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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 May 1923, p. 5

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T* -- Piano T uning PLAYER REPAIRING Prompt and satisfactory attention . ADAM & JUNG Phone 12 :: Woodstock, 111. v Phone 49 Reasonable Kates SCHAEFER BROS. ^ and Traaafcrring ^ Lone Distance Hauling McHenry, UL Early Riser Flour ••#7 most excellent flour : , •• . . V We guarantee it to you; ':D- ' WeHENRt Flour Mills West McHenrv. III. too Mil See How Far It Will Go Here You wpnt fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you wha«t you want. Our satisfied customers are our high- ; e s t recommendation. We sell the best on the market at the lowest possible prices. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 40 HAPPV PARTY IT'S AS PlfcVtf AS THE NOSE ON f OUR FACCTHOT \NCLL-FCD MEtf * AlWAVSVUNlHt RACE rPO be well fed one must eat good meats, and the meats you eat should be as choice as the meats we sell. , The questioning inspection our meats undergo qualifies tbeir dependability. 'FRETTS* (llasses 5T.WE5TMcHENRY.ILL MADE TO ORDER JGfcN LY ' Dr. CJ. Opium o/r/s/ arij Optician 3407 N. PAULINA ST. CCR.ROSCOE AND LINCOLN AVE. SPECIAL | As a special favor to my old friends of McHenry and surrounding territory, | 1 will make, for the next four weeks, a special double thick cable temple frame, with a pair of periscopic lense for $5.00. These glasses will be only for reading and sewing. I have 5,000 of these frames on hand and offer them at one-half of the original l^rice. No one needs to have trouble with their eyes when I guarantee a fit. I am at my , McHenry office on Mondays only, from 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. Phone No. 9. Dr. C. Keller, McHenry, 111. JOHNSBURG Send the children, it is all right at Smith's. Seed and eating potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Dress shoes for all the family at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes entertained their daughters from Chicago Sunday. . Season's opening of the Pox dance pavilion, McHenry, on Tuesday evening, May 29. Alexander Freund o^ Chicago was the guest of Johnsburg relatives over the week end. Mrs. Sam Skifano of Chicago spent Sunday as the guest of her mother, Mrs. Michael Thiel. John P. Schreiner of McHenry was a caller in the home of his aunt, Mrs. Frank Miller, Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buch of Chicago spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Jacob H. Adams. Mrs.. Susie Faus of Chicago was a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Michael Thiel, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Schreiner of McHenry passed Sunday evening with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pitzen, at the Bay; Save money by bringing your old shoes to a real shoemaker and having, them made like new.,. Also all harness work neatly - done, B. Popp, phone 640-W-2. / 1 48-3t was represented at the baseball game at McHenry last Sunday afternoon. Frank Freund, "Shooty" Thelen and Steve King played on the McHenry team. Mrs. Stephen H. Smith left fojr Chicago last Monday, where she entered a hospital for treatment. She expects to be away for some time to come. Her many friends sincerely hope that the treatments will result j in a return to her of her former good health. Rev. Wm. WebeT, pastor of St John's Catholic church, was confined to his bed a few days last .week on account of illness and, altho he is again able to be up, it will probably be another few days before he will be , , „ Miss Lizzie Norton of Burlington, Johnsburg again quite well,) Wis spent ,aSt week ^ her cousin Mrs. James Ladd Miss Lora Harrison spent part of last week with her cousin, Mrs. Clyde Bell, at Springy Grove Mrs. Clarence Hopper of Greenwood was a pleasant caller in the home of Mrs. J. Rainey Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and son, Byron, motored to Chicago Saturday to visit friends there Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stephenson. Mfs. Rilla Foss is confined to her bed at present writing, but her many friends hope she will soon be out again. Mrs. W. Lyman and son of Chicago .came out Friday and stayed until Sunable to take care of his parish duties. |d night with her sister< Miss Martha A priest from Chicago is assisting; pafley Utm IP nftinw tnantr Anrlo . . _ __ _ The opening of the Fox dance pa vilion will take place on Tuesday evening, May 29. Watch for further announcement. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Harrison of Woodstock spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. C. W. Harrison, at the home of L. L. Smith. Mrs. John Gould and two daughters of Woodstock and Mrs. Ray Bartholf of Richmond spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. ' K C. J. Jepaon and family, Mrs. Emma Brown and Mrs. A. W. Smith were among the number from this community to attend the rural conference at McHenry Sunday. The school picnic w&s held Saturday at Chase's woods. The day looked dreary early, but turned out to be a fine day for the youngsters. Ice cream was the last course served at the bounteous dinner, which was thoroly enjoyed by all. The ball game turned rengo spent Saturday at Bernard Shine's. Miss ftfargaret Clow of Crystal Lake spent last Wednesday evening with friends here> William Erwin of Chicago is spending the week at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby. * Howard Phalin has gone to Chicago, where he has secured employment with Ginn and company. RING WOOD You save when you trade at Erickson's. Seed and eating potatoes at M. M. •Niesen's o Cooper Bennington underwear foH9-ULa„Vict0^f0^Hebr0" ^ men at Erickson's store.r Improved learning seed corn, fl.50 per bu., at Erickson's store. Expert automobile repairing. C. M. Bickler, Riverside Drive, McHenry. We can't sell everything, but everything we sell must be good. Smith Bros. Ed. Peet and family spent Sunday in the Arthur Peet home near Woodstock. / ' • Atty. V. S.Lumley of Woodstock was transacting business in town on Tuesday. - Mrs. Henry Hinze of, Crystal Lake spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Peet" ; Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Saturday with her mother, Mrs. McDonald, at West McHenry. Enroll NOW Starts Ybu 'Ioward the Ownershq> of ft and in a short time you will have a car of your own. Then all "out-of-doors" will be yours to enjoy with your family. Think of the comfort, the pleasure and happiness which will be yours. Buy your €ar under the terms of the For as little as $5, you can select the Ford you want and place your order at once. We will put this money in a local bank for you --at interest. Each week you add a little more. This also draws interest. Soon your payments, plus the interest earned, makes the car your own. Come in! Let us give you full particulars about this new pi John R. Knox This Bank Depository for Ford Weekly Purchase Plan Payment* FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK him. Father Weber's many friends in and around Johnsburg as well as the surrounding towns are sorry to learn of his illness and all hope for a speedy recovery. fi Mrs. Peter Schaefer of this place was tendered a very agreeable surprise at the home °f her son, Peter J. Schaefer, at McHenry last Sunday, May 20, the occasion having been planned in honor of Mrs. Schaefer's sixty-third birthday anniversary. The occasion was attended by fifteen guests, included among whom were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer, Mr. and. Mrs. Jos. A. Schaefer and son, Elmer, of Johnsburg; Miss Lillian Velk, Fred Schaefer and Martin Seicker of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak of McHenry. The everting hours were passed at bunco, with first high honors going to Mrs. Peter Schaefer; second, Mrs. Joe A. Schaefer, and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer, the consolation. Among the gifts received by Mrs. Schaefer were a congoleum rug presented by Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Joe A. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak and Fred Schaefer; an electric iron from Mr. and Mrs Wm. Payne of Chicago; an electric percolator from Fred Schaefer and Martin Siecker and a pair of embroidered pillow slips from Miss Lillian Velk. A delicious supper was served the guests. The closing exercises and program by the pupils of St. John's school will take place at parish hall here tomorrow (Friday) evening at eight o'clock. Following is the program: Patriotic Medley ...Intermediate and Upper Grades Love Spring, piano. .Margaret Stilling Fruehling und Winter. .Grades 3 & 4 With Flying Colors Piano Trio E. Schaefer, L. Stilling, A. Miller Song and Recitations... Grades 1 & 2 Comet Duet... .C. Schaefer, R. Justen The Birthday Party.... Grades 5 & 6 | Tyrolean Shepherd Boy, piano Margaret Stilling Doll Drill & Song 16 Small Girls Sweet Charity Waltz. .Martha Miller Keeping House.........Grades 3 & 4 Humoreske--piano duet M. Miller, M. StiHihg The Arch of Success.. .The Graduates Address Rev. Wm. Weber Class motto--"Safe on first; now Score." Class Colors: Purple and gold. The graduates are: Bernard Jung, Nicholas Miller, Lyman J. Mueller, Henry Schmitt, Louis J. Schmitt, Clarence J. Smith, Arthur Tonyan, Alice Freund, Marie Klein, Martha Miller, Mildred Miller, Hildegard Schaefer, Margaret Stilling, Agnes Weingart. TERRA COTTA Seed and eating potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. John Grant of Elgin was calling on friends here Saturday. 4 P. H. Conway was the guest of Elgin relatives Sunday. ' . Thomas Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Stella Peck was a recent guest of her daughter in Elgin. Improved learning seed corn, $1.50 per bu., at Erickson's store. Opening of the Fox pavilion, McHenry, Tuesday evening, May 29. Otto Rezek of Cary spent a recent evening with friends in this vicinity. Misses Eva and Neva McMillan and Marion Shales spent Thursday in Elgin. . Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, swere Chicago visitors Saturday. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox of Ma- Memorial Sunday will be observed next Sunday with a sermon and music appropriate to the occasion. All children are • requested to gather on the lawn at the M. W. A. hall on Wednesday, May 30, at nine o'clock sharp, when they will march to the cemetery to decorate the soldiers' graves. Bripg all the flowers you can. ~ OSTEND "~ Fine quality work shoes at Erickson's. . « Our coffee is good enough for you to drink. Smith Bros. Ladies' white canvas slippers vutfi oxfords at Erickson's store. The teacher and pupils are planning a picnic for the close of school. , Generator and. starter repair work is my specialty, C. M. Bickler, McHenry. E. L. and C. J. Sherman and their families were Sunday evening callers in the Hobart home. , Warren Francisco is suffering from an ulcer on his eye ball. Dr. Hepburn is caring for the eye. The steam shovel is at work near the Ostend school house. Looks like route 20 will have hard roads some time. Myron Francisco and wife of Wauconda spent several days recently at the home of their daughter, Mrs. H^zel Sherman. If half the blossoms on fruit taees bear fruit the trees will need many props. They are in the midst of their greatest beauty. Rural mail carriers do not enjoy traveling on route 20 these days. The roads are filled with fresh dirt instead of gravel. Joe Harrer and wife and Frank Kaiser and wife were Chicago visitors Sunday. They went by automobile, returning the same day. From appearances of stakes, C. E. Jecks' horse barn will have a new home. The stakes are set in several feet, show where fence should be. Mr. Harrison was not with the grocery truck Monday. His two sons delivered goods and Mr. Harrison stayed with his wife, who has been in very poor health a long time. ATTENDED DIOCESAN CONVENTION AT ROCKFORD Delegates from the McHenry and Johnsburg parishes 'to attend the diocesan convention of the National Catholic Welfare council as held at Rockford last Sunday" afternoon were as follows: St. Mary's church, McHenry-- Peter M. Justen, John A. Thennes; St. Patrick^ church, McHenry-- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh; St. John's church, Johnsburg--Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Officers named for the men's council were: President, Frank A. McCarthy, Elgin; vice president, Paul J. Donavan, Harvard; secretary, Michael Burns, Galene. For the woman's council: President, Miss Vera Crotty, Rockford; vice president, Mrs. A. F; Lichtenberger, Freeport; fcecretary, Mrs. Thos. F. Foley, Elgin. Officers elected for the Rockford diocese and council were: President, A. B. Tracey, Freeport; vice president, P. J. McAndrews, Sterling; secletary, Mrs. Thos. F. Foley, Eljjin; treasurer, Walter Conway, Woodstock. The next convention will take place at Aurora some time next Mayi Market your eggs at Erickson's store.' CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALB--Honsa and two lota on Waukegan street. All modern improvements. M. J. Walsh, Wert McHenry. 