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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jan 1924, p. 7

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BUY THE HOME SOME NEW CLOTHES I :,,J **" ^ °f SpriB®r wllbout new clothes? as happy T things in the borne--a chair, a davenport, a new rug, ^dining suite--as you would with a new yown. And right now Furniture wait .never more reasonable in price, while •V 4*^•• ~'X A. Leath 4 Co. St6N« Wjln,JI-7< Grove Ave. * A-- u--ro-ria-,» 3J1 -TSLl*a.t"a"n' d AvSei. . Kreeport. S-7 W. Main S«. «»SfM* Lafayett«®|. B«k>it. 4J7-*J| 4th Sr. Joliet. 218-217 Irff-rson St W-JM.Milw.ufa* st:^ £•?. Vrc* Ma8on,c ' ernPle. >" OahkoKh. >1-13 Main Si. Peoria. South Adams St. •"Matur, 432-tf* Water.S*. ^|gt Leath's lt>costs lens. j^iV •Mt* L«AT*rS TwentyKears of Successful Automobile Building9 r iMRiary 18, Buick celebrates its twent-eth birthday. • Proud as Buick is of it* growth within the short space of two decades, it » not in it« vast organization that Buick its greatest pride. Rather it is in what these attainments indicate. Buick s position of leadership has been achieved solely by the accomplishments of Buick cars in the hands of more than a mQliOD owners. In their dependable performance, in their satisfying comfort, and in their year by year fulfillment of every demand Of motoring, Buick cars have won the place they occupy. From the rich background of experience--with all of its unequalled manufacturing facilities--and inspired by a <ifq> aenae of personal obligation to Buick friends, ownenuuid the (end# public--Buick will seek eyer to maintain on an tven higher level toe confidence of the public which it now enjoys. B-27-1S-NP OVERTON & COWEN . McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. **'.*£* :,<d; u '» «r» »«it> win tsiii 6fl©TO« <si»« J ' T - U Don't GIVE your furs away! Get SHOBERI prices for them -the highest of the season ! * $ $ $ ^ 50- in prizes everyday free If you have not shipped to "SHUBERT" yet this seaaon --try "SHUBERT"--NOW i ' ~*et some REAL prices I the highest of the season. I We have just raised our | prices again and want every ' Moskrat--Mink--Stamk --and all other furs you can trap or buy--we'll make it PAY YOU BIG. Ship quick while our demand lasts. Take immediate advantage of these SPECIAL ADVANCED PRICES! MMTIPM nxnfOM rUM 1 •tIECTMUUWe Ro.iuum felftEMNI St. 1 SMALL W. 2 Jbtnta Avwaga J Extra to Avmit jtfBtea •» AveewlSetrs t» Aw«i A*k»«MAQMHr MUSKRAT lieu. 2.(01 mi»2.251 mioi.5o|i.<»»»i.iimn» .70 M I N K Fae, Dark . Uani C# - 16.00 to 14.50 12.50 to 11.25 I4.00tol2.00 ll.00tolQ.00 11.50 to 9.50 9.25 to 7.00 9.00 to 7.00 «.75to5.0Q 9.00te450 6,75 to 125 S K.U N F I > . > - •*.1 EITRD LUGE litnte Avcragi •«. 1 UUISE Extra to Average U. 1 HEBMH Extra to ATWH< Ro t SUU Extra to Avmga ii BUdt. Start;?. J Hwrtw.... Btm4 .. ... fcOOto 5.50 SJOto 4.25 4.10 to 125 2.50 to 1.50 4.75 to 4.00 3.50 to 2.75 2.65to 225 1.40 to 1.15 3.75 to 3.00 2.(5 to 225 2.15 to 1.75 l.lOto .85 2.65 to 2.15 2.00 to 1.75 1.60 to 1 JO .75 to .50 2.50 to 1.00 1.85 to .7S 1.60 to .60 .75 to .25 These extremely high prices are based on the well-known "SHUBERT" STANDARD GRADING and are quoted for immediate shipment. No. 3'a, Ho. 4's, poor unpritn«,and otherwise inferior skins at highest market value. Tar FOR ONE or OUR PRIZES! LIST or DAU.T ntracsi First Friza SMMd Prix* Third Prist *25 00 ^ $13.00 10.00 - i^ v-L |S#.#0 IfRKE every day for the three best handled shipments sHufi, Shipment must consist of not less than six legally caught raw fut skins. The way the furs are bandied determines the winners. Get some of this prise money! - Ship "SHUBERT" all the furs 70A have on hand at OIIKP--go get some more--and ship--ship ship (|AI. Oar rhecka will make you bappy. COME ON WITH TOUR PURS AB.SHUBERTmc sMSs,.,, CHICAGO •Jimp*" -*v •» w wm mm?: T .(. - '^ „ . .Ij-.. . .„ * • «-• * SLOCUM LAKE Waits gloves and mittens at Srlek< soa's. Page A. Smith was a btnineea caller at Volo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Geary-were at McHenry Sunday afternoon. L. Isjirin of Chicago is spending a few days at the G. Burnett home. Willard Barrel! and Harry Matthews were McHenry callers Sunday morning. 1 Harold and William Brooks of Waukegan spent the week end with home folks. " Mrs. Page Smith visited with her sister, Mrs. B. C. Harris, in Wauconda last Friday.' Mr. Detrick of Chicago was a business caller at the home of W. E, Brooks Monday. Willard Darrell attended a meeting of the Mutual Casualty company ia Chicago Friday. Miss Neva Toynton et Wauconda was ths< guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks Monday evening^ Mildred Hoffman made her usual trip to Chicago Thursday audi returned Saturday morning. Al. Staples returned to the G. Burnett home Thursday last after spending a few days at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deinlein east of Wauconda Sunday. Mildred Hoffman remained over Thursday night last with her sister, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, at Crystal take. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and sons of Round Lake were Sunday afternoon callers at the Blomgren home. , Mrs. Mary Clark and granddaughter, Frances •Nichols, Ro^eville Were guests Sunday at Oak Glenn farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. R. Young of Wauconda and Mildred Hoffman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at £rystat Lake Sunday. Miss Corinne Blomgren. and Raymond Lusk of Volo attended the card party at Round Lake last Wednesday evening. Wm. Dowe!l and sisters, Sarah, Irene and Mildred, of Rosdtille were Sunday afternoon callers of Lillian Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the euchre club party Monday evening which met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fink. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry were guests of Mrs. Schaffer'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary, Sunday. Myrtle Darrell and George Passfield attended the meeting of the young people's society of Volo at the home of Corinne Blomgren Friday night. - Willard Darrell attended the annual meeting of the Lake county Milk Producers' association held at the town hall at Libertyville last Saturday. - *T . _ Mrs, Earl Johnston attended the Girls* club meeting vvfiich met with Mrs. Andrew Bangs at Wauconda Tuesday evening and won one of the favors. Miss Myrtle Darrell attended lier Sunday school class party, under the supervision of Miss Lamb at the community house at Wauconda, last Thursday evening. > Miss Corinne Blomgren entertained the young people's society of Volo at her home Friday evening. Various games were played and delicious refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Harry Matthews and1 Willard Darrell, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kent of Wauconda, attended the annual banquet and meeting of the Lake County Farm Bureau at Libertyville last Thursday. Mrs. G. Burnett went to Chicago Saturday, where she attended the wedding of Helen Golding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Golding, to William Van Harz, Jr., also of Chicago. The *wedding took place at eight o'clock Saturday evening at the home of the bride's parents, r 7; -- VOLO" 7 Pete Engeln was in McHsfnry Friday morning. The Bert Easter family have moved to Round Lake. Harry Hironimue--speBt. Thursday last in McHenry. L. A. Huson was a business caller in Chicago Friday. _ . Helen Vasey from east ox town visited school Monday. George Dasher of Wauconda spent Sunday morning in Volo. Willard Darrell of Slocum Lake was a caller in town Tueuiay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Rosing are entertaining a bright baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wagner of Fremont spent Friday morning in town. Frank Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, were callers in McHenry Wednesday. Harry Nicholls spent the past week as tHe guest of his daughters in Mcbusineas caOer ia pawn Saturday afternoon. Volo was well represented at the card party at Round Lake last Wednesday night. Several of .the local farmers attended the John Ler.sen sale at Fort Hill Wednesday. Wm. Frost^nd Mary of Round Lake were callers at the Frank Hironimus home one day recently. Miss Ruby Peterson sprat Saturday in Libertyville attending the school meeting in Gridley hall. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner of Grayslake were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rosing Tuesday night. John Hironimus of Lake Zurich was a Wednesday caller at the home of his brother, Frank Hironimus, and family . * The Griswold Lake school, of which Miss Anna Stock 'is teacher, spent Tuesday afternoon visiting the Volo public school. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutscher spent Saturday afternoon , with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Myer, at Ivanhoe. „ > Mrs. G. A. Vasdy1 fiis~W¥,tfrned to her home after making an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. L. C. Benwell, at Gurnee. , Several friends of S. J. Wagner motored to Freemont Fridfcy night and helped him celebrate his twentyfifth wedding anniversary. Euchre and dancing were the features of the evening and everyone voted Ves a rsyjU entertainer. ,... OSTEND C." B. Durkee has been affifcttell with quite a severe cold for several days, but is much better and able to be out. Henry Hobart was fortunate in getting a season's wood sawed last week Thursday. Th^ next day was cold and stormy* Last news from Myron Francisfco he was gettiag along fine and had braces taken off and' walked a little with the aid of crutches. Mr. Hoppe is still in Chicago where he can take