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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1923, p. 4

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({•tended for last week's publication) After being closed for more three motoths the McHenry-Volo road, under contract for cementifig and a portioa el which has already been completed, is again being traveled. Altho In anything but first-claas condition, those having occasion to travel over into Lake county and Waukegan appear to favor this route to preference to the one used of late. Those who have traveled the road during the past few days are of the opinion that a little grading at this time will place the stretch in fairly good shape for winter travel or until the breakup next spring. Hie completed stretch of road reaches a point just east of Lily lake and when once upon this cement at thiapoint one is now able to drive all the way to Waukegan without leaving : the hard roads. The Belvidere road, r we are told, will be opened to travel this week, thus doing away with the detour thru Guraee. Over on the west road, betuM Sherman's hill and Woodstock, the new cement road has been opened and la now being traveled as far as the hogsback road and within a very short time the entire stetch will be open to the end of the cement, which new stretch-- as far as Clark's corners. Cement construction on the McHenry- Volo stretch was discontinued several weeks ago, the advent of the first snow storm of the season putting an end to the work there. However, had the contractor held his gang of men another week conditions would have been such as to continue the laying of cement for at least another month and in that length of time another mile of road could easily have been laid. The grading gang has been kept on the job, however, ever since they first started work here early this fall and some of the men aye still employed in shouldering up the completed stretch "and doing such other work as may be accomplished at this time of the year. " AU that McHenry people can new wish for is an early spring so that activities may be resumed at the earliest possible moment next year. It is the hope of our people as well as the thousands of tourists who travel this stretch annually that the entire job between here and Volo may be completed and open to travel by July 1 of n^xt year. (jteganftng' the connecting link between the two stretches as same will pass thru the city of McHenry, nothing new has developed and son)e of our boosters are beginning to feel that the state highway department wifl withhold its decision on this location of this section until next spring. However, we have bean promised ttyit this stretch will come ' up for letting this winter and therefore we still have hopes of seeing oar dream realised soon. In the meantime it will be a case of watchful waits'l'ik:- Holiday goods at Petesch's. The famous Allen A Black Oat hosiery at Erickson's store. Everett Hunter transacted business in the metropolitan city Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer passed last Friday and Saturday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schrauth in Chicago. Cary have purchased a acre tract alMf the River at the former ptaee and wffi soon open another new subdivision. The Shuttle# & Peters Co. at Marengo, manufacturers of rural m$ii boxed; stove pipes, etc., has certified to the state to a dissolution of corporation The company was organized in August, 1906, and had a capital of $100,000. Residents in the vicinity of Hebron are very much pleased over the fact that the McHenry county board'of at their last m- Dr. r. f. Adwn» of Lake has announced himself a date for representative of the eiglrife senatorial district, comprising Mc- Henry, Lake and Boom eotaties. The doctor has been a resident of Crystal Lake for the past eigitt years. A player piano probably Ukved the lives