ii: / < H i'i:% v 'Vjs^v ^fi" TC *' -:„ "' ;;Vf Eft CUPPED FROM PLAIN XmALBRS OF SS TBARS AGO November 28, 1898 1. J. Bishop has just pat in a handsome new barber chair in his shop. E. B. Perkins is painting the outside Df John Jus ten's new house on Elm -street. Bon Laures is happy over the arrival of a new girl baby at his residence Thursday last. Lewis Bishop, who has been at home for the past six weeks, returned to his work at Elgin Monday. The friends of W. F. Gallaher perpetrated a surprise on him one evening last week, it being his birthday. Anton Eng-eln gave a supper in banquet given to Company G at Woodstock last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling, of Stilling's summer resort, Pistakee Bay, are rejoicing over the arrival of a<fine baby girl at their home. The reception and jubilee at Woodstock on Thursday last in honor of Company G, third Illinois volunteers, was a grand affair and largely attended. N. J. Justen has just returned from Chicago, where he has been for the past few days taking an examination before the state board of health as an undertaker. Clarence A. Wells, whose home is just east of this village, but who has been attending school at Valparaiso, Ind., for the past few years, has just been admitted to the bar in the state for a short time as it looked aft some large build» «nf «n fire, bat 6a investigation it ^^d to be only a slougn that was bucftlOK off- The members of company G, Illinois volunteer infantry, who titltd* in this vicinity, were called to Woodstock on Tuesday to sign the pay roll, draw two months' pay and deliver over guns and other government property. On Jan. 12, they nfill be mustered out. Statement of the McHenry Creamery company for November: Amount of milk received, 244,577; amount of butter made, 11,541 pounds; amount of money received, $2,541.10; average price received for butter, 22c; average oil test of factory, 4.04; average cost of manufacturing, 2c; over run, 168; average price for 100 pounds of and Mis. Warren Howell were* of relatives in Chicago over and is a full fledged lawyer. Ihonor of the boys of the Third wh•o" this week for Wheaton', Minn.', wh_e re have just returned from Porto Rico.jhe h»s accePted a P°sltlon in offlC8 Simon Stoffel has been treating thejof J?® state s attorney. outside of his residence to a fresh coat of paint. John Neiss was the artist. He left milk, -951. The entertainment Lewis Nihls of Dundee and Miss Bertha Nickles of this village were married at the Lutheran church Wednesday. , A blizzard visited this section Monday night and was a regular twister. The change is reported at about sixty degrees. Dr. D. G. Wells sold his handsome C0UP'es young driving mare to parties in Chi-, amount .. % •* the country!f°r the cake walk was $137.75, which by Harry'left a balance of $125 for the charth and Sunday school. by the home minstrels at Riverside hall on Friday and Saturday evening was a decided success. The cake walk, with which the entertainment ended each evening, was something new here and proved a good money maker. Miss Kate Howe and Dr. Baechler were awarded the cake by three votes over the highest competitor, there being four in the received . December 28, 18fllL.';-v • v;;^ CTT. ifcldredge shipped a car ofTiogS Wednesday. t Frank Wattles shipped a car of hogs from this station on Tuesday. The Christmas exercises at the Universalist church on Saturday evening were well attended. E. C. Howard and family of the Howard House at Fox Lake are spending the winter in Chicago. Eight or ten couples from this vilwalk. The entire Uage attended the Christmas party at for admissions and cago and sent her across ito that city oir Monday Wightman. J A jiew dancing dab has been organized and bears the name of the Jovial ,, Social club. The officers are: x President, Harry Wightman; treasurer, Ray Lamphere; secretary, A. B. Johnson. Married--At St. Mary's church in this village on Tuesday morning, Nov. 22, 1898, by Rev. Father Kirsch, B. J. Brefeld of the town of Grant, Lake county, and Miss Maggie McHenry. *• Andrew Miller, who works for the McHenry brewery, had the misfortune to break an ankle Monday. He was carrying something quite heavy when he slipped and fell, breaking one bone in his right ankle. Dr. Fegers set the broken member. Died--At his residence in this village on Saturday evening, Nov. 19, 1898, Thomas W. Kimball, aged seventy- one years. His funeral was held from his late residence on Monday, Rev. J. Straub, pastor of the Universalist church, officiating, and his re of December 14, 1898 jSf Frank Wattles shipped a car cattle on Monday afternoon. J. B. Young and wife are rejoicing ove^( the arrival of a fine baby