treatments without taking such a long ride. Not much change in condition is last report. School children have been unable to get to school unless they were taken for several days. Monday some of them made home on foot, the first time since the snow fall. Monday's thaw neferly spoiled sleighing. Farmers have been delivering milk with horses and sleighs. community. It is now bdieved that the disease has been checked. All patients are getting along nicely and are now well on the road to recovery. Three bob loads of young people of Chicago made things pretty lively at Jos. Michels' last Saturday afternoon. The party arrived in McHenry from Chicago during the afternoon and from that city were driven here in bobs. After a short stay at Mr. Michels' the party returned to Mc* Henry, where a dinner was enjoyed at Justen's hotel. On account of the extreme cold weather and sickness the public card party, which was to have taken place at the parish hall last Sunday evening, has been postponed and will now be held next Sunday night, Feb. S. The Christian Mothers, who are sponsoring the event, are planning to make it one of the most enjoyable parties of the winter season and extend an invitation to everyone to be present. -- SOLON MILLS E. E. Cropley was a business taller in McHenry Tuesday. , Abe Miller was caTIil^g ohy ftriends in McHenvy Tuesday. Gerda Aim has been oh til* sick list but is reported better. ^ T. J. McAssey of Richmond was a caller in town Monday. Cfaas. Haldeman of Richmond was seen on our streets Monday. Mrs. C. W. Cropley boarded- the train for Chicago Thursday. W. H. Gardner was a business caller in Richmond Wednesday. Chas. Westlake was a business; caller at Spring Grove Tuesday. Mr. Rindall of Chicago was, a guest in the Goo. Vogel home last Thursday. Mrs. Al. Bennett of Chicago was a caller iq the Jack Pester home 'Tuesday evening. Dr. Shingleman of Chicago was 3s caller in the Abe Miller home Wednesday evening. * Stanley Aim boarded the noon train for Chicago Saturday and returned Sunday evening. Miss Leona Cropley of Libertyville spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C W. Cropley. Harold Osborn spent the week end in Elgin, visiting his bother, Dwight, and sister, Annabell Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of Mc Henry were callers at the home of the latter*8 parents here Tuesday. Chas. Aubert, who has been sick of inflamation of the bowels, is re They think wheels will have to be1 ported much better at this writing, used unless another snow comes soon. " August Phillips and Roy and Ed. Nellie, the little sorrel pony owned I Aubert spent the week end in the by the Hobart family, one all the {fcame of their giother, Mrs. Mary children drove when attending high school at M&enry, dted Monday night. In the morning she called for her breakfast, at night refused to eat and Tuesday morning she was gone. Arthur Hoppe came home from school last Friday feeling quite ill. He suffered a light attack of tonciJitis. It was impossible for him to get to school with the car so he has been riding on horse back. Five miles is a long horse back ride these cold mornings. At this writing he is very much better. Mrs. Florence Dana stayed with Mr. Durkee a little over a week after Mrs. Durkee's burial. Monday he received a letter from her saying she would be back again soon. He has a man with him so he is not alone. He expects to have a sale in a few weeks and will go home with Mrs. Dana, his adopted daughter, and make that his h> Aubert. The local ladies gave a party for Mrs. John Haldemann Wednesday afternoon. Refreshments were served and all in attendance had a jolly, good time. "The occasion was her seventyseventh birthday anniversary. TERRA COTTA Valentines of all kinds at VyettaPs. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox visited relatives in Woodstock Sunday. ' " Ralph Wingate was a business visitor in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. H. Hill and son, Francis, were callers in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Grant E. McCollum of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Monday. Mrs. Bey of Chicago spent an evening last week at the home of B. 4. Shine. Little James Green of Woodstock is spending the wpek at the home of M. Knox. /JDHNSBURG Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin spent Misses TKatherine and Mary AlthofT 1 spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. of Elgin visited home folks Sunday. 