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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1923, p. 6

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ft tj_ ' I «, '. Is- V( *r '* , " , v" 1*' '< >, , wratrcrawiraLS comers and goersof aweck IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE IMS SEEN BY PLAINDEALEK RB> < » "PORTERS AND HANDED INBT OUR FRIENDS Harvey Baron spent KMdlf in t)te f-^>^v>Slettopolitott city. ^ ^ Glenn Wells wu ft Ghtea0> vis- .%br last Saturday, 1 • ' v Leo Heimer is spending a f«f s xjkiys in the metropolitan city. \ Cloiee Wagner attended to busisaa* ; y ; llatters iB Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. N. Miller were , Itfaujggan visitors Sunday evening. Harry HiteM -£* X Vatmom Vf to S90 It will p«y you to make a special trip to Chicago and order your Fall and Winter suit daring this salt; HARRY MMAM j; m nsfttW" ----- week Miss Helen Jwton was. among the Chicago paesengeJ* tfcftt SGftday evwin* r John. Aylward and Father Walsh of Elfin were McHenry visitors Sunday. Miss Eltiabetfc K. Miller is spending the W«ek wttU ftfend* i* Chicago. Miss Catherine Afefebumer spent the week! end withhease-folks? at La- Grange.- Mfss Ruth SfcJflkabwmd passed the week end a*.- the glHt: ot" *n Chicago. Miss- M*adi)» Qraager dfCMcago ppert the< weelfc iend' with iMlenry relatives* Mrs. Rred Jaaten and Miss Rose Hueraann mn- ESgitl' visttOW last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Schreiner are spending thte WvdU at the DIUb of Wisconsin. Mrs. Lomsar Lawless paused several days last week wiUr relatives in Chicane. J. E. Fletcher of Chicago passed the week etid as > the guest of McHenry friends. Mr. aod.Mxs. Rbbert E. Sutton and chiWren ofCMeajpe passed the week end in McHenry. Mrs. Joeephine Hehnerhas returned ftoH a several weeta^viatk with rela^ tires in Chicago.. Mr. and Mrs. Ctths. Sttlivan of Chfcage passed the w#ek end with McHenry friends. Mr. and- MH. Wtb Ayjward of Solon were. Sunday- gvestt of Mrs. Margaret McCarthy] Miss Marion Van Pattijtf of Chicago passed the week end' ^ the _ guest of Miss Esther Stofffl. Mrs. Jolnr F. Freund and Mrs. Ben Freund were Elgin visitors on Thtusday offlastweek. Mr. wt llfti. A. & Bums and son, Robert, of Oak Park were week end guests of McHenry relatives. Peter M." Justen returned home last Saturday from a two weeks' visit at Denver and Estes Park, Colo. Mr. and: Mrs. Win. Aebischer and week end guaat* ... F. Humeri lejsons of of* her M. C. C. Schoewer, XUdrad Klein, motored tft Miss LalliaaFiilnwillTetHiu*' tone last Friday evening from a several Mka' visit' with Obieapjo friends. Mr. and Hn Bd. Ii. Martin and daughters ^ at Woodstock spentr Stm* day. vtith reia*hres in this vkiftttyv Mr. tod Mrs. Geoag* Chesnat of D«mde« were Sunday gaest* i* home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie and little daughter of Chicago passed the wveld emfc wife MfcHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fraak SuUtvan of Chicago were week end guests ofthe latter's aunt, Miss E|len Doherty. Misses Florence and Eleanor Cowway and Mrs. Mary McCabe motored to. Elgin Sunday and calhsch on relatives Mr. and Mrs. Ttaoa. Frisby and Mr. and MTs. Ed-warn* Frisby of Chicago were Sunday guests of McHenry rela^ ttvea;- 4 Miss Opal OooJejr of' Roekfoid was a week end gnesf in tht- home oi har-parents, Mr. and Mm F. A. Cooley. ms, B. Maynard of Orys%aJ Lake spent- the ftfat1 of tWS weefc ifl the home of' her- dauglitei;- Blirs. Franklin Ensign.- Ray Walsh of Waukegan was the guest of' relatives here Sunday and attended the Anttoch-Algonquiil baseball game. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Daly and children of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Krause. • Mr. and Mm Edward Dowiing o# Ohioage spent the week end in the> home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans. Henry J. Pitxsn and little son, / of Racine, Wis., were week end- guests in the home of Mr.v and Mrs? Joe N. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. James Bfcyle and little daughter of Chicago were week end guests in thte home • of the former's fMHtor,' John BeyM. MY. and Mrs. J6hU Jfc Millfer and1 tV St«ff4i pM--lit sawecak .«• ia St. _;r Myrtle 6row of Chicago wwnr arli^jk-eB*: goesl< oivMiss Dorothy •liMjllWi, EHisabeth aad Omm attfi^& lrthe- M^ritz-Dwyer wedding in OiMca«ai^ lfaki Saturday. 