"km** 'ife..,Mj *"• "S ^ >,• . ' »^r> • • " " *^r :r ••• - .jr " •!?.- , ;.„, **•-• ...{,i-r ,"*•*, ,. , :st«<L" ^sJ"-' 'i.ili -vt; - v. .• '«,.': *•*»&&-wni in Tomb of Tu t-Ankh-Amen of Egypt •= *•> • ~ f f r "-V-" «k •'sfc?5 V :r \ *: SSL I Entrance to the Tomb Fran Within o» •. * '* £? - ^:-s J :'VV" '?V # j 4» London Tlm«t-W«w Tork Tlmea copyright by wnmnmwil with Karl ot Orawm. >•*'• Opening of the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, the "heretic" king of the Eighteenth Egyptian dynasty, at Lobt, has revealed an unexampled storehouse of treasures. This photograph gives a view of the antechamber looking west. Amoagtbe articles shown are a box containing the king'a nd«fu«nts and other things; a large gilt couch with supports in the ftmaofHoAa; a cou<jh with supports in the (om of "hat-hor" cows; numerous bona containing mummified meat; a painted red box containing jewelry and ornaments; a papyrus rush-work stool, much decayed; tbe king's steol; another Vouch; four alabaster unguent vases of unique type and beauty; a semi-circular veneered box having minute detail of inlaid ivory. xxocco: London Tlmea--New York Times copyright by arrangement with Hkri of Carnarvon. In the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, king of Egypt, who died more than three tbooaand years ago, were found these funeral flowers, which are wonderfully preserved, still showing a trace of green. Updon Tim e»--New Tork Ttpea oopyrtsbt by arransement with Barl ot Carnarvon. View of the antechamber of King Tut-Ankh-Amen's tomb at Luxor from within looking toward the entr««$§ doorway of Tut-Antth-Amen's Underwear "trv i 4^;- ;'9s-j*j King Tot's Chariots, Conches and Funeral Meats KINO'S ROBE CHEST play Physkiaaa advise keeping the bowels open aa a safeguard against Grippe or InfloMua. Whm you are constipated, not eaoagk «f Natare'a lubricating liquid is produced la the Wwel to keep the feed waste soft and OTing. Doctors prescribe NaJol became it acta like this natural lahrkaat and thus aw.mm regular ta by Natare** owa lathed labrkatka. >«W is a lalrtsMi n m mm l>i>Ui» •» •• fiyk <*i>y. *1 •m 5yt ::4$m v'SKm, Mexico Has Bright Taxis. Taxicabs In Mexico City, Mtx^ represent every hue of the rainbow. The colors Include yellow, blue, whiter brown, green, nnd variegated. Condon Times--New York Tlmea copyright ttv arran«ement with Ear! of Carnarvon. Herd In the antechamber of his tomb. Is tbe long wblte wooden box which contained tbe underwear of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, wbo reigned In Egypt than three thousand years ago. It also held many of hia weapons. " ' London Time*--New York Times copyrtarbt by arrangement with Karl of Carnarvon. Ito tM* ptSifegraph o* the antechamber of the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, king of Egypt more than thirty centuries ago, the principal objects seen are the king's stool, made of solid ebony with ivory and having gold mountings; a large royal ceremonial gilt couch; the king's throne which is covered with gold and sliver and Inlaid with precious stones; a wood trellis stool, a large wooden casket; a carved wood and Ivory chair of exquisite workmanship; wheels, bodies, poles, harness and other parts of four chariots; wood gilt trellis work from an object of unknown use. 1.on don Times-- Now York Time* copyright by arrangement with Karl of Carnarvon, This beautiful puinted casket found In the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen of Egypt, contained the king's rohc%; decorated with elaborate bead and gold work of lapis-lasull and turquoiae; a gilt headrest like those used In Japan today, several pairs of sandals ornamerited with Inlaid gold, a black amber necklace, a collarette of and other objects. if GUARDS THE SEPULCHER Tut-Ankfe- Four Chariots Ixmdon Times--Now York Tlmos copyright by arrangement with Sari of- Carnarvon. One of the two statues of King Tut- Ankh-Amen guarding the sealed entrance to the sepulcher