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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1923, p. 7

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&&'?.$*•.?' *<i -• • ttiSW^V'/^i^i la mind lie consulted fc.v made experiments and 18BipowMa»tpwactlptloattgt l W^twf- _ . _ symptom of HmMf hie ajnwem. afe#r»ely gaye bis discovery, which he eaA#«! Allepfhn. to others" who took It, with what might be called marvel- Ms success. After years of urging he decided to let sufferers afsrywhere tnferahput his discovery tiuropfh the »ew*i#ra- He has tM*6»a Instructed dlujfigts everywhere to dispense ,AIl(mtiti with the understand- Ing that » first pint bottle does .. a°tj|il!ftw<tj|e ,?by. to complete recovery h«.i® j^p^'fetora your money with* out eotauafat; 11% order, filled by BUCK & EATHtt DRUG STORES CHICAGO, ILL. Discernments. -.V°V'She married him because brought such • »*••"•« fcl vugageaieat .ij&g." :.v"Yes," conmented Miss Cayenne; 1 *>0 many girls are better judges of ^ diamonds than they are of menu" DEMAMP "BUYER"ASPIRIN * Jtifrplrin Marked With "Bayer Cw«f Viae Been Proved Safe by Millions. » Warning 1 Unles* yoa see the name A flayer" on package or cn tablets yon v are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. "i:>33ay "Bayer" when yon buy Aspirin, i Hlitations may prove dangerous.--Adv. SJ-; Case of Necessity. » STed--Whatever the moralists may short skirts made a girl look neat. Ned--Yes; they kept them from going around with darned stockings.-- . 2few York Sun and Globe. iJCASCARETS" FOR LIVER J,;t AND BOWELS--10* A BOX •'&M*' . •~'-:tr:CteW Biliousness, Constipation, Sick * ,l|»adacbe,Indigestion. Drug stores. Adv. A Grasping Disposition. Madgv;--Jack was penalized for hold- ~;im- * Muriel (<me of the cuddly kind)-- Oh, isn't that Just like Jack?--Boston Transcript. . .Usefulness and baseness cannot lit In the same thing. Halt** Catarrh Medicine 1 *tf n incnt,both loesft ancT Internal, ind has been successitaoltktefdf* m m,t ieaaneac of Catarrh for orti Sold by all druggist*. E. J, CHBHEY & CO, Toledo, Ohio "•ft t-GrmtK*. (-» ituAf da of hum--. (UUiRUCaUhb tfrWmrif PIM* MewYeric "&La§dHMI bnlght 'ftmenvw Alright OH* KA|LAKUACAUN.Y.MFRS. -- every stomach and intestinal 111. This good old-fashioned herb home remedy for constipation, stomach ills an<f other derangements of the sysdays is in even medicine In nv "|f f in film iiba'ii day. CHICAGO, NO. i m HI ^^9 MM Rfl H Hfl mgm |H n ph HHB HB n p •y ^H| IK BftjE •••jH m KM9MH HQ fflR] PWv . while tfiiliKly law V important. ire no less pttSSttbg. Taka, lor example. the "w«r of women i|llsst 'n the United States. Just before the opedta^af congress fpe Mpraaawtatives of the_NatIppaI Woman's party ffctjta SB stales called u Wge ttllBle latercst of the pr_„ for-women amendment tb the Constitution. Pre** dent Coolidge said to then: , £ Tour presence here is a very lmpr«nlt« demonstratlon of your desire. I doubt if any of my countrymen would hesitate to assert that if the woman- \ hood of the nation want something-, they will be^fs bound to secure it. 4 i Exactly. But does the womanhood of the natlo® ;, want the equal rights amendment? In 1820 sixteen women's organizations of nation-wide mem-1 bership formed the Women's Joint Congressional; committee in order to decide upon measures to b«w presented to congress. Eleven of these organize-^ tlons will oppose the equal rights amendment, be-; lieving it unwise to surrender the existing state; laws favoring women because of their sex and* preferring to work through state legislatures rath-: ' ' t: 5-f 'pS& -7;. m Cars afc-il. Quantity Prices® and assembly plant* throughout the in which thousands of skilled woife> Sr^wt: X"r * **• -1), * fi -Chevrolet now l^ads all high'grade can in • sold. -Our new low prices have been made possible "through doubling our productive capacity. We are now operating twelve mammoth iacturii £:lpUnited are turning out 2500 Chevfokti per day. 31 ; ? See Chevrolet First " Motwithatandlsig our recent big redaction in prices the .jC^i^qoilitv and eotilp»ent of our cars have been steadily ia> ' : t|«»ied, until fMiy Chevrolet Meads beyood rowparistWi --tcrnM the best doiiar value of any car sold at any price and da rjf, ^ "• most economical car to maintain. " ; ^ Chevrolet Motor Gx, Detroit, Michigan Piwiow ef (jiirif Mwtor* Corporation • . *k! r Roadat** . . r Tou:in| . , , f Utility Cays . Commercial Con Commercial CStaaali . Lisbt D « l i * e r y . ^ . 