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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Feb 1923, p. 5

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vsmj^ME-4'S' s m SPECIAL /(€•; 8 M ( . Batttqr Chaigl--; Service The lateit and be* io service. Call us. Ck TEL. t#l-R :: M^MkllY, ILI* having M i|>- itor of the deceased, late at dfit&Henry and State & gives notice that he iwiH afp** before the County Court I of MdBfiBtfy County, at the Court ill Woodatock, at the April ftmm, on the flwt Monday in Apiil lMxtr at wbklt lime all persons havjinj? claims against said Estate are {notified and requested to attend for purpose of having the All persons OF ELIMINATING CXKTM6 POLLUTION TO BE MADE SAFE FOB BATS ING 33-3t The following tetter, #n the department of public health and which concerns every, property owner along ad- Fox river and the connecting lakes, exindebted to said! plains itself in full and should be of are requested to make hnme-1interest to many here: payment to the undersigned.! Dear Sir: this 18th day of January, A. D. I At the request of and in co-opera- The ftraf^Kool will rein a considerable J|||{p of the sustlM H<tM Materia! ani t!» efltasnt trm H Wflt ke eomewiat efcurtfted and will more readily seep away in the second cesspool without causing clogpfinpr. The outlet from the first ceas- FOX RIVER AND UPPER LA<|Bl f°o! should have a one-quarter bend Joseph H. Huemann, Administrator. ^%^-^leeial favor to my "ol^T friends «tfldIaBry and surrounding territory, I wfll make, for the next four weeks, a special double thick cable temple frame, with a pair of periscopic lense for $5.00. These glasses will be only for reading and sewing. I have 5,000 Of these frames on hand and offer them at one-half of the original price. No one nqpds to have trouble with tinir eyes when I guarantee a fit. I an at my McHenry office on Sundays and Mondays only, from 1:00 to 3:00 Phone No. 9. Dr. C. Keller, McHenry, HI ATTENTION, FARMERS! You are look In* for the I»M poastbta Btftittet for four cream. Therefore, please ship vis express or h»OTrmrf> dtrwt. to Pearsall at E'.rSo. Mnketbis your hIokhji for bt«({er cream profits. Caoa returned promptly and check :dkJI«m1 for each shipment. Oar good patrons are increasing tlikH} because of our excellaut reputation and among the farmers. Head us your cream and the nannies of some of your ueighbore so they too may hu*e the benefit of our market. Write for tags, shipping f uatractions tad our quotations. Ask your grocer when yoe go to town for Btltatde creamery butter, kaown ail over the TTnited Stntea. intending about 2 feet below the normal water level in the cesspool so that the scum that collects on the surface of the liquid in the poo) will not be carried over into the second cesspool. Where the volume of sewage is very great, such as from boarding houses and hotels, and frequent cleaning of a cesspool might be required, a septic tank, which is virtually a water tight cesspool, might be installed. The efltnent from such tank, which will contain only about one- 984L WM. 6. Agent for County Fire Insurance Co^ Illinois Bankers' Hog Insurance Co., Reliance Life Inevrance Co. Auctioneering McHENRY ILLINOIS BAKING r'OWDr R v C V c' S /' tion with the Fox River and Lakes Im provement association, a sanitary sur- It nftnr looks as if the Harvard Mar- vsy ,°* ^ uPPer Fox river and con-, third of the undissolved matter in the vela have played their last game in a ,ake® w*®M"l*de durin«jraw sewage, can be discharged into that city. The attendance at the Au#ust~September, 1922, by sanitary lone or more leaching cesspools or a games of late hasn't been any too jen&*neers of this department with the system of subsurface tiles. Contrary encouraging. , object of bringing about the elimina-jto a not uncommon belief, a septic . ^on °* existing pollution of the river tank does not thoroly purify sewage, _ _ and lake waters and the prevention of( but only removes about one-fourth to additional pollution in order that the i one-third of the organic matter and river and lakes will be safe for bath- ! the effluent is putreecible and will poling purposes. During the survey, m-jiute waters. formation was obtained also relativej (4) it was learned, during the canto the sources of water supplies in j>r-> jtary survey, that occasionally garder that advice might be given to the bage is thrown into the river and lakes property owners as• tp the probable or is promiscuously thrown on the ft. S. Pearaall Butter Co. Rlgi*, III. •'?