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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1922, p. 7

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St MeHenry, HL \ADAM 8. Phone It III. er our •W. excellent e guarantee itto please yotlklK i , 4a / ?1 McHENRY Flour Mills Wwt McHenrv. III. cM We liftve placed in stp^k an assortment t& candies, not* cookies, fruits and the many other table deltaooies that will make dblgtmas buying a real pleasure at our store. We have also included in our Holiday shipment, 50 boxes of fancy Jonathan apples. Let us supply your Christmas needs. M. M. Niteswt McHenry PhoM 4* rr PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PLAINDEALER GIVE THEM A / «P1|; r s f V-P j* .Hi® ,fe: m « " f f ' . Wepl spilt for iSSSI Home '<r - ttin. ' West McHenry, (S, ' &.V» ? l i- '*"•* x:',l p"'*-. !;r& The ?rA-v? !**•> Highest®1^* Class Talking Machine ••• ,r,| , itt the " ^ World p Buy yi power or A car received. at •aachine, rim SI of $595, l! rS***W^Ssfe8v{ a at vjqpcars. coal, egg sise, just Phone 5, Alexander Lumber company, West McHmy. Defender cigars, put up in special Chr^rtjite boxes of 25 each.. Sold by all fea^tag dealers at $2.25 per box. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sch&efer welcomed a baby boy into their home on Monday morning of this week. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in $he "lytfon line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. ' Examine your Christmas tree lighting system and see if it is in good working order. If not, bring it in for repairs.' H. E. Buch, McHqpry. The recent cold snap has stopped work at Pistakee Bay and consequently put a number of our people out of work. These men are now looking forward to the* opening of the ice harvesting season. The Plaindealer is very desirous of securing a regular correspondent at Johnsburg, one who will send uus a news letter each week. Anyone interested and wishing to take up the work will kindly communicate with us. Very few of our voters 'turned out to express themselves at Tuesday's election. Apparently our people were not sufficiently interested or well enough informed on the new proposed constitution to induce them to go to the polls The JohnsSurg Gun club will hold a target shoot at Jos. J. Mertes' at Pistakee Bay on Sunday, Dec. 24. The shooting Will start at ten o'clock in the morning and continue thruout the day. There will be plenty of shells on the grounds and a good, warm room and refreshments will be provided. All lovers of the sport arc invited to participate. In appreciation of the services rendered during the recent bazaar the members of the McHenry Military band were most delightfully entertained by* a number of our citizens at Jos. Michels* place on Tuesday evening of this "Week. The band men brought their instruments along and played numerous selections during the evening, which were heartily received by those who had gathered for the social occasion. Light refreshment were served during the evening. The festive occasion came to a close at about the midnight hour and the band members surely appreciate the treatment received at the hands of their Johnsburg hosts. Several exceptionally fine marksmen are being developed here as a re suit of the trap shoots that have been held in the vicinity during the past several weeks. ~ Frank Freund, who has won fame here as a baseball pitcher and general all-around player, has developed into a regular sharpshooter and as a consequence has set up some records this fall that are destined to stand for some time to come. In the series of shoots con ducted at the Bald Knob hotel grounds at Pistakee Bay Frank carried away most of the honors. Joe TTielen and Steve King are two otheis who have been smashing the blue rocks with marked regularity. The members of St. Johannes court, No. 96, C. O. F., of this place will give a benefit dance at Kloepfer's hall here on the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 2, the net proceeds of which will be turned over to Joseph Schmitt, a brother member who a short time ago met with the sad misfortune of having his arm badly crushed in a corn shredder as'to make amputation necessary. Every member of the court has taken it upon himself to do everything pos sible to make the event a big social as well as financial success. Mr. Kloepfer, who recently purchased the Stephen H. Smith property here and thus makes him the proprietor of what was formerly known as "Stubby's" hall, has kindly extended the use of his place and will have the hall in A No. 1 condition for the occasion. . The total receipts of the bazaar, recently