:V : - " • • • ; : > " * " ' ~ - ' -W , - X-- 4 -> - ^ , '* V 1 ? • . * . . " " . , - v - V " ; V « ' , > ^ •-" .^iA,w -\ -.'i I#a - » /yy*>#. *# t.i,' •'? !i-v3 -I i-,; Every Wednesday Evening ijj&f r -v ^ During February "AT ^ Jonas* Hall, Johnsbtirg BUY THE HOME s J' - SOME NEW CLOTHES ' ' Ever thick of Spring without new clothes? You'll feel jjust as happy . fl^ fcpme--a chair, a davenport, a new rug, ' V " * ], ' dining suite--as you would with a new ' , gown. And right now Furniture wis never more reasonable in JMiee, while at Leath's it costs lets. 't*£ d^eSfe" 'a^ret" Ugin,7t-74 Grove Arc. Rock ford. Opposite Court Houjw Dubuque, 574-5JW Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island A ve. Ffweporf, 5-7 W. Main St. Waterloo. 5M-5M l.nfn utte St. - ReioH, tl7-fc!l4th St. ,> V'. SoUet, ilS-217 lefferson St. JunviOe, N2-M, Milwaukee K»b Claire. Maaonir Temple. . Oahkoah, 11-13 Main St. Peoria, 325 South Adaina St. Decatur, 432-45( N. Water St. Ho OUR LEATH'S Vj2 FEW urns OF FOR OUTRIVAL TBE GULBRANSER When Dad's days work is done he's entitled to some fun of his own. He's earned a little time to himself. A spell of res(, a change, something different from the usual grind--that's what he needs. So why should folks \be- fussy about little things like keeping dinner waiting when a f^low is right in the midst of an aH^absorbing, body-and-soul-sattsfying little sesaionOf music--played by '""" himself and for himself--on bis beloved Gulbransen? : few pleasures afford so complete change from the workaday ...'..--•rind. Few are so fascinating. Few so thoroughly enjoyable. Playing is unbelievably easy because of Gulbransen responsiveness and extreme flexibility. And--w ith your Gulbransen-- you get four simple, complete and exclusive instruction Rolls «howing a *ietbod of correct :V iflayiogit _ Four Models--Nationally Priced , MM - OK • $575 - $ISt Nye Music and Jewelry Store PHONE 123-J IT McHENRY, ILI. rryrm THE REGISTERING PIANO p 4 JOHNSBURG Wonderful values in bed blanket* at fgrickson's. Miss Mamie Schaefer was a Johnsburg caller last week Wednesday. Rev. Wm. Weber was among the Chicago passengers last week Wednesday. J°hf ^H. Freund and son, Louis, were vls'iting in Spring Grove last Thursday. No better wearing silk hose on the market than our No. 2001 at $2.00 per pair at Smith's. • - Miss Anna Brits passed Saturday and Sunday as the guest of relatives at Spring Grove. There will be a dance at the Johpsburg parish school hall on Monday evening, March 3. Daughters of America public masquerade at K. of C. hall on Saturday evening, March 1. Miss/ Gertrude Williams off "Spring Grove spent a few days last week with her parents here. Charles Karls of Spring Grove called on his brother, kubert Karls, Tuesday of last week. Henry W. Hettermann. attended the horseshoers' convention at Elgin on Thursday of last week. Don't forget the card party which is to be sponsored by thfe young ladies on Sunday evening, Feb. 24. Miss Frances Freund and Miss Rose Miller were out from Chicago to visit with home folks over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lay and family of Spring Grove were guests in the home of Mr. and lira. Math. MU!er Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay of Spring Grove were guests of their parent Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, one day recently. The wedding dance/which was held at Jonas' hall lasr week Thursday, was quite well attended, about fiftyfive tickets being sold. The news of the Carriage of Miss Katherine Oeffling, which occurred in Chicago this week, no doubt came as a pleasant surprise to the young folks in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, who reside at Pistakee Bay, are rejoicing over the arrival of a ten pound baby boy, born to them on Thursday, Feb. 14. He will answer to the name of Robert Henry. The mother is being cared for by Mrs, Roy Smith of Mc- Henry. Miss Catherine Oeffling and Mr. Joseph Guzzarde were united in marriage at St. Philip's church in Chicago on Wednesday morning at 9:80 o'clock. Those who attended the wedding from here were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling, Mrs. Richard Guyser, (jteorge and Alfred Oeffling, Clara and Rose Klapperich. \OLO " Henry Kaster was a Wauconda Visitor Saturday. , Bill Wegener attended a dance at Grayslake Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln were McHenry callers Saturday. Tfie famous Allen A hosiery for all the family at Erickson's. Mrs. Mary Sabel of Fremont passed Tuesday with Mrs. Stadtfeld Harry Knox of McHenry was • caller in this village Saturday. Mrs. Henry. Stoffel has fully recovered from her recent illness. We gladly give service if we get your co-operation. Smith Bros. Wm. Turner of Libertyville was a caller at Joe Lenzen's Saturday. Well, at last the snow ploftr has arrived here after days of waiting. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen made a flying trip to Grayslake last Thursday. Hiarry Nicholls is ill at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. John Karls, at Mcftcnry. M r s J o e W e g e n e r f r o m e a s t o f "Volo was taken to a Chicago hospital for treatment Monday. John Rossdeutscher Buick Body Construction tconstructing its open car bodies, Buick uses Its in fastening the metal braces to the wood, instead of ordinary screws. These bolts passing completely through the wooden frame prevent joints from loosening under driving •trains. A more than usual number of bolts ••cure the Buick body to the chassis, hoMing it rigidly in position and entirely riimlnqriwg •0 squeaks and ratttps. When better automobiles are built Buick, will build them OVERTON «t COWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. and Louis Bishop of Waukegan' spent Thursday night last in this village. , Miss Alice Fitzgerald of DeKalb is making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Pete Wegener. Verona Vogt has returned to her turnie near Ingleside after leaving the employ of Mrs. Frank Rosing. Art Smith and Ed. Kemfedy of Libertyville were callers at the home of F. Hironimus Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Engeln were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowe at Waukegan .Sunday evening. Miss Milly Zuelsdorf of McHenry and Miss Evaline Hironimus were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Werkenbuig at Fremont over the week end. Edward Easter of Round Lake is under the doctor's care, the result of a bite from a vicious dog. Edward's parents were former residents,of this village. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen, Mr and Mrt. Joe Rossdeutscher, Viola Wegener, Adeline Rossdeutscher, Bill Wegener and Arthur Kaiser spent last Saturday evening in Grayslake. ' RING WOOD - 1001 bargains for 10c each at Erickson's store. Mrs. Louis Schroder and friend, Mrs. Nelson, were Chicago visitors last Thursday. ter, Julia, spent the week end with relatives at Woodstock. Miss Mary Smith was a guest over the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens at Ashton, 111. Miss Agnes Bigelow retained home last Friday after having spent several months with her sister at Brodhead, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. James Halpin spent Sunday evening with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Schaefer, at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chi cago and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests of their father, E. C. Hawley. Miss Alice Anderson of Richmond and Miss Irene Anderson of McHenry were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson. Announcements came last Week of the marrffege of Joe E. Cristy of Waupaca. Mr. Cristy has many relatives and friends in this community, who wish him a happy and prosperous future. The Ladies' Aid society will give a dinner at M. W. A. hall next Wednesday, Feb 27. There will be an election of officers immediately after dinner. Be sure to be there. Mrs. Alma Clemens of Elgin was brought here for burial Sunday. She passed away Feb. 14 at Sherman hospital at the advanced age of eightyfive years. She leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, besides many nieces and nephews. The funeral was held at the Methodist church, Rev. Sunderlin of Woodstock officiating. Mrs. Eastman of Woodstock sang several beautiful selections. SOLON MILLS Mrs. V. Aim was a Chicago shopper Saturday. Snappy new patterns in high quality percales at Erickson's. Ed. Geisgr of Chicago was an over Sunday guest of his family here. Mrs. Botay from Twin Lakes spent last week at the Geo. Vogel home. £ Mr. and Mrs. M. Berry of Chicago spent Sunday at their summer home here. Al. Bennett of Fox Lake was a guest in the Jack Pester home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.. Will Sullivan of Marengo were guests in the George Vogel home over Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Cropley and daughter, Leona, were visitors in the metropolitan city Saturday and Sunday. Ed. and £Gus Aubert of Chicago were over Sunday guests in the home of'their mother, Mrs. Mary Aubert. Mrs. E. E. Cropley has returned home from Ringwood, where she has been nursing for the past three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Armstrong of Chicago were over Sunday guests in the home 9f the latter's mother, Mrs. J. S. Gibbs. The dalies here gave a party for Mrs. Walter Watts, just south of town on Tuesday, the event being the anniversary of her birth. Mrs. Geo. Westlake and son, Charles, accompanied by Mrs. V. Aim and Mrs. Joe Huhn, attended the funeral of Mrs, Wallers near Genoa Junction Sunday. A birthday party was held in the W. Brennan home Friday night in honor of their daughter, Helen. A large crowd of youngsters was present and a very enjoyable time reported. Refreshments were served. TERRA COTTA Visit the 10c department at Erickson's. * / Mrs. Fred Bergman was a busin"' ess visitor in Chicago Monday. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove visited relatives here Sunday. - ' Mr. and" Mrs. J. M. Phalin were visitors in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. M. Knox and sonri were calling on relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Miss Neva McMillan spent Sunday and Monday with her cousin in Elgin. Frank Spraud of Chicago visited at the home of Frank McMillan Sunday. Eugene Leisner of Chicago .visited at the home of his parents here Sunday. J S. Lynott of Chicago spent a few days the Arst of the week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin were Chicago visitors Thursday of last week. Miss Beatrice Lockwood spent the wpek end with her sister, Mrs. Leonard Beal. Rest your feet while you. work in cushion Sole work shoes. Per pair $4.75. Smith's. Carl Bergman of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman. Mrs. M. A. Conway and sof, LeRoy, of McHenry called at the home of M. Knex Saturday. Jttrs. James P. Grefen and ehildren returned to Woodstock Sunday after spending a couple of weeks at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox. SLOCUM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston were, in Waukegan Sunday. Leon Smith of Algonquin called on his home folks Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and chil- A silk hose without whiskers, far dren were McHenry callers Thursday, men. See itj No. 1045 at 15 cents a Mr. and Mrs. John Geary visited pair at Smith's. , relatives in McHenry Monday evening. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daugh- Earl Converse called at the home of his parents at Volo last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hiden at Woodman hall at WaucondH Monday evening. Harold and William Brooks of Waukegan were week end guests of home folks. • Mrs. G. Burnett spent Saturday afternoon at the G. Jepson home in Wauconda. Rollin Dowell spent Sunday with his cousins at the home of Fred Dowell. Mildred Hoffman, accompanied by Ralph Young of Wauconda, motored to Chicago Sunday. Mrs. John Geary- returned home Sunday after spending the week visiting relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Cfara Smith was a caller in the home of Martha Harrison at Wau conda Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lillian Brooks, who is employed at Kenosha, Wis., spent the week end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter ate oyster supper with Mr, and Mrs. McGill Saturday. Joseph Kirk went to Aurora Saturday, where he will spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Earl Johnston attended the Young Ladies' club at the home of Miss Alma Prior Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. UntWwood at Prairie'View Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Al. Staples spent Wednesday -evening at the home of Mr. and Hrs. Henry Geary. Arthur Wackerow, who has been spending a few months in Chicago, recently returned to the home of Joe Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Sunday afternoon callers in the home of H. K. Vose at Lone Pine farm near Gurnee. Mr. and Mrs. Page A. Smith and family were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington visited with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake were guests at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, over Sunday. Fern Grantham of Wauconda, Raymond Lusk and Davis Walkington of Volo were Saturday evening guests of Miss Corinne Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carbon of Homer, Mich., who formerly resided on the Williams farm, recently welcomed a baby boy into their home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the euchre club party given by Mildred Hoffman, accompanied by Ralph Young of Wauconda, saw the Duncan sisters in "Topsy and Eva" at the Selwyn theatre in Chicago Friday evening. Mildred Hoffman spent several evenings with her cousin, Mrs. Albert Stubbings, in Wauconda during this week of teaching at Volo, Lake Zurick and Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children and Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday evening with Mr.. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. McGill and son spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis, where they enjoyed euchre*as a pastime. Among those who attended the horse race at Wauconda Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell, Joe Dowell, Sam Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. McGill, G. Burnett, Al. Staples, Henry Geary and Lloyd Dowell. The horses entered in the race were Henry G., owned and driven by F. H. Dickson, and White Stockings, owned and' driven by Earl Davis, both of Wauconda. The latter won the race. The purse was $50. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. Inquire of Henry Tonyan, McHenry. Phone 650- J-l. 37-2t* FOR SALE--Car of good young work horses at Ben Brown's barn, Woodstock. George Fryer. 37-2t* FOR SALE--My 140 acre farm three miles east of McHenry. Inquire of Michael Freund, McHenry." 36-St* FOR SALE--A four burner gas stove with oven. Will be sold cheap. Joe R. Smith, McHenry. Phone 50-J. 37-It FOR SALE--A number of seven foot fence posts. Also wood, in stove lengths. Mrs. Jos. H. Justen, McHenry, 111. " 3713t* FOR SALE--360 egg electric hatch incubator in good working •condition. Also fine hard coal base burner. A. S. Parks, West McHenry. 87'2t* FOR RENT--Hie Hanly farms, one of 350 acres and two of 120 acres each. Also house and lot. Inquire of C. W. Harrison, Ringwood, 111. 35-tf SALESMAN WANTED--To jtolicit orders for lubricating oils, greases and paints. Salary or commission. Address The Harvey Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio. 37-lt*| FOR SALB--About 20 tons of timothy hay; also quantity of Swedish select seed oats and regular oats. Phone 613-R-2. William Buchart, West McHenry, 111.* 37-2t STORE FOR RENT--Wet* McHenry 111. West room of my building, suitable for ice cream parlor or other business. Jos. W. Freund, West McHenry, 111. 34-4t FOR SALE--Eight high-grade Holstein cows, milkers and springers; also 75 Barred Rock and White Leghorn pullets. Henry Wegener, McHenry, Opp. Community High * School KENT & GREEN ' ^ . Real Estate A Insurance Summer Resort, Town and Farm Property Phones 34 & 85-M :: McHenry, IBi . * 111, Route 1. ^ 87-ft LOST--Somewhere between Centerville and St. Patrick's church on Tuesday, Feb. 19, a set of Vfe -inch dies and die stock. Finder kindly notify or return to Carey Electric Shop, McHenry. , 37_it BABY CHICK8--In 100 lots, assorted, $11; Leghorns, fl2; Barred Rocks, r8. C. Red Anconas,. $14; Wyandottsa, Buff Orpingtons, Minorcas, $17. Postpaid. Catalog free. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, 111. 32-24t Phone 126-W. A. H. SCHAEFER Draying Reasonable Rates •'•J •••>. * v1* East Side Service and Transfer Station Herman Schaefer & Co., Props. General Garage Moving Phone 49 :: McHENRY, ILL. Phone 162 The Best Service Always BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker . ' WHO Bosses Your Dollars You don't Unless you make Them work for you. , All dollars deposited In a Savings Account In this bank Will work for yotx Night and Day FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK T McHenry, Illinois We keep tab on the public taste, and you will , always find at our store , the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. r We find it pays us to keep just what our custodiers demand, so we never try to sell you "something j ust as good." Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater |o your wants. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 4t Prices Cut Close to Cost Damask, 72 ttt. mercerised, yd. Me Sheeting, 94 bleached, yd S4c Sheeting, 9-4 unbleached, yd,.!Sc Toweling, union linen, yd Ztc Huck Towels, 15x30, each... Ite Bed Sheets, 81x90 seamless $149 JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY McHenry Township Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FOR ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE • Good protection at very low cost The fact that out ' u company has written more than $225,000 worth of new business, without much canvassing, during th$ > year just ended, indicates that the people of this cofnmunity are beginning to realize that a Mutual insurance is the only insurance. ( McHenry: Michael Freund, Phone 127-J AGENTS< Johnsburg, Ringwood: M. N.Schmitt,623-R-l ( Spring Grove and Richmond: Fred Meyers There is a rea] pleasure iu baking likivLU flour. Bread with a texture, a flavor, and a wholesome nutrition that the whole fsmily will sppreciste. The careful choosing and blending of the wheat and the care with which it is milled makes EARLY RISER a flour which we are proud to recommend to you. EARLY RISER flour will make bakings of which you will be justly proud. • - ^ "T ' , There is a great element of economy io home baking*. Uk sack of EARLY RISER flout will make from 125 to 150 "oiifr-pound loaves of bread, which, if figured at retail prices, would coat you from $12,50 to 115 , £ McHehry Flour WEST McHENRY. ILL. - -1 • 3 . If :'X Pil)osr*Csees, 45x36, eaeh.:.. .SBt .Dress Percales, light patterns.21c Dress Percales, dark patterns.28e Boys'Slipover Sweaters... $1.75 Knit Petticoats, reg. 50c val..tte Flannelette Bloomers Sic Dress Ginghams, 32 in., yd,..Ste •iV ' '*? •?<' ytJ ? 'f VfT, mm m I • ' .-:K i» '*'41 i'A $ ^ . , * -•v '•$ ;.:|VM NAME ' W W, L. HOWELL & CO. STANDS FOR THE BEST IN Radio |GREBE RECEIVERS | ZENITH *EXIDE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE AUTO STARTER AND GENERATOR REPAIRS 8 HOUR CHARGING SERVICE Farm Electric Plants | KOHLER anD^JGHT PL^NT - ; " : ' • - -- * -I m .f- -' \ '"0 -