*' w r,> ' „.;i- ** fas Saturday, February 10th Fliona 49 • ; Reasonable Rates SCHAEFBR BROSi* Drayirtg and Trtwiferriii|>>- Loag Distance Hauling McHenry, IB, WEINSCHENKER'S LAKE VILLA, ILL. ^ r Head BJgr, Growth^ DUROC SOWSFall yearlings, spring gilts, the International Grand Champion, "Sensation Improver." Every animal immuned against Cholera.: Each animal registered and transferred Uvpwv, if chaser promptly • Starts at 1 o' LUNCH SERVED AT NOON •i V 'M s '•>, . " S v ^ GOME BE OUR GUEST FOR THE Draying ani Long Distance Hauling done by the hoar or jolt Furnitare Moved with ium bf of long experieM*. PHONE S5?; McHENRY MM>PY KTY con«Mfy| C0HW8-, ft THEV HORKY not uje the telephone for a go-between and well politely fill and promptly deliver your order. Get us on the wire and tell u* to hurry. Watdi for Mr. Jfapay ***„ - ftmi VALUE OF TELEPHONE SERVICE TO TUE FMHEB FRETT"S' safety of thdr dri&klBg water sup- ground where it rots, breeds flies, P®8** # \ causes odors and may be washed into It is the intention to notify each the river or lakes. property owner of the condition on his Garbage shall not be thrown into property, and if you do not receive a the river or lakes, or placed where it tetter by March 1 please write us be- wilPcause a nuisance, or breed flies, cause in our attempt to inspect and | and shall be either burned, buried or write letters relative to all property hauled away to some suitable disposal on Fox river and connecting lakes place. above the McHenry dam we may have The Fox river valley is one of the accidentally overlooked a property. j prettiest river valleys in Illinois and it For your guidance in connection j being used more and more every with water supply and sewage dis-jyear for recreational purposes. Beposal installation and garbage dis-1 cause of the discharge of sewage inposal, we would make the following to the lakes and upper Fox river from I regulations: {summer cottages and hotels, the river j (1) Wells should preferably bo of J and lake waters are not considered at ithe driven type and should be located the present time as safe for bathing at least 50 feet from any source of i purposes. Your co-operation in elimicontamination such as a privy or cess-; nating the objectionable pollution and jpool and preferably should be a j preventing new pollution is, therefore, J greater distance if size of lots, etc., j desired. If after reading this letter, iwill permit If a dug instead of ajand the letter commenting specifically driven well is used, the walls should!on your property,,which will be mailed be made water tight for a distance of j to you later, you have any question* at least 10 feet below the surface ofjto ask, or if we can be of any assis* the ground, and the well should be tance to you in connection with your covered with a water tight concrete i water supply and sewage disposal top so sloped that water will drain > proWems, we should be glad to have away from the top of the well. Even j you write us. Very truly yours, i in the case of a driven well, a concrete Harry F. Ferguson, slab top under the pump is to be de- Chief Sanitary Engineer, i sired and a drain pipe to conduct the Approved: •'if*-* Novel fob DeMKbita Lwg» Sanf Bath • Urn mi tte TelephMt waste water from the well is a good! feature. Generally the flow of underground waters in sand, gravel and clay deposits, such as exist in fhe Fox river valley, is towards and down stream valleys as such underground waters eventually reach the surface bodies of water. It is, therefore, generally better to locate wells on the opposite side of privies and cesspools from a river or lake, rather than to have the wells between the privies and cesspools and a river or lake. (2) If a privy is to be used and it cannot be located at least 50 feet from your well or your neighbor's well, it shall be constructed with a concrete water tight vault or a water tight removable receptacle* The waste ma- Isaac D. Rawlings, M. D., Directed. LBGALNOTICE McCarthy & McCarthy, Attorneys for Administrator County of