held (pr the benefit of St. John's church, amounted to $1615.00, while the expenses totaled $315, thus leaving a net balance of $1,300, which has been placed in the treasury of the church. This result is considerably larger than a year ago, for which the pastor and his parishioners are truly thankful. They wish to express their appreciation for the excellent work done by the committees anM workers, to the general public and to the members of the McHenry Military band, which supplied the music and thereby made the closing day such an enjoyable occasion. It is the plan of the pastor to make much needed repairs on the church some day and for this reason is accumulating a fund that will defray these expenses. Just how soon these repairs can and will be made is not known at this time. However, it is the sincere hope of the pastor that the church fund will grow sufficiently within the course of the next two or three years to allow the improvements to be made without placing an extra burden upon tile shoulders of the parishioners. Rev. Stephen Wolfgarten? a former pastor, but now of Germany, read mass here last Sunday morning and made an appeal for alms for a new church to be erected ia a very poor district in the old country. As a re-^ suit of his appeal $154.01 was collected. The pastor's aim is to collect approximately $3,000 in this country and from the manner in which the good people have responded wherever he has made an appeal it looks as if the goal will be reached within the course-of the next few months. He arrived in this country from Germany iMt. swm,9, pwsgTnm. this ciffoslf the in this vicinity nllkfc be ImspiamMd to visit are OUMmkv Awora* Tiwrii, Rockford and several n|jgin He also plans on a visit to fi^aRjue, la., and Milwaukee, Wis. Needless to say that Rev. Wolfgarten is vMry gtftUlU for the liberality as displajpl} by Ids former parisfcionsrs here. He gave up an excellent S&jurge at Sterling, 111., to make this great sacrifice fee the poor people over in Germany. RINGWOOD Get your Christmas candies at Vycital's. Christmas cards, 5 to 50 cents, at Petesch's. Keep your feet warm and dry. Get your rubber foot wear at Erickson's. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, wwe Chicago shoppers last Wednesday. s Mrs. Emma Williams spent a couple of days last week with relatives ia Chicago. Miss Agnts Kfrivtr spent last week with Mrs. Oliver Sooth wick at IWilikms Bay. Miss Edna Baxter of Crystal Lake was a Monday guest in the home of Mrs. A. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Gould of Woodstock were week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. \ A car of hard coal, egg sixe, Just received. Phone 5, Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. Mrs. J. C. Ladd was a guest in the home of her brother, William Harrison, at Crystal Lake last Tuesday. Among the Elgin shoppers Monday were Mrs. S. W. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. W. Beth and daughter, Cora. Mrs. Butler of Bath, 111., is here visiting fn the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Kitchens, and fam- ^Gi ve the wife aa A. B. C. \e lectric washer. That's one gift which she will appreciate. On sale at H. E. Buch's, McHenry. If you intend having1 an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. There will be a community Christmas tree and program at the M. W. A. hall on Friday evening, Dec. 22. The program will begin at 7:30, to which everybody is invited. • Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, returned to their home in Chicago last Thursday morning after spending some time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. The Social Wheel of McHenry spent a very pleasant afternoon last Friday at the home of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Delicious refreshments were served at the cKae of the afternoon. There will be a special Christmas service at the M. E. church on Sunday, Dec. 24, at 2:30 p. m. There will be good music and a cantata entitled "White Gifts For the King." Everybody is incited to attend. The dinner and bazaar, given by the Ladies' Aid society last week Wednesday, .was a decided success as they cleared $120. The committee in charge wish to thank the people for their liberal patronage and especially do they thank those who so kindly assisted in any way. ' . SOLON ^ Victor Aim is on the side lut this week. Christmas cards, ft to 60 cents, at Petesch's. Maude Merrell is visiting at Woodstock this week. Mrs. Walter Cropley w»s a CUea«o shoppef Saturday. Unbreakable Christinas tree ornaments at Vycital's. Closing out broken lines of sweater coats at