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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Apr 1923, p. 5

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T^s.- ^ *7* /"SP' Phone 49 Piano P#IWIJI ,1'Jfi- I JP,»..ip. FLAYER REPAIRIN Prompt and satisfactory attention ADAM S. JUNG Phone 12 w oodstock, HL ATTENTION, FARMERS! You are looking for the tiest. possible market for your cream. Therefnif, please ship via express or bagK&ire direct to pMUfMtll at Risrin. Make this your slogan tor blgfter cream profits. Cans returned promptly and cheok mailed for each sMpraeat. Our ftood patrons are lncreastug dally because of our excellent reputation pod standing ainonx the farmers. Hem) na your cream arid the names of some of your neighbors so they too may have the benefit of our market. Write for tags, •hipping instructions and pur quotations. Ask your grocer when you fro to town lar Hillside creamery butter, known ail ovet' the United Mates. B. S. Pearsall Butter C«. £igin, 111. IT--mmlila Rata* - ' SCHAEFBE BROft. tttaTinx aad TransferH^r ^ t Long Distance Hauling McHenry, IB. Nervoas Feeing Dae te Gas oo Standi PreeWBre of gas on heart and other organs ofter* causes a restless, nervous feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, expels gas and relieves pressure and nervousness almost INSTANTLY. Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel. Adlerika removes matter you never thought was in your system " which poLsoned stomach, causing gas and nervousness. EXCELLENT to guard against appendices. ( JN. H. Petesch, druggist. Early Riser Flour A most excellent We guarantee it please yciti McHENRY Flour Mills West McHenrv. 111. See How Fir It Will Go Here want fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you what you ' want. Our satisfied customers are our highest recommendation. We sell the best oif the market at the lowest possible prices. M. Mi Niesen McHenry Phoae 40 PICKLES ADVANCED IN PRICE AND SIZE $2.50 for 100 pounds from 1 to 4 inches $1.00 for 100 pounds from 4 to Sl/2 inchlC 50c for 100 pounds Nubs and Crooks ^ ^ ' Cash on Delivery Free Seed at Wright's Drug Store, Woodstock A postal card will bring seed and place your name on the Mat Swuire Dingee Company i MY FURNITURE HERE--AND YOD BUY IT RIGHT Bear in Mind Also Our Convenient Credit Plan A. Leath & Co. Store# ; Elfin, 7S-74 Grove Ave. Rock ford. Opposite Court Hon-- Dubuque, 576-584 Main Sfc Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. Free port, $-7 W. Main Sir- Waterloo. 113-314 E. 4th It, Beloit, 617-431 4th St. Joliet, 216-217 Jefferson tt Janeaville. M2-JM. Milwaukee St. Bau Claire, Masonic Teaple. Oshkosh, 11-13 Main St. Peoria. US South Adaaas St. Decatur, 433-45* N. Water St. lOOBB Says Leath 'Meeause here you get the benefit of our greater Buying Power--that explains why we can sell "Better and More Beautiful Furniture for Less." Our Convenient Credit Plan will also help you to enjoy a Sou**- J$Q|ae .While Paying for Ifc. - How to Make a "Station-to-Station" Call THIS service simply means that you call for the number at the .distant place as you do on a local Call. Ifyou do not know the number, 'station-to-station" call may be made if you know the name of the person or firm whose telepl%one you wish to call. Following are examples "station-to-station" calls. Call"long distance," then say: •*3Thia is Main 1234, John Jones speaking. I wish to make a station-to-station cal W ' fcprtutfteki, Mtaola-MainMW or- ^Thla ia Austin 4824, Smith It Co., Goocga ' ^pmlth speaking. I with to make • station* fo-station call to Rocfcford, HI.-Spa uldlng -.^vf.Vj^bchineCo."or« ;, .,^"TWs is Edgewater 2M7. Miss Mary Scott• •' v Speaking I wish to make a station-to-statioit , T_ ' Wl tn riintTSMa DL ^B^udaaua at Wi||iam|i * 'HoMmm." S • A call placed in any of the above ways will be charged fer as a "station-to-station" call. The charge begins When the called telephone is answered. On all such calls the rate is approximately 20 per cent less than the "person-to-person** rate, except that no rate is reduced below 25 cents. Experience has shown that in many cases die person you want will answer the telephone on a "station-tostation" rail or can be located immediately by the person who does answer. And often it is just as satisfactory to talk to any one who answers. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY JOHNSBURG Get Mayer Honorbilt shoes at Smith Bros.' Seed and eating1 pothtoea at II. M. Niesen's. Order your field seeds now at Eridc,- son's store. Misses Rose and Clara Klapperich Were Woodstock visitors last Friday. Mrs. Mathias Jungen passed the first of the week in the metropolitan city. Miss Dorothea Schaefer of Elgin was a week end guest in the home of her, parents here. Misses Rose Klapperich and Catherine Oeffling were among the Chicago passengers Monday evening. Hubert Dreymiller of Chicago spent last Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Oeffling. A number from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Anna Schaid at McHenry last Saturday morning. M iss Julia Thelen was amoiig the Johnsburg people to board the Chicago train at McHenry last Wednesday morning. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, cMck mash and growing mash. Also Dickinson's field and lawn seeds. Miss Rose Miller returned to Chicago last Saturday morning after spending a few weeks as the guest of home folks. Roads didnt seem to hinder the Johnsburg voters last Saturday afternoon, many of them making the trip to Ringwood in order to cast their ballots'for their home, candidate, John M. Schmitt. Our people were very much pleased to learn that Mr. Schmitt had been re-elected to the position he has so creditably filled during the past two terms. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Nettnin of Chicago celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at their summer home at Sunny Side Beach, on Fox river, near this place, last Saturday evening by inviting a number or outof- town as well as Johnsburg friends to a three-course chicken dinner, which was lerved at seven o'clock. After dinner cards were indulged in with silver pieces awarded to the winners. The card games continued until midnight, when a light luncheon was served. Those who made up the happy gathering were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johnson, Karl and Robert Johnson of Evanston; Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobson, Cprl Johnson, Leroy, Clarence and Miss Alice Nettnin of Chicago; Jacob, Mike, Henry and Stephen Schaefer, Misses Dorothy, Hildegarg, Rosina and Catherine Schaefer of Johnsburg. • OSTEND Market your eggs at Erickson's store. Seed and eating potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Buy shoes, hose and satisfaction at Smith Bros.' Clark brothers did work on a piece of sandy land April 12. Have*the Crasser boys done as well? Did you hear wedding bells Saturday? Lester Sherman did and we expect to see the bride soon. At the school meeting Saturday last Tony Freund was elected in place of S. S. Rogers, whose time expired. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and growing mash. Also Dickinson's field and lawn seeds. 1 Two large loads of household goods were moved to the Wallis farm last Saturday. The family moved from Marengo way. Lester Thompson came all the Jpng distance from Montana and spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Thompson. Henry Hobart made a business trip to Woodstock last Friday, but he did not try a Lizzie. He decided Prince and Dandy could pull 'him out of the ruts. Several of tin neighbors sawed a supply of wood last week, hoping soon to get at work on the land, but the snow fall Saturday made them change their minds. The south road leading to Woodstock out by the fair grounds received a thorough dragging last Friday and Saturday night was completely covered with snow. , Mrs. Maud Clark and Mrs. Joe Paul visited last Thursday in the Hobart home, but they did not drive their Lizzie. A team of horses could miss some of the terrible ruts, but Lizzie finds them nearly all. Several from here drove to, MeHenry Monday night to listen to Mr. Lumley's talk, which was just to the point and gave some\>f the listeners an eye opener. Three cheers for V. S. Lumley, he knows whereof he speaks. Joe Harrer came near going to the bottom of his well last week Monday. He stepped on the well platform and a plank gave way. His feet went thru, but he threw his arms out each way and held himself and climbed out without help. The plank was badly rotted. The well is over seventy feet, dug and then drove-quite a long way. i RINGWOOD Miles of wear in Armour Plato hose. Smith Bros. Mrs. Clay Ragtfr was a Saturday shopper in Elgin. Walter Cropley of Solon was a business visitor in town Saturday. Camel's or Lucky Strike cigarettes, 15c or two packages fer 25c at Erickson's store. Thomas Darrow of Richmond was a Saturday guest of Leonard Brown and other little friends. Mrs. Nellie McDonald and two children of McHenry were Monday guests of Mrs. I. Merchant! Mrs. Spaulding, Mrs. E. Homier and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn were guests of friends at Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Mrs. John Gould and daughters of Woodstock cam* Friday and sprat the week end witli Mr. wad Mr*. C. D. Bacon. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and growing mash Also Dickinson's field and lawn seeds. , A small number of people toned out to the school flection Saturday night. F. A. Hitcheps was the retiring director and C. J. Jepson was elected to fill his place. Miss Elna Baxter of Crystal Lak€7 the county Sunday school advisor, will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. C. J. Jepson on Saturday, April 21, at 2:30 p. m. Every lady in the community is invited to attend. The teachers' meeting last Saturday was attended by twenty teachers.! Miss Dake complimented t^e teachers J of this section "bn their good program ! and on the splendid book reports which each one gave. The school children furnished part of the program and, last but not least, a very fine dinner was given the guests by Miss Dailey aqd Miss Bemice Smith. This is our first teachers meeting in5* years and we hope there will be mt TERRA COTTA Wliy worry? Buy at Smith's. Bernard J. Shine was a busin visitor in Chicago Saturday. { David JohnsQn of Chicago wa^ at business visitor here Sunday..! j Phil Kane of Alabama was a recent guest of relatives in this vicinity. Major Gates and Ernest Clark were recent business visitors at Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and chil dren of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Thomas Church and Arthur Shales of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives and friends here. Raymond J. Riley of Indianapolis, Ind., spent Sunday and Monday with his mother, Mrs. Alice Riley. Alexander Lumber company for Globe egg mash, chick mash and grow- I'ng mash. Also Dickinson's field and awn seeds. Mrs. James P. Green and son, James, of Woodstock spent Wednesday evening and Thursday of last week with relatives here. At the annual school election held here Saturday evening Clyde Starritt was elected to succeed Ray McMillan, whose term expired on that date. WE THANK YOU We, the undersigned successful candidates at Tuesday's village election, wish in this manner to express our thanks to the voters for the excellent endorsement given our platform. We are satisfied that the majority of the people of McHenry want the improvements for which we are now and have worked in the past and we can assure them that the confidence thus placed in us by your vote of Tuesday will serve as a guide to our actions in the future. Once more thanking you, we are, J' Respectfully yours, Dr. D. G. Wells. •* R. I. Overton. Simon Stoffel. P. H. Wattles. • HOME BUREAU TO MEET A meeting of the Home Bureau will be held at the. home of Mrs. Robert Thompson on Main street on Wednesday afternoon of next week, April 25, at 1:30 o'clock. The topics of study will be "Lines and Designs in Interior Decorating" and "Arrangement of Furniture and Italian Hemstitching.** All members and friends are cordially invited to be present. J. D. Lodtz of Crystal Lake was' is business visitor in town Wednesday. , WEINSCHENKER'S Community Express WHOLESALER IN SOFT DRINKS Draying and Long Distance Having done by the hour or Jeb- Furniture moved with SXTS ty PHONE 35 McHENRY Baby Chicks From Trap-Nested, Winter- Laying S. C. White Leghorns C USTOM HATCHING--at reasonable prices in our mammoth 47,000-egg incubator. Write for catalog and prices. HIAWATHA POULTRY FAIN Phone SI-J Crystal Lake, 10. pw 'jiri . -i.iHV,! ! I P *'• ji-. ' g ...T- ' I 'V. I\ i K 11'//notr;st ,sH ! }• tii :<* 3 407 N. PA.UUNA ST. ' : C P £ AND i . ! N > " C l N AV £ CLASSIFIED DEfARTMEHT WANTED--Young girl or middle aged woman to assist in housework. Two in family. Telephone 561-R-2. 46-lt FOR SALE--House and two lots on Waukegan street. All modern improvements. M. J. Walsh,-West McHenry. . 48-tf FOR SALE--Black walnut victrola and ten good Victor records. $66 if taken at once. For particulars call at this office. 45 MEN WANTED--In all departments. Good wages. Apply American Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co., Terra Cotta, 111. Phone Crystal Lake 24. 45-4t WANTED--Position as boat or dock man by experienced man. State salary you wish to pay. E. B. Henry, 324 East State St., Rockford, 111. 46* FOR SALE--Three exceptionally fine building lots on Waukegan street south of Elgin road. Will sell at a bargain. B. E. Herbes, Grayslake, 111. FOR SALE--Barron strain S. C. white Leghorn eggs for fertility- 16 eggs for 76c; 100 eggs for $4.50. G. A. Vasey, McHenry, 111. Phone 612- J-2. 88-8t FOR SAL1&--Barred Rock hatching eggs from ringlet 200 egg strain at $5.00, per hundred. Bernard Bauer, McHenry, III. Route No. 2. Phone G30-M-2. 43-2t* WHY BUY your white and brown Leghorn chicks away from home when you can get them at Steilen's Poultry Farm. Hatches off every week. Place your order early. 