of the family of Ottf SHefert, whose home near Shawano, Wis., was destroyed by fire on a recent night. The occupants of the home were awakened during the night by strains by t! utores one night recently, but so far Jul proprietors were able to discern nilfating was taken. A tfeird place was also triad, but no efttcyuice eftsofctil. HebrOn people are usable to uwwl for the strange incident. And now there is talk of engaging a night watchmln. /The president and two members of the Crystal Lake community high school board visited a humber of tfe schools between that city and Aotwa the . «a impppna. pi to pitman onHfHH the n**'.. now under conatp&tfain in city. •yearfW, * V when a stove in fc«*s «* y\, 4?^ Mrs. Laura Bartlett Kane* aged hefkifer, with whom she «uSfa« i QUARTER OF A CENTURY ~ rras CLIPPED FROM PLAm- , DEALERS OF K YEARS AGO - J % November 16, 1898 "* C. T. Eldredge has commenced operations at his poultry house in this village. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett welcomed a ten pound boy Into their home on Saturday. . Jas. Comiskey and wife are rejoicing over the fine baby boy that ar-. rived at their home last week. Fred Kamholz, who was married today, will occupy the house owned by Mrs. J. P. Going on John street. J. B. Perry, wife and daughters, Agnes and Bernice, were in Chicago Sunday, attending the first regiment memorial services. &. C. Mead, Hon. F. K. Granger, 8. S. Chapell, Dr. A. E. Baechler and J. Van Slyke were in Chicago Friday to meet the third Illinois regiment. G. F. Boley, at the McHenry breway, has just put in acetylene gas thruout the entire building. He has also put in a handsome new desk in his office. Ben Brefeld's horse, attached to a top buggy, started to runaway from in front of Dr. Fegers' office on Monday, but was brought to a stop without damage. The remains of Richard Osmun of Woodstock were brought here and buried in Woodland cemetery Wednesday. He was a resident of McHenry for about thirty years. Frank Cobb received a telegram on Wednesday morning telling of the death of his mother, Mrs. Mary Hubbard Cobb, jriiich took place at the home of her daughter in Chicago on Tuesday. A child of Jacob Hauperisch, aged about six months, died on Thursday night. The funeral was held on Saturday morning from St. Mary's church and the remains laid at rest in the German cemetery. The third regiment, fIllinois volunteer infantry, arrived in Chicago from Porto Rico on Friday last, where they were royally received and entertained by the citizens of that city. The boys of company G, whose homes are in MeHenry and vicinity, arrived here On a special from Crystal Lake about eleven o'clock that evening and were met at the depot by a large crowd of .oor citizens. The following are the names of the hays who are here on a sixty dSgpfWioogh: J. M. Van Slyke, Frank luniitt, Martin Thelen, Mike Albert Holly, Nye Colby, Sngeln, William Rothermel, Al- * 4* y* y ^ ' % toryMemorial hospital at Wauke$N»||t the hospital at lerwd last Sunday night from burns received, Jast week Bar left foot 'was juanomor ® ,Mrs Kane, tated about four inches above the a resident of EHaaVMrf J.ake, was an j ankle. It Is now believed that a invalid and in an attempt to strike a dynamite cap, such as are used match on the bottom of a chair her mines, must have been lost, in the coal ^ 'and the explosion. vL Mara vktii McoiB»lwa NMa wftfc- I Ml tka aid of wriMl atfllcatloa [ mad tatfaatry. JTka UMt of parwaalNr it mora 1 imbi to fca tars. !