~ - --W '" 3. . >%^ * '.,v -A**' *'**? >She* * •tfkX. ?X :>w r^was? t> • • - &, j=^'«£:WSfe» WJfe'ias K:- -. 'vlL - $ .,'^}' &«* " V®****,: ;,>, i «i-; v'{;i ?,< • f«^-;|r^ fH« fyti.:-••'•<% ^ • * • %••>&AF'. ',^fe'-ft f^i.1 ^ %-W!# ;tft~., I t- 4 "^A v *' 1 "v *»* '. * *•' •& • '• ^. • ^,\ 4 •"«: -•rWvn<^:,7vr/ v* , ?&;>$•, Buy Your Drugs A Jf-r *jv; js - -*•; • '$ -' > *< J^4*' & ' jf* t\ •&' a ';.-% •" P 4 '-.-de*' rfe- •' { V-F-' 'fiowE IMJN. H. PETESeHiMMlil W, y' WANTED V5 v . , - ,v • SB • •: -V^ v ££•- •m0i: J&'H ForMonday, |ga%^0t|| Ra,„, 1,044 CHICKENS r -v., -_ 9M DUCKS - ' """!- • "A •$*,'> m GEESS , . , % and all the TURKEYS you have " •- w \k * \* a. • *'*> . - *$" .firtJ'*.- * ' ' v <, - - s •*• , iyPOIlT lOTgei W6 pay rop pnCBS W fSfflCy vamlS i Also in the market for your hides at any time Vte'sffft-"ih '*t . iitf FRETTS MARKET VilONE 3 tv . WEST McHENRY, ILL. I • . ;* 'v ^ ' . . . f ^-V. f£ Wiskr and Manner DEMONSTRATION .-. Kf^' 31J% fc*ve ®ade arrangements with the manufac- ^ ' turers whereby the wonderful Thor Washer and ^ I Mancier will be demonstrated at oar store on December 3„ 4 and 5 /ii.- :f »| ?•& h'M m-i **""* f We have been successful in the sale of a large num- , ber of these machines in this territory during the „ past few years and will be pleased to give you "•-* names of scores of satisfied owners. During the a demonstration we will have at our store a Lady ~a ' ; ^ Demonstrator who is considered one of the very best in her line. We therefore extend an invitation, to the ladies of this community to attend thisdem- v ? onstration and have explained to them the merits ^ <1. * of these wonderful machines. S > JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. Forthe Party ^.v' :v'%;•• , •* * ' ' ' • "r For the Home Dinner no other W f e . . Wit f' We make it in all standard flavors and sell it in bulk or bricks. v Special orders giv«n expert attention. #. 4 a complete line of bulk and fancy box - • . CMldjefS, fruitS-. fig* f™lr. t ami tnKaofrt ; < • » McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY c. JJNTI, PROP. !rar; gtade tescfttw are dtiflln# tin pt^ils for an «ntert|lfiment to be (h«n on« December 14. The play will be "Snow WTiite," About forty pupils •wfttl take part. Report cards ware given out last Friday for the first tjuarter. The following stodeots had honor grauies, ninety pear cent or above in all subjects: mgtan Powers, Kathleen Powers^ Gladys Rietesel, Pamela Rieteseli Ask^Dttrls to tell "you ab6flt the stout man." The freshman class on last Thursday presented us a play. The Glee club entertained us With a few songs Tuesday morning. The senior class are 100 per cent members of the Athletic association. The American history class has decided that Daniel Webster was a "pacifier." At a meetinr held last week by the Athletic association a set of training rules were read and adopted. The seniors have the lowest perentage of failures of any class in the high school. It's only natural. number o? students got their tongues twisted on Tuesday morning in convocation and couldnt recite the rest of the day. Everybody get set for our grand opening of the basket ball season on December 1, Huntley vs. McHenry. You know you haven't had a basket ball team in town for two years. The cheapest and most economical way is to buy season tickets. Junior Note* Mr. Stringer says that Dick Stenger is a-real actress. Found'--An umbrella in room ten. Owner may have same by seeing Miss Kisch. Many of us went home with light ) hearts Friday after receiving our report cards. The girls had their first real game of basket ball Monday. We all say it's great fun. Big feet are of some advantage anyway. In olden .