food plant Choice meats meats ^|HJl*ING THE FALL f: AND WINTER SEASON rj I willjMBfcinue to come to McHajwy ;^»v«ry fljjudjU1 arid Monday. 1 hivt improved facilities hero which test eyes as well as in in Chicago. Do not hesitate to as consultation and - lion ancTfree of charge to all ^•|he poorest of the poor will mak|* ,j§ah" of glasses free of charge. H • fott intend feeing me, call me up a Week ahead. We do not use any • liedicine in your eyes. I have over / 4160 satisfied patients in this township. Dr. C. KELLER, Optometrist and Optician " Bllhlrago Address McHenry, nf! N. Paalfea St. Phone 187 Grardjfnrf >540. live quite well. Keep our number in your mind. This shop's yfr »o hard to find. iratch for Mr. Happy Party fr *• ARTISTIC - ihrfstmas gifts from Leath's hava attistto nfiwtt! Y tiful, better furniture. Demand for Leath furniture grows almost daily. Visit a Leath store. -^r^' £ *5. /T v. A* Leath * Co. Starts - ^ '• \ J V £ /< **«<k*reAvi. ' * t»"Zr?;r ^. "I« Bay Furniture «m Xmum" ^ * ' : **«*• <££& •=• «-*. WOIBP^ »-*•*- ecatur, 432-45* N. Water St. STOP--*? ::MW You Can Get It At Miller's ; if. |3hrislmas trees and ornaments, prettiest yeu have ever seen Games that can't be beat Dolls that can?tdflip^si Bicycles and Wagons ^ Toy* far all Decorations Galooh - Giftsthat will please ail the family •: ^ --v' • '• and nuts at popular prices •" will give away absolutely free, sometime between BOW and Christmas a ^ piece Dinner Set; come in aad get your ticket. JOS J. MILLER, - McHenry yTf, :"4 fk-,' $»» •'*Vr * "cv* v* greatest pleasure as a housewife is. the ministering to'the < irte and pleasures,**? my little family. I find EARLY ^ISBB Boar ia one of my greatest helps. ; ' v • WithEARLY RISER flour X tin able to bake delicious cakes, pies, rolls, cookies and doughnuts, that are not only appetizing' but wholesome. I have enjoyed baking with EARLY RISER flour because my results are always assured if I use it right. There Is also a great element of economy involved. Friends give it a fair triaL I am ^uito sure yau aot will gist as muoh pleasure and good from it as do I. •% .it ^.HOTaawife,;:; .^V*' »v * <r* » • McHenlyFItfur Mills WEST McHRNRY. ILL. IwHie.spent last week at Evans ton. Jack Walsh was A Round Lake vfeitor Sunday. . Mrs. C. W. Goodell qmt laat Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Bacon "was a Chicago visitor last Friday. ; Mrs. Geo. Bfaysrs passed Monday in the metropolitan city. Dr. Fred L. WMtk was the guest of friends at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel waa a Waukeapn visitor last Saturday. Mva. M. A. Conway and *m,LeRoy, wore Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mrs. J. E. Wheeler passed Friday of last week in the metropolitan city. Prof. C. H. Duker passed Wednesday of last week at Sycamore, III Mrs. John W. Fay was among the Chicago passengers1 lafet Friday meruit*. Miss Helen Freund and South were Chicago shopman Satur> Misses Kathryn King and Laura Welter were Chicago shoppers last Friday. . Cloice Wagner attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Mr. and Ht&. Paul Jester of Woodstock were McHenry visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ayiward of Elgfr passed Sunday as guests of McHenry relatives. Wm. Ayiward of Solon Mills spent last Friday in the hoaae of Mn. Margaret McCarthy. Miss Villa Rothermel passed Saturday and Sunday with relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Bietlemann of Richmond spent last Friday as the guest of Miss Ruth Stockebrand. Jos. A. Stenger of Cary spent Sunday in the home of his brother, C. W. Stenger, and family. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lodtt and children of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. John Walsh, at Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Befnef spent Tuesday as guests of Mr. aid Mrs. Louis Epstein in Chicago. Miss Gertrude Fletcher of Wheaton spent Saturday and Sunday as the guest of Miss Esther Richmond. Mrs. Catherine Nolan of Round Lake spent several days last week as the guest of Miss Ellen Doberty. Miss Eva Stilling of Chfi^a* was a week end guest in the heme of~her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Mr. and Mrs. George Simes of Hebron