^^^-yALFORD H. POTJSE Attanqr-aUUv r\Lvi > * -.- L>:*;.k-f„!-•/ .:- r:-.,-:;"'"f.&'; -. v•>.' v •*•:;>«' V„. •-*•>». -**• Vv^4 •ism* v "*'*"• '•: 'Ni^. "••'*. A J MdBMrz. m K^lte-H. SIMON STOFFEL f ^Insurance agent far all dapi *«f property in the be^t rnwipawtos W EST McHSNXT, '; - ILUNOX8 t:"* 4 DANCING Every Wednesday fevenjjPg /-. /^'ivi *•*. - • v«?' • JL Jonas' Hall, Johnsburg A BIT DIFFERENT Leath's Furniture has an extra touch that makes a beautiful home--big buying and manufacturing make it oott you less. We grew awful big in eight years--there's ^ays a reason. . .. ; A. Leath 4t Co. Stonily Jtl*ta,7f-74 Grave Ave. vv?" Rockford, OapMitc Court H<Mpi» Pubuqne, wCwTMbIb St. Aurora, 114) Island Ave. FimpoiM-7 W. Main St. Waterloo. MS-MS Lafayette St.- . Belott, UJ-W1 4th St. Jotlet, ilS-217 lefferaon St. JunviBi. M2-JM. Milwaukee Eau Clair*. Masonic Temple. Oahkoah, 11-13 Main St. I'e.* Peoria, 329 South Adams St. j Decatur, 432-454 N. Water St. k<^- %2 ' ;*pe,i! M»'mm •» w*,*' «afii$^^J to OUR Saf i Lwtb'fi hnhkm of Muflcoaafnl Home a ... *•}• v*vV. i Wear ^one brft ffiftteriate of thevery best quality go into "Ball-Band" Arctics. Combined with expert workmanship, this assures you More Days' Wear, at; lowest cost per clay's wear. Extra warm, lined with heavy wool X v <**£» "BALLBAND * ^All-rubber tops, instead of ©loth, if desired. Our new stock of "Ball-Band" is ready for you r inspection. Come in and supply yo^tf Rubber Footwear need 3 I JOHN 'STOFFEL WEST McHENRY, ILL, Whenever it is displayed the Buicfc Authorized Service sign assures P*011^' efficient service because KM every Buick service station has met ^"S these definite Buick requirement!! W «£ Specially trained mechanic! Modem, time-mviac *nrice A complete stock of Buick parts , He is in full accord with the Buick Mr ice policy--courtsur and tor doling. 'wt •When better automobiles are built Buick, will build them OVERTON & COWEN LAKH 1001 bargains for lOe each at Brickson's store. 1! Rollins hosiery far style and quality. Smith'B. G. Burnett was a business caller at McHenry Friday. Mrs. G. Burnett visited wit|i Mrs. Al. Granger last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Johr Geary were Crystal Lake callers Friday. Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children spent Saturday with Mrs. Bert Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. McGill and son were business callers in Chicago Saturday. Page A. Smith was a business caller at McHenry one day recently. Mrs. Page Smith' spent Friday with her sister, Mrs. B. C. Harris, in Wauconda. Will Wright of Barreville was a business caller at the G. Burnett home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were in Chicago Saturday. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Geary and Mrs. Henry Geary spent last Thursday at McHenry. Miss Corinne Blomgreti was a guest of Fern Grantham, at Wauconda Saturday night. - Mrs. Mort Baseley and daughter of Wauconda were guests of Mrs. Joe Dowell Saturday. ; William Darrtll, who is employed on the farm of Joe Feffer, spent Sunday with his parents. Mildred Hoffman spent the week, end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Lake Zyrick. Misses Flora and Fern Grantham of Wauconda were Sunday guests of Miss Corinne Blomgren. Mr. asd Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Al. Staples were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Granthanfc in Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the latter's relatives at Oak Glen farm. Darwin Brown, Miss Ori^sa Brown and Elsie Coff of east of Wauconda were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. £. Brooks. The farm sale held by Bert Dowell last Saturday drew a large crowd, which resulted in good prices, cows selling as high as $160. x^. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett land Al. Staples drove to Round Lake Monday and spent the day with their daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the euchre club party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham in Wauconda Tuesday night Miss Neva Toynton of Wauconda, who teaches Slocum Lake school, spent Monday and Wednesday nights with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers and children, Warren and Bernice, Henry and Walter Winkler of Wauconda. Mildred Hoffman was unable to make her trip to Chicago last week for instruction on the pipe organ on account of the heavy snow storm, which impaired transportation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mildred