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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Nov 1922, p. 3

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ac irmt Bade on Job, Says Davitf BCOIANS S2.8& LL-ANS TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen tfjnnd movfiiMQt bacooM painful ,ft % u«ua5y an inrftntriaathst the fjkidtteya are oat of enter. Keep thm organs healthy by taking LATHROP'S weddlB standard nt&cdjr for I lilnsjl tMJw end uric acid trouble*. /"I f Paaioes since J695. Take regularly and -' ' hSP '• 4 :S|»®P *" g?°6 *>«»' th. In thrao siz<«, m3 . " *"drag£l*t±, Oawtatwd as represented, a *,, * l „ •; ', *** fcw «h* Geld Medal oa M«f ;ls£ ."!C h'^4 ••.4." •« «SS«St B» imitatfaa Fraackltit, . V4;. Sa^t H* Fssls Like New Matt. .... J can truthfully *ay that Dodd'i Kidney Pill* have done me more good than any kidney medicine I have ever taken. Am now like a new man. Whan I commenced taking the pill* I was jhardly able to walk aero** the room." R*k*rt Fltttmr, Pirn* Village, Imd, Large box 60c. Get Dodd'i at all Mod druggists--relief or money back. If druggist'* lupply is out, send 60c. t* i^SSHWS MEDICINE CO, Buflale, M. Y. k - ! !-vjAMua to IWltM old, ebonld be growing ail the time. It Will if TOO __ , UN Q-B*n Hair ^onle -- Don't (rrt. b«ld. get Q-B»o today --If* Much mure pleMont. At all rood dnurr1>t«. 75c, ar direct fro® HESSK-ELLU, Oil*.. - I1 w T3; ' lC O C K ROACH ES -^fWATER sues It A '• Never flripe NfATCIt BUGS EASILY UUKD BY USINQ v' STEARNS' ElECTRIC PASTE t i V 'lt also kill* rata and mice. It forces '.".these pent* to run from building for water . >;)s^jSand fresh air. A 15c box contain* enough - & t o k i l l 5 0 t o 1 0 0 r a t » o r m i c e . O e t I t f r o m T:,»your drug or general atore dealer today. ^H EADY FOR USE-BETTER TH_A N TRAPS tm NR Tablets tone and strengthen organs of digestion and elimination, improve appetite, Mop sick headaches, relieve biliousness, correct constipation. They act promptly, pleasantly, mildly, yat thoroughly. IRTosigl^t Alright Get a QREEN MOUNTAIN 4* druggist*. COMPOUND quickly relieve* the d)«trf* ing paroxysms Vsed for (S /earn and result of long experience In treatment of throat and lung diseases by Dr. J.H. Guild. FRKB TRIAL BOX, Treatise on Asthma. >t* eauaee, treatment, etc., sent upon request. 2&c. and 11.00 J. H. GUILD CO.. RUPEBX, VS. Uses "Cutter's" Serums and Vaccine* he it doing hi* hot to conserve your interests. 15 year* ; concentration oa one line count foe ..•"SWi&fr' something.*'*" "• The Cutter Laboratory ' . V ',;- - • Ltitrafrr that Knnui Htw" • • jSarkelcy XU.S.Lieen«e) CaUTdihSlS' ' iff * -- | » W. N. Uv CHICAGO, NO. 46-1922. tHQuunw ' Thoughts Failed Him. Francis became disgusted with the •"'$&? ne*t door and turned and left hfm pithout a wont. When being commended for holding temper he replied: "O. that wasn't ft. I would have told him what I thought of him If I'd been able to $Mnk of enough to say." lfeti who pretend to understand fliotnea are only pretenders. - fi 'A blanket mortgage will not keep s ' lionsp warm In zero weather. Refreshes ffZary Eyes %Then Your Eves feet Dull Internationally Ownetf and 0p- •rated Wir^fets Bureau at Balfb) Bay Is Planned. ILS. QFFKULS BmUSUSTIC Would Help Observers Who Are Often Handicapped by Unforeseen Weather Changes, Originating in Northern Canada. Washington. -- An Internationally owned and operated wireless weather observation station oo the shores of Baffin hay, to snpply data for the world's weather services, has been proposed, and steps arc beinfc taken to insure its installation. Baffin bay la pretty far north, aa. a glance at 8 map of the top of onr continent will show. Cold winds blow cheerlessly roach of the time, ice and snow hold sway over the land and sea for a good portion of the year, and the life of those stationed •here, cat off from the world except by radio, would not be of the easiest, bat the values of their services to the world would be Inestimable, it Is said. U. & Officials Enthusiastic^ Officials