• iom tout aay HTert m IMr tart tt mm mtw »*• Win m is Constantly Increasing ^ ; . ••. t ,: % - - > " A > ;• ( 4v*<» gMAJNhb for eiectrfcT^ aervfce ^ (< /r| has increased 2,000 per cent in the last twenty *'>' years in this country. Illinois shows the largest increase of aay middle "western state. And in Illinois fifteen counties in the northern ptitfc are served with electricity by this Company. • Close to Chicago and traversed by all of the thirty railroads entering America's second city, tb<* Vftoiy comprises one of the >> districts in the United Sti jSach year more manufa of the congested metropo where shipping facilities at Is cheaper and power servi To meet this ever increasL Company is adding consta all customers may enjoy tl Servioe. To do this it is ne #quq>ment ahead of require 'This means a continually Company in local plants and The Public Service Compar future so essential to residen cultural development of this growth of Nortbsra Illinois Inter-dependent. wm m '§:f- .«««III Ml IM * •ylt A Mtl t» »T« (Mia IOTM --* »•"" •MMMUlUw ara BOW --y* If tM mmi. . *w* <W>N iwwm ««« »•»•« MNMb (It* vlllacac «f HmbI Cmt. C«», mDTwra and Torkrlll*. All •( tk«M eoatimcla MM rn> for pirlodi of tM gram THRSFT AND CHARACTER raHEmUL TO SUCCESS Ammu W. MLLON Ijo aefhlrlrlr aa nt . aloM, bat tke :tW '• ;;-i f" !• '1! TM WMtfutlin «f a lsrf« *yeme plant fe «nderUU»f «f wtk im porta»e« Uwl it foog witbMit ***ry stop ^onnerted Vth the operation is taken sft«r careful rcnti4i>r*- lioa. In this cose the proo+ss •*ide*e4- KvorythJng bearing <»u if was •txmm.n+A, espfeially fvervililn^ tfcut promised snjnerea^o in efRelosry 4# n result every modern tested oat meat is to W found in th«» fftathm. this is particularly * fret as to th* eon1 Itsndling machinery, which e»rri«« \kal fttot to the roof of the bnildin^ ns' tb« initial step in distribution. The staek is of i now type tfcr** hollers are eouneeted to it. AlrrniS^ 4kere it « desira fg^ress^d ePfiMm llireofkout t^e e#cntr>r to •tirfy the f'tatu rxKa««tltrdv. puiuc SERVICE co. r ow SERVES m coMMtj. rro Nbia ad<t!t!osKl Uiuras ham - ^ to lb* larrttorr aarred » • the Bar*lea Campaax of I- rtkera ^dnrlDS tte laat few . «#ka. ROOT!' flVwainc* . IUsc, J)i Pafo couiKj au4 FESTDpH VAUKEC0 nJWTH 7h« AdtfftlSMl -4-"' CDRTRUGTieB fU MM • -'t£v AAd Oatar.orUW towus vir* iBimrbtt Thi> first Mlt • w&ipany '• <.«»«en-tiiitf j|»inc- was 11'O energy | thmugliowt tM e'ty iimUs •f 01 fcniie line irr ft(i<*ainu liaaa. tranasiL stru^Hon iiwrnenetn:. *t shael ^vfll fti Cr>nipi.ay '• auliag 1»(* llm Mlf hi trminitto* Wtktaa for alactiMtv --mui IkMuatw ' f e , - • ik>* HMlM : . J. - ffrV iPtWz+fl'.r' • M i. * f >• *^ -- „nitv Growth and Co Thi» ComPf^uties »nd t^idvng its ^velopment c.-siissts; - 3 ' • • \ , / ' f-v *•- Vi •>?"-», i? g, v i/'*"'.iri$ OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS w "vis:-/* W~: ^veto outsider jf m*#** Cotnp«n* tM ^^TJa«a»f gutnishes «e agTicultura\^ dof""1 Lt>v>n to.ntof^^rtq »„4 !»«>« t the prosp®1™ ^vUnovs ao® 01 ,f the ri loelc and W °* -a nation. • ] •• sawSss -,||t M tbat the V Is# sound vy- , Great Convenience ii at Small Coat | _ te l*1-7 ? I 4SSSB1 i!?838S «ss: T» ^^5SUh Ili jli / 1'iy ikctrldty to the modern Ifiousehdid't preatest -^pik: " lenience. ; - 'prtm • button Wddinc- »«:,-• V - lElcctricttt Jr-tte t pcnsablc servant «C a constantly to yo« V fort day and nign , convenient as it tricity is one.of tt est items in yo* household exp®r invite « tjvetiess ^munitiesdei ifrtiSSSS^- ' -X'S* 'V S¥ "c. •4. ^ 04$ m f® ^ ^ " 1 (^owinglnd^^ Attract Industry - ^ e^e r\ ?eak p, * * - V'Y'. v•- v--X •' :? :> i >\ dudh>at«tkM of Lake, Mdfawy. srr isxzzz J'c^r4 ^ sr» --u-A •>--- •a. the /**** rA- ™ or '°t«i 1, Hive j)^rki« theto*t»ay«i«thto great st««tch«s of fertile JJjSU by aay elsallar *• 1 t In the Unitad Stt*is> ii. «f mw mi and electric awvicca S® 4ba equal at all thn» te the densasd* «f bo«h *3m orC 9uba«~ '«• ^ 0r»y i% «*** ifZLi* " - iip^ b to th* '3s '^•S* --"A*1 % ?!?" i • ife'ii ^"0°, SSSSf-SSSf^ |iiH ,i ft- Mil'• ^ i•"f * ^ 1 » V Vi. ' ' * ' ' '*> > , -..V" . , ,V- J' <r ( - » v* •» " • **»' ,T s i-f'UijS;:;:: pf 4t^ ^r" V* ,*fi- ' ^ ^ vx»» "S^ Sj*. <„S.KpX-> JiPfyV' stfrh-. --r, « ' V^v ji, Miti&b&t&k'

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