9:15 Lecture Miss Bower* gottttoermflrw 0:45 Music Appreciation Mrs, Sch^Arz^l|«r TEACHERS' ANNUAL INSTITUTE 1AMILY REUNI01 HELD AT HOME OF MR. MRS. FRANK WARD PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR Cha*. Leonard, •W«V w buphel Schneider, WOODSTOCK SESSION JltHenry, 111, , Programs and invitations to the tmchers' annual institute, which is to Hike place at the community high •; school building at Woodstock, starting next Monday morning, Sept. 3, •lid closing on Friday, Sept. 7, have been mailed out to all of the teachers of McHenry county and it is the hope the county superintendent of schools, Miss Hattie C. Dake, that all teachers be present and attend each , .-JUpd every session. An invitation is also extended to ' --file public to share in the enjoyment the talent which is to be provided. The county superintendent goes on farther by pointing out the fact that - inasmuch as the institute is held dur- ~ IBg the opening week of the school term, teachers are expected to be present on each day in order to demand their pay for the week. . The home economics department of y. - «*e Woodstock community high school ilHll serve lunch in the club rooms and those wishing to secure room or board for all or part time may notify Miss ; l \ Daisy Moore, office assistant to the COunty superintendent. The talent as secured for the week is as follows: Mr. U. J. Hoffman, assistant state 4 'Jiperintendent of public instruction. Mr. Asa M. Royce, president Platte- " %tlle State Normal, Platteville, Wis. Prof. U. G. Fletcher, publisher of "Health and Efficiency," conductor of fliysical training, Springfield, 111. Miss Elizabeth A. Bowers, primary V; •ftpervisor, Ottawa public schools, Ottawa, 111. Mr. Maynard Lee D^ggy, executive secretary of American Community association. Extension lecturer for the •Universities of Kansas, Minnesota Mid Wisconsin. Mrs. M. H. Lieber, member Illinois education commission. Chairman deportment of applied education, Illinois Federation of Woman's clubs. Mr. S. Lincoln Smith, lecturer on Art Appreciation, South Dakota State Normal, Madison, S. D. Mrs. Helen Messenger, critic teach- ' er, Northern Illinois State Teacher's . college, DeKalb, 111. Mrs. Bernice Schwarrwalder, music supervisor. Mr. E. A. Richardson, entertainer. Miss Marion Murphy, accompanist. i Program . " Monday, Sept. 3 . 9:9^ Registration 10:00 Innovation ..Rev. J, if. Schneider Announcements Supt. Dake ^ 10:15 Lecture Asa M. Royce 11;Q0 Sectional Meetings •"* Superintendents and Principals Asa M. Royce yf^i " Music ....Mrs. Schwarzwalder * - Rural ..... ...Mrs. Messenger ' Primary ....Miss Bowers ;V:^|2:00 Luncheon • 1:30 Music Appreciation „ * Mrs. Schwarzwalder & --441:15 Lecture--Art Appreciation .. "..; S. Lincoln Smith 10:45 Recess 10:20 Sectional Meetingf) 10:55 Physical Training " .... .. Prof- Fletcher lljSO,Lecture Asa M. Royce f|pLANS ARE CHANGE! FOR McHENRY COUNTY HOME BUREAU CLOTHING SCHOOL S%ia<platts fo# the clothing sdiool under the auspices of the McHenry County Home Bureau have been somewhat changed. The first two days of the school, Sept. 4 and 5, are for delegates only. The morning and afternoon lectures on the last two days, Sept. 6 and 7, are for other members and the public in general. The lecture in the morning of September 6 will be on "Removal of Stains." The afternoon lecture will be on "Care and Repair of Clothing." The morning lecture on September 7 is on "Clothing Construction Processes" and in the afternoon on "Color In Dress." This school will be held in the Woodstock Presbyterian church parlors and will be conducted by Miss Mary Haugh. Home Bureau members and delegates please take notice of this change. The public in general is invited to attend this school. WOODSTOCK PEOPLE • • , • IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miltenberger and T. H. Thompson, the latter a naval recruiting officer now stationed at Woodstock, figured in a big automobile accident on the Lincoln highway near DeKalb last Thursday night. The three were on their way to Woodstock from Aurora, where they had attended the Central States fair. The accident occurred at a sharp turn about "a mile and a half east of DeKalb. Thompson, who was at the wheel and unfamiliar with the road, was unable to slow down the speed of the machine sufficiently to make the turn in safety and as a result the big Chandler turned turtle, pinning its occupants underneath. The victims were taken to the DeKalb hospital, where it was found that the