of the United Stages weather bureau are enthusiastic over the. proposal and will urge the participation of the government In the co-operative scheme. They point oat the valuable work of die International weather observation station on" the lonely little Idaxid of Jan Mayen, off the southeast Coast of Greenland, where reports are sent to all the European government meteorological services, as well as to the Canadian and United States weather bureaus. V. BJerkus Ekerold, a Norwegian scientist and meteorologist, through whose efforts the Jan Mayen station was erected, has been In the United States and Canada for some time In the interest o? the proposed Baffin bay station. The great value to this «*ountry of such a station la shown by observers In the fact that they are often handicapped by the sudden arrival of unforeseen weather changes, originating in northern Canada, where there are few stations. Thousands of miles of the continent, up to the Arctic seas, hold no observation i osts, nor means of messaging observations 1* any were made. The northernmost weather station to Canada la almost 4) degrees from the northern edge of the continent. which puts It far south, dose to the International boundary line. Consequently, officials say, much weather which originates In that vast stretch of land Is unobserved until H is right down upon us. For this reason, it was added, cold waves often bear down from*the north in winter, and onr weather bureau can give only acant warning. A recent example of this sudden and unforeseen change occurred In a series Of showers that ended the long country- wide drought that gripped the country during August. September and early October. Continued dryness was predicted for some days because conditions were sluggish and n- changes were observed within the scope of the reporting stations, however, sudden the tmcharf«d tip the entire Atlantic neah^fd <the Southern states, quenched deitruc^ ^ tlve forest fires In Canada enj brought ' an end to the drought. f If there were more stations farther north, It was said, the change could have been foreseen far ahead of its actual arrival. Instead of In abcut two days or less, and farmers and others to whom weather conditions are Important could have had longer warn* lng to prepare. It must he explained that through general Interchanges ther weather observations of nations are made available to all other sountrl®? having weather services, and to whom the data are Important. Canadian stations therefore make observations which are as Important to this country'? weather service as though those stations were owned by the United States. The Baffin bay station would be financed nnd operated by the countries of the northern hemisphere to whom tht data would be of value when reported by wlreles* v \r- ' -- • »>rVfcW>(<<MdP #£. y*'. Yanks Rescue Wrecked Japs % '/V>: . xt, • •' Save Forty-Five Sailors Drowning or Death lx Spites of Centipedes. From WENT ASHORE OFF MM00R0 Men of the ftyoka! Maru Had Battle of Life en Coral Ledge Veaael , * Comes to Grief it. Treacherous Channel. Manila.--Forty-five Japanese aallora, rescued through the efforts of an American destroyer and a naval tag from 'the wreck of the Japanese freighter Ryokai Maru, arrived at this port after a thrilling battle with death by sea from drowning and by land from giant centipedes, which Infested the coral ledge on which they had found refuge. The Ryokai Maru, bound from Java to Yokohama with a cargo of sugar, ran upon the deadly coral ledges of. Panagatan Cay, in the straits of Mlndoro, three nights ago, according to the story told by Captain MIzuno of the wrecked steamship. The vessel was proceeding through the trencher- Chicago Hotel Has Rooms for Dogs ous channel, he stated, with a heavy fog hiding the shore, and a strong wind from the south thut threw the vessel off her course and Bent her suddenly crashing upon the reefs. As soon as the steamship struck the wind and tide swung her around, with her starboard side upon the reef and 150 fathoms of