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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jan 1924, p. 8

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SSPOTSBKBsa & W-.JC' LAKE *¥ big ty a aites hatcfce^frlMYe and reeiitots of Lafeiijoanty ful that the state wffl %<*» #'»ei of the sites Wliinitted » time. AccM0tim to l»|Mlt| trm Waukejran the hatchery is to be a real one, it being proposed to cover about ten acres of land with about 18 or 3ft, inches of water, banked with levs** iand a spillway at the end. The pond will be stocked with bMft of the type and each spring, uaitr the plwls, the pond is to be partially dxainod, while the small bass are removed and the surrounding lakes stocked witib them. AS smm BY PLAMAia m POWfcBS AND HANDED DV BT OUR FRIENDS AH You are Monday, the SS*t>- of Ja l|24, I, as th» Ihill Ulir of Will and Testament of saii Deceased, i; you may application V 80-2t Nicholas Jung, Executor. m ik sAT. Mm. n a i*f^ A Picture YomU Remember ^ FOR SERVICE^'te i It we haven't got what you want, f \ i C: r •f& - uw'v» will get it for ytk »>£\*. v# L-id^.V **x H. PRTRSRHuhhh S| Ifs a Full Purse and a IGood Tim#? when Christmas Comes & xS,W'^ £$*:». •; *iQ. Everyone Who Enrolls In Out. i *>VV • •' > • >.--V /;:¥ r *br 3 fe: ' JOIN NOWSi S S f1 / ' < * t j i ^4 \ ' ' * i k *' v Mf , ")K " r* Wi V i~' 4- u > ^ £»„ V • ' IV Cv 4 i > These long wint^ evenings Hr the one time of the year when one enjoys and appreciates comfortable furniture. (It's a long ways between now and the days when you will be able to spend the evenings out of door^ so why not make yourself and family a gift of furniture that will make these winter evenings a^jreaF'joy. W¥;i? r_ Xy - • JACOB JUSTEN" McHENRY, ILL. u ,\.Si Dessert of Desserts^,.r No other goodie can take the place of ice cream as dessert, all the year 'round* ^ V; h i . * -4-: -5^ . , » * • ; ^ "" ' ' ' ' . <fji McHenry Ice Cream *?«£>" r?fv *•'<&?"': r\& T ' with good cake rounds off the meal and insures its success. Everybody likes McHenry Ice Creaoi*. SM 1 m ^ ^ 1 , » ' " ' '1 , ' =•* . ^ V McHENRY ICI CREAM FACTORY c. mm^mop. z, . r, McHENRY, ILLINOIS I, "T" John W. Smith attended to matters in tint metfopoUtan city Ifondajk John J. Saver and daughter, Helen,! were Chicago passengers Svnday evening. Miss Rosemary Nye paatad a few days last week as the guest of friends in Chicago. Miss Mayme Ibsh attended a telephone meeting at Wheaton on Thursday of last week. Mrs. George Meyers and grand* daughter, Joyce Chesnot, wer* Chicag9 visitors Monday. Miss Helen Fegers of Keokpk, la., is spending a few days in the home of her uncle, Dr. C. H. Fegers. Mrs. B. Joos and daughter, Mildred, passed a few days last week as the guests of Chicago relatives. Mrs. H. C. Bobb was called to Orangeville, 111, on Monday by the serious illness of her mother. Miss Florence Colby of Elgin spent several days last week in the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Miss Rose Huemann and niece, Mae Justen, returned home Friday from a seVeral days' visit with Chicago relatives. | | Mrs. Ellen Ensign of Richmond I spent several days last week in the home of her son, F. M. Ensign, and J family. B. J. Frisby *nd son, Weston, of I Chicago were week end guests In tBe home of the former's mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. Clinton E. Martin attended the funeral of • Mrs. Emil Thomas at Woodstock and Waofonda on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrisoa and little son, Robert, of Elgin were week end guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. Gerald Newman attended the funeral of Mrs. Emil Thomas at Wauconda last Thursday. Miss Mollie Ryan of Hollywood, Calif., arrived in McHenry on Monday evening for an indefinite stay as a guest in the home of J*er sister, Mrs. D. G. Wells. Mrs. George Meyers and grandchildren, Arnold and Joyce Chesrrat, spent a few . days last week in the horte of the former's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Marshall, at Morton Grove. SALESLADY HAS LIMBS^ FROZEN WHEN HER MACHINE BECAMS STALLED NEAR HEBRON # ti Miss Marie E. Quigley of Harvard, who travels over a certain McHenry county territory as a saleslady for J. C. Thiee $ Co., wholesale candy distributors of this city, had both of her lower limbs frozen from the ankles to her knees while on her way from Harvard to this city last Saturday morning. Riding in a Ford coupe, in which she covers the territory that has been given her, she was forced to stop her machine about three miles from Hebron when she was unable to get thru because of the fact that two cars ahead of her had become stalled. In stopping her own machine she, too, be came stalled and while attempting to extricate herself her feet and lower limbs became numb. She walked to the nearest farm house, about