*..• '* "•• •^'•- '\V*. . .-«t-~;' .»- • 5' - •'-"'•'. ••-•V ' * ' "" - l • ^,' •• -" •. *i. -P' ;' ' " ;K»*f s:,:'f" .^*. S^jj- ^•C^i»f»iCC i£tir>.;p X ' • ' V. .'- '• V - ••»•£ y- •V-"*-- "•""*•"?$ : sv,, ;' • vfiT • THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB, McHENRT, , ItL| , , ,, -r -s\* *% ^ rsflGV4* ^V\\^F, -'t -i "V-s>*Y i >«\ :- 4-V ;; ;:;4*v.^v ^'.r'^,^ i ' ; : r ' isj« •J?*- -V • te-r,'-.1 - K t v; *. v'»: •-"is */ S%:-; (r^ ^ : '-i **\YP-." ?;•';?" a If * - • •£>$•. &. A«V M -- .*-' "* 53P-,; k "iiwry Ktten 7a& < Stmrj? ijfo-Z. Is Winter Time Yotirj|5 Backache Timet DOES every «o!d, chill or attack of grip leave you lame, acHy and all worn out> Does your back throb and ache until it se^ms you just can't keep going another day? Do you kniw these trouble* are often due to weakened kidneys? , Winter 8 colds and chills throW a heavy strain on the lad- ^ neys. The kidneye are apt to weaken end fall behind in filtering * the blood. Poisons accumulate and upset blood and nerves. Then cornea constant backache, rheumatic pain*, headache dizziness and kidney irregularities. Don't wait! Delay is often serious. Use Doan's Pills •--a. stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Doan's have helped thousands. They are recommended by users everywhere. Aek gouf neighbor! -~ " Use Doan's," Say These Good Folks: John Williamson, prop. .grocery store, 740 K. 27th St., E. St. Lotiis, 111., *ays: "My back ached and I had' sharp pains through the small of it when I stooped or straightened. My kidneys acted irregularly. The secretions passed too often and were scanty, painful and filled with sediment. I used Doan's Pills and they gave me relief in a short time. " I haven't been troubled pmce." Mrs. Hannah Powers, 1721 Hall St., E. St. Louis, 111., sav*: "Sharp pains caught me throe di the small of my back when I stooped.- I felt tired and achy all through my limbs. My kid neys acted irregularly and showed different signs of diso; der. I used' Doan's Pills and they have never failed to bring relief almost instantly." Doan's Pills Stimulant Diuretic fo the Kidney* * < ; > At all dealers, 60c a box. Foster-Milbum Co., Mfg. Chemists, Buffalo, w.t City Without Mo view > A city has been discovered where the moving picture Is unknown. It Is Amoy, in southern China, with 120.000 - Inhabitants. No amusements prevail, iexcept mah-Jongg, and that is restricted to the homes of • mandarins shd wealthy merchants. '*-•» - ' 1 "T iHfjg Hi. ». ih »*«.«> , »' The Outcome It Is a fact that almost every American girl .expects to marry a millionaire. Yet we know there are not nearly enough millionaires to go around. What Is the result? Many a girl marries * pq^rritan who is trying to act rich, ' » V,i"|iii. SAY/'BAYER" when you proved safe by millions and prescribed bj pbysi<$y|&^v m'r :.fK* T-Colds ^Headache ^Neuralgia, Lumbago ^ <a Paifp^Toothache Neuritilr^ Rheumatism "which contains proven directions. m. V Wr* Handy "Bayer" boxes of Also bottles of 24? and IOC '•UpfOm la tfca tnfe 12 tablets. 100--Druggista. aC Bafsr UaasfactoM of itoncacaUcaeMsstwr of SallcjlicacM Things to Worry About Canton, China, is surrounded by •walls of brick and sandstune, twenty-< five to forty feet high and troftoty (feet thick. Moslems Detest Bells Bells are never used in Mohammedan losques. The Moslem race detests 'bells, under the delusion that they cause the assemblage of evil spirits. '"jw' Children Cry for "Castoria" ,K. Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castorfa has otSm n in use for over SO years as a leasant, harmless substitute for astor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops nd Soothing Syrups. Contains no rcotics. Proven, directions are on ch package. Physicians everywhere recorihnend It. Hie kind yoti hart always bought bears signature of *W': Two pleasant ways to reheve a cough Take your choice and suit tur taste. S-B--or Men thai vor. A sure relief for coughs. Colds and hoarseness. Put one, in your mouth at bedtime. Alwuya keep a box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS S.B. COUCH DROPS ManngL, famous sines 1847 ;wfi ' M !fe SICK HEADACHE Take a good dose of Carter's little liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They restore the