1 S^MliClf ki§m tWBtr BSPNM Ikadk CLmM I Daolers and Service iSfflfifttit € 1-t- »3 2S-- 38ISK.-. • , iztfj tmea Cod of 'inatrn. be wttti ua jM. l*»t we forget--lest we forget! By JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN E\V YEAR'S DAY is the day when the prophets are wont to tell us all about> what is going to take place durlngs .v if* - •+* ]\1 ~t\ <.„>* - '• , '*<• . . . ^ • s;s p||i'i i inp;f, ra ne' ; w| r MhT uot c- -r--y• * Tmt RjjfRTiiiii - ti-n ®^ a i i^s' ro' lation o~rA • the United States, may learn that the Halted j; States Is not isolated financially or commercially bat only politically--and politically only In the sense that it is not mixed up in the ambltlona, ;':v< hates and plots of alien peoples. Some of those ^o would have the United^States enter the foreign chaos with a free hand, a long purse and a hig sticky may learn the constitutional llmitattoaa under which the United States must act. Ajid, talking large on the horixon, are alwaya two great qflestlons: To what extent should Another Misfit Name. A visitor to a mountain school, after prodding an unhappy little boy about various matters, asketLhim if he knew the Ten Commandments. The boy said he did not. MTou don't know the Ten Commandments?" the visitor repeated. "No, sir," the boy Insisted; "What is your name, my laftt* . "Moses, sir." ^"V ~ the visitor gave It up. ^ ^ , Keep Well! Avoid SieknaMk < Take Brandretli Pills. One or two at bed time will cleanse the system, purify the hloftd and keep you welLr-Ad*. the coining year. The year Anno Domini 1924 and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and forty-ninth will be an interesting and exciting twelve months. One does not have to be the seventh, son of a seventh son to prophesy that with entire confidence. But the prophet who ventures further is likely soon to be without honor abroad as well as In his own country. Suppose Uncle Sam had a Department of Prophecy at Washington or a United States Commission Of Prophets or something of the kind. And suppose it was the function of said department or? commission on January 1 of each year accurately^ to foretell the events of the coming twelve months, at home and abroad. Well, the cabinet member at the head of thst department or the chairman of the commission or whoever was the boss prophet responsible for the forecast would be walking the floor just about now with dropq of agony on bis brow, wouldn't he? He would. And if he were a wise prophet, wouldn't he drop everything, look at the office door and put up a sign: i..-A" •/•>•'••••• *;Wi Ooae t» th« tall HmtMNVt Ctaaed for npalwr . .r LiL- _ . • He would. For a wise prophet would know that what was needed in that office was not prophets, but puzzle experts. For all the world, at home and abroad,. would appear to be one vast puzzle made up of smaller ones and still smaller ones ad Infinitum. Yes; what Is wanted are puzzle experts with the ability to unscramble scrambled eggs. If a world of scrambled eggs can be Imagined, It to this well-known sad justly-fatuous Earth at the beginning of 1924. There Is, of course, plenty and to spare of people who think they know all about this scrambled world and believe they ara able to unscramble It No less than 22,165 people applied for the $100/100 offered by Edward W. Bok for the best "practicable plan by which the United States may co-operate with other aatleoa to achieve and preserve the peace of the world." Since this Is a free-for-all contest, these self-constituted experts represent all kinds of men and women; the statesman with experience In international- affairs; the financier in touch with the world's money markets; the journalist, with trained power of world-wide observation; the peace-loving woman to whom war la a crime; the patriotic mother who gives her aons to ths nation in its time of need; the Idealist; the dreamer-- the variety among the applicants for the money is as great as that