Voire!, Auctioneer SALE „ v. THEjt&AL ESTATE ' IN BHpPSIlOND, ILL. ... * #§<• by Esther M. Helms, Deceased- The real estate formerly owned by M. Holmes in Richmond, havbeen conveyed to me by her by warranty deed for the purpose of selling the same to pay her creditors, I will, ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARX 27, 1923 At NbUe Auction at IsN ft. is. of Said Day * At Her' Former Residence on Said Premises offer for sale, and sell for cash, all of the real estate adjoining the South limits of said Village and fo; owned and occupied bjr said Bsthir Holmes, deceased. As the property must be sold to the best advantage, I will first offer the residence property and barn with suitable ground, and I will then offer tfce remainder of said Holmes pro] with the farm buildings thereon, will then offer the entire property in •rty t» h* 107.74 acwe of land/ TBRMS The Said btwid subject to a leeaelxitfring Maieh 1, 1923, with cash rent of $650 per year, pay- Dated February 8. 192S. AddHlli Si^S|p court Im all inquiries to Frank B. McCoajii||. Wpi, a <fptt Richmond. 111. ' Frank B. McConnell, Owner. of Wm C. Percy Barnes, Attorney. ' ^'jpwWMMw. George Vogel, Auctioneer. 85-3t McCaU's pfi Hi| at Eh*icksoa'a. 6 y<-<-"sv <'///// .Ac* *L.»\ V- «v r : out-with the exhaust j«»; v •>.' ' . I lk, - ' ' ' • need talking to about g00Cf011.Y0Urmechanica| - power--plus an important qualitjg sense, the advice Of youil l|| that you have never expected in oil r: - * f t} 'M St car maker, the Common* knowledge of the motor world all must have forever driven of your life all notion of along on carelessly bought oiL * /-:*vV-.t ' %"if* \ - 1L '*•«> • • -am .p J*} h £>'*>;• ifVi i> • • ;v-V }**&> -fh K S» It's here. Oil that actually fights the carbc nuisance which costs you sa much for quent cleaning and disturbed adjustments, * . \ Fights and drives out the thieving demons- **' of destructiveness that rob you of power^/fef^^^f: scab your pistons, make your valves leak--»V v. ^ ./; > , You're particular to get a known oil of reputfv , and bring the worse eviTtrf constantly scratch*. ^ i t ' V" * able brand You buy it for good lubrication1! ^ ing at your piston-fit with emery-like Nearest mil! 1? t TV/TAYBE you have not taught I yourself to be motor sensi* 1 tive. Then there is a new experience for you -- a conclusive test of Tempered quality--no farther away than the nearest hill. Take the pull as your car now is. Then drain out and fill complete with the correct charted weigfeft of Tempered. 1 Drive up again. Unmistakably, distinctly, the difference is there--real and feel-able --- a difference you have not noted with other oil. You will need no words to tell you that your motor is pulling better, with less effort; saving itself against former strain. You will know. ^Whams Tempered Motor Oil is made only ly V®S£2g288SS£ • Established 1873 . "f. V* v? IN .&Ybi burns to a minimum ; Tempered j 'otor Oil iv of carbon-non-kard ening-so liglit an4 (laky that it temU toblowontwiti»fk« exhaust,without re*" idue of clinker y grift , -4^:, wm.> tSi •<£'"jfil * % %. - ^ ' ' r * 'WM btto this better oil, th* exxdusive Tip^ pering process has put staying power-- the vital quality of separating the dragging metal surfaces of your motor with an unbroken oil film--so tough and clinging in its oiliness that tons of grinding pressure cannot squeeze it away 6r expose a single spot to wear and destruction. * Bat its duty of being better oil does aot end there. The Tempering process brings you its extraordinary quality of self-car- "'i--'^^>5iSSX; ss.o,th* -~terfu ^ >| - v-rr: • ed away to avoid fouling the oombuitic® •«,, , L», chamber, that wonderfulTempwed W§: resistance surrenders. Just at the vita^ ^ 3^, ^ critical instant, it flashes away--com- » ordinary uMinirH od. „8 c^K>n hmM. .^ „ . . i»- *. - haust in soft, invisible, soot-Uka lbkMi - "'"H ' Power, cleanliness and unimpaired motcfr health are left behind. Thafs Tempered Motor OiT for you-* : -f# ^ ^ - \ ^ ' servidf - Down in the crankcase, on shaft and i and pin bearings this oil soothes and < an4 clings £ar past the staying power of _ idetely. Its carbon is gritksa, POP adhii. - Its toughness resists dilution from sive, self-cleaning. It whisks out the e»» fuel dripping from above. Full bodied, it rushes down every oilway-- climbs the flashing pistons--seals them against explosion loss--wraps them with a flawless sheath of safety against - ^ V'v \ brought here for better ... m ^ , np. wnr IW ^ Let's nof msike the trial by 7"f . *'- * dumping in a quart or two on top of the black, grit-laden, heat-weakened wash now in your crankcase. Let's make a clean, fair job of it Why not clean the motor bright and