girl at their residence one day last week. A child of Henry Kennebeck, who lives northeast of this village, aged about eight years, died one day last Wirfs of1 week. - • Lew Bishop, who has been engaged in a barber shop in Elgin, was obliged to give up his position oh account of sickness. Workmen are now engaged in putting in waterworks at the new German church; This is,the first, job of main tapping. The Antioch bank at Antioch was robbed of about $5,000 in cash and a number of valuable papers on Wednesday night of last week. The annual gathering of the McHenry County Agricultural society held at Woodstock last week was well mains were taken to the town of But-! attended and a very harmonious gath- ?r interment. Marriage-licenses were issued to the following Couples daring the past week; El wood Grimes .. . Grace' Aubrey ...«1 Frederick Kamhotjt . Bertha Lucht .......... Lewis Nihls .......7... Bertha Nickles B. J. Brefeld . Maggie Wirfs 1 • • • f * • McHenry McHenry McHenry Marengo . Dundee McHenry Grant IfcHenry V'"-'- November 30, 1898 Wattles shipped two cats of hogs on Monday. Milo Howe sold a fine Harrington piano to Mr. Lund at Nunda one day last week. Both the young and old have been enjoying some fine skating on the river tw pond the last week. Dr. D. G. Wells has been suffering from blood poisoning in his right hand and has been unable to attend to outside calls. Prof. R. D. Scott closed his first term of singing school in this village on Thurday evening. He will commence his second term next week. Warthan Kimball went to Chicago last week, where he has secured a position in the market and grocery of H. 0. Thompson, formerly of this village. The Park hotel on the West Side has had steam heat installed. The ering. While chopping wood on Tuesday morning Lester Nogle of Woodstock had the misfortune to cut a slight gash in his head. Dr. Primm dressed the wound. The Chicago Long Distance Telephone company is this week putting phones in the depot in this village and also in the power house of the water works system. Chas. Swadish, a member of Com pany G, third Illinois volunteer in fantry, arrived home on Thursday, having stopped off at New York to visit a brother. The ice harvest has commenced in this sectibn and some vexy.4frte twelve and thirteen inch ice is being put up. Geo. S. Cijrtis has taken the contract to fill m<fet\ of the private ice houses in this villag^. Henry Madden, an old and highly respected citizen, died at his home in this village Wednesday morning at six o'clock. He had ^been sick but a short time. The funeral was held from the Universalist church on Friday. ^ Wm. Overocker had the misfortune to break his leg while working at the ice house at McCollum's lake one day this week. He was crowded from the slide by a cake of ice and fell some distance, striking on a pile of lumber, breaking his right leg between the knee and ankle. Dr. Wells hotel has been remodeled from top!was called and dressed the fractured to bottom and six new rooms added. Married, in Ringwood;? on Thursday last, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates, by Rev. W. A. Cross, Miss Rilla E. Coates to Warren M. Foss of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Foss will reside at Richmond. Marriage licenses have been granted to the following couples during the past week: Walter Reading of Solon and Sadie Jones of Dodgeville; Warren Foss of Richmond and Rilla Crates of Ringwood; Benjamin Hut-, son of McHenry and Ella Willard of Algonquin. Died--At her home south of this village, on Wednesday, Nov. 23, ,1898, of paralysis of . the brain, Mrs. Katherine Purcell, nee Miss Katherine Powers, aged sixty-seven years. The funeral took place Friday from the Catholic church, Rev. Father O'Neill officiating. She is survived BY two SOILS, John fi^Vkha^;. December 7, 1898 l|Bab Justen has been treating the interior of his furniture store to a coat of paint. Frett Bros. & Witt are putting up a new lee house in the rear of their market in this village. Frank Thurlwell and Miss Gertrude Adams were married at Genoa Junction on Thursday of last week. Louis Wookey, who has been at work on the new German church in this village, moved his family to East St. Louis last week. A. C. Spurling and family have gone to Ellsworth, Maine, where they will spend the next few months, returning here about March 1. Peter J. Freund has jost completed * very handsome little cottage for Frank Ward in Engeln's addition in the Mtth end of town. Hafect Bennett, Mike Thelen, Geo. £ngeln and, Albert Holly attended the member The wedding invitations had been issued and all arrangements made for the marriage of Walter Reading of Solon Mills