Hoffman and George Passfield attended the card party, dance and supper given at the Palace theatre Monday night under the auspices of the Holy Name society of the Transfiguration Catholic church. On account of the heavy snow storm last week, which made it impossible for the train on the C. P. and W. railroad to make its daily trips to Palatine for a few days, many of the farmers had to haul their milk to Crystal Lake and other places. Those who attended the horse race on Bang's^ lake at Wauconda Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and George Passfield. The horses entered in the race were owned by Mr. Dean of Palatine and Frank Dickson and Earl Davit of Waucoiida. TERRA COTTA See i ir new ginghams. Smith Bros. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby «m k Chicago visitor last Friday. Harold Knox was a visitor in Woodstock last Wednesday. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. The famous Allen A hosiery. for all the family at Erickson'ai. James P. Green of Woodstock spent Sunday with his family here. Miss £va McMillan of Chicago visited at her home here Sunday. . Mrs. B. J. Shine was a business caller in Crystal Lake Tuesday. Special--20 per cent off on all sixes of stock tanks on hand. J. J. VycitaL Mri. R. F. Conway of McHenry spent Friday at the home of Ed. Con- \ way. Misses Ever McMillan and Marion Shale3 were guests of friends at Cary Sunday. Miss Beatrice Lockwood of Crys^gJ Lake spent Monday evening with her sister, Mrs. Leonard Beal. Mrs. James P. Green and children of Woodstock are spending a couple of weeks at the home of M. Knox. JOHNSBURCL. , John Jerak of McHenry was a caller here Wednesday. Snappy new patterns in high quality percales at Erickson's. We still sell good coffee at 80c, 88c and 42c per pound. Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. John V. Freund were McHenry callers last Thursday. Special--20 per cent off on all sixes of stock tanks on hand. J. J. Vycital. Miss Coletta Freund was spending a few days last week at Spring Grove. Miss Leona Regnei^ of Elgin was visiting with home folks here Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, motored to. McHenry last Saturday evening. * Rev. Wm. Weber was among the Chicago passengers last week Thursday. Miss Verona Smith called on Mrs. Louis Althoff in McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Httler are the happy parents of a baby boy, born to them one day last week. Louis Adams of McHenry called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs.- C. M. Adams, Monday afternoon. Fred Smith and family visited at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, last week Wednesday. Mr. Biklner of Chicago, with a number of friends, came out Sunday morning and spent the day at his home here. ,"..s " Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay, John Lay and Nick Weber and son, Paul, of Spring Grove were Johnsburg visitors Sunday. Mrs. Peter Williams is spending a few days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin B. Schmitt at McHenry. J The Young Ladies'* sodality will hold a public card party here on Sunday, Feb. 24, for the benefit of St. John's parish. Mr. and Mrs. Petei Schaefer and family moved last Thursday to the John A. Smith farm, which they bought last fall. Henry W. Hetterraann, Jos. B. Hettermann, Bernard Althoff and Bernard Schmitt motored to Waukegan on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mtiyers of McHenry called at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Prank Miller, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Regner, who were married jiist recently, are now living at the home of John Pitzen, where they have an apartment. Q The Misses Katherine Frett, Hildegard Weber, Amelia Weber and their brothers, Henry and Martin, enjoyed a sleigh ride to McHenry Thursday last. The four months old daughter of Anthony Schmitt passed away quite suddenly last Sunday morning. The funeral took place at St. John's church on Tuesday morning at 9:30 o'clo<£. OSTEND Visit the 10c department at Erickson's. Mrs. Chas. Herdrick and family were Sunday callers in the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Kaiser. J. N. Sayler, rural Ynail carrier No. from West McHenry, has been delivering mail with horses and sleigh since Monday, Feb. 4. Miss Eppel was obliged to give up driving to and from school on account of the bad condition of the roads. She is boarding in the home of her uncle, Fred Eppel. , Mr. Hoppe is still in Chicago taking