fresh for its new company--get valves and f -IT4 compression right? Then drain the crankcase--flush out the old gumminess--and start rig&t» | ji at ttiri Mrs. T. of last- * Misses Roaemary Nye and AdeBe Heimer were Chicago visitsors Wednesday. Mrs. Helena Heiteer is apoidiiig tfa» week as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Eleanor Conway passed liut Saturday as the guest of rriathnee tt Elgin. Misses Generieve and Margnerite Knox were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Edward J, Knox of Harvard sp«q||b the week end as the guest of McHearf^b friends. Mrs. Gertrude Thelen of Blgin spent Sunday as the guest of McHeitry friends. Miss Pearl Feltz spent last wedc week with relatives in the metropeli> tan city. * Clarence Martin of Woodstock sp«it the week end with his wife and fanily hopfe, a' Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Jutm sp|jgt the week end as the guest of Chicago relatives. Miss Maude Granger of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of McHeiij| relatives. ^ Mrs. Wm. Spencer and daughter, Dorothy, were Chicago visitors last Saturday. * j; 1 Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher were guests of relatives in Chicago over the week end. Miss Helen Schneider spent last week as the guest of relatives in tile metropolitan eity. : Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey at Chicago passed Monday as the gaests of McHenry friends. Roy Hankermeyer passed the week end with his wife at the Garfield Paik hospital in Chicago. Miss Rose Laures spent Wedneadifr with her sister, Mrs. Howard QiHe* tenson, near Richmond. £ ; Lewis Stoffel of West Chicago spent the week end in the home of Ids mother, Mrs. Wm. Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin et Round Lake spent Monday as the guests of McHenry friends. Misses Eleanor Phalin, Edna Foler and Mildred Welch passed rlast Sata^> day in the metropolitan city. ;' Miss M&yme Barbian passed tpifc week end as the guest of relatives and friends in the metropolitan city. Miss Florence Muldoon of Whitiag, Ind., spent the week end in the hojai of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. ^ Henry Wagner left Monday foft a « week's visit in the home of his sistgjt," Mrs. Nick Pitcen, at Almena, Wis. •Miss Agnes Stenger of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of btf uncle, C. W. Stenger, and family. - Mrs. Margaret Wallis has returned from Cary, where she has been nulling during the past couple of weeks. Mrs. Sarah Reece of West Chicago is spending the week in the home of her delimiter, Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. Edward Bonslett of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett Anton Immekus of Chicago spent the week end in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Allen Noonan, and family. Miss Christine Maynard of Crystal Lake spent the week end in the hone of her sister, Mrs. Franklin Ensiga, and family.* Mr. and Mrs. John F. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Freund and family attended the Freund-Wagner wedding at Spring Grove Wednesday. Wm. J. Welch, who has been doieg carpenter work at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Glenn Robison, at Woodstock, passed the week end at his home here. v - Among the McHenry people who were over at the county seat last Friday to listen to the arguments in the sewerage matter were: R. I. Overton, Walter F. Vogt, Dr. D. G. Wells, Dr. A. I. Froehlich, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin, James Revor, F. H. Watties, Gilbert C. Howard, Chester M. Goodman, A. S. Parks, Gerald J. C&rey and F. jfJ, Schmner. . , -j ,v t£. - -».• •. I. - / rs.- • '*/,s x ' r '* v.,11 j». „ *r*.« 4* *^Sr: -i Agent for Durant and Star 'Cars •" •" " -iH* .ffc,!'.: '«?• thi ,.v.r. 'V jfc*. s McHENRYf life The Woodstock Methodist churchy # frame structure built in 1871-2, waa destroyed by fire last Sunday evening. The original cost of the structure was $8,000. The loss of the and its contents is covered by ance. It will be replaced by a edifice. Irwin L. Dygert WM released ft pin the McHetvry county jail at Woodstock last Friday morning, where he had served five of a six months' term after having been convicted of violet- < " ing the prohibition law. Dygert, when found guilty of the charge, waa assessed a fine of $500 and six months' ' jail sentence. Altho he has been re- { leased Ureal the county bastO* the fine still stands. Just what^provisiaa hps been made for the paymfht of the tea : We have not learned. ii- \ If you intend having an auction ale, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. 8eh*siner cry it ip ou. Phone 9S-R. A comfertahle werk Aees at Irktesa^.