organs to their proper functions and and the causes of it pus away. THEY BEGIJLATE THE BOWELS PREVENT CONSTIPATION SfcSfc^ SmBlWjMDws;: WHEAT COUNTRY Program for Relief of the Northwest Drawn Up ? :vV at Washington. ^ ' r t. * - Washinpton. -- Under the direction of President CooHdge, emergency measures were* formnlated here to relieve the financial stringency and economic distress in the wheat region of *llie Northwest. The esscritiui features r>f the administration projrnim follow : 1. Creation of a SHMXXMIOO corporation to furnish financial aid to banking and agricoltural interests, an undertaking indorsed by," the conference here of financiers and business men from, the Northwest invited by the President. • 2. Tassage of the Norbeck-Rurtness bill providing for an appropriation of ?.Y>,000,000 for -a loan fnnd to be administered by the secretary of agriculture and t^o commissioners for the ,financing of crop diversification by wheat farmers. n. Extension to the end of this cal* endar year of the perhwi di which the War Finance corporation may snake advances for agricultural purposes. The Conference, following an address by President Coolidge advocating the last two of these measures, proposed the creation of the $10,000,0(10 corporation in the following resolution: "Resolved, that this project for the creation of a' $10,000,000 corporation to assist in the emergency in the Northwest is in principle approved and that Italpli Van Vechten, E. W. Decker, John McHugh, Clarence M. Wooley, Alexander I^egge,, C. T. Jaflfrey and H. P. Lamont are appointed a committee on organisation, with full power to prepare the charter and by-laws and to add to their membership and take any other action appropriate, and that the iceaiimittee requests, the cooperation of the secretaries of the treasury, commerce and agriculture, and of the managing director of the War Finance corporation In the appointment of committees to solicit subscriptions for the capital stock of the corporation." WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN Tint Any'Worn, ^ Dra|Mlry* ^ diamond Dy« R&h 15-cent package •( "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple that any woman can dye or tint any aid, woni. faded thing new, even if she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store.--Advertiseniflwf - New Use for Silvm The bureau »>f mines was authorized by Secretary Work to begin a research Into possible new uses for silver. Dr. L, I. Shaw, assistant chief chemist of the bureau, was named to conduct the experiments at the Reno (New) laboratory. As a result of a preliminary investigation, the bureau has reported that a "systematic research to develop a nontarnishing silver alloy or one In whidi the tendency to tarnish is reduced and the development of a silver alloy for use on automobiles would be of benefit to the industry." Americans Printed First Postage Stamps for King The first British postage stamps were male at 69 Fleet flreet, London, over 80 years ago. . About 1819 two men came over from the United States arid started a printing and engraving business which to this day is known its Perkins, Bacon & Co., Ltd. They were Jacob Perkins, an inventor, and Gideon Falrman, an engraver, and with them were associated the two sons of James Heath, R. A. Th« famous Perkins process of engraving on steel was applied and when millions of postage stamps were first required the Perkins method was adopted and proved to be. just what' was wanted. a Credit for the invention'of the adhesive postage stamp has been claimed both for Sir Rowland Hill and for James Chalmers, a bookseller1 of Dimdee. The first British postage stamp was black and was introduced in 1841. It was a queen's head designed by Henry Carbonld and engraved by Frederick Heath.--London Tit-Bits. > The Best External Remedy ** fuse all local aches and pains, the result of taking cold, over exertion or •trail), Is an Allcock's Plaster.--Adv. V Base CanardT The boy furrowed his brow over the examination question, "What Is a canard?" At last he wrote down his reply.,, "Something you canardly believe." He still finds it painful to gjlt down1--London Post. • / ' Why Softer Pal* from a cut or burn? Cole's Carboltmlva stops pain Instantly and heals quickly without a scar. Keep It handy. All drugtgists, 30c and 60c, or J. W. Cole Co., Rookford, 111.