' Vv; " ~ v / < v ^ -t ,,»• * V «»? •**$<?**«( tel^F: . .* 2 « . . &v' ?,- M. ^ 4*r Essential lb Profitable *550 The Utility 1 # Kxfwm Truck afaNfii. Chassis Only /.o. b. flint* MicJufl Fits any Standard Truck Body No badness can auCcecd nnleaa its product is profitably «oU4 MMooaatt nfanrmnis nhaavvee aa £fi n* prod*u--ctJi--on dJ epartment *b at no sa*l es U J^^^^^ThaT gio^ crop# and atoek boo^bt by boyws whop One of the chief seasons for Ab unprofitable rfh-*i«w Is thai* i averag<T farmer's poor faciUde. tori^n«hi, crop, or «Sk Jp tbe pUcMrbere ha can sell or •shhiipp tto tthe bbeesatt aaddvvaanntatagg e^ Because of the time and expense of horse delivery millions - dollars worth of produce spoils annually on American farms. The saving of thia waste would* in many cases, change a losing farm to a monry-maker. ? This low-priced, high-grade, reliable truck was lit ilgnal as at'. money-saver and money•mak e r for farmers and business house* * needing fast low-cost haulage of heavy or bulky gooda. It feta •ay standard type of ton truck body. Ask any Chemist dealer for price of the style of body you require. j"'; aPsas, RotUfr 5-Pass.. T ouriraa . . S^Mtior 1-Pui. Utility Coopt Prices /. S. b. FUnt, Michigan •W Commercial Can 4*5 640 rU|h<Ddiw* . . _ - Sopcrior Commercial Chassis Nisllll S'Pm. Sedan . . . 795 Utility Expr en Truck 53 Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere Chevrolet Motor Co., Detroit, Mich* Division of Qcneral Motors Corporation THE McHKHBY PLAOTDEAT/ER, UeWSSfU% TLL. Big Brieve in Massachusetts b Ruined by Flames NOtKvs View of the Are wrecking ibe big North End bridue, spanning the Connecticut river between the city of Spring- Held 8nd the town of West Springfield, Mass. A b^lak west wind, the fact that the nearest hydrant at either end was more than a hundred yards from the bridge, the buret ing of the first three lines of hose laid and the inability of tthhee Sbpprrilnnggffiieelldd ddeeppaarrttmmeenntt to obtain motorboats from which to fight the flames rendered tUfc flromon ntmriv help- **--v- loas la about »1.000.000.*/ "v. v * ^ .... , • '" 11 --fc.-i .a-;...;.! ' ••• • ;8. • • Discovers SHINOI^A AMERICAS HOME SHOE POLISH Jim. Black - Tan - White - Ox-Blood - Brown SHOKNA and the Shmola Home Set should be in every home. Every member of , the family can use it fot h gives the quick easy shine. The thine that preserves leather and resist* weather. SnnoiA in die hand(y quick opening box with the key. It's easy to shine with the Home Set. "The Shine fot Mine** RAPID PROGRESS IN THE AIR Recent Strldee Made In Aeronautics Have Been Almoat Bewildering I' . in Extent and Variety. it progress In aeronautics has been almost bewildering In its extent and variety. The world's speed record now stands at nearly 245 miles r>er tiour. Awe-inspiring endurance records and a nonstop coast-to-coast flight are likewise to the credit of our army air service. Engines on fall-power tests are now expected to run 250 hdnrs continuously. Gilders remain aloft for many hours with nothing but air currents and tbe skill of their pilots to sustain them. Helicopters have risen vertically, hovered over a given point, made complete circuits in horizontal flight. Airplanes have been attached to dirigibles while both types of aircraft were In rapid flight. Metal Is displacing wood In the construction of airplanes. Pilotless planes carry out complicated evolutions.-- Scientific American. 8cota Made Pistols. Before the advent of the American revolver, the Scottish cities of Perth. Stirling and Dundee were great centers of the pistol-making industry. Scottish pistols were famous as far back as 1515, and were exported to many countries. There were at one time nearly 100 concerns In Scotland engaged in the industry,. „ Plow Lays Cable. The plow lias been set to work lay* lng electric-light cables.* A cast-steel implement for deep plowing was adapted for the purpose, and with a small force of workers the plow installed 1,600 feet of single, lead-covered cable in one day. It was fitted with a clamp to bold the end of the cable, and a gasoline engine, with a drum, was hitched to the drawbar. The cable was pulled along beneath the surface of the ground by the plowshare, so that, as the plow proceeded the cable was laid in the trcnch made. Th eompany making the-experiment attained a still better record when the plow was pulled by a more powerful gasoline engine. Appllcat'on of th« device Is limited to use In city parka or In suburban Installations when cable has to be strung across a large lawn. The outfit can be hauled anywhere by a