driver had received several broken ribs and a fractured arm. Mr. Miltenberger has a broken arm and several body bruises and a bad cut on his head, while his wife's injuries consisted of bruises about the face and arm. The accident occurred about 10:30 p. m. BALL PLAYERS ACCEPT CUT TO SAVE GAME f:00 Recess |:16 Sectional Physical Meetings Training . Prof. Fletcher Monday Evening 8 KM Reception and Get-Acquainted evening. All teachers cordially invited. Amusement Directors Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reid Tuesday, Sept. 4 9:00 Chorus 9:10 Announcements » * 9:25 Lecture Asa M. Royce 10:10 Physical Training ....... Prof. Fletcher 10:80 Recess 10:40 Sectional Meetings 11:40 Entertainment E. A. Richardson 12:00 Luncheon 1:30 Opening Exercises 1:45 Music Appreciation Mrs. Schwarzwalder 2:80 Physical Training Prof. Fletcher 3:05 Recess 3:10 Sectional Meetings 8:45 Entertainment E. A. Richardson Wednesday, Sept. 6 9:00 Chorus 9:15 Lecture .........Miss Bowers 9:45 Lecture.........Asa M. Royce 10:30 Recess . - 10:40 Sectional Meetings 11:25 Physical Training Prof. Fletcher 12:00 Luncheon 1:30 Opening Exercises 1:45 Lecture... .Mrs. M. H. lAefelf 2:25 Music Appreciation Mrs. Schwarzwalder , 3:00 Recess 3.10 Sectional Meetings 3:55 Physical Training Prof. Fletcher Thursday, Sept. 6 9:0© Opening Exercises 9:16 Lecture Asa M. Royce liS-Lu; 10:00 Music Appreciation Mrs. Schwarzwalder j 10:30 Recess - •'* ^ 10:40 Sectional Meetings i\' 11:25 Physical Training '-j Prof. Fletcher 12:00 Luncheon The Elgin Legion baseball team has thus far been a losing proposition so far as finance is concerned and as a result of this condition a meeting of the Elgin post was held last Friday night for the purpose of ascertaining what was to be done in order that baseball might survive. It was finally agreed by the players to take a substantial cut in salary, while Manager Wright resigned his office in order that a playing manager might be named. With the new arrangement the post believes that it will be possible to complete the season without further losses. High salaried baseball teams, even in a city the size of Elgin, will not pay. In fact, the city of Elgin alone will not sup-, port a first-class baseball club. It is the outside support that the team has been getting which has really helped the gate receipts very materially. Early Sunday morning, August 27, six automobiles filled with the relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward proceeded to the home of the latter in this city to participate in the annual family reunion. The relatives of the Wards are nearly all Chicago folks so it meant early breakfast for those who came by auto. Those who, attended were Irene Hough, their niece; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hough, Sr., and his married sons and daughters and their families; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rasmussen and daughter, Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mc- Grath, long-time friends of the Houghs and Wards, and Miss Betty Jackson, a friend of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hough. The party consisted of twenty-four grown persons and sixteen children. Owing to the chilliness of the weather lunch and supper were served indoors. It is Heedless so say that a good time Was had by all, the young folks playing out-door games, whUe the heads of families reviewed days gone by. " ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Whitley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitley and family and Grandpa Whitley of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Anna Frisby. Mrs. G. A. Hanly and daughter, Grace, of Elgin have been spending a week as guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. A Sayler. On Sunday Mrs. Sayler with her guests and Mrs. W. C. Besley and sons, Vernon and Walter, of Woodstock, spent the day at the Besley cottage at Lake Geneva, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Ovefton, daughters, Marguerite and Gwendolyn, and son, Richard, witfa Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowen and Mrs. Fannie Overton of Harvard have returned from a trip to Niagara Falls. They went by way of Ontario and came back around the lake by Erie, Pa., and Cleveland, O., making a trip of over 1500 miles. The entire trip was made in a Buick. IN HONOR OF DAUGHTER Mrs. P. J. Schaefer entertained a company of little folks at her home on Waukegan street on Monday afternoon of this week