treatments. Mrs. Hoppe and son, Arthur, were called to come to the city last Friday to attend the funeral of an aunt of Mrs. Hoppe's. , The Woodstock rural mail carrier hasn't been able to get thru since Monday, the 4th. He goes part of the way and then retraces, but in some places no tracks thru the snow. Warren Francisco made an attempt to reach Woodstock last Friday, but changed his mind when well- on the way, turned around and took the backward track toward home, too much snow and signs of more. Many of the friends here of the J. E. Harrison family wished to attend Mrs. Harrison's funeral last week Wednesday from her home in Greenwood, but were unable to do so on account of roads leading to Greenwood being impassable.. A report was circulated that Arthur Hoppe had the mumps. This was a mistake. He took a severe cold riding horse back to scRool. Arthur is a pupil in McHenry high school and had been driving their car, but got tailed in the snow and had to take the car home. Nothing daunted, so he saddled a horse and code several days to school, hence a severe cold, not mumps. , WNGWOOD Wonderful values in bed blankets at Erickson's. Mrs. S. W. Brown wis a Chicago shopper last Saturday. Miss Mary Smith transacted business in Woodstock last Saturday. Mr. Giddings spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Bigler, at Richmond. Mrs. Wm. Hepburn and daughter, Marion, were "Chicago shoppers last Saturday. W. D. Wentworth of West McHenry transacted business in town last Friday. Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Carr. Mr. Thompson of Chicago spent Sunday with his children at the home of Miss Ellen Hall. Misses Grace Pearson and Susan Speaker enjoyed a pleasure trip to Chicago last Friday. Mrs. C. D. Bacon went to Woodstock last Friday and spent the day with relatives. The guest of honor was her brother's wife. Mrs. Will Beatty, from Arizona. Mrs. Spaulding was Called to Elgin Monday on account of the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Alma Clemens. Mrs. Clemens underwent quite a serous operation last week. E. C. Hawley returned Saturday after spending a week with relatives and friends in New London, Iowa, where he had been called on account of the death of a relative. E. T. Chase passed his ninety-fifth birthday last Sunday and he entertained several callers during the day. He is enjoying good health for a man of his age and is glad to have hia friends call. J. C. Ladd started for Denver Tuesday, whe>« he was called by Hie death of his brother-in-law, Charles Prickett. Mr. Prickett suffered s stroke of paralysis last year and has been in poor health some time. He will be remembered by some of oMer readers. '• ; /. V 80L0N MILLS Shoes for all the family at Erickson's store. Wm. Geiser is spending a few days at his home here. , Dr. Arnold Mueller of Mcltenry was here Thursday attending the sick. On Feb. 19 L, S Overton has an auction sale and will move to Milwaukee. Alfred Parker of Chicago spent Sunday at his summer home here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orves of Spring Grove were callers ft town the middle of the week. , * Miss Sylvester of Evanston spent the week end in the Wm. Merchant and John Pester home in the interest of . the Campfire Girls. The church Aid will meet in the home of Miss Bird Hodge on Wednesday afternoon, at which time election of officers for the ensuing year will be held. Chas. Vegel and family, Mrs. A. C. Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aylward and Miss Mae Aylward took a sleigh lide to Hebron Sunday evening, vis iting their numerous -relatives and friends. Mrs. Emily Wellman was taken very much worse a week ago Sunday and required a graduate nurse from the city the past week. At the present time she is better and being cared for by Mrs. Wm. Merchant. WILL TAKE RURAL LETTER CARRIER EXAMINATION We are told that there are several young men of McHenry county who contemplate taking the rural letter carrier examination which is to take place at Crystal Lake on Saturday, Feb. 28. Among the county vacancies at this time is the position on route three out of the McHenry postoffice. which has been held by Jos. N. Miller over a period of several years. During the past few weeks Albert Justen, who wsb Mr. Miller's substitute, has been acting as carrier on route 3. We understand that he will take the examination. CARD OF THANKS We take this manner of expressing our sincere thanks to our relatives, neighbors and friends for any kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen. CLASSIFIED iffAmiiT FOR SALE--Property us t'h*- dty of McHenry. Inquire of Waft. J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. 