4S*tf FOR RENT--Two cottages at Mineral Springs park, on Fox nver south cf the McHenry bridge. Apply to M. L. Worts, McHenry, 111. 49-ftf FOR, SALE--The Mrs. Anna K. Bishop estate, consisting of a tanroom house and three lots near Fox river. L. C. Bishop, McHenry. 48-tf LOST--Somewhere on road between Pistakee Bay and McHenry on May 15, a 34x3% casing on rim. Finder kindly notify J. J. Mertes, phone 76- M, McHenry. 50-lt WHY BUY your white and brown Leghorn'chicks away from home when you can get them at Steilen's Poultry Farm. Hatches off every week. Place jour order early. 44-tf WANTED--Stock to pasture. Good fences, water and salt. E. G. Peterson, McHenry, 111. * 48-tf FOR SALE--Ford roadster with box. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 60-lt* FOR REN%--T wo rooms, central location, McHenry. " Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 50-2t WANTED--Dining room and kitchen help. Apply or call Buckley Tea Room, Woodstock, 111., at once. 50-lt FOR SALE--A good work mare, 10 years old, wt. 1450 lbs. Geo. Young, McHenry. Phone 634-R-2. 50-lt* FOR SALE--A 35 acre farm near McHenry Good improvements. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry. 46 MEN WANTED--Apply American Terra Cotta & Ceramic Co., Terra Cotta, 111. Telephone Crystal Lake 24. 49-8t PROPERTY FOR SALE--Inquire of Ben Hiller. Louis Wrede, 2114 N. Keeler Ave., Chicago. Phone Bel. 1707. ... 49-2t* WANTED TO BUY--Small lot on lake. Must be bargain and have own water front.- Give location, size and price.,. Write W. , J. Rudolph, 2727 Potwyne PI., Chicago. 50-2t FOR SALE--The John A. Smith homestead of 169 aci es. Two miles east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance farm. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry, ril. S-t£ BABY CHICKS--Barred Rocks, S. C. Reds, $10 per 100; White Rocks, Rose Reds, $12; Orpingtons, Wyandottes, $13; Leghorns, $9. Catalog. D. T. Farrow Chickcries, Peoria, 111. 46-tf LOST--On road between Johnsburg and the summer home of A. H. Severinghaus at Pistakee Bay, an 8x12 foot canvas. Finder kindy return tp J. V. Buck land, Ringwood, and receive reward. 49-tf' FOR SALE--Barron, Harris ft Young Itfain S. C. white Leghorn fertile eggs. 15 eggs for 75c; 100 eggs for $4.50. Baby chicks 6f twelve leading strains. Agent for Moes poultry supplies., W. G. Schreiner, West McHenry, 111. Phone 93-R. 49-tf FOR SALE--To close the Robert Wright estate, the property will be offered for sale at a reduced price. For further particulars and terms of sale write George C. Geier, attorney, 1604 Chicago Temple Bldg., Chicago, III. 49-2t WANTED--Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 46-10t lties Illinois Counties Public Service Company serves a territory of 5,825 square miles, including 177 cities, towns and rural communities in 15 of the most productive counties of Illinois. Rendering uninterrupted service to residents of sueh a great and prosperous area, larger than the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined, requires a tremendous investment in equipment and an army of employes ready at their posts through storm or sunshine, winter or summer, fire or flood, day or night. Our customers, naturally, give little thought to the vast forces constantly at work so that by the press of a button, electric light or power is instantly forthcoming for their use, or gas made ready at the burner by the mere turn of a lever. In the march of human progress and the constant bettering of living conditions, there is no more essential service than that which provides the home with modern comforts and makes possible the more efficient operation of industries, large or small, upon which vast numbers of men and women depend for their wage. And it is inter- „ esting to know that regardless of income this same service is available to all of our customers. The humble home owner of today is enabled to enjoy the luxury of electrical and gas conveniences which the very wellto- do could not buy fifty years ago. Efficient public service for all of our customers is the aim of this Company. We invite constructive suggestions from our customers at all times. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS J. E. McCOLLUM, District Superintendent 1#1 Williams St., Crystal Lake, III. " . I 1

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