--Advertisement. dale and Sleet Choke Chicago; Traffic Tied Up Chicago.--Stinging sleet, whipped across ihe city at times by a 46-mlle gate, practically Isolated Chicago from the rest of the world for hours" Monday night. The storm seriously crippled local transportation of every sort. Street car traffic in -the cKy was at a standstill. Streets, and boulevdi^ds were Hued with automobiles caught in drifts or rendered useless by the heavy toll of fine Ice and heavy wet snow. Transcontinental trains scheduled to depart over northwestern and direct western routes were being held In the Chicago terminals. Smallest State The smallest independent stats Is Moflaoo, area approximately eight square miles, bounded by the Mediterranean and the French department of Alpes-Marlmites. The principality practically consists of the capital, Monaco, Monte Carlo, and the village 01 Condamine.. "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion" for 35 cents.--Adv. The Busy Bee- In order to store up a kilogram Ctwo and one-fifth pounds) of honey, bees have , to visit at least 6,000,000 heads of red clover, according to computations based on Observances of their work byvDr. L. Armbruster of Berlin. Clover honey requires the most work. Fewer visits to other honey-producing plants are required, as low. as 80,000 in the case of peas. Sinclair Dtal, With Rtdrn% {or the Crown Jewelt * " • * - ^aris.T-It 4s understood that Harry Sinclair, American oil magnate, has completed the formation of a company *0 purchase the Russian crown jewels from Moscow and also t<i Qbtalu large quantities of platinum firom Russia, through the formation of an American corporation, Mr. Sinclair hopes to ^btaln the right to "fetch the Romanoff Jewels from Russia and to sell them in New York. The exact Sum is not knows, bat it is understood that it runs into the millions. v Her Principle Charm "Betty's face is her fortune." "Well, at any rttte, it draws a of Interest." ^ - j|?i"i- .i >i.ii H..H lot Always Keep a Bex on Hand. Brandreth Pills are a Bafe and reliable laxative, made in America for ninety years, entirely vegetable.--Adv. Nesting in the Snout Did you ever find a nest tilled with eggs In the snow? While such an experience may be Jjjh down in your nature diary as an event, it is quite possible, says Nature Magazine. The great-horned owl has more than once been discovered brooding beneath a white blanket In the midst of k February blizzard. * It takes a man with strong will power to question the sincerity of his imagination Cor This Hew Book ; ^Concrete^f Around the : Home" ^ Cveryone who wants to improve ] or save money around his Jarm, needs the new Portland Cement Association booklet i "Concrete Around the Home.** It tells in everyday language the easiest, \ simplest and most economical way to use i Concrete for making drives, walks, septic tanks, garages and other permanent im- £r provements. Easily followed instructions J; :.^Vgive you all the details necessary for esti- C.^mating materials, mixing, placing and^ the Concrete. | "Concrete Around the Home** is only one of our many booklets available without charge to those interested in using Concrete.r If you are planning any of the money-saving concrete improvements seen everywhere nowadays, such as a permanent floor, basement, or - foundation for your buildings, a manure pit, feeding floor, corncrib or silo, we have a booklet on the subject with complete instructions tor building it of Concrete. Remember this service is free. The Portland Cement Association has 28 offices, listed below, and one of them is your office--the one nearest you. Find which one it is, and write today about the concrete improvements you are planning. There are people in that office whose business /it is to help you save money by making it easy for you to use concrete. Let them show you hour they can help you. PORilAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION o4 National Organization to Improve ; > and Extend the Uses of Conerete: m Binnfagbrii Bomoo Chicago Dallas Dw Kant-- City D« Motet* Lot Angcki Detroit Memphu Helen* Milwaukee New Yocfc Porkers burg Ptnladdpha Pittsburgh ImiiaiwpaGa Minneapolis Portland, Ona. Jacksonville New Orteana Sab Lake Ckr at a Big Cash Cocoa Saving/ .,4 * -5 "m " :sv Qleamihg Pink Coffin of* % King Tut Is Revealed Xnxor, Egypt.