35-tf •-.4. , ' rr - Opp. Community High KENT A GREEN Real Estate 4k Insurance „ I Slimmer Resort, Town* and Farm w Property Phones 84 4c 8&-M • McHenry, IB. Phone 126-W. JleuoMMe Draying East Side Service and Transfer Station Herman Schaefer ft Co., Props. ' General Garage Moving Phone 49 :: McHENRY. ILL. For 100 perMaant Insurance 'i# all branches, call on or phone WM. G. SCBBEINEK r •• » Phone &8-R. Auctioneering' -k - McHENRY :: :: ILLINOIS % FOR SALE--My 140 acre farm three miles east of McHenry. Inquire of Michael Freund, McHenry. 38-St* FOR RENT--The Hanly farms, one of 350 acres and two of 120 acres each. Also house and lot. Inquire of C. W. Harrison, Ringwood, 111. 35-tf FOR SALE--About 80 tons of good alfalfa hay. Either sold at farm or bailed and delivered. Frank Ehredt, Round Lake. Phone 18-W-2. 86* STORE FOB RENT--West McHenry, 111. West room of my building, suitable for ice cream parlor orNother business. Jos. "W. Freund, West McHenry, M. 84-4t BABY CHICKS--In 100 lots, assorted, |12; Leghorns, $13; Barred Rocks, S. Reds, Anconas, $15; Wyandottes, Buff Orphingtons, Minorcas, $18. 'ostpaid. Catalog free. D. T. Far- •ow Chickeries, Peoria, 111. 82-24t FOR SALE--House and tw6 lots. House lias all modern conveniences. Terms, half cash, balance on time. Possession given within thirty days of sale. James Rev or, West McHenry. ,... 84-tf WANTED--1Hen or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hosiery for men, women and children; eliminates darning. Salary, $75 a week full time; $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons heathers, silks. Internatonal Stocking Mills, Nofristown, Pa Hardly a diay passes bot what most of us are required to draw upon our Reserve--either physical, mental or Financial. Your physical reservelg accumulated by clean living, . ' Your mental reserve is Your financial reserve is sav~' ing.. r •.; 5- '-i- Aa interest bearing Account in this Bank is ideal for accumulating Your Financial Reee^ £ FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE, BANK McHenry, Illinois We keep tab on the public taste, and you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays as to keep just what our customers demand, so we never try to sell you "something just as good.'* Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to yoiir wants, r M. M. Niesen McHenry PIMM* « McHenry Township Mutual Fire Insurance Ce. , FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE Good protection at very low cost. The fact that our company has written more than $225,000 worth ot new business, without much canvassing, during this year just ended, indicates that the people of this community are beginning to realize that a Mutual ^ insurance is the only insurance. I McHenry: Michael Freund, Phone 127-J AGENTS < Johnsburg, Ringwood: M. N. Schmitt, 623-R-t ( Spring Grove and Richmond: Fred Meyers . Hive Your M All »we a Made To Order of All Woof Material just received over 1000 new spring and summer samples for you to choose from. Prices range from $23.50 up. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. Place your order before the Easter rush starts. As my cleaner from Chicago comes three times a week, I am able to take rugs of any kind and size to be cleaned and steamed. Also ladies' and gents' hatB of any kind at reasonable prices and quick service. JOE DITTRICH, - McHenry Bread and Milk Time There is nothing more wholesome for the kiddies than good bread and milk, and grown ups would be much better off if they iite more bread and milk instead of some of the diets wbich do more hartn than good. Wheat foods and dairy products are natures best foods for man. EARLY RISER flour is milled from carefully choseg wheat and in such.a manner as to not only please the appetite but to gi?e full food valu^. EARLY RISER flour is milled from our own locally grown wheat, no freight waste. , Try a seek with your next groeery order. Every sack fully guaranteed. „ ( . McHenry Flot^r MillA ' McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL WEST McHENRY. ILL. i-w THE NAME CO STANDS feoff V;-? fgfHE BESTlTN !• '• **V: Radio forage Batteries Farm Electric Plants |KOHLER and^Vght pi E&rr j GREBE scni'ivTOfi 1 ZENITH K^tlvl!'Ka EXIDE BATTERIES i FOR EVERY PURPOSE i AUTO STARTER AND ; GENERATOR REPAIRS 18 HOUR CHARGING SERVICE mMmm. >1 . ;di . „ i -.i iLV. A-. .v. r :A. z - '"'i' • MS