1 and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby. Wm. J. Meyers motored to Milwau- j Those from a distance who attended kee one-day last week to take in thef the funeral of Mrs. Alice Riley here auto show. (last Tuesday were: Mrs. P. Dolan, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kattner of i Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson, Misses Spring Grove were callers here Tues-i Mary, Alice and Lillian Riley, Jennie day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Schaefer spent last Thursday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Schaefer. Bernard Althoff motored with his brother, Wm. H. Althoff, to Aurora Monday of this week. Mrs. John King of McHenry was a guest in the home of Mr., and Mrs. Joseph King last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Thelen spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P, M. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund Sunday. Miss Mary Schmitt of Sublet, 111., is spending a few weeks in the home of Tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt. Mrs. Simon and children of Chicago came out' Friday evening to spend a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Mathieu. Mrs. Arnold Mueller left last Friday for Columbia, South Carolina, where she expects to spend a few weeks as |he guest of friends. George Toifyan helped his cousin, Henry Tonyan, move from the John A. Smith farm east of McHenry to the Lobdale farm pear Round Lake last Thursday. Our school re-ope nod on Monday morning of this week after a week'" close-down as a precautionary measure against the spreading of disease which has entered a few homes in this Hogan and Marie Dolan, Thomas Bernston, James Riley and Daniel Shine of Chicago; Mrs. Peter Foley and daughter of St. Charles; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox of Woodstock and Raymond J. Riley of Indianapolis. (Continued on another page) WILL TH1S EAR Be A Fiilare Far YM If at the end of this year you have nothing saved, the year will have been a failure for you--you will have made no profit on your labor or business. Make the year a ^ Success. Sta rt a - j Savings Account today. FOX RIVER VALLEY STA1E BANK McHenry, Illinois McHenry Township Mutual Fire FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURA . iGood protection at very low cost The fact that our Company has written more than $225,000 worth of j tiew business, without much canvassing, during the *ryear just ended, indicates that the people of this ^xommunity are beginning to realize that a Mutoa] ^ Insurance is the only insurance. , McHenry: Michael Freund, Phone 127-J ARGENTS i Johnsburg, Ring wood: M. N. Schmitt, 623-R-l Spring Grove and Richmond: Fred Meyers r-vSi .COFFEE-- u NO ADVANCE IN PRICE If you are not satisfied with your coffee, try ours. We have three splendid brands at J9c, 35c and 30c per pound. One of these issure to suit you. We grind it to your ordeg ttid fully guarantee it. EXTRA SPECIAL ChlldtSeri*? Fleeced Vests and Pants.. ...._ We have grouped these garments in two lots to close out at lie and 25c. JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY w KISSING THE COOK | You have heard the old saying "clean the table and the diners are plMviledgcd to kiss the cook." Whether it is a penalty for not having prepared sufficient food to appease the family or whether it is a tribute, to her excellency as cook we do not know. Whether a penalty or a' tribute, the home cook, the mother, or housewife likes to see her loved' ones enjoy her cooking. Users of EARLY RISER flour never have many left overe in so far as her bakings are concerned. EARLY RTSER flour is so good and wholesome that it invariably begets baking success. Try a sack with your next grocery order. Every sack fully guaranteed or your money back. "* _ -McHenry flour Mills I WEST McHENRY. ILL. After Weeks of Planning ? - .> We've spent weeks planning this sale. We've searched many of the big wholesale markets, and we've made some of the best "buys" ever known to this store. That's why we have been able to jam our counters with hundreds of bargains like those below. ' They will soon be ready for you. Note the dates, Come early. ^ " • II '• ' T III'.I MI ' LL . . . j : Starts Wednesday, Feb. 6 LASTS FOUR DAYS SPECIALS Sticks -,$C 10 qt. Galv. Water Pails., le Rolling Pins . .. .. 6 in.Steel Fry Pans ..le Curtain Rods . le Pyramid Toasters .vie Aluminum Ware.-- le 712 in. Berry Bowl Jk Fire Shovels .. < le Biscuit Pans. le Bread Tins:... .... ..v. $e --wvj'g; 1 1 • V I SPECIALS 1 Glass Towel Bars . .I., le Water Tumblers, 2 for., le Block Paneled Glassware le Chair Seats ...le Men's Half Soles ...le Scrub Brushes ..... .-...le Gray Enamel Ware ... -le Toilet Paper, 2 lor. * le Tin Ware..i.,....r-->...vie Hammer Handles .le Waving Irons . |e Many other bargains. Only oie Galvanized Water Pail to a cuslower JOHN J. VYCITAL A prize is offered to ,|he boy and girl who brings in, during this sale, the biggest list of words containing nine fetters. Boy's prize, set of Military Brushes. Girl's prize. Enameled Compact. Prizes will be awarded Saturday evening, February Mk. ' "J -M, • ^ ..v& - • v ; V :

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