tY ff wy-'.':P4 •m;. •*:m •& S»"f PETESOTS W-- §3-- 0*" •• #*>?$' * -.jo,: ••* *Sa m. ^OR SERVICE ^ - -A' V$t -'If we haven't got what you want, will get it for yblt; •hone ng-JN. H. PF.TF.SCHd rbc gisr Have Your Suit # Made to Measure By the world famous International Tailoring Co. A perfect fit guaranteed. We are showing the largest lines of all wool samples in every wanted color and design, produced bK the world's. b«at weavers. Boys' knickers and blouses. Shoes and oxfords for the whole fkmily in all the popular shades and styles priced to fit your purse. Men's shirts, collars, new nobby neck ties, silk knit, silk and wool, all silk and wash ties. r A fine selection of men's and boys' caps and hats. Good* Delivered Promptly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH . !&' %:y. i ,'kP"'.' • Realy good furniture wiU gfve you comfort, the satisfaction of long wear, and the great pleasure of au attractive home, furnished in good taste. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. •• %t-r % ms: is manufactured under the most sanitary conditions and by using the very latest machinery and equipment together with our years of experience enables us to turn out a cream that is not^ only delicious, but a health builder as well. Insist upon McHenry Ice Cream, manufactured in MeHeory and you Qro Ptfprfd of the beft. \|T ••••'S'" McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY ' C. UNTI, PROP. MAKE YOUR RONE PLEASANT WITI COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE 48 SEEN BY PLAINDEALBR EXPORTERS AND HANDED IN IT OUR FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer and sons^ spent last Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Geo. P. Freund and Mrs. M. J. Weber were Chicago passengers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Bogter spent a few days last week with relatives and friends at Forest Park. Mr. and Mrs- John Rarole of Chicago spent Sunday int the home of F. E. Boger and family. Jacob Miller of Clinton, Wis., spent Sunday and Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer. Miss Julia Wittine of Chicago spent the week end and Labor day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe. Mrs. Helena Heimer passed several days this week with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Hoffman, at Schaumt^rg. Mrs. S. J. Deinlein and daughter, Evelyn, of Chicago spent the latter part of last week with relatives here. Miss Fern Emrick of Monroe, Wis., has been spending the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bobb. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher passed Sunday as guests of the tatter's sister, Mrs. Jos. Hoffman, at Schaumberg. i Miss Margaret Costello and George Westermann of Elgin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gibbs the first of the week. Vincent and Grant Shea- left Monday for their home in Chicago after a two weeks' visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Mrs. Daniel Gilfoy and son, Joseph, of Chicago passed the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and children of Chicago spent the first of the week in the home of Mrs. Heuser's father, Mathias Weber. Mrs. Theo. Clemens and daughter, Marie, returned to Chicago Monday evening after a foiw days' visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer. John Meyer and Happy Weber took in the sights at the Milwaukee state fair a couple of days last week. They report the best time ever had at a state fair. Mr. and Mrs. Otis C. Murray and children of Geneva, 111., were guests in the McLaughlin home here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Alberg returned to Chicago Sunday night after spending a week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math. Steffes. Germer Petesch of Birmingham, Ala., spent several days this and last week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Miss Dolly Kirmeyer and Mrs. Bertha Zibold of Leavenworth, Kan., spent several days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs*Henry Dowe. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Alarum and child of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jus ten the latter part of last and first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schuenemann and children of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday in the home of his parent^, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemann. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardner returned to their home in Milwaukee, Wis., Friday after a week's visit in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Henry Degen. Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Hopkinson and daughter, Evelyn, and Miss Irene Dozois of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. George Garrity of Chicago passed the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. George Simes of Hebron, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and Mrs. Fred Burgman of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers, and daughter and Mrs. John Gullachson and daughter, Edna, of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers the first of the week. Mrs. Jos. M. Schoewer of Chicago passed the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Ruth, who has been spending the summer at the Schoewer home in this city. ( Miss Gertrude Kisch of Evanston spent last Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. She was accompanied home on Friday by the Misses Floribel Bassett, Pauline and Adele Pufahl, Angela Petesch and Lisle Bassett, who passed Friday and Saturday as guests in the Kisch home. Ernest Wendel, an old time resident of this city, was calling on friends in town one day recently. The former resident now owns a summer home at Root Springs near Cary, where he and his family are spending their summers. Mr. Wendel will be reirfembered by many of our older residents. The family while residents here owned and occupied the Jos. Dittrich place on Green street. ; NOTICE TO HUNTERS } Notice is hereby given that trespassing, hunting and shooting on my property, formerly known as the Schiller farm at McCollum's lake, are strictly prohibited. Will vigorously prosecute anyone not complying with the Above notice. E. P. Rich. MCHENRY'S •OHEOFMBSENE* THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 6 The Journey's End WITH Mabel Ballin Wye^ham Standing AND Bancroft AND THE COMEDY "SEA ELEPHANTS" . . ; sriviiVir-'** * '%!