small truck. Lightning's Prankjjb - Lightning plays pranks Wtittll its not so easily explained. Some years ago a Russian steaiqpr crossing th* Black sea was strucK by lightning three separate times within seven minutes. Though set on fire, ber crew managed to put out the flames and get her back to port. A wheat ship on Lake Huron was struck twice within three minutes, each time In the same spot. The second flash set baa oil fire and, fibe sank. I"'"'1 I "II'"7Y» >UWI"J JJJ • Why the Doctor asks: ^ "Do you drink coffee ?' F< you are troubled with headaches, insomnia, indigestion, or sluggishness of tbe liver or bowels, probably one of the first que®- tions your doctor asks i% **Do you drink coffee?" ^ He knows, better thai! anyone else, that the drug, caffeine, present in coffee^ lands to Irritate the nervous system and is a frequent cauaa of 4isturbancs » health. ' If COHR TSOSCS troubla, and you value health, stop Coffee ^and drink Postum. Postum te a pure ueverage--araoiuteiy nw from caffeine or any other drug. It has a delicious flavor, that many prefer to coffeew £35=33321 Voor grocer mils Postum in two forms; Instant Postam (in tins) prepared instantly in tbe cop ky tbe addition of boiling water. Postum Ceraal (in packages) for thoae who prefer the flavor brought oat by bailing fully 20 minutes. The SDStof either form ia about ooe-balf cent a cqpt Postum -- FOR HEALTH -- "There's a Reason Prospector Finds Ore Worth $10 Ton in Bogus Cave Near * Richland Center. Klcbland Center." Wis.--Wisconsin Is ;now among the gold-producing states of the Union. Ore, containing $10 worth of gold and an ounce of sliver in each ton. has been discovered by W. EL Warren, prospector. In Bogus cave on Bogus bluff, a mile and a half from Gotham. Richland county. Assays have been returned to Mr. Warren with the ore be had tested, which will convince the most dubious. The ore was exhibited at the Richland county fair. "I have known that there was gold there for a long time," said Mr. Warren. "I have received assays from other samples tested which proved them to contain between $4 and $8 worth of gold and a little silver." Mr. Warren believes that this discovery will pay him to Install machinery to remove tbe ore from the ground. Cave Famous Many Years. Ten dollars to tbe ton is a high percentage for low grade ore," be com tinned. "And then, too, the deeper 1 dig the better it gets." Bogus cave has been famous for many years. Its history Is a continuous story of mystery and adventure. Between 1872 and 1875 It was connected with the operations of a daring gang of counterfeiters. Signals have been seen flashing from Bogus blult, which were answered as far away as Blue Mound, more than 25 miles. **I don't believe the counterfeiters ever made their money here," said Mr. Warren. "The rooms are too dark and too small. They may have used it for a storing place, however." Before the days of the counterfeiters Bogus cave was a refuge for Indians. Many Indian relief have been unearthed by Mr. Warren tn bis excavations in the cave. "In one room I found a white domelike structure, which must have been used at one time for an altar," said Warren. , Yellow Stone Qava It Name. Tbe name Bogus bluff did not come from the counterfeit moflfey believed to hp ye been made there, Mr. Warren tefela. In 1850 his father began digging around Bogus for gold, and as his efforts were rewarded with only a yellow stone which looked like Island and Title of Prince (or $10,000 Cagllarl, Sardinia.--Why marry worthless prince when you can buy principality and bestow It band of your own choice? gold, but was valueless, tbe neighbors said be was digging "bogus" gold. Mr. Warren's father was forced to give up bis work because of his lack of monay. He told his son that some day he must return and continue the enterprise. W. EL Warren was born In 1853, but It was not until three years ago that he could save enough money to return from the YCest The land arpund Bogus cave is owned by Ward Lamberson, Richland Center. The miners have promised to glvfe Mr. Lamberson one-flfth- of whatever they find. Mr. Warren's father furnished him with a detailed map of the cave which had been given him by an Indian of the Chippewa tribe. It is 1 $10,000, the princely name Included, a a on a hus- So argued an enterprising Sardinian realtor la trying to sell a Mediterranean island to an American woman. The woman was not In tbe market for a title, either with or without S prince, but she promised to mention the alluring prospect to some of her friends, and thus extracted further Information about the property