very low price at Erickson's. C. L. and Wm. Osborn visited relatives in Elgin on Thursday at last week. Mrs. E. EL Cropley and Mrs. Geo. Westlake were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley were business callers at Spring Grove on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell were shoppers at Burlington, Wis., one day this week. Solon Mills was well represented at the Ringwood bazaar Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Henry Buchanan has gone to Milwaukee, Wis., for a week's visit with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Randall were week end guests in the home el Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel. A car of hard coal, egg sixe, just received. Phone 5, Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. Wm. Osborn of Menominee, Mich., visited his brothers, C. L. and Chas. Osborn, and families the latter part of last week. Howard Thomas, who has been In the employ of W. H. Gardner for the past two years, has accepted a position as mail clerk. Grant Hill, who has been in the employe of W. H. Gardner for the past year as herdsman, has resigned his position and taken up the work as tester for the McHfury County Cow Testing association \to , succeed Mr. Linke. The formers' institute will have an all day session here in the community hall Friday, Dec. 15. The ladies of the club will serve dinner at 50 cents per plate for adults and 25 cents for children. Oysters ^*d a full dinner w*^ te anriwJ to suit the taste ef aU. jpm igo the institute was held enjoyed by all. , Everybody wqieome. Corns -and enjoy a 50 cants, Christmai esidfc and Vycital's. up that gloomy room with gaper. Get -it at Ericksoh's ^car of hard coal, egg size, just HMtved. Phone 5, Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. It looks loneso&S Up at the Rogers farm, not one head Of live stock to be seen. All were sold at the sale. John Sterbenz moved to the Kaiser farm last spring and next spring will move to a farm northwest of McHenry. If you intend having an auction ale, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for ou. Phone 93-R. Several teams from this locality have been hauling Crushed stone from the Sherman pit on the road north towards Ringwood. Frank Kaiser and sons were hauling wood last week from their farm here to their home in Woodstock. The family expects to move back to the farm in the spring. Mrs. Hazel Sherman received an invitation to the golden wedding of her uncle, Albert Gtanger, on Dec. 11. Fifty years ago Dec. 11 Albert Granger and Mise Mary Root were united in rnarriag#. Special holiday sale of ladies' aprons and children's dresses, light or dark colors. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 grade, special price, your choice, 95c, from Dec. 15 to Dec. 24. ML J. Walsh. Roy Hobart, Alvin Weiss and Dorr Sherman enjoyed a trip by auto to Elgin over the new cement road one day recently. Hiey left at 11:00 a. m. and returned at 5:30 p. m. and they don't think they drove fast either. Sunday was the finest day fora long time and motorists made good use of it. The roads were full of cars and the fields full of hunters. No use of putting up signs as they are not seen by most hunters. They have been Keen to climb over right by than. McHENRY REAL ESTATE VALUE -E--Ear corn »'-«t this office. the ton. 26-tf FOR SALE--Nice kitchen stove. Call phone 20, Orchard Beach. 27* FOR SALE-*-A hand washing machine. " In good condition. Price, $4.00. Call phone 83-W. 27-lt FOR SALE!--1921 Ford touring car. Newly overhauled and in A No. 1 condition. Inquire at this nHy^ 25-tf FARM LOANS--r have plenty of money to loan on good farms at 5 per cent A. A. Crissey, Marongo, 111. 25-4 FOR SALE--All kinds of dressed poultry for Christmas. Mrs. James Huntei, West McHenry, IU. Phone 617-JF-2: , 27-2t &EC1 Christmas m GTT TUT nil Box of 25 or 59 Mild Crown On sale at your local Cigar McTtEf^RY, ES la Nearly $1,500,000 According In Tax Commissioner , T. A. Polleys, tax commissioner for the Chicago it Northwestern Railroad company, is again sending out his reports, one of which has found its way to The Plaindealer and which contains considerable interesting information. The report covers the 1922 estimated true value of real estate and 1921 assessed full value of general property. The real estate values are based upon sales and assessments during the period of 1915-1922, inclusive, and are computed in accordance with the assessment ratio process used by the tax commissions of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The report on the village of McHenry is as follows: Estimated population 19S2, 