TOFFE bntum i|Ht for all: property in th« best WEST MeHKNRY, ' - ' ILLINOIS (^p. CuUitUUlllty School KENT & Baal Estate # mmer Resert, T©wn and Farm McHenry, m. For ICS par cent Insurance In all branches, call on or phoaa 8CHRE1NER Auctioncuilng McHEN^Y :: :: ILLINOIS DANCING -ATJonas' Hall, Johnsburg Wed., Dec. 5th CUSTOMERS DO MOST OUR ADVERTISING *'. %> 1 '4 oww® Elsin.70-74 Grove At*. 1 Rockford, Opposite Coort HoMt Aaron, 31-33 Lalaad AT*. lue, 57MM Mate St. ^ ort. 5-7 W. IUa St i HHN Lafayette S|>S: B4MI.U7-421 Fourth St. %:M MUt, M-ttt Ivfferaon St. / , m-m, Milw«uke*St i, Msconic Templer v , 11-13 Main St. -< -- ij?"* *j , U5 Sowtfa Admi S^, -T^ •; (,OMNN.WitK8t,: * You notice ear "ads" are small bea user of Leath Furniture Is proud to show it to their friends. Young people like .Leath Furniture because it is mofle beautiful, bulltio* comfort and eosts no more. Swjgessful Home Furnishers Successful Home FurniiitA ' Free Delivery For IM MBit* 0 a •V*S| ; 4» iL^*. - n«,:# • $•;'. ••V-: Better Music--and More of It--. "with a (julbrataen \f/HAT a Joy to go to your Gulbrsnsen ami plaf aHbsft -r*'*• •V you w*nt,when you want tol i What a satisfaction to | expression--that, during the music, I _w But--playing alone, or entertaining a group of toend% • You'll want the particular music that fits your mood, ot( * da occasion. You'll want variety. Variety--certainly the Oulbransen gives you F«f W QwUmimen plays all mask rails--any Kind--any make--* man dsctric reproducing rolls. It gj*m yom a gmmr Ubmtj efvnitic thanany player-piano! v WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JEWELRY FOUR MODELS! $600 -$700N MUSIC STORE ,_JBRANSENi The 1iegistering Piano y..-. ; * -Mam I 'Tour" Coupe Providing roomy comfort for four this Buick four-cylinder Coupe brings the luxury of its particular body type within the reach of all ? ^ ^ I* wide ««tfcrtwo placed well back from . i > the driver's position and the cushioned frying :for a fourtb occupant are H^gn^ aid % ^ arranged with more than ample room for restla «f Ta. U.J VK.I a •«.. • a - 8r ,'t fill ease. Its body, Fisher-built, is beautifully finished and richly appointed. It is powered 4 with the famous Buick valve-in-head •v-V" while proved Buick four-wheel tgsfaa assure . mater ilrfofn* '• * -vj . mmu^ C.;-V • - i±\: rL if *r~, U-, OVERTON & COWEN i&jer :¥<£ rHENRY, ILL.! HARVARD, OJ|; soled dtoet, F. Qoinlan. faefc wMJi M-75. Smith '-JiUHl cushion Bros. A carload of fine Northern Spy apples, |3.S0 par 100 pounds, at Ericksnn'a, Mrs. Martha Bradley of Woodstock spent several days last week here with relatives. Edwin Hawley spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. D. O. Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. G. A. Stevens entertained the Ladies' Bridge club from Richmond last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder and Mrs. Flanders ware ISgin shoppers last Saturday. Mrs. Rilla Foss and sons, Wayne and Floyd, were guests of Harvard friends Sunday. Mrs. Jay Bennett of Belvidere was calling on old neighbors and friends here last Thursday. Most complete line of radio and electrical supplies in McHenry county. East Side garage, McHenry. We are now ready to make of repair any type auto top or curtairis. East Side Service station, phone 138-J. Mrs. Nellie Hodge of Lake Geneva was a welcome guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown were Sunday guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. James McDonald, at West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and son, Byron, of Ashton, Ill., were week end guests of Mir. and Mm. *H. M. Stephenson. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 98-R. Miss Grace Pearson had a vacation last week from her duties at the bank. She spent most of the time with friends in Chicago. George Shepard same home from the hospital Saturday night and spen Sunday with his family, returning the city again Monday. Dressed fancy poultry, ducks, chickens and turkeys. Orders, now being taken for Thanksgiving delivery. Lewis McDonald, West McHenry. Phone 638-M-2. 