a mile distance, where it was found that she had suffered greatly from the cold. A Hebron physician Was called into attendance and that evening the young woman was taken to Harvard by rail and since has been at the home of Dr. C. C. Pack in the latter named city. 1 Reports from Harvard are to the effect that the young lady is getting along very nicely, altho it will prob ably be another two or three weeks before she will be able to resume her work- Miss Quigley has been employed by the McHenry concern for about three years, during which time she has proven herself a most valued employe. As has been her cudtom to report to the company here at McHenry every Saturday, she was on her way to |his. city at the time she suffered the painful experience. CRYSTAL LAKE TO VOTE SPECIAL BOND ISSUE Before Crystal Lake will be able to float the new proposed bond issue in the sum of $16,000, the matter must be put to a vote of the people and this, it is understood, will be done. The bond issue is for the purpose of raising money with which to refund the indebtedness of the city for benefits on the sewer systam. it has alBo been proposed to ask the voters to express themselves at the same election for or against the floating of an additional bond issue in the sum of $9,000, the money to be used in the purchase of a new fire truck and equipment- POSTPONED DEDICATION On account of the severe cold, wUA made it impossible for many to present, the dedicatory services at the new Methodist church at Woodstock, which were to have taken place last Sunday, have been postponed until March 9, when Bishop Nickolson, District Superintendent Odgers and Dr John Thompson will be present to take part in the service. The famous Allen A Black Cat hosiery at Erickson's store. With an all star ceetlwadecr by J. Warren Kerrigan, Anna Q. Ntlsson, Winter Hall, Winnifred Bryson, Tom Santschi, Georglf' Woodthorp, Richard Kean. ( /iftp THE COM^RX ENTITLED THE urn* >4."' •.F ri#; i'tiiraii? SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 Harry -INr<; He Miracle Baby m 'It's a Real Western AND THE COMEDY "LET HER RUN" SUNDAY MATINEE AT 2»» 'j k~'~ (Continued from page four) MY STRANGE VISIT I had looked forward to my visit with my friend, Miss Wilkins, for many days. On the night before leaving home I received a note from her, telling me that it would be impossible for her to be home when I arrived, so she had sent me the key •nd full instructions how to reach her home. It was rpining when I left the train. At my first chance I hailed a taxi, informed the driver where I wished to go and left it to him to leave me at the desired place. v . It was about six o'clock 'when \ reached her home; quickly paying the driver I ran up to the house and with no trouble admitting myself. I immediately took my parcels upstairs to the room she hid informed me I was to occupy. I was very much surprised to find the room in an unkept condition. Louise was always very neat. I had been upstairs about fifteen minutes when I became aware of noises downstairs. It coi|ld not be Louise. It was yet only a little after six. I listened intently. The noise was mysterious and uncanny. Unmistakably it was the clink of silverware. I had read much about the robberies of Chicago and instantly it flashed in my mind that the house was being robbed. I stood motionless, I cotyld think of nothing. What should I dot was . helpless. I finally drew up enough courage to creep carefully down the stairs until I was able to see the dining room. My suspicions were Correct. There at the sideboard stood man fumbling with, the silverware. He picked up each pioce, looked at it carefully, then laid it on the table. As he turned to the table I caught i glimpse of his face. The sight of it 1 lightened me more than the fact that the house was being robbed. He seemed very old; his small eyes were sunk far in his head; his tousled hair hung down over his face to his shaggy eyebrows. The expression on his face was one of cruelty. He seemed perfectly at ease. I could not help wondering at the daring of such an aged person. 1, watched jMs stealthy actions for what seemed to me to be hours. I finally decided to return up stairs td my room. My head seemed to whirl. could not collect my thoughts. If I could only get help in some way. I gated distracted!f out of the window. I almost cried aloud as my eyes fell of the telephone wires leading to the house. Here was some help at least. It might have seemed foolish to become excited at such a thing, but t seemed to me that those two wires (tvould save me. My happiness decreased quite a little when I discovered the telephone was downstairs. iBut I still had some hope. Quietly I groped my way down the stairs to my former position. I searched in every direction with my eyes, hoping to see the telephone, (finally