* FRI. & SAT, SEPT. 7 A 8 Martha!! Neilah PraMats • • 44 ft , y --with teatride Joy . AND ; £ Matt Moore ^ •• AND THE COMEPY ^SHIPWRECKED" •' " 1" T . i'",:";" ' SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER ». V Douglas MacLean v IN "BELL BOY ir AND ^ A SUNSHINE COMEDY SUNDAY MATINEE AT lilt TUES. & WED.. SEPT. 11 * 12 The Old Homestead WITH > Theodore Roberts, Geoi|^ir f' Fawcett, T. Roy Barnes, Harrison Ford, Fritzi Ridgway AND THE COMEDY "RWKT THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 13 "Silent Barriers" A HODKINSON PICiUKg EPWORTH LEAGUE HELD FALL RALLY SATURDAY and g a COU0M of with relatives h the metropolitan city. Mrs.«yj|. VanBPJifof F« Mich., pM'iid sevtiflt'&ys this tfwlt In the heate of hereon, Robot Thompson. Miss three wee! pects to points in Colorado. McHenry county sub-district of the Epworth League held its fall rally at Greenwood Saturday evening with about seventy-flve present from the leagues at Alden, Crystal Lake, Harvard, Greenwood, McHenry and Woodstock. There were fourteen in attendance from McHenry. The rally was in the nature of an "Institute Echo." The delegates who had attended the Epworth League institute at Conference Point, Lake Geneva, the* second week in 5uly reported their experiences. The games, yells, song% etc., which were used there, were made use of on the program of the rally. From McHenry, Louise Chamberlin and Rev. Raymond Sanger spoke briefly. In a brief business session the resignation of Miss Varina Wentworth of McHenry as treasurer was accented. Howard Miller of Woodstock was elected treasurer to succeed her. Miss Harriett Bobb of McHenry was elected third vice president to fill a vacancy left at the annual election. It was decided to hold the next rally the first Friday in November at Alden upon invitation from the r Aldm league by Rev. Putaaan. OSTEND Frank Kaiser, Jr., is a victim of quinsy. They all claim to treat you right. We really try. * Smith Bros. Arthur Hoppe is away from hom§,; spending his vacation before commencing school. Car load of Pocahontas coal now on, track. Alexander Lumber company West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe took a short vacation and drove to Chicago one day and back the next. Mrs. Hila Thomas recently returned from an auto trip up to Michigan with her daughter and family. Elbert Thomas, wife and son are off on an auto trip to northern Wisconsin to visit Mrs. Tfcamas' mother and: brothers. Some person took the liberty te drive over the road where it is forbidden. The workmen had forms in for cement and the drivers made bad work. There is no need of a mistake, for route 20 has signs up all along and gates with' lanterns lighted at night. It looks like some one was up to mischief. Perhaps it will not be well to have a second occurrence of the trip. MRS. KUHN HOSTESS TO SOCIAL'VHEEL Car load of Pocahontas coal now on track. Alexander Lumber company, West McHenry. -Ifi < 4 ,1, V* ' -1 . ' 'r"., ' Mrs. George Kuhn acted as hostess to the members of the Social Wheel at her home on Maple avenue on the afternoon of August 30. Three hours were most enjoyably passed at games, bunco and readings, while a most delicious luncheon was served by the hostess at. five o'clock. The next meeting of the society will take place with Mrs. Margaret Wallace on Thursday afternoon of next week, Sept. 13. Yon save wbjn yon trade at Erioksos's. v >*)&$/>> .. t \x .< w* r ' . ; V 1 . - ' v 1 > f » - . v U * . * r { r , f . , » v ' • , ^ * i , is jealous of its reputation for ' "^1 fi. Service -and seeks to justify it ^] .v ^• anew with each individual prob-r^'/^"'^:-t .•"? >;r- ' / , > " • j • lem presented to ft* -..v-. •<. - -p. ^ _ The knowledge and experience of this bank is available to its * ; friends and patrons at all times ^ ' regardless of the size of th transactions;' * \ " ••A'"-.:1'*' c *5T55Tir 1 »~sm DELCOHUGHT COMPANY Lda^dSt Producer of Electric Light Plants can they malm such an offer r~ Here is the inr stallation yoia get for *529--5£ |^Om Dvloo-Lltfht Plant, die mtk" pipulir tizt, Model 866--850 witti capacity, 32 volts (freight paid). a Ow standard Deloo-Ll^t Gxide BalUry.wldi shteen larf» capacity Olb with extra thick plate*, aa4 heavy |1iu )ars (freljbt O Th# installation el th® Plant and BatUry--«xcept purchaser to farnbh ooaorct* base aad battery rack. Wirlnf yeur house lor tea (10) B^ita to be leoated anywhere wUk. COm poatr outlet whatever T"® •mv waat it iutilM lo four boose. 4* Standard set of ten (10) drop li|ht> with sockets and the install at ion el these lights in your hoase. Tea (It) ^ brfbfc gimiUr outfit with small* "•<. *a»pUmt-MM*te08 $432. SO SoU ON maKf pnyiwh. f si mi dUu»m*t tor COMPLETELY INSTALLED ^ for the most popular fefm sije " plant ready to turn on the lijjBte QUANTITY ^ possible. The Delco-L?£fit f!!fempany electric lighting plants than any other manufao> turer. Over* 21 acres of floor spaoe are oocitpie^l ; by the great Dolco-Light Factories at Daytop* i > Whole carloads leave these factories daily, cal*» j rying Del co-Light Plants destined to brighten I farm homes far and wide throughout the lund. ', , ! . O ver 4,000 skilled installation men are daily will ing homes and installing these plants in alt p;trts of the country. Such quantity production and . such unparalleled installation facilities cnrble the Delco-Light Company to offer for the firft , time this Wonderfully low, installed price fqr tlie most popular farm-size Delco-Light Plant Never before has there bees such a •piondtf Opportunity to equip your farm with eiocirjp fight and power. Delco-Light wiH raalde. ; homy a better* brighter place in which, ta and work. You can make the hou#swork ca> i€|p lor the women. You can make life for the children. You eaa eavo JiaW*' qgll . profits far yourself. : * t You've wanted a Dclco-LMht Wan* i • Deleo-Light Plant Here is your C4>pc«*d»it* f DELCO-LIGHT COMPATWsf ;-:Vy ^ vt! ?- - : - n "••y S- ~ if-* V , / . " . j;.:. . • \\i ' • 'v.. ••• i oucangttucur