water m the port. Radio Damaged. ."Tve never been'much of a hand at praising medicines, but I can certainly say something good for Teniae," -- Geo. Davis, 110 Naglee St, San Francisco, Calif. "I had a bad case of ptomaine poiioning and it came pretty near laying me out altogether. For three months I was in an awful condition and suffering constantly from diarrhea. I became weak all over and was going from had to worse. I tried everything I knew of, but it was beginning to look like nothing would ever reach my case. "Then, a friend, of mine recommended Tanlac to me. And it's a fact, four bottle have made a clean sweep of my. trouhles and built me up to where I feel like a new man. I am working every day now and when It comes to recommending Tanlac I can't put It too strong." Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists. --Advertisement. • Ached at HoMe, . A pupil returned after several days* absence: *Why were you absent?" the teacher asked. "I had an ache," rfeplled the puj^ll. "tV'here?"* w*/# ' '• "At home." • /"•v$f Kvf.; • / ' At tbe fashionable i M n k e Ix-tel, Chit f you happeR !e be a plutocratic* canine you merely step up to the clerk, yelp politely and get assigned to one of the seventeen rooms for dogs on the eleventh floor, ft is Bible here for a dog of refinement to secure a room with buth. even pos- The shock of the collision datnaggft the radio so much that It was not for* three hours that It could be used. An SOS was then sent out and waf picked up by the naval radio station at Cavlte. Captain Crose. commandant at Cavlte. sent the destroyer \Vhipn pie racing for the scene at daybreak, followed by the naval tug Wompatuck, When day broke the position of theis> vessel was so precarious that Captain MIzuno decided to abandon ship. The forepeak was stove in and the vessel was grinding bndly with every breaker and threatening to slide back Into deep water, where she vould have sunk like a plummet. Volunteers of the crow scrambled out o- the reefs and managed to carry lines t > the narrow ledge of the cay that Beemed to offer refuge. As the men clambered up on the rocks a nest if giant centipedes was discovered and several men were bitten, one of whom (Led shortly after. That afternoon the Whipple hove in sight and the.destroyer sent a b«iat In through the boiling surf to the strnnd- <«l steamship. * By clever seamanship the boat's crew managed to round under the Ryokai Maru's stern Into n hit of shelter nnd the officer In 'cfmrge bonrded the freighter, where Cnptnin MIzuno* still remained. It was decided that the crew if the steamship were In comparative safet.- and that It wns not necessary to risk the egpshell destroyer In the swirling waters of the straits. The Whipple accordingly stood off and on until the Wompatuck arrived. • Rescued tip Japanese. The stanch navy tug. under' the guidance of Capt. "Pan" McOrew, ran In as far ns she dhred and. with her boats, rescued the Japanese from their precarious shelter on the ledge and then left the freighter to her fate. Wrecking experts say the chances of saving the vessel herself are very slim. The Ryokai Mnru was formerly the (0-istuno. launched at Newcastle. Enghmd. in 1911 for the Gulf :'ne. She was sold this year to the Tamamoto Kisen Slmkui nnd wa£ during the present voyage under charter to the Mitsui Bussan Kalsha. FIND SOME USE FOR WASTE FRUIT Uncle Sam Shows Ways to Convert Culls Into Money. Burets a# Chemistry of Agricultural Department Devises Methods ef Using Citrus Fruits That Are Now Total Loss. W&sblngton.