{lays they used them for umbrellas. The sewing class went to Woodstock Tuesday to hear a lecture given by the Home Bureau. Miss Ashburner (after asking us to read a ballad in unison): "I was just getting ready to give you the pitch." We are planning to give a Spanish play some day during convocation. That is, when #• ,|e«rn to apeak Spanish. We thoroly enjoyed the presentation of the drama "Pyramus and Thisbe" as given by the freshmen last Tbimsday. • • Legian The next regular meeting of the post will be held this (Thursday) evening and it is hoped that every member will be on hand. Members named to serve on the McHenry county executive board for the year 1923 are: Chas. J. Reihansperger, post commander; John L. May and Alford H. Pouse. The following members "will have charge of the entertainment for the ensuing year: Chas. J. Reihansperger, post commander; Ray McGee, Alford H. Pouse, Gerald J. Carey and John L. May. There is no doubt but what these men will try and have something doing to entertain the' membership at all times. A membership drive is to be inaugurated during the month of December. As there are still quite a number of ex-service men in and around McHenry who have not as yet joined our organization, a determined effort will be made to get these men into the fold. .The motto during the drive will be "to get every ex-service, man in McHenry township into our organization before 1923." Planp are now being formulated for a home talent show to be presented by members of the local post some time in the near future and the boys are hopeful of putting it over big. Mrs. Rotnour, for many years the leading lady in the Flora DeVoss company, will be engaged to take charge of the rehearsals and train the dough boys in the respective parts they are to carry. Watch these columns for mord news along this line. The annual election of officer^ of McHenry post, No. 491, took place at the regular meeting held at our hall last Thursday night, Nov. 9. The newly elected officers are as follows: fyst commander, Chas. J. Reihansperger; vice commander, Ray McGee; second vice commander, Peter A. Neiss; adjutant, Alford H. Pouse; finance officer, Alfred J. Richardson; chaplain, Wm. H. Althoff; sergeantat- arms, Fred C. Schoewer; publicity agent, John L. May. It is to be hoped that the newly elected officers will be given the co-operation they deserve. On account of the fact that quite a large number of tickets were disposed of in McHenry and vicinity in the recently conducted service fund contest the department headquarters wish to announce the 1922 winners, as follows: First prize, six cylinder Buick sedan, winning number F-0047, held by W. E. Moore, 611 E.