1,170. Number of transfers, 68. Total 1922 estimated true value of real estate, $1,459,000. Per capita estimated true value of real estate, $1,347. Ratio of 1921 assessed fyll value of estimated true value of real estate, 49.84 per cent. Assessed full value of urban, general personal property per capita for 1921, 429. A Card of Appreciation I wish thru the columns of The Plaindealer to express thanks to the volunteers who assisted in extinguishing the blaze at my home on Tuesday afternoon. Also do I wish to thank those who were on hand so promptly with the village hose carts and all others who arrived on the scene. The work of the volunteers I wish to commend very highly. Dr. N. J. Nye. Toys and gift goods at Erickson's FOR SALE CHEAP--A number of genuine brown Carneaux pigeons. R. Hankermeyer, West McHenry, 111. Phone 39. 27-lt FOR SALE--A few S. C. White Leghorn cockerels. Beauties, Roger strain, very reasonable. Call McHenry 107-R- 25 p,r LOST--Sometime last week $25 in currency, wrapped in a piece of paper. Finder kindly notify Steve Harvey, McHonry^Hl. 27-lt FOR. SALE--Seven full blood Pecan ducks. May be used for breeding. Price, $2.00 each. Call phone 622- M-2, McHenry, 111. 26 FOR SALE--From ten to fifty acres of excellent farm land. One-half mile from McHenry depot. N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111. 26-tf FOR SALE--The John A. Smith homestead of 169 acres. Two miles sast of McHenry. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry, HI Phone 643-M-2. 3-tf FOR SALE--The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 16 FOR SALE--Six ft. wall case, 8 ft floor case with glass shelf, 7 ft shelf, 5% ft shelf, used only one year, just like new. Price very reasonable. Jos. Dittrich, West McHenry, 111. 24 .WANTED--Two young men with automobiles to sell coffee and teas in the farming districts. Must be acquainted in territory. The Pan American Coffee Mills, West McHeA-y, 111. FOR SALE CHEAP--1922 Ford sedan, 1919 Ford touring car, Buick seven passenger touring car, all in excellent condition. Overton ft Cow- , West McHenry, III. Phone 6. 24 FOR SALE--One of the best farms in Illinois--143 acres. Absolutely the best private hunting grounds for vater fowl in existence. Very fertile oil. Close to town. Can be bought n long time and very liberal term*. yT. F. Colby, West McHenry, IU. 24 FOR SALE--Sixteen cell 32-volt Farm Light battery generator and witch board, almost new. This is an xoeptional bargain and will be napped up quickly. Price, $200, or will sell battery separata. W. L. Howell ft Co., McHenry, 111. Phone 101-R. 23 Biggest assortment of toys at Vycital's. A comfortable and durable line of work shoes at Erickson's. Read the Plaindealer sad keep posted on local happenings. A car of hard coal, egg size, just received. Phone 5, Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. A complete line of electrical appliances, including table lamps, boudoir amps, Hot Point irons, toasters and electric bulbs for Christmas trees at H. E. Buch's, McHenry, If among the Christmas Presents you make, you include one or more that is 1m the classification of 3 Electrical Appliances you won't go astray--yon will not fail to gratify the recipient Their variety is luge Electric labor savers--the j washer, the vacuum cleaner, the iron. ' Klectric cooking appliances percolators, toasters, grille, samovars. Electric lamps for every purpose and In many, designs. < Electric accessorise tba( increase comfort and con- - yenience. All at the lowest price Goods may be ordered from our office at Crystal Lake Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS >• FOR Christmasj Presents V ' v ^ i-h. -dm* v Handkerchiefs 5c «p t*> 50c See those at 50et a real linen hand embroidered hanlrorrhj^ i^llosieri^:- • «*' a It all prices The Armour Plate SMITH BROS, McHeary. 01. : * * • * 'j Idle money is like seed that is not placed; It wp « vr : ^\tiot yield a harvest. Deposit your funds with us. Your money will then work stea s j»nd he absolutely safe. - * . . w & . . . " <*-v ^ *-•« j-W-'WM y- §fv; em# GrtlALD J. C/»EY, C*Mer McHenry, i .r mmm i&Ik, tftmf IV Si - • *• #1 V. Illinois FMMONT HOY NO LUCK, WAITING it isn't luck that raises a man above his feWovfi^ :'0 you are waiting for your "hick to changed „ you will wait for a long time. But success is waiting "just around the |or the man who can recognize opportunity, reaily for it when he mee^s it. An account in the savings bank puis you in th^1 iray of opportunity. Start one, and you will ham %o occasion to wait for "a lucky turn." .if • • ,".W 1

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