I found it, directly opposite the sideboard in the dining room. My liopes were immediately realized when the man said, "Now for the bag, I left it on the porch," and left the room, thru the kitchen. Quickly and quietly t descended the stairs and started for the telephone. ($o to continued) ;sf y Pamela RietsseL. FIRE DESTROYS ROUND LAKE HALL The building at Round Lake which was formerly the Modern Woodman hall, but for the last three years used hs a garage and hall, was totally destroyed by fire on Wednesday evening |of last week. The building was owned by Charles Brainard, Round Lake merchant. The main floor of the Struoture housed the J us trite garage, (while the upper floor was used for hall and moving picture purposes. It is believed that the fire started from the furnace. A public dance was held in the hall on the night preceding the fire. Two hundred and ninety-six marriage licenses were issued during the year just ended from the offlce of County Clerk Guy E. StilL PhortevlU2 The Best Service Ahlrays BBRNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker West McHenry, :: :: Oil&ois Phone 158 2-5 7-8 •te-fr Office Hours J 9-12 a.' ,p. m. • »• if llliitfp Chiropractor •>Uft f. L. M1NICK, DR*, /•' • ' tS • Palmer Graduate V Brefeld Building West McHenry, III s . . . . . . . ^ If you have cream ship it to Elgin or make up a truck load and haul it ' to us. Highest market prioi^ffgid. Im- %-s* mediate returns. Cans return*! promptly. gjpM • J ' Many of your neighbors are coming f '1 v to us with their milk' and cream. Try xis ^" '*v > 1 v, y V 'v' ; V :Mj B. S. Pearsall Butter Co. ELGIN, ILLINOIS i" -A • •, yx- 't .4' wK'^Wf l •/ k REPORT OF THEOONDITION OR •* located at West McHflQi;, State of Illinois, at the close'of business on the 31sb day of Dec"., 1MB?, as made to Uk» Aoditornf PthHc accounts of the % RESOURCES' r : ' - . Loans on Real Estate i#..- «& WMK.II Loans on Collateral Security. ^ . . 7 - - - Loan8c«^*,•>*•* -<•-» * * • + • -- 82S,513«)t Overdrafts. -l..' SSZlSI U. S. Government Other Bonds and Stock# 1Hvlfe4Ji Banking House, Furniture and fixlures, . . . Due from Banks, Cash and Other Cash ResourdesS^A*^ 114,MtJ> p'4 %-' . J-VP-9M '-V } " 4r.LiABiuTiBi'. "' / ( 's " i'iCj • •> . M.MMI 'y£ & ' K,MMf M, t.,^ ;V >1 Sw«7 WSy.V UIVUIfIa ' SV ; «> ' •'$ • itai MOCK..vii-1 Surplus ..v.. Undivided Profits Time Deposits -- 4» . Demand D e p o t t t a . ^ ^ . I w l Contiagent ^ .tip tmm :i •, ;A: > >' - j- : I, Carl W. Stenger, CasAter o/tfie West ^cittenry atate ffanlj, do solemnly swear thst the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items a* amounts shown above correspond witfc^ the items and ampunts shown in the report |n IM Auditor of Tablfte Aoaouou, State*of llllnoto, pursuant to law. ^ Carl W. Stenger, Cariiier./ ' . ... 1WM • ' !fe " • • I" jtj'if' tW X ' " 4'V'^ • -tf< f ^Subscribe* and sworn to before me this 7th ds^^f January, 1824 *'V;-3% - : EHen Walsh, Neta>y PuWis. ,\vc?rv.rV-v...1.v, **?•.;•;?>^-1Vi i $ P'-V. 5 'AiX1 • •< K' Si ' '•i * Begios Sit., JUL 12 and continues through Sat., JIB. 19 ftiwiNTER FOOT WEAR.. " ' " rM.r M«n*s 4 Buckles Arties and all -Rub|1 ber Overshoes, $4.25 value, to • - clear stock per pak -IS.39 Mefi's 1 Buckle OverdKMt per pr*.$1.88 Boys' 4 Buckle Overshoes, per pr._$2J9 Boysv 1 Buckle Overshoes, per pr..$1.79 Prices on all other winter loolwear ire similarly reduced « -tr - BUY GddDS ^O&e lot short length Percales, f quality, good light patterns, yd. . tic 27;in. American Prints or Calicoes..lOe Cotton Challies, a good variety,yd... 18c Heavy Cotton Dress Plaids, per y*l.. _ lie • /V3£:sv We have selected a long list of every day goods that we are offering at an extraordinary„saw^4ur^g sale GROCERIE& • ^itake View Brand Milk, tall can |c Campbell's Baked Beans, per caa lie , 'Campbell's Soups, per can: tic JO bars American Family Soap... * 10 bars P & G Naptha Soap .l.Hc i-5c Pkgs. Pear line Washing Powder.SSe fne lot 10c Toilet Soaps, per bar |e runes, good quality small size, le * 4. •' Aluminum Coffee Percolators. .... Me -Aluminum Double Ric« Bo&ai*. . lie Aluminum Roasters ._. ..-._|MI Aluminum Kettles, 2 styles^.TT _$1«|| Aluminum Dish P a n s . . . . . j » ^ . t i M Aluminum Water Paill - - $Ut Aluminum Tea Kettles HJI fprey Enameled Water Pai%w... file .: 20% DISCOUNT 20/6 ^ Owing to limited quantities we are giving a straight discount on all ol the following: Men's Winter Caps Men's Sweater Coats Boys' Winter Underwevi} Boys* Winter €«{>& Boys* Sweater^ • ,v: fa < *; J* Men's Heavy Woolen SodBL Men's German Soclis Mea'^Wiat^Ui>d6iw«HU| ^ Ladies'and Children's Woii" ' Knit Gloves Wool and Silken Wool Hosiery Winter Underwear FlsnrnJ Niadit f2Awtl.. -'fi GENERAL MERCHANDISE WEST McHENRt \:"h '»H , < I, j : t M % i A : . 4fv

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