of that ancient Bgyptian monarch. They are of wood, covered with a black material and richly decorated with gold. King Tut-Ankh-Amen's Typhon Couch of Solid Gilt Txindon Ttones--New York Times oo^yrlSht by arrangefnent with Eari of Carnarvon Here are the wheels, bodies, poles and other parts of four chariots as they were found In tbe tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen at Luxor, Egypt. They are made of various bard woods, covered witli stucco gilt, leather and Inlaid Ivo)r jL , Tbe floors are of hide, in one case of leopard skin. SWtues of King Guarding Doorway of Seftulcher- JWn W.MeLmk, iw It. C>ii SUtiglk lUsMbai Whr^for the la«» twtsntjr years I have wpdJDr. Pierced GdMMadkdDiNawyattuMaa apoad tonic with actlhat wauKa. Om bottle in thsuxing, and oaa in the ftdl. is usually aulncieat. Itgheans added strmgth and endufanoe and neatlv a"ida ma uin following OMSWctmatlon. I have also fooad Dr. Pierce's FVasant Pellets very beneficial and mikl Jn action. r*l have been thru Dr. Pierce's U» vaBds' Hotd and Surgical Institata aft Get the "Discovery" in tablets « Bquid and jron'Q be aurpriaed at the "E dTp&'i Hood In Buffalo* N. Y. fcr baa awMwHsl medical advioa. 8end 10 cents if yon desire a trial pkg of the tablets. NS' Pastilles j-Jc - 5 vv^/v|'r / • % London Time*--Now York Time* copyright by arrangement with Earl of Carnarvon. This view of the antechamber of the tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen at Luxor, Egypt, shows the royal ce^monlal couch of solid gilt supported by animals of the Typhonic type. Upon it Is a large white wooden chest, and beneath and in front of It other objects Including gold. Ivory and wooden chairs. PASSAGE TO THE TOMB mi*** <i>s j n«w T«rJk ThMf UWpflllfct by mrrtkJUgmammlL wM|r I»e feari OI tamarvoa For more than thm thotaand years th« wooden statnea of Kiag T^t-Ankh-Amen, seen in thia photograph, stood undisturbed at the as#** doorway of hia Mvoftfeer te hifl tomb at Luxor, flgy)»t. In this antechamber an to be seen also tbe funefel flowers, a painted cheat containing the royal robes and Jawtitah a taf lw contalaiag the king's BBderwear and weapons, a ceremonial coach and many other objects. London Tim-- New York Times copyright by arrangMDont with Earl of Carnarvon. View looking dowu the rock-hewn passage leading to the antechamber of the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen at Luxor, Egypt, lo which was found auch a marvelous collection- of objects. The tight showing through the modern steel gate emanates frbt* electric lamps installed by the excavator*. King Tut-Ankh-Amen reigned te Xgypt at least 8£S0 years ago, and days of Hoses, and that tt was his armies that were engulfed in the Red aaa At least his reign was aa tar bade aa that of Saul, first kipg of Israel. Alabaster Vases in King Tilt's Tomb Loadon Ttma»-Now Yprk TtaMS eopyrtsnt arrangement wuh Cart of Carnarvon. Ouster of alabaster unguent vases of unique type, Just as they were di* coveted In the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen, the ancient Egyptian king, when It was opened. The vases still contain ongqenta which give off a faint odor. authorities claim aa far back "as the the ChUdraa «t loratf. HrCM,CM«ta,l There may be room at the top, bat the security la greater at the other extreme. s pi. ' SHE DYED A SWEATER . SKIRT AND CHILD'S COAT WITH "DIAMOND DYES" Sub package of "Diamond Dyee" aa* tains directions so simple any woman aaa die « tint bar worn, shabby «h asses, sUrta waaata, coata, stockings, sweaters, 5M^jrs^nsr1,s5; "Diamond Dye«"--no other kiuJ--then pedset home dyeing ia am because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot, fade, streak, or run. Tall your druggiat whether the material yon wish to dye is wool or ailk, or ehsthar it is Snen. oottaa or mixed goods.--Adveetisassent. •,e#a L<rta of things never hears of until comes. the gossip the exptoslaa 4-* '~1'„ ' JT ^ ' *•<£* Sr i;. y.&aPik,;:' zmmt ofaa bduterAdidt