from the enterprising real estate man. He withheld the name, but assured her the Island Is well located and is highly desirable, both as a summer and winter residence. It has an old castle, which is in need of repair, several hundred acres of vineyard and farm land badly In need of modernization, and two villages, also badly In need of repair, with about 500 inhabitants. The entire property is offered for SAY "BAYER" when you Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians ftit^ Colds Pain Headache Toothache Neuritis Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism to Ite Accept only "Bayer" packaga which contains proper directions* Handv "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also Dottles of 24 and 100--Druggists* •Mift eC at|*r Meaeteetnr* at lionoeceucacideiur et StUcrliokcIS i M .nuoa Two pleasant way, to relieve a cough . Take your choice and iuS tor taste. 8-B--or Mentha! vor. A sure relief for coughs, eotds and hoarseness. Put one la your mouth at bedtime. Alwmya keep a box on hand. MAlUt SMITH BROTHERS ;h DROPS SB. COUG MEN" Famou* sine* 1847 MENTHOL (mmy emiondttKf rather generally believed In Richland county that Mr. Warren Is really digging for a burled treasure. with a guaranty that the present hold* er of the title will legally sanction Its transfer. PLAN TO OPERATE BARGE TRAINS ON MISSISSIPPI Company Designs Transport on River Like Railway!* iBt Louis.--A new system, feffcwted to mark an era In Inland waterway transportation. Is planned by a group of prominent St Louis business men who have Incorporated the Standard Unit Navigation company. Under the plans, transportation on the Mississippi and other rivers would be handled In a manner similar to railroad transportation. New types of towboats and barges are to be used, extensive trials of which have proved successful, officials said. Explaining the methods,' Carl J. Baer, one of the directors, said that, instead of the huge barges tn use on the lower Mississippi, the system provides for small barges, linked together like freight cars on a train. The towboats. which will have a displacement of about one-third that of craft now In use for the purpose, will, nevertheless, develop as much power. Propulsion of the boats will be paddles fixed on an endless chain on each side of the boat. "The barges will be small, having a capacity of from one to three ca# loads, continued Mr. Baer. Tralnw of barges would be made Up In a fashion similar to freight car trains. A barge Good Reaaon for It. <MIss Johnson -- Melindy Jackson says she has blue blood In lier veins. Miss Toiuson--Well, she orter hab. De female side ob her house has been handln' washln'-bluln' for ten ^en'rations L i Rare Nerve. atlstress--I worty so over your mUi takes and shortcomings that m§. dresses no longer tit me. W'i! Bridget--Then perhaps ye"ll let n4 have wan or two, mum.--Boston Tram script. " «3f MOTHER! GIVE SICK "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" designed for a river port would be dropped at that port, and the train would proceed, picking up loaded barges at different points. "Division of the rivers, like railroad divisions, would be established, the towboats hauling the barges through their divisions and delivering the tow to other boats at the division points. The design of the towboats and barges will be such that they cat* operate efficiently In three feet of water." Mr. Baer pointed out that under the proposed method gulf-to-the-lakes service would immediately become feasible by using the present canal from Chicago to the Illinois river and then to the Mississippi. He added that towboats and barges of the new type had beet) contracted for, and that tbe service was expected to begin nest summer. Finds $5,680 In Waste Paper. New York.--A man emptying waste paper on the pier at Old Orchard, found a long, black pocketbook containing $5,680 in checks, cash and notes, and bearing the nam«9 Edgar HL Rhodes. Mr. Rhodes explained that he missed the pocketbook the day before. It is supposed that he laid It on a shelf In his studio and It was brushed Into the waste paper basket. JOKE ON COUNTRY YOUTH LEADS TO HIGH POSITION Given Mythical Job and fs Wow Vice President of Firm. Mew York.