were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stengfer aad the former's father, George Stenger, spent last Friday tn the metropolitan city. , Miss Frances Ashbnrner of La- Grange spent several day« last week with her sister, Miss Catherine Ashburner. ^ Mr. and Mrs. F. M. OTlaherty o£ Elgin were entertained in the home of Mrs. EUlen Frisby south of town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan at Chicago spent the week end in the home of the tatter's aunt, Miss Ellen Dohertyi *" " George Stenger of Green Bay, Wis* spent several days last and this week in the home of his son, C. W. Stenger, and family. B. J. Frisby and J. F. Kelley at Chicago were guests in the home at the former's mother, Mrs. B. Frisby, last Saturdiy. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago were week end guests in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Mrs. C. W. Stenger, daughter, Grace, rad son, Carl, and Miss Martha Andersnn spent one day last week in the metropolitan city# Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pufahl, daughter, Adele, and Miss Lenore Cobb were guests of the former's relar tives at Hebron Sunday. Misses Vera Bolger and Agnea Peters of Woodstock attended the D. of A. initiation and banquet here last Sunday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Georgia Clemens, Nell and Clarence Clemens and Mrs. Robt. Thompson spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Als^na Chapell in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walk up and children and Mrs. Anrta Mollohan of Ridgtefield were guests in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. Sayfi^ Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colby, Mrs. Knum Colby atad Mrs. Lulu^Sherburne of Crystal Lakfe were recent gueeta of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daughter, Anna. Misses Irene and Minnie Conway and William Conway of Elgin were Sunday guests m the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller of Chicago passed the week end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller, and also attended the Daughters of America initiation and banquet. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler passed Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Heimer in Chicago. In the evening, in company with the Chicago couple, they witnessed "The Rise e< Rosie b'Reilly" at Cohan's Grand. S, 1S88 ? Get 24, 1898, to Mr. mti ltH. J. E: Frisby of Chicago a ten pound boy. Ranly has moved his family to • to make their home for the Jos. P||M| is building a new barn on his prqKni)*a east of the cemetery. E. W. Cftwafc4t*mm work. WM -Hlgm- ilri m*" Maggie wtrfs Win ha manisft at at Mary's church in this village on Tuesday, Nov. 22. Fred Kamhols and Miss Bgrtha iaM&t will be married at the Lutheran lltttck in this village on Wednesday, Nov. 16. Jacob Freund and Miss Mary Kattner of Johnsburg were married today at the Johnsburg church by Rev. Fr. Mtifcg tor Berry gave an address at a ican rally here on Wednesday evening. Judge O. H. Gilmore also made & short talk. Wm. Covell, one of our oldest and most highly respected cit^ens, died at his heme east of this village on Monday last. He had a stroke of paralysis one week ago. Herman Snyder, for many years a resident of this town, died at his home in Evanston on Saturday. He was a member of the' lumber Arm of Smith 4k Snyder here for many years. The third Illinois volunteer infantry arrived in New York from Porto Rico on Wednesday morning, started for the west the evening of the same day and arrived in Chicago on Friday. Bert Willey was surprised Monday evening and presented with a gold watch by the town of Grant in appreciation of service rendered in the late war. He has been home on a sick furlough. The ftrst soda) ofths season, ante the auspices of the Radios of the Universal ist church, was held at the residence of Dr. H. T. Brown on Friday evening. The t^ceipts of evening were $6.05. Dr. C. H. Fegers has now on* of the finest offices to be found in tikis part of the state. He has a waiting room, a private office and an operating room, aH neatly fitted up, heat by a furnace and convenient in every respect. ! The drawing for an organ and social dance, which took place at Stoffel's hall