman Who Wanted to Teat Vlfr tut* of the Treadmill Given Full • - Opportunity. ? A Britisher tells a story ei ber of the clergy who took too huge a mouthful on one occasion. He w^ visiting the county Jail aad * explate<Pto a friend who waa with - hint on the virtues of the treadmill. ; Warming up with his theme, he de* clared that he often wished be had one at home to give him the gentle exercise he required, and to remove his - friend's skepticism, be asked tha . warden to give him a tarn. Round went the wheel, the clergyman declaring that the mftvement was delightful ; but after two minutes he bad had enough and desired the officer te stop the mill. To his horror the efe cer answered: "Vary sorry, sir, but I caat It'l „ timed to go 15 minutes and won't atap." Found at Last. Western Exchange -- A CarroBtoa citizen 'who went to the northern ' lakes returned last week and cenftssed that lie hadn't caught a single fish. Diogenes may now blow out hie light and lie down to pleasant ilnaias --Boston Evening Transcript If there te happiness In duty thara must be a corresponding duty td ha happy. A bee hasn't much to aay, M 1| carries his point. / ,1 life Partners HE union of Nature, Soienoe and the Farow is a iurtnership for life. In the golden sheaves of living wheat, and in the war- W shimmering fields of barley-Nature stores the vital elements of human power and cner^7h{fh.|®S°n' verts into Grape-Nuts-the famous body-buildxng food. y Grape-Nuts with milk or cream is a complete food, which oil nutrition (including the mineral elements# : , required for making rich, red blood, and for ^building sturdy body tissue, sound bone structure and strong, healthy nerve cells. ; The 20-hour baking process makes Grape-Nuts easy to digest and develops that delicious, sweet Bavor and cnsp> ness that has made this food a favorite the world over. Mrher&s a Reason _ ° Sold by grocers everywhere! Ma9e%r Pastus Comal Company, Im., Battlo Croak, liMi* • V :