--Members of the office force of a New York mercantile establishment gathered round a festal iboard In a downtown restaurant recently to celebrate the anniversary |of the vice president's connection with it he firm. The main entertainment of the affair was the big boss deacrtpitlon of how the guest of honor originally got his Job. A little more than 15 years ago the office had been puzzled by the receipt of a crated typewriter from an up state town. It was addressed to some one unknown In the establishment. A few days later a young man. bearing all the marks of a country youth of that period, arrived^nd announced jhe was ready to go to fork. "Work? Who said work?" asked the executive in charge. "Why didn't you send for met* asked tbe young man. Thrfs my typewriter over there In the cornet now." "•eil, we never sent for you." Insisted the executive. "There must be some mistake." Then, just as tbe country youth, surrounded by tbe smiling office force, was about to shoulder his typewriter and go forth among the pitfalls of the great city, the big boss happened along and stopped to learn the cause of ttie commotion. The bose seemed Interested and directed «thut the young man be sent Into his private office. «* The Interview lasted several minutes. It developed that one of ihe traveling salesmen of the firm thought he would play a joke on the ambitious clerk of a general store where he was selling a bill of goods. Bt had told the young man that the firm wanted him and all he bad to do was to ship his typewriter, go down to the city and make his fortune. V When the country youth came\out of the boss* private office he walked" over to his typewriter, kicked the crate off. pqt the machine on a desk and settled down on his road to thf vice presidency of the corcern. * ,1 Daughter for Adam and Eve. Londonur-Tbose familiar with the story of the Garden of Eden--and that's everyone--pricked up their ears, figuratively, when It was snnounced that a daughter bad been 2b0o rn to Eve, wife of A. D. Adam, at Myddleton square. It wasn't announced whether the ohtyd will beer a biblical name.' ' "Old Curiosity Shop" la Sold. London.--The "Old Curiosity Shop" In Lincoln's Inn fields, familiar to all lovers of Dickens, has been sold for $11,250. Thtf purchaser, J. A. Phillips, said he bought the shop te preserve It as a curiosity. WicTow Gets Husband by an Odd Proposal Chicago.--Mrs. Leo Garflnkle got a husband the other day by a sly hint to William Printer, proprietor of s cafe. "Why don't you get married again?" she asked Printer. "I have a good woman for you. I will arrange a meeting." t "No. thanks," said Printer. "She might not be my style. Now if she were you--yes. that would be different." Tbey were married a few days Ister. - » • Authorities In Reykjavik, the capital, are considering utilizing the nAtural hot springs and geysers there to beat the whole country. Preliminary plans call for the waters from tbe springs to IM> bright into tbe city through wooden pipes. Tbe waters from tbe geysers and springs are both sulphurous snd radioactive, and it Is hoped s medical spa In the Arctic may be established there. Iceland to Use Hot Springs for Heating ' Bwgcn, Norway.--in Iceiand, where one would suppose coal was a most essential commodity, it has been announced the Icelanders are about to do away with that heating medium. ! New Invention Will Steady Guns on Ships Chatham. England.--Important experiments are being made here with a gyroscopic instrument designed to abolish the rolling of warships. The apparatus has been fitted to a ship In the Chatham dockyard. Thorough tests are to be made at sea. It is generally agreed that if the invention proves a success It will have an almost revolutionary effect on naval warfare, because one of tbe greatest difficulties which the naval gunner has to encounter at present Is the continual rolling of the ship. By the Introduction of large bilge keels/jfrftid other Improvements In design. Xtfa^val architects have been able to reduces the rolling very considerably during the last few years, hut many difficulties still present themselves. The modern battleship Is so enormously heavy that, once she starts roiling, a long time elapses before she recovers her balance. Harmleee Laxative for a Blllou* Constipated Baby er Chili Constipated, bilious, feverish, or sick, colic Babies * and Children love to take genuine "California Fig Syrup." No other ^ laxative regulates^ the tender little M bowels so nicely. It sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels acting without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits t Insist upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions.-- Advertisement. Efficient She--I heard you singing In yopr room this morning. He-Oh, I sing a little to kill time! She--You have a good weapon 1-- London Tlt-Blts. CORNS A FEEUNG OF SECURITY Ton naturally feel secure when yo* know that the medicine you are about t<» take is absolutely pure and contains noharmful or habit producing drugs. Such a medicine is Dr. Kilirtfcr'a Swamp* Root, kidney, liver and bladder remedy. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. It ia scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. It ia not a stimulant and is taken in te&spoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. It is nature's great helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. • A sworn statement of parity is with every bottle of Or. Kilmer's Swamp- Root. If you need a medicine, you should have the best. On sale at all drag stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to try this {creat preparation send ten cents to Dr.^ Kiliper & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for * .sample Hottle. When writing be sur^ <|iid mention this paper.--Advertisement. Repeaters. " fie' (with great dignity)--Then this is absolutely final? She--Absolutely. Shall I return your letters? He--Yes, please. I think they're good enough to use again. Stop their pain $ in one minute J| For quick lasting relief from corn, •* Dr. Scholl't Zino-pads stop the paia •>' W "j is one minute by removing the cansS f ^ - -j --friction and pressure. 1 Zino-pads are thin, safe, antiseptic, j kaling, waterproof and cannot produce infection or any bad after-effects. j Three sizes--for corns, callouses and • "M bunions. Cost but a trifle. Get a baa to> ^ (Aay at your druggist's or shoe dealer's* ~ DlScholl's a 'Zino-pads Phtf on# on - the patn it gnit* • ' -- • I l f 1 ' * • i ' ...I i. "i'i aH. ':XS Old iSotts Zonite is remarkably effective ia healing old sores and slow healing wounds. Used in a strong solution, it w31 dissolve dead tissue, remove proud flesh and stop the discharge of pus, rendering the sore clean and healthy. A milder solution used daily will aid in rapid healing. 76nik 222 -- FREE BOOK ON CANARIES Our free book tells you the difference in canaries; how to buy, and how to care for a canary In sickness and health. Write for your free copy today. ST. LOUIS SEED CO, JBT. LOUIS, MO--Advertisement Despondent. "f think I'd like to mix the pickles In a gherkin foundry. '., remarked a despondent citizen. "I don't believe I have sense enough to get pretzels properly twisted."--Louisville Cour^ ler-Journal. COUGH FORTRfi Cr-OvtUtevviHw j BbAy tSMAAMD. AFMoSr 7Z0O yDtArtO laosor plceo ahgavhds .r eclioekdb o, n bthoitsn wwioMsdae rftoold r nostehdoyr ••mront-ethaiaaJtb agil.m tcts. "Sa f t for chii"d rm. Fte- SoM EvmrywhtTm--ZSe. HALL & RUCKEL, N. Y., MFKS. . *> ' VaLJ-V , Squaws in Alaska Want While Men as Husbands Anchorage, Alaska.--Within a few decades, full-blooded natives along the southwestern coast of Alaska will be scarce, according to Charles Coach, who has spent much time in the lower Cook Inlet country. The squaws refuse to marry fullblooded men because*the white men are better provl^prs and offer better opportunities for social advancement, Mr. Coach explained. Only the educated native who has some regular mode of earning a living has a chance to win a young squaw. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION INDIGESTKW & BELL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief 25* AND 75$ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Girls! Girls!! Save Your Hair With Cuticura Saay 25c, OkUil 2S ami Stc, Talr GREEN MOUNTAIN i ASTHMA COMPOUND quickly r«Ueres the distlMN* tng paroxysms. Uaed tie 56 yeara »ud result of toes' experience la tre»m«nt M throat »nd lung UiiiBaof W Dr J. H. Guild. FRKB TRIAL BOX, TreatUe oo Asthat*, He causes, treatment, etc., seat on request. t5e and Si .00 aS drugs:-/.* J H. Guild Co.. Box 75, Bupvrt. Vfc Pint Writing Ink 25c Uitart lit MK nattf >IM Mart •rtMas M I* itaethr f«r tray vritlaf p«r»«se wfcta ntar k auH All *rt»ln( lak It 99 Nfti «at<r. A rtftt mMm| wrftisi ink 1*r tanttln |«M. iM. ar aay stw M csntalM K9 ic 14$, qarns u tdfcwhm wfclr* wnti h2 'j0* l-utt *» t«fl| «t MM M«. CumtM mmf «l«ta »r BMwy talk. rt«t miiK SSt: 5 tint »att> 11.00. Ms itiSH Swt *s !?«'*•< Isrtart lik C*. to* 101. 39 IT~ Tklrtf St., C i Met I, Ml*. 8 Alt Ford Uudcl* Abaulutei? t nd«r surprising proposition. S*rt'\l 13c to cov«*r wU ®NII 1 WILL CONIPLTT# DFTTL'S. A. IA W'El.LBR, Ford Box 152. Ccilla. 0% CADVS C. C. K.--For Asthma. Hay Bronchitis, C«t«rrh. Con<h». Coids. Cruajfc WhoupinK CoUKh: Tonlo. R>vly-Build*r bottle Cady-Parker Co.. Way cress. Oj, %Van(rtl--Man »r Wiau. 0-«n p<-rm«aMA bu»inr&s; ficl. county rights; unllm oppori^ lurise profits, everything turn., Info-nt. 1 Olsen-MqUaln Co.. S 5ith St., i 7.'*;:. .i.S*f WAII, CHICAGO, NO.