Friday evening under the auspices of St. Patrick's parish, was largely attended. The lucky number to draw the organ was held by Charles Givens. Married--At Lake Geneva on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 1898, by Rev. Stevens of the M. E. church, Miss Nellie Krohn of Ringwood and J. B. Vollnaum of Elgin. They were accompanied by Miss Florence Brown and Charley Krohn. There was a destructive fire Friday afternoon at about three o'clock at the farm home of George Benwell, near Volo, the barn being totally destroyed with 1500 bushels of oats, a large amount of hay, a corn husker and numerous tools and implements, horses and various other property, aggregating a loss of $3,000. The Fox Lake Women's club has started out to accumulate a fund for the building of » 120,000 club house in that village. Social events, from which the net proceeds are diverted to the building fund, are now* being held at regular intervals. Mrs. D. G. O'Brien, whose husband is the owner of Park Manor, is the president of tin club. Coming to Comal Lake and Harvard Dieterich specialist -.-'l-i-' "r&ts ^ ^ i-l-u i , ? ' 7 r f 'i -«'4JrT A^ i l#l " " V1 '•** ».'•" "* rm v >r ^<1 "t"-" -.>r ri-Vt: Why not give him a Suit or Overcoat, some- ^thiug he will appreciate and wear? BOYS'suits - ^ Madt up ia the lattst styles and fabrics, mo jpair knickers, full lined :fT| '/-'.'A*. $9.«® to $18.50 :y^;i BOYS' OVERCOATS Made^witfe aftafntnid belt, set fer^ sleeve, mtrff aad patch pockets $4.85 to $12.50 % .• Ag«» 2 to 14 years MHW SH4RTS ANEV BLOUSES" The-famous Kayoee make^ guaranteed fast ^' color, cot fall'and the finest of workman * ship. Any boy will be proud of a present^ i Uketfe M»toSa.00l ' , . »yk rum.,iuwK& m» sun p JuM-the tbio« for coMveather ' ; S1.G5 ond S2.25 % TOYS' SWEATERS f style or pullover, shawl collal?1 B&m shoes i Btack'MMxadovaar frezich or round toes • yw ' S2.65 to S4.5Q j. sfOYS' GLOVES AND MITTS SjJ.'S Moed, aometbiog for dren or plar 50e to S1.50 -V BOYS' BELT® . .'Jjoxed - -- BOYS' TIES SSk knit made up like the menls only lie > BOY^S' MUFFLERS Brushed wool, just like the mens only m cut smaller... MM ^ BOYS' PAJAMAS ^ Flannel in neat striped effects. H-75 -- r 1 1 ' W i::\.,.i BOYS' NIGHTGOWNS - Ftannci- • V - ' / - i • 1 / " • ENRY, ILLINOIS rmnm f ttkHTMS mn tk cmsims ^ Are Most SUstantU--Useful Thnp Ai^Meel Aurecirted I " • s % ^ la hUsrnsl Medicine far At; past eleven yeaaa • >;" uom NOT OPERAS • . \ ^ T'f^ Win Ha In^' ;\^ Crystal Lake on Tuesday, Dec. 18, at Nichols' Hotel, and in Harvard on Wednesday, Dae. 10, *t the NoWe hotel. •tan: It a. m. ta 4 ONE DAY ONLY 1 -•rffa Charge of CUv Dietsridi is a regular gradwte in an|«bw and surgery and is licensed by the state of Illinois. He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip free consultation, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treatment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ukiSM at stomach, tonsils at adenoids. He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, week lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectral ailments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improper measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing trouble. Remember above date, that consultation on this trip will be fraa aad that his treatment is different. Married woman must be, panied by thafcrt hasbaads. Address: tft Beate apolis, IBsa , Ferneries ° , Carpet Sweepers Priscilla Cabinets Junior Bridge and Tlfcle Lamps Mirrors, all sizes r; .>- . Smoking Cabinets ,: // Costumers k Boudoir Lamps K\ Dressing TablaS Elec. Vacuum Cleaners ^ "Sonora" Talking Maflliines CHILWIEN#^ Velocipedes, all sizes Coaster Wagons, all Steel Wagons, all sizes Kiddy Kars, all sues- • ^,,, Sleds, all siies " ^ Folding Tables " °^Jk* Chairs and Rockers " Blackboards ^ Seethe Lloyd Doll Carriwe. in l«Ke variety of^ Library TM.1W e coIcmts, ivory, dark blue, &zr-: - carmel, etc.% ' ' / Console aod End Taffies fsreehiiHCMien T«MCT guaranteed tops S7.9tt The following articles are a few ofetfr specials while tliey lts| Picture* - Doll Go-Olrts,, cojlapslt^u. Folding Card Tables, leatherette tops GOODS ORMMWMOW HELD FOR FUTURE, DEUWEKft ! Service N Phone 63-W Furniture and Uodertaking West McHenry a#-..,