--How to turn waste into profit is the subject of « circular of the Agricultural department, prepared by the bureau of chemistry, to aid producers of oranges, grapefruit, limes and lemons, who yearly suffer great loss in bruised, undersized or oversized fruit. The circular gives directions for the commercial manufacture of grapefruit juice, orange vinegar, citrate of lime, candled grapefruit and orange peel, mkrmalades of various kinds, jellies and butters, which can, be obtained from the department. Since vinegar made from oranges is quite as satisfactory as that made of apples, orange vinegar might well be substituted, it Is shown, especially in regions where many cull oranges would otherwise be wasted. Grapefruit juice is a favorite among the refreshing juices on the market, it Is not so well suited to home manufacture as other citrus fruit by-producta. because of the necessary apparatus. However, It should be possible to prepare grapefruit juice on a small scale In the home. If desired, by means o£ utensils usually available, Citrate of lime is an article of commercial Importance which can be made from cull lemons or limes. • - Candied grapefruit or orange peel 'makes an excellent center for chocolates and also serves as a substitute for citron In baking. Candied orange peel may be mixed with icings for cakes or with dough for cookies. It may also replace shredded coconut In home-made candies, and fresh orange peel In marmalade Ityiny firms now use similar products instead of citron in making mincemeat. Orange butter, especially with a small amount of pineapple pulp added, may be a new product to many people. All the recipes have been tried out in the laboratory and have ptpwd successful. Pried Mute's Jaw Open; McKee's Falls, Pa.--When a vtdous mule seized the leg of John Fry in its jnws the other day. the animal was lashed with a black-snake whip for several minutes In vain. Then a mallet was procured, but blows with thi# failed to Induce the animal to let go^ Finally It was beaten Into uncongcioua^ ness and then Its jaws pried open| Fry's lower leg was torn almost te the bone. Ring Up Loot on Cash Rsglater. Metnmora. MIch.-^The cash register In Julius Ludwig's public garage rea4 "$200 paid out" when he opened foi» business one morning recently. Juliu^ was puzzled until he discovered rhat- 9200 worth of tires had been stoieit: during the night. * NEW STAR IS L0H0 WAY OFF Latest Discovery Is in Constellation Lynx, and Is 990 Quadrillion Hilee From the Earth. Cambridge, Mass.--A new outpost of the stellar system has been found. As a result, man's knowledge of the limits of the Milky Way has been extended by 50,000 to 100,000 pursecs, or light years. That is, the known stellar system probably has a diameter of between two qulntillions one hundred quadrillions of miles, and two quintillions four hundred quadrillions of miles. " This represents a newly estimated diameter for the Gallactic system of 350,000 to 400,000 parsecs. It was only a few years ago that scientists placed the furthermost limits of the Milky Way at 90,000 parsecs. This latest increase in the stellar system, as It Is known to men, came with observation of photographs of ( a globular cluster of stars in the con- ) stellation Lynx, by Doctor Lampland j of the Lowell observatory and by Prof, j Barlow Shapele^ nnd a staff of the ] Harvard college observatory. It apjears to be .165,000 light years, or P90 quadrillions of miles from the sun and, the distance between the sun and the earth being comparatively small !|i the larger scheme of astronomy. It would be about the same distance from the earth. Jailed for Stealing One Kiss as He Helped Girl Frank Dunn, of Brooklyn, N. ¥., Avas sentenced to .5 days in the workhouse by Magistrate Eilpern for kissing Margaret Swenson. Something lodged In the girl's eye while she was walking along the street and Dunn offered to remove It for her. He removed the irritating object and. without asking for his recompense, he gave the girl a resounding kiss. 8he then had him arrested. , Btop the Fatal, The hurt of a burn or a cut stops When Cole's Carbolisalve tg applied. It heals quickly without scars. SOc and 80c by all druggists, or send SOc to The J. W« Cola Co., Rockford, 111.