44-tf SPECIAL . At a special favor to my old friends of McHenry and surrounding territory, I will make, for the next four weeks, a special double thick cable temple frame, with a pair of periscopic lense for $5.00. These glasses will be only for reading and sewing. I have 5,000 of these frames on hand and offer them at one-half of the original price. No one needs to have trouble with their eyes when I guarantee a fit I am at my McHenry office on Sundays and Mondays only, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Phone No. 9. Dr. C. Keller, McHenry, 111. trAT||M<0 I AND EXERCISE MAKE IF VOU D BE STRONO AND WELL LIKfME EAT PUREST FOODS AND VOU WILL BE - EXERCISE and pure food is a wonderful combination. We can supply you with the last part of it. You will purchase of us the most palatable foods that ever went into your home and after you have traded with us a short time you'll tell your particular friends how well we please you. Watch for Mr. Happy IHrty FRETTS Coming to CRYSTAL LAKE AND HARVARD Dr. Dieterich SPECIALIST !• Internal Medicine for the paat twenty year* 'DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Crystal Lake, Wednesday, April 26, Richmond hotel, and at Harvard, Thursday, April 26, Noble hotel. Office Hours:. .10 a. m. to 4 ft. Jk. ONE DAY ONLY FOR SALE--My milk route, together with entire equipment, which consists of wagon, milk separator, bottles, etc. Inquire of Wm. W. Freund,. McHenry, 111. Phone 648-M-l. 45-tf FOR SALE--The John homestead of 169 aciea. A. Smith Two mile8lnejr! Ml Charge for Coaaultatioa Dr. Dieterich is a regular graduate in medicine and surgery and is licensed by the state of Illinois. He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidbladder, bed wetting, catarrh, east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance farm. Stephen H; Freund, McHenry, 111.' 3-tf LOST--Last Saturday between N. E. Barbian's and the E. Hunter cottage on Fox river, two umbrellas, one blue silk and the other black. Finder will please leave at this office and receive reward. 45* FOR SALE--Barron, Hairis A Young strain S. C. white Leghorn fertile eggs. 16 eggs for 76c; 100 eggs for $4.50. Baby chicks of twelve leading strains. Agent for Moes poultry supplies. W. G. Schreiner, West Mc- Henry, 111. Phone 93-R. 43 weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ailments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consultation on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Married women must, be auo-- panied by their husbands. Address: 836 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. 42-it (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) •*v. REPORT OF THK OONDITIOH Or FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK located at McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 3rd day of April, lt«i. as made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. • •>G^RESOURCB^-^;', •' on Real Estate • ......I IS.MMt ***** on Collateral »,m$$ .Other Loans... 137,147Ji Overdrafts ;.S2I.8C Other Bonds and Stocks........... SS.MMt Banking House, Furniture and Fixturea.t.-i;.i^^^^^ SI.7SM7 ,1^ Other Cash ResOur^ ^ ^ 7.3M.72 •' Total Resources....1.14 LIABILITIES Capital Stock..w.°-^.v.J.---'-..--,^'..,..v2iiiivii^i^.'iJ H.NMI Undivided Profits (Net) 4,HiN time Deposits 91.MMI Demand Depoaita tS.SlfcH Bills P^aWa... \ V Total Liabilities..... MMfLM t, Wm. Pries. President of the Fox River Valley State Bank, do solemnly SWear that the above statement. Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the Items and amounts shown above correspond with the items sad amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, StatsSC Illinois, pursuant to law. „ \Vm. Pries. President, > SubSrrlbed and sworn to before me this IStb day of April, 1DC3. M*. I. Boss, Notary Public. ""ir*"* ' . ' r,Sjj3 Order Your Coal Now > rJ*HERE is really only one way , of being certain of having your next winter's coal when the first snap of cold weather comes. That way is to give ug your 4ider now with instructions to fill ' > • it &t the most advantageous time. 1 With a car shortage already in evidence in some parts of the coun* v try, and indications pointing to a / much more serious one later, there is no telling what conditions will -:rbt towards fall. , ' These conditions need not, however, make any difference as far as * your coal bins are concerned. By taking steps to fill them now, you are definitely protected. Our phone is No. 5. f Alexander Lumber Company West McHenry, III. Phoae 5 •m stl. "-'Jiuy.'.i •iiy if p.Jiy'gj'i, A stitch in time A look, a word of advice, a slight adjustment--that is all that may be needed now to prolpag the life of your battery. Our service is for every make of battefy, and we are eager to serve you. We would rather keep your battery out of trouble than get it out of trouble. Drop in. . W. L I0WELL I CO. f Phone Itl-R McHeary, ML Wm handtm otU» «nwiM Extdm parte .1 / I? • . y ;f-. • All (IH*« <>/ Iwnim Hn'lttfry . ..'-rr 'MM-:. mFm

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