and Miss Sadie Jones of Richmond. The ceremony was to have takeibpface Wednesday, Nov. 30, but Mr. Reading "became dangerously ill, necessitating a postponement. The illness of the bride-to-be had already caused one postponement some two months ago. , . December 21, 1898 Anton Barbian and wife welcomed a ten pound girl into their home on Tuesday morning. Our public school will close on Friday for the holidays and will open again after New Year's. H. C. Boswell is putting up a new ice house in the rear of the Casper Wirfs building on the West Side. Quite .a number of the Masonic fraternity attended lodge at Woodstock on Tuesday evening. There will be Christmas trees at both the Universalist and Methodist churches on Saturday evening. Water works are being pat into the new German churdi, residence of Br". C. H. Fegers and the livery barn of Harry Wightman. The entertainment, by the first primary department of the public school, at the city hail on Friday evening last, was a success in every particular. Jacob Hines of Johnsburg, an old citizen of that place, died on Sunday last. His funeral was held from the Johnsburg church on Tuesday morning- ! A daughter of Mr. Krambeer, aged about nine years, Who live? northwest of town, was severely bitten, by a dog one day last week. Dr. Fegers was immediately called and dressed the injured limb. A big blaze north of tills village on Friday night last startled our citizens Wauconda on Friday evening. Misses Nellie Clemens,' Stella Nordquest and Jennie Covell, who are attening school at Evanston, are at home for the holidays. The M. E. society gave the children of the Sunday school a supper at the city hall on Saturday afternoon and also a Christmas tree. The graphophone concert at Staffers hall on Tuesday evening was well attended. This is something new in the entertainment line. The Chicago Telephone company has a gang of workmen here this week putting in new phones and putting their lines in order. Thos. W. Daily's boarding house at Cary was destroyed by fire Tuesday of last week. Nothing was saved but the clothing of the .occupants. Jacob Story celebrated his eightyfourth birthday on Sunday last, Christmas day. He has been a jpsident of McHenry forever fifty years. A special train passed this station on t Monday afternoon last with nine cars of stock, principally hogs, four from Ringwood and fivq from Richmond. W. C. Anners, watchmaker on the West Side, while in Chicago a few days ago, bought at a bargain a repeater watch said to be one hundred years old. About thirty little boys and girls assembled at the home of J. Van Slyke on Wednesday afternoon last, it being the sixth birthday of his daughter, Maude. At the regular communication of' McHenry lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: George H. Hanly, W. M.; A. E. Baechler, S. W.; J. Van Slyke, J. W.; E. W. Howe, treasurer; John Evanson, secretary. The Chicago Lonj; Distance Telephone company has put in phones the past week for the following parties: W. A. Cristy, residence; public school library, Barbian Bros.' cigar factory, O. W. <j)wen residence, Chicago & Northwestern depot, McHenry Creamery company, city -hall and pumping station. After the close of the Christmas tree exercises at the Universalist church on Saturday evening last, W. A. Cristy, assistant superintendent of the Sunday school, was visited at his home by his class and presented with a beautiful volume of Shakespeare. Miss Rosina Reynolds made the presentation speech. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas, our All-wise Father in His infinite wisdom and goodness has seen fit to call from our midst Sister Susanna Freund, a member of St. Clara court, No. 659, W. C. O. F., one of the most beloved of our court, and Whereas, in the performance of a part of our daty to her we meekly submit to the will of the inevitable and while bowing to His infinite wisdom we extend our sympathy and consolation to her family and relatives; therefore be it Resolved, That in the death of Sister Freund this court has lost an efficient member, her family a kind and indulgent wife and mother and the community a ki$d, lovable and generous citizen. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the court and a copy of same be sent to the family of the deceased and also be published in the McHenry Plaindealer. Katherine Schneider, C. R. Katherine Hillflr, F. S. Rose Huemann and niece, Mae Jtwtgft, are spaftding a few days with Chicago reliihNMk Thos. McLaughlin passed Christmas in the home of his sister, Mrs. Otis Murray, at Geneva, 111. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent is spending the we«)^jp|p|^^||pf 'Inf .. her aunt, Mrs. TV1.tlji miiwi, at Elgin. of Waukegan was a Chrirtmas day guest in tha home of his parents, MrT and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Miss Opal Cooley, who it teaching at Bedford, is spending h*r,vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F iWe have looked forward to this oppbrttiriity to llhank you for the many favors you have shown _ Us and we hope to merit your kindness by Striving to serve you successfully during the ^ ifl8> yw. 5 *1, a -r* •V«yv YP^IRYCTTAT; ctienry n, Mr. an Mrs. r. and Mrs. Geer of Crystal Lake Kstmas day as guests in the of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson. FURMITURL FACTS Furnlshiay m is an art. Castor mers tell us Leath Furniture beautifies their homes. More out, of town folks ; buy from Leath Stores £ very day. 1 YOU»K folks select their home outfit* at Leath's- beauty furniture, prices are no higher. f • % >$»*$%. ? 'Say* Leath'a of Sfrpcasaful WoniVs Ti-74 Grove Ave. Rockford, Opposite Court HCNMC Auroee.Ave. DubuqM.SZfc-tti Msio St. Free poet, M W. MMn St. v Waterloo. N»»m Uhyette St. ' Beloit,«7-UI Four* St. Joliei^lMW Mfcftlon St. ; ^ JanesvO*. M2-JN. MilwaukMft. EMI Claire. O.hkte.h, n-»IWa St. ^ t Peoria. 325 Soattt Adamt Sfef V Decatur, 433-45* N. Water St. -- •V ... • >.. "i' - v ' "£h>: / plenty money next Christmas McHENRY, ILLlNOBS'll-i^ (<-j&- *r ;• . • >5* %.• iik Better Musk--and More cf lt nmtnayulbransen : ^ ^ ^ a |of to go to your Gulbransen phi what • you want,when you want to! What a satisfaction to play so well -- with genuine expression--that, aside from the personal pleasuce-of producing the music, it is a real treat for anybody to youi Bu*--playing alone, or entertaining a group of irtsnds --you'll want the particular music that fits your fnoodt ot the occasion. You'll want variety. Variety--certainly the Gulbransen gives you that. For me Quwransen (toys all music rolls--any kind--any make-- •van electric reproducing rolls. It gives you a greater libnry Of mtuic than any ptayerpiano! / •• ; FOUR MODELS t -• ' $42d * $495 ^60(j $700 IRE JEWEUIY WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS BRANSE eHegistering Piano '•J • -V4" . . . • . » • ' r " tu.+ •r vf' FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, December the 30th, the order of services at the Methodist Episcopal church are as follows: Sunday school at 10:00 a. m. Mrs. H. C. Bobb, superintendent. Preaching at 11:00 o'clock by the pastor. Subject, "The Opening of the Books and the Judgment of the Great White Throne.* Epworth League at 6:80 p. m. "^he newly elected officers of the leagufe^will be duly installed at the morning\ service of the church. This will be the last Sunday of the old year. Letvis make it a "red letter day" by coming to church. All friends of the enhrch are irurited to attend these services. Roland C. Eltey, PagUMr. Mrs. Nellie Stanton of Long Lake visited relatives here the first of thai week. Clarence and Peter Meyer of Wau* conda were McHenry visitors last Sunday. _ Miss Lontta Quimi of Elgin vtt- '*J}* | AHE Public Service Company announces afurthet^ ^ I reduction of 1 cent per kilowatt hour, in the in^l P X iittiiaall portion of" •it s R~ ate 'A' - - A* j ^^pervice (Maximum Demand Rate). ^^^ S ^vThis is in accordance with the order of the Illinois Comf -^ ^ i " -tnerce Commission, entered July 24, 1923, which pro^ ^ r ^vided for two reductions in this rate, one effective Aug. 41923, and the other Jan. 1, 1924. ... * * « Customers will tie given the benefit of this further r s r iiduction on all bills rendered for consumption on an \^ptter January i, 1924 ; >iJThia i» the second reduction in electric lighting rate|^^ ^ '•* ^within five months and the seventh reduction since the *' '"S ^Company's organization in 1911 and is indicative of th$ x>, H f i r J ... ^ 4^,- - Economy of Central Station service. 111 ? ^J4The Company furnishes standard 60-watt Mazd^ lamps/^ ^FREE for original installation or exchange (upon returi * J'^'^r.of burned out lamps) to its customers using servici|5 under Rate "A" general Lighjting Service (MaximunK '•K*. Demand . . . . .Incandescent lamps of other sUes are furnished ""::l-greatiy reduced prices. Rate). ii*?-' * This new lamp policy is an important and progressive" step in customer service and the Company is pleasecl ^ to announce it as well as the reduction in electric light? ing ratelF^^^^^^ "" Vf-.S ^ •&5k PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS "A •*: pmmg 6,000 square miles JP cities and towns -- wkh Gas or gj^riirity , MM $ ?! ^.v^.r.'l9L-WUiuM ,s:i • ys* • *r '?i "I "*>> - 'J* ~ . V 1' ... if x " ^ r-- ^ i A 'J** r- >-»• '}'•«£ ^ 'fS&ti-: ,: 1- t W '&..... Iv- •/ms