McHenry,)ss. State of Illinois. ) In the County Court of said March Term, A. D. 102% Adolf Fischer, Adminie- ) trator of the Estate of ) Peter Thelen, Deceased, ) Petitioner, ) vs. ) Henry Hiatal, Kate) Fischer, Barbara Butzen, ) Michael Thelen, Martin ) Thelen, Emma Thelen, ) John Thelen, Mathias The* ) teriil in such vault or receptacle shall 'en* J^r^lur Thelen> Eliza- ) to Sell Real Estate to pay Debts. " both Pkh and Charlet ) Pich, her husband ) Respondents* ) The requisite affidavits for li fe w ' Some of the ruraf subscribers to the Qolden Villey Telephone Comgv ^ pany of Beach, North Dakota, having protested that their telephone * service was not worth what they J were paying for it, the president »; ? and general manager of the com- . , pany made up his mind to show * them by actual demonstration that ' the telephone service was saving ' every one of them many times its , cost in time and travel, to say r «r". nothing of its social value and its • protection in emergencies. He did this couviucingly by an investigali:"'• tion along novel lines which showed some surprising results. Spr In order to get an idea of relative values between subscribers, llf*'- the siae of the farm was consijj- - 1 ered, also the average distances fe • ^ from town. One subscriber who 1 . was farming l«0 acres and living a 't five and one-half miles from town was selected; another who was r: ' • farming 320 acres, living four 1 miles from town; a third who was - ^ farming 960 acres, Uviug seven g&j, >! miles from town. f/.'V;."! Unique Tee| Made Arrangements were made to h;' ;**; have these three subscribers keep track of all of their calls for a period of thirty days, entering them in books furnished by the company for that purpose. These books were ruled to permit the Zj&A recording of the date, the call, the telephone number called, and ! U > a notation as to whether It was a * social or business call. - t The day was of no particular value, accept as a matter of record. The telephone number was very neeeesary. as it was from Vthftt the company got the distance. • tn order that business calls only mi^lt be considered it was neces- ;5'| sary that calls be classified into > : business and social. The subscribers were requested to register in the business column ; only those calls where a trip would have been made to the telephone number called, had they not had a telephone. All other i calls were to be placed In the 1' column headed "social calls." On examining the record# at the expiration of thirty days, it was > found that mbacrlber No. 1, farming HA aexea, had a total of thlr- ' ty-nine baoiness calls and twenty- I two social calls. Subacriber No 2 had seventy buslnees calls and H flfeen social calls.Snbscvllwr No. 3 '% had a tamat u|nety-ouefcwiness - " id suij mm mm eiPa. WAs previously mentioned, for the purpose of determining the value of the telephone to the farmer, no value was placed on social calls. Neither were they considered in this report, although they have a value, no one can deny. In order to determine the saving to the farmer in time and traveling expenses it was necessary to arri,ve at a cost per mile, which should Include both of these items and at the same time be made low enough so as to not permit any argument as' to its being too high. Finally the company decided to use the very low figure of five cents per mile and up to the present time no one has said that the figure was too high. Result Was Surprising final result was a surgpfet to everyone concerned as it was much greater than anyone expected It made the farmer's side of the case look like a profiteer several times magnified in comparison to the company's little monthly rate which was the purchase price of traveling expenses saved for thirty days for these three particular subscribers. And these were no different from the company's other rural subscribers under like circumstances. Subscriber No. 1, farming 160 acres, had thirty-nine business calls which produced a mileage one'way only of 1S3 miles, computed at five cents per mile, amounted to $7.S5. Subscriber No, 2, farming 320 acres, had seventy business calls with a mileage one way of 216 miles, which computed at five cents amounted to |10.80. Subscriber No. 3, farming 960 acres, had ninety-one business