in honor of her daughter, Evelyn, whose fourth birthday anniversary came on that day. The little guests, as was to be expected, made the most of the afternoon and at an appropriate hour delicious refreshments were served. Those who made up the party were: Marcella, Freddie and Vernon Jerak, Ardina Hoff, Frances and Genevieve Tucek, Ethel Granger, Peggy, Loraine and Evelyn Schaefer. HIGH SCORES REGISTERED BY TARGET SHOOTERS Alfe# State of McHenr^ Co*rty)ss. ' In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. D. 1923. . :j, George A. Kloepfer,. Complainant «j vs. ' '» " Unknown heirs or devisees of Mathew Blaumiser, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Peter Blake, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Peter Miller, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of J. Young Scammon, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of John G. Roth, deceased, unknown owner or owners of the note secured by the trust «deed recorded in book C of mortgages, page 469, McHenry County Records, Mary R. Joslyn, David R. Joslyn, Marcellus L. Joslyn, and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real «state, to-wit: Lots' pumber twelve (12) and /thirteen (18) of the Assessor's Plat of Johnsburg, according to the plat thereof recorded ia the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book 43 of deeds on page 300, said lot number twelve (12) being located in and being a part of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section number thirteen (18) and said lot number thirteen (18) being located in and being a part of the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section number thirteen (13) in township number forty-five (45) north of range number eight (8) east of the third principal meridian, and situated, lying and being, in the County of McHenry, in the State of Hlinois, defendants. In Chancery Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the sheriff of said County returnable to the said court at its court room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 24th day of September, A. D. 1928. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, at my office in Woodstock this 22nd day of August, A. D. 1923. 11-4 Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. FOR SALE--A 35 acre farm near McHenry Good improvements. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry. 46 There will be dancing at the Fox pavilion on Sept. 1, 2 and 3. New fall styles are arriving every day at Blake Sisters', West McHenry. CEMENT ROAD PROGRESS CfVER IN LAKE COUNTY Two new stretches of cement road were opened in Lake county last week. On Friday the newly cemented Belvidere road between Green Bay and the Telegraph roads was opened, while the following day the Rockland road, from Telegraph road west to Lake Bluff to creamery station was thrown open to travel. According to present indications Sheridan road, between 22od street, North Chicago, and Lake Bluff will be opened one week from next Saturday. The Half Day-Libertyville road, from Townline road, north of Half Day to Libertyville, will be opened in about two weeks. Lake Villa-Antioch road will be opened in about three weeks, as also Grand avenue from Gurnee bridge west to the Lake Villa road. Grand avenae from Lake Villa to Fox Lake will be opened in about a month. STILL MAKING RAIDS IN LAKE COUNTY 1:30 Opening Exercises 1:45 Lecture... Maynard Lee Daggy 2:40 Recess 2:50 Sectional Meeting# ...... H#taan 3:5$ Physical Training .. # Prof. Fletcher Thursday Evening $:00 Community Sing, conducted s 5. by Asa M. Royce Special Music Lecture... Maynard Lee Daggy Friday, 9;©9 Opening •: f" <•** p <u j* State's Attorney Smith's dry squad raided the Fox Head hotel at Fox Lake on Wednesday evening and arrested William J. Emig on a charge of having violated the prohibitory law. Mr. Emig charges that the officers gave him a severe pummeling and that one of them struck him in the face several times. He was arraigned in the Waukegan justice court last Thursday morning, where he was released under $2,000 bond pending the filing of information against him in the county court. GREENWOOD MILL BURNS The Greenwood mill, for many years a landmark there, was destroyed by fire last week Wednesday afternoon. A backfire from the engine, which was started by the men shortly after dinner, caused the fire. This is the second time that fire has destroyed <a mill on the same site, the old mill burning down in 1894. Five hundred bushels of grain 'were also destroyed Car load of Pocahontas coal now on track. Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. Three crack Lake county target shooters were entered in the Great American handicap shoot as held at the .South Shore Country club, Chilast week. The three Lake county men entered were B. Dunnell of Fox Lake and J. Graham and Frank Stantbn of Ingleside. While all three of the men registered some very good scores, none were high enough to figure in the big winners, SEASON ABOUT TO CLOSE The end of the present week will witness the departure of many of our summer resorters, especially the families having children of school age, The Chicago schools open next week. As usual, there will be quite a number who will remain to enjoy the late summer and early fall season before returning to their winter homes or resorts as the case may be. There are now several resort owners in this section who pass the winter months at western or southern resorts. PASSENGER BOAT ALICES Will make trips every day to the lotus beds. Remember, the lotus beds are in full bloom now. Remember the Alice if you want a good time. Landing place, Bidder's McHenry House hotel pier, back of Star garage. Boat can also be chartered. For further information call phone 75-.R or McHenry House, No. Hi, Wm. Koeppe, captain. . ' ' PLANNING NEW LIGHTS The city of Crystal Lake is laying plans for the installation of a new system of ornamental street lamps in its business district. The proposed improvement will cost $8,915. According to the proposition as made by the city officials, property owners along streets where lights are to be installed will bear the expense of installation. On account of changing tenj$tifc:ttw undersigned will sell at public auction on what is known as the Potter farm, formerly known as the Frisby place, situated on the range line OB the McHenry-Griswold Lake road, three miles southeast of MeEttOy, two miles northwest of Griswipl4 Laka and about seven miles northwest of Wauconda, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, IMS commencing after lunch at 12:00 o'clock sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 37 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 37 --consisting bf-- 27 Head of Choice Cattle Holstein bull, brown Swiss Cow, 5 years old; black grade Holstein cow, 18 black and white high-grade Holstein cows, many of them springers; 6 Holstein heifers, some springers. Horses White mare, 12 years old, wt. about 1200 lbs.; black mare, 13 years old, wt. about 1200 lbs.; gray mare, 6 years old, wt. about 1100 lbs.; black horse, 10 years old, wt. about 1150 lbs.; spotted horse, 11 years old, wt. about 900 lbs.; bay mare, 6 years old, wt. about 800 lbs. Included in the Above are three good saddle horses. Hogs Two brood sows and 2 shoats. Farm Machinery and Tools McCormick grain reaper, McCormick corn binder, Emmerson hay loader, silo filler and pipe, 1 h. p. power stump puller, 8 walking plows, corn plow, corn planter, 12-disc pulverizer, 14-disc pulverizer, hay rake, large size milk wagon, 2 double wagons, 2 hay racks, 2 sets double harness, fanning mill, 14-in. gang plow, 16-in. sulky plow, Flying Dutchman manure spreader, 3-section drag, 2-section drag, International feed grinder, 6 h. Pt portable Witter gasoline engine, 2-horse Flying Dutchman mower, steel frame buzz saw, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that .amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum. No property to be removed* or possession of same given to purchaser ufttil settled for with the clerk. C. H. POTTER. Owner. C. W. Stenger, Clerk. There will be dancing at the Fox pavilion on Sept. 1, 2 and 3. FOR SALE--Beds and 1 mattresses. Will be sold very reasonably. Call phone 604-M-2, McHenry, 111. 12-tf WE HAVE PLEJPTY OF MONEY to loan on good farms, first mortgage only. A. A. Crissey, Marengo, HI. Phone 993. llM FOR SALE--A hard coal, self feeder stove. Will be sold very reasonably. Mrs. T. H. Bidder, Pearl/ Street, McHenry, HI. 12-lt* FOR SALE--Full size choice building lot on Waukegan St. Cheap for quick deal. Kent & Green, phones 34 and 85-M, McHenry, Dl. _ 12-lt FOR SALE--The Mrs^v Anna JL Bishop estate, consisting of a tenroom house and three lots near Fox river. L. C. Bishop, McHenry. 48-tf FOR SALE--Store mtfldlng and flat, located on Main street, Wast McHenry. A fine location and building in good condition. R. B. Walsh, McHeury, 111. 51 FOR RENT--A seven room house. Heat, gas and electric lights. $25 per month. Two blocks south of McHenry bridge. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 12-lt* FOR SALE OR RENT--Seven room house together with, two lots, fruit and garage. House has gas and electricity. Near park, McHenry. Inquire at his office. 12-lt* FOR SALE--The John A. Smith homestead of 169 acies. Two miles east of McHenry. Also for sale or rent the Lake Defiance farm. Stephen H. Freund, McHenry, 111. 3-tf FOR SALE--1923 model Reo touring car. $200 worth extra equipment. Driven very little. Price, $950. Phone Bonslctt, Calumet 5827 or 124- J, McHenry, on Sunday or Monday. 12 FOR SALE--Noah H. Pike property, between two and three acres of ground, with 132 feet of water front, •at Pistakee Bay. Will divide grounds. Will sell cottage and have it removed. Call at Grounds. Mrs. N. H. Pike, McHenry, 111. 12-3t MODERN FARM FOR RENT--280 acres, on cash basis of $6.00 per acre, Fine for dairy farm. Called Sayer farm No. 3*| Between Fox Lake and Pistakee Bay. Will be put in shape for dairy purposes. Inquire Sayer Farm No. 1» Pistakee, Bay., 10-3t At an age when many battecicsare in the scrap-heap, an Exide will be giving yon vigorous service. ' McHenry V ft" itfi - Is Your Gas Bill Correctly Addressed? Look at it carefully, please. Is the name spelled as it should be? Is the street number correct? If there is any error or omission please phone the Adjustment Qureau and give us an opportunity to rectify the mistake. This is important because your gas bill may be delayed in. delivery if incorrectly addressed. That would shorten the time before the discount expired and you wouldn't have a fair period of time in which to make payment Some month the bill might faH to reach you entirely, in Which case our collection department would erroneously send you a second statement. In order to avoid these difloulties and misunderstandings, we courteously request that, you cooperate by examining the address on your next statement and reporting any error. Western United Gas and Electric Company C. £. COLLINS. District Manacer n Sip3 • m Market your eggs at Erickson's. Opening m fall millinery. Sept. 15. Blake Sisters. Men's and boys' work and dress shoes at Erickson's store. Car load of Pocahontas coal now on track. Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry.; ~MTj'u~iAAri_rLn_n_r\n_rir>nnri^ftf*i^iM For 100 per cent Insurance in all branches, call on or phone ^ jffM. G. BGBRE1NBR fhone 98-R. Auctioneering McH|I!|BY k •V..-WW : ILLINOIS Community High* School KENT & GREEN Real Estate & Insurance Summer Resort, Town and Farm Property Phones 84 A 85-M i t McHenry, DL >• « Jrv--" - 'jfe •H0Z- '•%/$ifi '* - t ' '.; '-JPjfi*s r< . T--.. ' ACH MONTH sees the Public Service Company be- ^ ^ ^ come a part of the comm^pity life q£ a 51 group of customer^. //, 71 ^ Today the Company serves a territory of 6000 square miles --a greater area than that of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined. It numbers 220,160 customers living in 180 cities, towns and smaller communities. The fifteen counties comprised within its area of service have a population almost^"'* equal to the states of Vermont, Arizona, Delaware, Wyoming and Nevada combined. To serve this great family of users of electricity and gas, the Company has more than $70,000,000 invested in its properties, comprising electric generating stations, gas plants, substations, thousands of miles of transmission and distribution lines, gas. heat and water mains and other necessary property.^ It occupies 112 buildings variously located throughout the t|f territory. The lines of the company would staietsfr V the continent from New York to San Francisco. In 1922 the year's supply of coal amounting to 516,922 tons* required the movement of 9,399 freight cars o£ SS tone ^ capacity--the equivalent of a train 65 miles long. *5 ^ , * J6" ' f/' r \'T. > ? ^ Hi-. r ' » Si * V* *' "J •> . • 2,850 employes farm an army ready to serve the public. The payroll is* in excess of $5,000,000 annually, all of which con- % tributes to the prosperity of the communities served. i . All of this capital and human effort are concentrated upon : one purpose, and that is to give continuously good service.; I at the lowest practicable cost •-W- ^ m mm OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS G. £. SlcCiOfcLUM, District Sui>erinteiuieBt 1W Williams St., Crystal Lake, 111. ?• l' •&>/; f'" * ' 3*. 1 •a**: # *• •> '0i 3»tf 6* ""w Pi fj siVr i>t•, % ^ *7- "-V ' Hjh' •V- *•' ' '•J \p"4;$•}>!