among their plana. To many--at least in theory as patriotic, as able, as experienced--enduring world peace seems an Iridescent dream, as Senator Ingalls of the vitriolic tongue said of honesty in political It would be wrong, nevertheless, te ridicule either the plan, of1 the contestants. Both should be commended. The plan affords the atmosphere in which truth and right are to be found; skepticism and cynicism do not. Health and honesty are the normal state of man and his desire ts toward peace. It Is not impossible that nations may be Induced to think and feel as does the Individual citizen. The international discussion that is silre to follow the announcement of the winning plan should, prove a valuable education to those who Tea sincerely and intelligently follow It Those, for our New Year 365Days Ahead the United States be held responsible for the peace of the world? Is It for the best Interests of the . American people that the United Statea should •Wter Actively into International politics?- Patriotic, able and influential Americana hotd diametrically opposite views on these subjects, as on every one of the subjects of the many puzzles within the vast world-wide puzzle. One American statesman says; > , • . We turned our backs upon oar associate* refused to bear any responsible part in the admin* istration of peace or the firm and permanent establishment of the results of the war won at so terrlbla a cost of life and treasure, and withdrew Into a Sullen and selfish Isolation which lo deeply IgnobMh ^Saeauis manifestly -owardly and dishonorable. • Another American statesman--of the same pottth -Ml party--says In answer: 1 deny that America played *a tcnoble port b«* < fore, during or since tt>o wadr. 1 assert the --Malt pese of history ever written Is the story of Aanerlca's part, before, during and since the war. Much is said and written in favor of "hands across the sea"--a union of America and Great Britain that shsll tell all the rest of the world ta be good snd see that it does behave. It Is Interesting to note in this connection that Russia Has' a dictator, Lenin, who says that when the Reds get the upper hand the bourgeoisie of America Will pay a heavy price. Turkey has a dictator, lfustaplia Kemal Pasha, who is charged with having broken every promise of good behavior and every guarantee to American missionaries and to the remnants of Christians. Spain has a dictator, Bivera, whose ambition is to unite Spain and Latl» America in a confederacy hostile to the United 8tates. Italy has a dictator, Mussolini, who declares that the "payment of reparations belongs la the domain of mythology" and has a chip on his Shoulder for the whole world. IKot a single one of these four dictators has any adequate understanding of the Ideala of the Bn&> llsfc-speaking nations. Not a single one of theaa four dictators cares a red cent for tbe (deals Of the English-speaking nations. Five years ago President Wilson read to s joint Ion of the houses of the American congress terms of the armlstlce whlch had brought the forid war to an iariL Be said, among atfiaar things: And more " m that--much more than that IHis been accomplished. The great nations wblofe associated themselves to destroy it have now definitely united in the common purpose to set up such a peace ss will satisfy the longing of the whole world for disinterested Justice, embodied in settlements which are based upon something much better and much mere Irsting ths the selfish competitive Interests of powerful states. There Is no longer conjecture as te tbe objeeta tbe victors have In mind. They have a mind In the latter, not only, but a beart also. Their avowed ud concerted purpoie Is to satisfy and protect the weak as well a u> accord their just rights to the Strong "Europe is completely mad." says Gerard, f«*. ' Jaar ambassador to Germany, "with no difference except in degree between England. France and Germany." This inevitably suggests the story of the old Quaker who said to his wife: "All the world Is queer except me and thee and sometimes 1 think thee Is a little queer." llr. Gerard may be right; certainly no one caa prove him wrong. But it only adda to the puzzlement of the puzzle Boy. page