calls with a mileage one way of 444 miles, which computed at five cents amounted to $22.20. It will be noted that the actual dollars and cents saved to the fanner in time and traveling expenses on business calls Is the only thing considered in arriving at these figure*. Furthermore, that the mileage is only figured one way and not on a round-trip basis, because if a person had no telephone and had to make these trips personally, he would perhaps make several calls in one neighborhood on one trip. For that reason the mileage on the teleaa figured eaiy one Is there proUes your 1*.m0 t gas •¥m M render t ^community gas service "is both an obligation and an opportunity. Believing this, we maintain that no customer is properly served unless there exists that fine and intimate relationship inspired by mutual confidence. We want our customers to call upon us at any time for advice, suggestion or counsel in matters regarding gas service. No problem is too large for our organization to handle and no detail too small to receivoour most careful attention* We welcome -every opportunity to extend our usefulness. If you are having any trouble with your appliances or with your gas service, kindly report the matter to us at once. We want 1923 to be a year of satisfaction for every customer on our books. Let's all work together to make it •o. ^ Western Dinted aad Electric Ct be removed at frequent intervals to prevent overflowing and buried at a suitable points. If the privy can be looated a sufficient distance from a well, .... , . , _ it may have an ordinary dug vault tion having been filed m the offlce of ! lined with plank or other material.'the Clerk of the County Court of Me- {All privies, and especially the vaults P*11? County' ""™8' not"* ,is hert of privies, shall be fly tight or other- ** to «"d, Mart'n Thelen and wise flies, after feeding and crawling saul Ar^ur . TheIe" thf th« on the waste material, may enter namwl l etlt,°"e" heretofore filed his homes and contaminate food. Privies! '".f®',' Court, praying for an of any type shall be so constructed and order to *U aU the/"1 helon«" maintained that there will be no dan- ^ ^ of PH?r Thelen, deger of waste material being washed ceased' or such Port'<»" thereoiF * **" over the surface of the ground to the > necessary, *>ay tbe deb^ ®*id river or lake or near wells. 0cca- decea8ed and ?e of sional use of unslaked or freshly ^?00 wording to the statute m slaked lime will help prevent and 8UC,h ?^,m*de ?nd ProV^and f°l diminish odors. such further and othnr direetieo and decree in the premises aa to said court shall seem meet. The property described in said petition and so to be sold is described a# follows, to-wit: Lots 6, 7 and 10 in Block Five (5) of the Village of Mc- (3) If running water installations i have been made, the liquid wastes can ibe disposed of by discharge into a ! leaching cesspool and if the volume of j sewage is great, a septic tank preceding the leaching cesspool may be used „ . ^ „ , to advantage. Cesspools are to ^ Henry, in the County of McHenry and i preferred to privies as a means of dis- State of J IU,n«'s' "s *** p at^er#^ 'posing of human waste. For kitchen on™°rd ,n ^ R®co f rder? °®ce oi ! sink drainage only a comparatively sa,d McHenry County. Ilhnois small leaching cesspool should prove . * • UP°n _ ! satisfactory. Sink drainage, as well affidav,ts bem8r 80 fiUsd ,n. sa,d ias other liquid wastes, phall not be, . , L , . 1 discharged onto the surface of the|?°urt a*amst the above mmad de" | ground. No cesspool, septic tank, said petition and fi said Court, |.summons thereupon issued out of said darned defendants, returnable on the first day kitchen-0' the February Term, A. D. 1928, of •ink w.,tt drain pit. or .ab<h»ii> from **id Coun^r Court of McBjnnr Coonty, to be held in the Court House m the City of Woodstock in said Mca tank or cesspool shall be located nearer than 26 feet from the edge of the river or lake and 50 feet from any well, and if ground area will permit, greater distances are to be desired, especially for cesspools. For hotels, boarding houses, etc., where the volume of sewage may be large, greater distances shall prevail. No sewer, Henry County, Illinois, on the first Monday of February, A. D. 1928, as is by law required, and whieh said tion is still pending. 