28-2t Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson attended the funeral of H. O. Small at Lake Geneva last Thursday. Mr. Small will be remembered by many of our people as he was the harnessmaker and postmaster here at one time. The Sunday school is going to send boxes of old clothing and Christmas gifts to the children in the Ozark Mts. of Missouri in the near future. Anything is acceptable, so if you have a contribution of any kind please leave it at the home of" Mrs. Emma Brown before Dec. 1. The Ladies' Aid society wffl hold their annual chicken pie dinner and bazaar on Wednesday, Dec. 5. There will be a good supply of aprons and a very fine display of fancy warfc for sale as well as a .candy booth. Dinner will be served from 11:80 until all are served. The usual prices will prevail., There will be no church services next Sunday at ttie usual hour, but there will be a Thanksgiving service in the evening at 7:30, and everybody in the community is invited to attend. It has been a long time since we had a Thanksgiving service in town so let everyone take time to be thaakful and go to church Sunday evening. L I sell farms.^ A Black Cat hosiery at Irfelcaottla store. Mrs. John Piteen, Jr., visited Mrs. Joseph Michels, Jr., In her new home wSt ThucMHjf. Miss &K&M Hettermann and her' sister, Marifca, motored to McHenry Saturday afternoon. Jos. B. Hettermann sold anot^r Dodge sedan to Wm. H. Althoff of McHenry last week. Miss Julia Huff of Spring Grove is visiting with Mrs. Joseph B. Hettermann for a few days. John H. Freund is having the electricity put in by Walter Carey and Leo Heimer of McHenry. Miss Barbara and Bernard Althoff motored" to Volo Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner. Wm. H. Althoff and family of McHenry called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, las^ Friday. * Fred Schaefer motored out from Chicago one day recently to visit with his brother, Ben J. Schaefer and family- Miss Beatrice Schmitt of Beloit Wis., is visiting at the home of her uncle, Jacob F. Schmitt, for a few days. Miss Margaret Smith of Chicago visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith, one day recently. Rev. Wm. Weber was among the Chicago passengers from the McHenry station Tuesday morning of this week. The Foresters' dance at Johnsburg on Wednesday evening of last week was quite well, attended, about sixty tkjcets being sold. / i f y o u i n t e n d h a v i n g a n a u c t i o n sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. See Miss DeVoss and her own com complete 0» «f radio and --I supplies itt MUBenry county. East SMa gange, Mdfenry. If yw intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in (he auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it far you. Phone 98-R. Fancy dressed ducks, chickens and turkeys. Orders now being taken, for Thanksgiving by Lewis McDonald. Better call at once. Phone 688-M-2. Vaudeville that youll enjoy with the Flora DeVoss company. cussmoDErjumoT Mc- 24-lt i WANTED--Two tons of corn. Henry House, McHenry, 111. FOR SALB--The J. C. ^foUy house located on Court street. Eight rooms, room, furnace, hard and soft all in A No. 1 condition. mable terms. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, trustee, West McHenry. 15-tf WANTED -Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. Salary, $75 a week full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heathers, silks. International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. 17-10t* The Plairdtaler for news. FOR SALE--Self feeder hard coal stove. Nearly new. Inquire of B. J. Adams, McHenry. 24-tf FOR SALE--Fifty Cheater White fall pigs, inquire of Joe ^ Kuhn, Richmond, 111. Phone 426. ' 24-2t* FOR RENT--Cash or on shares, my farm of 280 acres, located 2% miles south of McHenry, on the Elgin-Mc- Henry road. This farm is in a high' state of fertility. Has stall room for 100 head cattle, good hog barns and pastures. W. J. Kittle, Crystal -Lake, 111. 24-2t FOR SALE--A 86 acre farm near McHenry Good improvements. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry. 46 FOR SALE CHEAP--Electric light plant. Public service to be installed. Nellie Clemens, West McHenry. Phone 618-W-l. 24-lt FOR SALE--dingle comb Rhode .Island Red cockerels and large Rouen drakes. Thos. R. Doherty, Ringwood, HI. Phone Richmond 948. 24-lt FOR SALE--A few choice big type Poland China boars. Sired by Giant Price Again. James Hunter, West McHenry. Phone 617-J-2. 24--tf FOR SALE--Spring pig Duroc Jersey boar. Weight about 225 pounds. Priced to sell. John A. Anderson, phone 611tR-2, West McHenry. 24-tf Fi SOLON MILLS I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Chan. Westlake was in Chicago ona day last week. Dalby underwear for ladies and children at Smith Bros.' Mrs. Jack Pester is visiting relatives at Lake Forest this week. Mrs. Victor Aim was visiting her sister at Lake Geneva Monday. Mr..and Mrs. Arthur Aubert of Chicago spent Sunday with their parents here. A carload of fine Northern Spy apples, $8.50 per 100 pounds, at Erickson's Customers say that our $2.00 silk stocking is a wonder for wear. Bros. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lynn of Chicago spent the week end at their summer home here. Mr. Mid Mrs. J. Jackson were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bar! Monear at McHenry Sunday. Miss Mae Aylward is spending a few days with her brother, Edward, and family at Hebron. Government tested alcohol for radiators. Will not freeze or leak. Bast Side garage, McHenry*; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gardner and family spent Sunday in the Will Rawson home at Round Lake. Mrs. Jack Gibbs has moved from the Mrs. Davin home into Mrs. Gardner's house on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. M. Town of West Chicago drove up Friday to see their niece, Mrs. Wellman, who is sick. Ed. Levisey started by auto for California Sunday. He was accompanied by his cousin as far as Iowa. E. E. Crople? is a patient in Dr. Sedlye's hospital at Harvard. He had the misfortune of getting a piece of steel in his eye. If you intend having an auctijp sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it/or you. Phone 98-R. Mrs. Grace Jackson moved the poet office from the Alfred Parker building into Mrs. Davin's home, which she just recently purchased. The dance last Friday night was well attended. The dance this week will be on Thursday night, but after that they will be held every Friday night. pany of jolly players at the Empire theatre, McHenry, next Wednesday and Thursday evenings. > Mr. and Mrs. Will Sattem and daughter, Lorraine, of Woodstock called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff here Sunday. Quite a few from Johnsburg attended the C. O. F. dance at the American Legion hall, McHenry, on Monday evening. All report a fine time. Mrs. Frank Krift and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuerman and son, Al., all of Wheatland, Wis, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff and family. Misses Mary and Katherine Althoff motored up from Elgin Sunday with their uncle, Henry Althoff, to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff and family. The Christian Mothers are looking forward to a big crowd at the Thanksgiving dinner and supper next Thursday, as their price is reasonable. Dinner, 50 cents, and supper, 85 cents. OSTEND I sail farms. D. F. Quinlan. ^ Farms for rent. D. F. QuinlaA Warm gloves and mittens at Ertekson's. Stephen's wool underwear for men at Smith Bros.' You can't go wrong with a ticket on Miss DeVoss and company. Miss VeVoss and company at the Empire next Wednesday and Thursday. Harris brothers and families made a trip to Rockford last Sunday in their new car. Henry Hobart and wife entertained their daughter and family at dinner Sunday last. John Matyas moved his family to Aurora last week Tuesday, where he has secured a job. Government tested alcohol for radiators. Will not freese or leak. East Side garage, McHenry. Thl Greenwood grocery truck still makes its regular weekly trips, bat the meat delivery has ceased and we are very sorry. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for Smith you. Phone 98-R. There are four farm homes on the road leading past the Wallace farm and all but one are vacant. Does this look like prosperous farming? The cement work an route 20 is not progressing much, no banking done for several days/ The barricade is just west of Ostend corners. Corn husking is the farmer's work now. Nearly every fanner his a little he did not put in his silo, but they are not boasting of the quality. Little Jerome, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Freund, is improving as fast as could be expected and hopes are entertained for a speedy and permanent recovery. News waa received here last week of the death of David Magoon of heart failure at the home of his son, Carl, in Orlando, Florida. He was a former resident of this county. route No. 8. OR SALE OR RENT--The John F. 'reund estate farm located on Johns- Hurg-Spring Grove road, -consisting of 110 acres of land. Good buildings. Ben Freund, administrator, McHenry, 22-tf WE HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY to loan on good farms. First mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. CRISSEY, phone 998, Marengo, 111. 21-2m FOR SALE--Poland China boars. Outstanding individuals from a variety of families, some of world champion breedings Priced to sell quickly. Geo. J. Richardson, Richmond, 111. 24-8t FOR SALB--An S00-«gg Schwalge- Smith incubator. Reason of selling, my installing a larger machine. Also nine Barred Rock pullets and two cockerels. Steilen's Poultry Farm, phone 129-R, McHenry, 111. 24-lt* FOR SALE--Trailer, 4 wheel with platform. Suitable to connect to any car and carry milk or can be used to carry cement mixer or other machinery. A bargain for quick sale. W. L. Howell & Co., McHenry. 20-tf NURSES FOR TRAINING--In modern, up-to-date general hospital. Graduate course two years. Board, j room, laundry and cash allowance monthly during training. Graduate nurses are receiving $50 per week. Apply to Cottage Hospital, Harvard, 111. 28-3t See. How Fir It Go Here You want fresh groceries of the highest quality at the most reasonable prices. We give you what you want. Our satisfied customers are our highe s t recommendation. We sell the best on the market at the lowest possible prices. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone JOHH B ROGERS PRODUCING CO mstNTs CAST IN CAST 4,„ V ' s * s sj, ^ • "/V"vi» ST. PATRICK'S HALL Friday and Saturday, ~ Nov."30^Dec. 1 Auspices of McHENRY POST, AMERICAN LEGION V BEAUTIFUL COSTUMES AND SKOAL SCENERY PRETTY GIRLS CATCHY MUSIC CLEVER DANCES Secure your tickets from Legion men or members of the cast Reserved Seats at McGee's at 9:t# a. *n. Wednesday Nov ashes' tttfc. PRICES S5e--5#c-75e i ?-*<*» js; If » TERRA COTTA I sell farms. D. F. Quinlan. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. Thomas Frisby of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. A carload of fine Northern Spy apples, $1.75 per bushel, at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox visited relatives in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Fred Bergman spent a few days recently with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Anderson and daughter, Ruth, were recent DeKalb risitors. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstock visited relatives hare Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway and son, LeRoy, of McHenry called on Tel- • ' •-.• •• Jf j • - • m ' ' " _ *• •".* • f-X JIkafffiuviglbar *295 I.O.&DEHKXF Ford utility,durability, and economy are embodied to the full in this new Ford Touring Car. In addition, it is up-to-the-minute in appearance. It is finished in an enduring blade, rich and deep in lustre, obtained by improved painting and enamelling processes. A high radiator, •adarged hood* Tkese tan can be obtained on the -ii.iiili!0i|i.';K nijiiXiiiirii ijifrffjUi -f ' iiit' jui.J! CARS - TRUCKS • TRACTORS a Yv •#Ss* graceful cowl, slanting windshidd, and streamline body are pi details that enhance its charm. With this handsome exterior, it combines every mechanical feature essentinl to open car utilit v. It is -- easy to handle, always reliable, ready lor any trip at McHenry, 111.