Ur. Secretary .L L--- "V . .. Tnruugn WnJJrpSs. TH§ WOflll COUfl wi the child labor amendment have right ot way. according to the Joint committee. In the meantime, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, presl* , dent of the National Woman's party, Is predict*»» tag a third party in 1924--with a woman candidate for president--in case neither of the major parties receives the equal rights amendment with favor. Boy, page Mr. Prophet again 1 lfrs. Belmont and her cohorts will have to hurry things or they will find themselves the fourth party, instead of the third. For the call for a nominating convention in May has gone forth and its keynote Is the "abolishment of special privilege." By "special privilege" is meant "the unjust economic advantage by possession of which a small group controls our national resources, transportation, industry and credit, stifles competition, prevents opportunity for development of . all, and thus dctates conditions under which we "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" . Forged Certificates, r^r^1 The forging of Uruguayan rinttiirallzation certificates, to enable Europeans to enter the United States as Uruguayans, has been disclosed. The Uruguayan law requires a residence of five years.before citizenship papers are, granted an immigrant. Certificates were obtained In great numbers by false declarations of witnesses who apparently were members of a strong organization which has ramifications in Argentina and Brazil. r iv sr.: Worii live." v Here's a real job for the pussie expert Who will head this party? How la this "special privilege" to be abolished? How is this "small group" to be Identified? And what will be done to them for "dictating the conditions under which we live?" Anyway, they should not be boiled In oli or anything like that, for on the whole the conditions under which we live might be worse. If 85.000 of us want to see a prize fight and are willing to pay something like a million and a quarter dollars for J the privilege, they let us. They let us own about ] 14,000,000 motor vehicles and burn all the gasoline we want to pay for. They let us crowd the movies and make the high-fare railroad trains run In seer tlons. They offer no objection when we increa»4 deports In savings hanks by $500,000,000, running the total up to seventeen billion. They have al* Towed the establishment of fifteen new working* men's banks in ihe last three years with resource* of $45,000,000. They are letting workingmen In* vest millions In tbe business of their employer^ They allowed workingmen last year to Bend bad $400,000,000 to friends and relatives in Europe Why, they even-allow the women of the country, to spend a million and a half on hair nets. So down with this special privilege that so control^ our Industry and credit and dictates these rigor* ous conditions of existence! Here Is one thing which might be a puzzle, but U| not: Approximately 50,000 of California's Jap* anese are planning to migrate eastward or return to Japan, as a result of the United States Su? preme court's declslofi upholding the state's alien land laws. Nearly a million and a half of the richest agricultural lands of the state, now leased to Japanese, must be returned to white owners* It is a hea' > blow to the Japanese. Of California's enormous vegetable and fruit industry, more than; 80 per cent has bet n for ten years cont-oiled by Japanese. Naturally the Japanese government^ does not like this; the Japanese press reflects lts| feelings and those of the Japanese people. Bat whatever Japan may do about this wholesale ban-' Ishment of her nationals there will be no "Yellow Peril" in 1924 or for many years to come. Theoretically, of course, on New Year's Day all the world is going to swear off. turn ovejr a new leaf, and make good resolutions and live up to them. Everybody Is going to pay bis debts, quit quarreling with his neighbors and act like a gentleman. In theory 1024 will begin business with human nature reformed and the Golden Rule In fall operation. And as with men, so with nations. It should be so. Else the Grim Reaper may find ns unprepared. "In the midst of life we are in death." A few months .sgo the kindly gentleman and sincere patriot at the head of this great nation was alive and well. A little later a fouryear- old boy, representing the children of the nation, tiptoed across the rotunda of the Capitol at Washington and reverently placed a- wreath upon his bier. And now that same boy la atta tal hla grave--nm over by a motor truck. • harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug ostto res and general stores sell bottles ^Dandelion" for 35 eefcts.