8S-4t G. E. Still, Cleric. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Miss Minnie Carmack of Dunham sink drain, overflow pipe or connection township, McHenry county, left New from any cesspool or septic tank to York on Jan. 22 for a trip around the the river or lake shall be installed or continued in use. A cesspool may be built of brick laid without cement or mortar, or of stone, world. Nearly 400 Woodstock people heard Miss Jeannette Rankin, ex-congresswoman of Montana, who spoke in that and should be probably at least 4 feet, city one evening recently. in diameter. The depth will depend upon the ground-water level. If only sink drainage is to be cared for, a small cesspool or drain pit made witii a box, keg, barrel or pile of rocks would be satisfactory. In porous soil a single cesspool will probably take care of the sewage and waste drainage from the average cot- The Oliver Typewriter compfcay ef Woodstock has announced an increased output for the coming month. Besides the Oliver typewriter the company is now engaged in the manufacture of sanitary scales and Washburne valves. * An eight story furniture exposition building is to be erected at Rockford t&ge containing a few people. If the'during the coming summer. Most of' sewage flow is very great, or if the the floor space has already been soil is less porous than the average rented. Rockford is rapidly growing prevailing in the upper Fox river val- j in importance as a tenftw ley, then a second cesspool wuj bejturing center. * i X ^ ' v-„7 'r "Si *' - -r' •* r - . PUBLIC SALES! We have, purchased 122,000 pair. Ui S. Army Munson last shoes, uses (H to 12, which was the entire surplui stock of one of the largest I*. S. Government shoe contractors. This shoe is guaranteed .one hundred per cent solid leather, color, dark tan, bellows tongue, dirt and waterproof. Tbe actual value of this shoe is 18.00. Owing to this tremendous buy we can offer same to the public at ttJS. Send correct siae. Pay postman on delivery or send money order. If »hoes are not as re preseated we will oheerfuJly refund your money promptly upon request. NATIONAL BAY STATE SHOE CO. 2% Brosdway, New York, N. Y. HOG RAKERS ATTENTION! Save feed and increeae the growth of yAttt > hogs by using ^ shoies* comncD 3 am SANTONIN WORN TQKfOOCS and SKKET ALL BEWCINE POWDER & MINERAL FEED Individual Torpedo treatment personally administered. For inform at son call, write or A. IC iPahil' Phone 247-W Harvard, 11!. Cash & Carry Store West McHenry, III. Near the Depot *<&}•* >+- - CASH md CARRY ii ttie sHtetU ol our business it savef^tMOit^y SPECIALS FOIt THWSDAY, FRIDAY, ..SATURDAY Feb. 8th ^ Feb. 9th Feb. 10th TRADE THE CASH a CARRY WAY Yod Pay INVESTIGATE TUB PtiAN OT Aldeii Mutual Fire Intsnrg «a,.;;^ance Company^- Comprising the Townships of Alden, Hebron, Richmond, Burton and McHenry. • • • . Beyond qtwstieK tho laweat rates v competing company in this locality Yearly average for the past 20 years i .m 4,11 ^ r v^air; 1 4-5 mills on the dollar ^ ; r 700 »tisfted policy holders who havf Inaterially lowered their insurance costt 5by joining this company Ask themf • T We insure all kinds of farm property, per* $onal and real. ^ -.... •J For Father Information Call On or Address |L O verton, Silepai; A. 6. Dickersil, Se^ sokm Milla, 111. ^ & Hebron, BL }Vf-. McHenry, 111. ?:•'• V' ,-TBUTTER, Best Elgin Creamery, per lb._.___5tc SUGAR, with $2.00 purchase, 10 lbs. fo£i%u*65c LA RD, Pure Open Kettle, per lb. _. --- wi -14c BACON, Arnold Bros/ Best, per lb. SALT PORK, extra lecux, per4^^ 22c BOILED HAM, per lb. FRANKS, per lb /.I.:: ......20o CHOW CHOW, Mustard Pickles, per IK^..430c SWEET MIXED PICKLES, per lb PEANUT BUTTER, fresh made, per lbblV-.j BAKERVS COCOA, per can .iu..v;21c K. C. BAKING POWDER, per can...19c PBANUT BRITTLE, per lb. ... 20c COFFEE, Sheridan Brand, special, 3 lbs.--^*1-00 TEA, Extra Fancy Japan, per lb.^ . BULK SOAP CHIPS, Automatic whHe,2M*>* SOAP, American Family, 5 bars for ... TOILET TISSUE, 1000 sheet roll, 3 for*v^ WASH LINES* Sash cord, 100ft -,^70© SALT SODAS, fresh and crisp, per lb. 14c OATMEAL, 5 lbs. for SOAP, Kirk's hardwater Castile, 3 -bars for. MATCHES, it boxes for..._J...r ]

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