^Main street, Mount Vernon, 111. Second prize, a Dodge sedan, winning number C-2284, held by Fred Kramtner, R. F. D., Naperville, 111. Third prize, five passenger Buick six, winning number R'321, held by Bruice Lee, Ipava, 111. Fourth prize, Dodge coupe, winning number W-0749, held by George Wilson, Berwyn, III. Fifth prize, Buick Six roadster, winning number L-S454, held by J. Donald, Brimfiekl, 111. Sixth prize, Dodge touring, winning number H-0031, held by J. Edgar, 52 West- """" ":*ejr -- ^#1|HURSOAY, NOVEMBER 16 Wanda Hawiey : --IN-- I JP , --AND %| THE SP£RT REVIEW f «L. A SAT.. NOV. 17 A IB AND 4-upino Lane IN HIS LATEST COMEDY •fHE REPORTER" isst tpnr-- -1--:--*** • Sunday, November i» 'Charlie (Buck) Jones IN West of Chicago --AND A UNIVERSAL COMEDY MATINEE AT 2:3S TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21 iB'the ^ays of mmf "Buffalo' ffi a * M M •'t'-ai * / $ AND fU>is Wilson - IN-. • i: 'j- S i •im Broad Daylight THUR8DAY. NOVEMBER SS *$• Hay McAvoy -IN •: .Mi Everything For Sale ' OOMING ATTRACTIONS jf t4S0NNY" ^ ETERNAL TUWE* ^ ^•SMN DEET' "REflEJIBRANCE" > ^naaoD" ^HiRWCAirstAr (1SKRL0€K BOLHES" V-S , '1^ minster, Lake Forest, 111. Seventh prize, Remington shot gun, winning number P-5000, held by Ted McCoy North Morgan street, Decatur, 111. Eighth prize, fishing tackle, winning number W-193, held by Edmund J. Nichols, R. F. D. No. 1, Arlington Heights, 111. Card of Thank* We take this public manner oi Expressing our sincere thanks to "Ihe kind neighbors and friends for the assistance extended us during the recent illness" and after the death of our beloved one. Also do we wish to extend thanks to Rev. Charles Nix, to the donors of flowers and to the members of .the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, of' which the deceased was a member. * The Brothers and Sisters. New silk and wool hosiery at Ertek Is a foolish {>astitne often iisdulged in .by the man invests w|thout casking ;qiie||,A ^5 tions. • W4 - /i A /i'r t ' A , jf< +• ip |pnk do the investigating kf i,#- % ' ' WmHrad profits by ,%• f: • I /;ri;4vv s L">" •« 1 1 ' . . . ",-L '< i: '• ** y •4--t i. ' fj / cC "" t (:&m+ -y. >.•*?»< Friday & Saturday, Nov. 17th & 18th •*? Cotton ChalHes, 20c quality« per yd. 15%,, ^.,; wtqpm Outing Flannel, 20c quality, per yd. Class B Wool Army Blankets, ead^$2.7^ Men's Winter Union Suits, special. $1.^: • ; • «r: Table Damask, red and • checked, per yd. Is» • --,;hl, f 45 in. Pillow Tubing, 45c value, yd. 33i -"'VrVp-; Men's 4-buckle Army Overshoes, ^ - all rubber, per py. "|n£rR« ^ ^ '" • ' ^ "?;•',*•••• A-"H; ' & ; . - * . U i - * t ' Men's Army Hip Boots, per pr. 30x3^2 Michelin Cord Tires* each.$U.I^ -Stove Pipe Elbows, each: II« V "California orPtcnicrHams, per lb._v 15c 2 lbs. net wt. Canned Corned Beef Hash, per can. lie Wt lbs. net wt. Corned Beef, per can J|| •••• -- 1|#-- *W2 lbs. net wt. Wilson's Cartxfied * • Sausage, per can SSe Standard Corn, p^ can lie 15 oz. Seeded or Seedless Raisins.. 29e 'rjfV:. . 1 r'. - 'v&i% mm *&-A# M" - UL -rn^m GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRY, ILL. .r* tfr r" '• "# - ^ - -- -- " ' " ft" r it*' > "V*1 and UNICORN DAIRY RATION which w* wish |'3« r* }*tr t ' J ' " ' W# hate « limitea jrtnonirt- of OANE-MOLA " FEEDING MOLASSES, COTTON-SEED MEAL it ' k '*' iX ' :*r' •f.fzrax fr.-Vr y;.,'•. >" r - .** -Vr"k*: CANE-MOLA is made from Cuban cane, and |v' ^ ^ fr * - • "•'£ tp movp to make room for other feeds. ^ in addition to having feeding valtie equal to corn, - & -•%: ,«js ' is a tonic and appetizer'ioc ?!»»#•. ^^ strong, new barrels. , , * . - - ^ * i T nnirro ^ '"y x'VM' U%'H '• :,y these items.^*1*' * h - : - i u%-~4 ;>"k Drop in and see us for SPECIAL PRICES on • - ^ ^ - *1 W 'P ' - * A x \ y nii" l* • ***<• j •' m&m.. mmmmrhones • -.W ~y <•; y West McHenry, Il% - , r)j - uvar> '2--:' 1&® mris WBF.'U'S .1. y 'M'yil'ilT- -'..ffi-'i •-- •- . -.-V- t m