-->Adv. The Janitor--How did yer come ter lose yer job? Ex-O/Bce Boy--Mine snd the boas' grandmother died on the same day. Nothing bores an outsider so much as a row among kinfolk raging all aropnd htm. A New Kind. A city gentleman was taken all oiar an extensive and lavishly equipped farm. He saw blooded stock of many kinds and was particularly impressed by the prices that hal been paid for some of these fine specimens: Upon rejoining the guests at the mansion he proceeded to enlighten his wife. "Now, take that rooster yonder, for Instance. That rooster is worth two' hundred dollars. He'a a Southdown." Watch Cutieura Improve Your Skhw On rising and retiring gently smear tbe face with Cutieura Ointment. Wash off Ointment in five minutes with Cutieura Soap and hot water. Itis wonderful what Cutieura will do for poor complexions, dandruff, itching and red, rough hands.--Advertisement. Mahooany. forest service says &af sixty different species of timber have< been put on the market as mahogany., The woods now commonly sold under; the name are true mahogany from tropical America, "African mahogany" and "Phllllppine mahogany.'*! Birch and red gum are usually ae», knowledged as imitations of the wood^ although they are sometimes used hfej furniture' sold as genuine mahogany.* A Simple, Safe, Sure Remedy for all local aches and pains due tat taking cold or over exertion is Alicock's Plaster.--Adv. i . Would boyhood be worth lng if it wet* not for Us pains as its pleasures! ' v - * " - :i Sooner or later the durante kiefcar gets his foot in It. * SAY "BAYER" when you buy-^^sc Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fbf r Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tshUts Abo Dottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. tSMH* 'flp WWinfactare ot HooaeoeUcaddactec at SaUqrttaaeM By KATHER1HE COELMAM Another year has come and gone and in its place a New Year ts standing. If the year that Is Just past has brought us disillusion and dlsappolntmcm « if '.t has darkened even in the smallest measure the faith and trust within our hearts--if It bus set as back aven a step from the goai we ha*e has m m M *»* * soma bidden corWer of car heart, lest its influence mighf cloud the dazzling radiance of tbe New Year that is dawning. For with the advent of every y*»ar there Ilea befora us 385 days* wherein we can accomplish much, for each new day Is ours to do. with as we will. seem trivial and of little Importance, but wa should try to remember thst each one of us is s cog In the great machine of tbe universe and that no task Is trivial that keeps tbe great wheela&of the world turning. We should try to remember, also, how many of the great tt)*a of the past walked the humble way we are now treading and that the task of today is often only the stepping stone to the greatest task of tomorrow. Some of ns may perhaps work I It IB a well-known fact that success is?*#-*!* -sr the msn who givca b!s"hll to his work and the greater tbe obstscles la the way the greater the Joy whan the goal is finally reached. Hope and courage and determination are good tools to haw the road to success and they are all enra for the ssking.- Let as then begin the New Year with the greatest faith in the things It holds for us snd let us make each day of It a day of achievement In something either great or small. to relieve a coug, Take your choice and eutt jroor taste. S-B--or llenthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Put one iAnh yrmouyr k mmmopn *th b aoxt abne bdmtixptde.. SMITH BROTHERS SR COUCH DROPS Mgfl TV fcMMS elm* mi SICK HEADACHE Take a good dose of Cut mm then take > or 3 lor a few the organs to thair p«a| and tbe caossa oi ft psas

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