--Advertisement. No man l» s* friendless as the one who has lost his political pulL Good luck's principal Ingredients are prudence'and Industry. Mrs. W. H. Avla Council Bluffs, Iowa,--"A few year* ago after motherhood I could not gain back my strength. I developed quite a severe case of Roman's trouble, suffered with bearing pains which would be so severe I would have to lie down. I became so weak that all I wanted to do was lie and rest. It seemed that every spark of vitality had left ma I consulted a doctor and he said sothing but an operation would help me, but I would not consent. I had seen Dr. Pierce's medicines advertised, so at once began taking the 'Favorite Prescription* and the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and it was not long until I noticed my appetite was returning, I could eat, so I knew the medicine was doing me good. I took about twelve bottles and It was well worth It for it completely restored me to health, without the operation."--MM. W. H. Avis. 314 S. 19th St. All druggists sell Dr. Pierce's Family medicines--tablets or liquid. SAY "BAYER" when you buy. insist I Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you am not getting the genuine Bayer product prescribed by physicians over 23 years and proved safe by millions foe if, ";T Golds ToothacBi Neuritis ^ Neuralgia* Headache Rheumatism Lumbago Pain, Paid Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proper directions* * Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet*--Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. S the trad, aurk of Barer Uannfactmr. of lioiwaeetleaetdceter *f (tllerUcaSI Makes Old Waists Like New Putnam Fadeless Dyes--dyes or tints as yom 10c WESTERN CAN ^ Tf £ Wheat Growing, Cattle Raising Happy Home of Kbur Own POISONED GLUE FOR BIBLES Particular Protection Nsceasary for Ijloeki Intended for Circulation la . the Gilbert Islands. •r'jfct ^ ** --- Not only must Bibles be attractively bound and well printed, but some of thgfrn must be perfumed, peppered and poisoned as well. Bibles going to the Gilbert islands contain In the binding glue ahd the paste which faster the cover a* mixture of oil of cloves, cayenne pepper and corrosive sublimate. This Is to ward off a certain worm, pe&tliar to these islands, which destroys the bindings of books. Twelve hundred such Bibles have been sent recently by the United States Bible society on fheir 15.000-mlife journey (o Ocean island by way of Sydney, Australia. Rev. D. Hiram Bingham, the famous missionary translator, gave his life to the preparation of the Bible M the Gilbertese language. Prosperous Farms and Happy Homes await those who are desirous of enlarging their present resources and securing themselves homes in a country that, while yet in its infancy, has made itself famous by the quality of the grain it produces and by the excellence of ita live stock. There are MWBont of Acres i of soil available for the man whose object in life is to I . 1 who w wiies to share in the opportunity which has |in i of Americans who, having started on Western Canada fsnns with tat «. now writing home to their friends, telling of what they hare» »and homesteads farther from lines of railway are f a be grown the best of wheat, oats, barley, flax. m corn and sunflowers. Cattle winter ia shelter; dairying is I Taxes only upon Ian provementsK Perfect < tive social conditions, j churches, schools, tel lent markets and shipping i For Hhietr*t*d liters tfon of firm opporta _ Saekttthewui, Alberts ud B*ttfclip*lBS»> Wa. rcdac*d railway tstas, ste. arilst. C. J. BROUGHTOK, Room 411,112 W. AdamsM.Chirtgo.ltl.: JM. MtcLACSLAH MJeffertos Avesse £., Detroit, I 1 STciSSmSmh SALLIE'S ADVICE WAS GOOD Delicate Instruments. An English scientist has perfected s wireless receiving set containing Instruments so fine that they are effected by waves less than half an Inch in length--the smallest wave used ordinarily being abont 200 yards long. Pekinese Dog Was Due for Rude Awakening if He Went Too Far With That Cat. As a present to their first baby Maj. Henry Vaughn and Mrs. Vaughn, who moved to New York from Spartanburg, S. C.. were given a funcy bred Pekinese dog. They moved out to the country for the cummer, and sent for Sallle, the old negro cook, to come up and look after the baby and Ming Toy the dog. • Ming Toy had never seen a cat before. So, when a big tomcat came to the back porch Ming Toy, in the strongest bark he knew, promptly bayed the cat. showing great bravery for such a foolish-looking dog. Sallle looked out the back door. "Ming Toy." she udvised, "lerume tell you sump'n. You'd better quit yore projerkin' wld dat tomcat. Fust thing you know, 'at cat's gwine to git mad and 'at ain't gwine to be no place for no dog laik you. Ef'n 'at ole at gits started he's gwine turn you ever* way--but loose!"