--The fourth or Inner Casket'of Tut-Ankh-Amen, for the first time in .T,i200 years, was reveled to human gace Monday. The heavy ornate chest, under the glow of electric lights, was gleaming pink. At tti% four corners stood goddesses of death. Warding of evil spirits. The mummy Is expeotfed to" be revealed in a few days. • > * - "* • R DUTCH PROCESS COCOA AMERICAN PROCESS « V 14 -4- - %. Jf-Ar* ^ jf • •/;+«. 4 ' t » -V, f . r I - "-^4- 1 < * . Order Today From Your Qrocer Now you can buy the finest Dutch and American Process Cocoa at big cash savings. Monarch--genuine Dutch Process Cocoa--is equal to the finest imported brands yet Q^StS alv?Vt half gg If you prefer American Process Cocoa there's none beCHV than Farm House, regardless of price. Take this advertisement to your grocer today and get the cocoa you likt best at the money saving prices oflered here., Banker Gets Fitfe Years for Embezzling $83,000 Indianapolis, Ind.--Five year^ in federal penitentiary at Atlanta was the ^entente imposed in federal court by Judge A. B. Anderson upon Frank Fuchs, formerly the first vice president of the Citizens' National bank at Evansville, wfao entered a plea of guilty to a charge of embezzling $83,000. • . TRY THESE TESTED RECIPES "Onc-lz§£" Cake With Monarch Cocoa Icing H cup buHar fint mixture. Dakc in shallow p«n 30 nuBUIW U cup lunr moderate oven. .le# MONARCH COCOA ICING V4 cup milk ... . " Mi* 1 cup augar, }*j cup water and H leatpoon ivi cup* cake flour cream ci tartar. Boil without atirrinf till il 2'i tea»po0n* bakinf powder thread*. Pour slowly ever while ol eu To creamed butter gradually add sugar and beaten stiB. beatinc constar.tly. When mix-» e((, well beaten. Mix and ^ft flour and bak- ture besma to cream add ) heaping teaspoon* in( powder, addijf «iitb a|ilk (• Monarttt Cocoi . Spread en cold c»k«. Farm House CocAa Fudge ' Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a cast Iron tfciQtt, kddt H cup ol milk and Lli cupt o! «ucar; »tit until sucar i» dir- •olved, then add H cup of Farm Houac Cocoa; cooobm stirrinc until thoroughly blended. Heat to the boiling point and let boil 12 minutes, •tirrlnt occasionally. Remove from the fire, add 1 teaipodn ol vanilla and boat until the mixture ia creamy. Pour into a buttered p«m* rnnl, ii^rj f yf ii) ^ne m Six Dead and Four Dying; Preserved Beans Cause -Albany, Ore.--Six persons afe dead and four others are thought to be dying as tire result of eating preserved beans believed to have spoiled and produeed the deadly poison known as botulinus. All were members of one F8?% • In Hard Luek. T*fl*W<TeHa, Cal.--Bandit#*1 ##©ojjed down tm-the Annandale Golf club in an automobile, held up a foresome of wealthy eastern business men at the sixth hole, and motored off across the "fairways with $600. "Mr .X 3S5<v' ^0SASC.9 'Ameheat Favor*»" COFFEE StUatn Equalled ~l/aw Excelled Tornado Causes Big Loss. fZvahgvllle, Ind.--Property damage which It is estimated will reaoti several hundred thousand dollars was caused b^ a windstorm which swept across southern Indiana late Monday. No one was killed. Bok Prize-to L evermore. Pkfladelphia. -- The $50,000 Bok '•heqjt was handed here to Charles H. I .'vermore, former president of Adelp'ila college In Brooklyn, and now secretary of the New York Peace society, (if which Oscar &. Straus is president. League Mourns Wilson. Geneva.--Officers of the League of Nations expressed sorrow for the passing of Woodrow Wilson. One of the papers here said that the nam$.,o( the American president Will be "forever engraved «ft ffee «Mets of historj.- *et,hW3^»n<1 rC lice ol Monarch to rich W hill P°und P#C S brand® do not exed ^ ,ure «| c qK COCOA th# - PROCESS Process ^,lir ^ • «r> Vrocess Coco* P**- Yoai P0®1 oo » chtfS" »rvll env* I Kcount, char*6 ^ onU Retail Grocert Read This j -n -^A ' f x ^ •;* : If otrr uIhimii Aj not iwcb wrtlt ftr our ipecal proposition on Monarch Dutch Process Cocoa, Fine House American Process Cocoa and the world famous Monaudl Coffg*. Write today to the office neatest you. REID, MURDOCH «C CO. a CHICAGO prrrssuKGH NEW YOU : h