411^ BaatMura< Engete left Sandayr ^ea *wint withther daawtrter, Mm L„ H. Bakar», at Greenville, Mich. • Mrs, h M. Deffenbau and daughter, Ja«e Marie, .of CWeago. ppaaed^ last weak as soMta of Miss • Dorothy Fhiftln * Miss Kathleen O'Reilly went to phieago • Sunday evening, where she voail make he* future home with her lister, Mrs. Wm. Gillespie. , Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Anderson jutd little daughter/ Helen, of Rockford were Sunday guests in the home pf Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickseiu Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dnrland and children of Chiicage wiere Sunday guests in the heme of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Henry Sdhuenemaim. < Dr. aad; Mrs. A. L Froehlich and daughter, A dele, left Sunday by atrto for a: several; weeks' visit with the foriUMto paveaftr at W1hneh«go, JAinn. Mesdames Anton FltiieV and Anna Adamek of Algonquin passed last Friday as guests in the home of the former1!#- dtfUghta^ : M#a.- Richard Fldmm^ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holderness, Mr. and Mfs. Geo. Blake and son, Dale, &n<^ Peter Ettelson of Kenosha spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Steilen. azaar held in t^^4^Ta|iMntly. 1%^ 0. F. HrlF utrnfl'tf' 1H»t move into their new buUdfnif &tt Grave avepuar. Alfin* the first of the week. T1k|k€^Q9tal Lake business and proftarional men are naidng a ready re-* ypoase- to the apftNd.for ftndi V«hieh to defray,the^eoat of aatw.»y»i tem of ornamental lights for» the business sections of > that? city> The total costs' of. the proposed improviMeat will be approximately $4,000. Thomas' Kinknr, fifty-one year old Algonquin" resident) teok) his life at hies home in that vilMg» last Saturday morning by drinking three ounces of carbolie. acid. He had been employed at the American Ironing Machine Company plant there untii about two weeks ago, when he was Hid off. His inability to find wwk' is • thought te have prompted the raafc acti He is survived by. his widow. • A warrant, charging'"Dkge Fraairf' ALFORD FT. POUSE fry PfiMa IT A «. 'fm MeHeary, lit Telephon«Ne. 10SJL. SIMON StOFFEL taauranoe agent for all classes of property in the, beet companies WEST McHENRY, - ILLINOIS the following morning near* barricade Stated kegan¥ down nnd ijBtod J. Wild^ man for the Merrick Construction company, on Grand avenue near the Lehmann farm# Lake YiUa, abootr eleven o'clock last Friday night e&en his machine went thru a bind* cade. The machine is Mid po have been traveling at a high rate of speed as it carried the barricade *. distance Alfred Bonslett of Chicago the we^k end with" his parents, M(f. tand Mrs. John Bonsletti ' John Mnrphy of Woodstock paasal/" Stinday in tltf»"«tty. ' V'^ Mr. and Mia. Peter J. Heimer weit Chicago visitors the first of the weefc. - VWSMWWWWWWVAMWWWtMWWWWtAMI k £ See. ffow Rrr b Wffl Go Wm. You want fresh ceries of the highnsti quahty al the most rea* solvable pt i o« si We give y<w» yon v^an ^ Otrr satisfted custodiers are our high? est recommendation. We sell the best on the - market at the- Um&fr possiblepficee*- M. M. Niesen MCHenry Phone 41 £icm*eN* jfci. I' rlv0r»p. R ^ TH >0t) VMOUESOHC f 000 A iMUKX f^U6&44C&0u. ,0N NOffttltKl ElSE j f Am.\ti f eto TR'.E men aad the women who protected their families' health take a serious interest in the food question. They know that the high quality of our foods protect their folks' health and serve to make their lives healthier and happier. Watch foir Hippy Pkity FRETTS' HmwstmmM. DURING. THE FALL AND WINTEB- SEASOU I will.continue to come to McHenry every Sunday and Monday. I havi improved facilities here which; enableb me to test eyes, as well es in my bl^r office in Chicago. Do not hesitate to see me as consultation and examinaie tion and free of charge to all and fot the poorest* of (the poor will make a pair of glasses free of charge. Ife you intend seeing meK up a week ahead. We do not use any medicine in your eyes. I have over 460 satisfied patients in this township. Dr. O. KELLER, Optometrist aad Optici Cfcieago Address M< 3407 N. Paulina St VI0m 16? Phone Graceland 9540. [effinry, BL 1C sii inn in mi, 1 iai J i, ih in 1111 . r•). m jlstu , , \=u- , 'Til |:S:i - •• v.-; « • ' - V ' 9 a "i'/ A * V , '.•* .> Z' J*. I# SfrA« [• v. ; V:. LI * :-3" *'• "¥• , *'•> ? *. **}•} " •' -D • - :• "?» • '. v/-- v,? .. • - *'>V S 'N *•- 1 * ' '*v \ . , «. 'f . . ; 1 V»' \ > - 7 '. * ' ' . , " - .'J? s - ' : pv- '/ft, .• • • "V /A. ' t J. -. £>• - '• * K: , * ^ • ° 'il , -ik- . .'h" with its modern equipment is ever m 1®^ i \ Orders for business stationery always receives k^*i iA 'VS.' r'^V.. ;?;r v'X •f- : f i v . fe'; m §M. W- "TW^. '::>i C' Jr v*' /i.- 1:: iv*.rA^r^..'. i-.* / *.s.r . . u- ... u-T ,f,^r -* . I ,..k J«. .? iv. Mly ...S.. .f*f» «**.&, ^ M.. 4* uh ijj.. --i v 9. .. ^ ±..x*i ;• i>hv, *4. ^ ,

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