--Saturday Uvenlug S-4:1 • Matters of Delicac#*,, "Wfiy Is Paris permitted fo the fashions?" "Because of our American sense of propriety," replied Miss Cayenne. "Fashions have occasionally been such that no one would want to discuss them in plain English" h§ v 't : .j "JUST JOFFRE"--THAT'S ALL Evidently Great French Soldlar IS Also Gifted With a Certain Sense of Humor. Lord Canon* the British foreign secretary, arriving in Paris, found the passenger elevator at the Quui d'Orssy station out of order and cheerfully adopted the suggestion of the station master that he might use the freight elevator. Just as the elevator boy was slamming the gates shut, there came rushing toward the lift a thickset. elderly man, breathing heavily. He made as if to enter the elevator,' but the attendants waved him' off. * "1 am just as heavy and r.s old , your lone passenger." the man dodared, "why should you refuse to take " nie up?" "Because this Is Lord Curae." rescinded the railroad outn Impressively. "Oh. well, that's all right,'* replied the stranger, making for the stairs, "I'm only Joffre." Hs was given a Hit. , " A Snappy "Yea* ' Daughter--Ma, Mr. Knnkleigh ° la coming here tonight. If he aides DS to marry him how aha It I answer? Mother--Promptly, my child.--Boa* t:*n Transcript. , No woman is satisfied with herself until she has put It aU over her neighpot in some way. "' ' ' *, 4 & BAR BALLOT TO EMPLOYER# Sovieta Permit Only Soldiera, Em- ;• -;#l»yeee and Peasants to Vd|t at Poila in Russia, pf-• '5 *41.!.. ( ' Moscow.--Ih elections of delegates^ to the village, provincial and govern-®; ment soviets proceeding throughout^ Russia, a large percentage of the Russians who. in previous years of the revolution, were entitled to vote, are now deprived of the ballot because; the.v have become "exploiters of labor."5 The soviet constitution confines the right of the. ballot to actual workers.11 f ] whether with hand or brain, to peasants nnd soldiers. Many of those "In; trade" were, until this year, of n«*cesslty In these preferred classes. The government has issued strict instructions to election officials that the following persons must be prevented from voting in this year's elections: "Persons who employ hired laboi for the purposes of profit; persons who ^ live on unearned" Increment; private , dealers, traders and commercial j agents, clergymen, monks aad fkU ejHr o you si - '-'fei POSTUMQ wsTwrr POSTUM •IfttAM the night bouts ] •:tU£ HOW often you have heard people say, **I canTt drink oofltaf^ ^ | it keeps me swske nights!" TlejrVa teamed ftoa perience; have you? • ^ If you are a coffee drinker acd faQ to get sound restful sleepy. It means that your nerves are over-stimulated and that healtlt needs protection from coffee's drug, caffeine. • There's no sacrifice in making health safe, as so many thousands have found who have turned from coffee to Postum. It has delightful coffee-like flavor, and is free from any element that' can harm you. As many cups ss you like, and no regrets. "4 ,7?'; Your grocer has Postum hi two forms: Instant Postumflbifltifr prepared instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water*.;w.g ;| Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer to make the drinks white the meal is being prepared; made by boding fully 20 minutes* Th« two forma of'v./' ' •>. • Postum are equally d^. Kcious; and the cost la^^^L-- m"; PpStUm for health There's a Reason* > ' Made by Postum Cereal tax. Battle Creek. rr»rz

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