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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Feb 1924, p. 3

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;p#"^sBps^sjp:«s -iJ -5^"-".. -- .- iL^C>' -rT'. •/:/£•* --"^*^ * •V ^ »e' • ;i «ai - •'--'tk WRKLEY5 •After every meal ,, ^ ^ Oldest Dated Stone Was Found in These Ruins '-' " '* -- caeflt a* medy for cuts. Vaseline "t&St 'VI 100,000 PEOPLE PRAISE TANLAC ' Abevris pictured the temple of the moon god at Or Jlon of the British myseura and tfa« prehistoric day*. In a tomb was found the of the Chaldeans in Mesopotamia Pennsylvania has unearthed a tablet of King A-An-Ni-Pad-Da, about 4000 B. O. where (hp Joint expedlmany new relics of Side Babies rTOuitu,,T;, CzSi 1 iufi:iiiKi r' ^fiffon,riyUi Double Cow's Prodw;t Guess Again »**»..«>.--Jimmy, why don't -%ash your face? I can lad for breakfast this jimmy--What was it? Jimmy--That's = * • * Jesterday. Inventor claims to a typewriter which will autlcally type words as they* are to it by the human vole#. John W. McLain sifwsrS How to Gain Strength * and Endurance ^ Milwaukee. Wis.--"For the last twenty years I have used Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery at times, as - a general tonic with excellent results. One bottle in the spring, and one in the fall, is usually sufficient. It gives me added strength and endurance and greatly aids me in following my strenuous occupation. I have also found Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets very beneficial and mild in action. "I have been thru Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo, N. Y., apd have found e\ thing just as represented."--John ...' McLain, 188 Wisconsin St. Get the "Discovery" In tablets of liquid and you'll be surprised at tte i way you'll pick up. Write Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel i>. in Buffalo. N. Y.. for free confidential medical advice. Send 1© certs if you desire a trial pkg. of the tablets. i "" sj$a KEEPING WELL An Nt T.hl.t (a vegetabl* apariant) taken it •right will help keep you wall, by •onloc and •trentthenJac jr«H 41- ••Mian and aUminatloa. * O, Tbmd Ifirovte pOVears Chips off +fce Old Block IBJumow uw, wt. One-third tb« rtfiiUr doM, IfauJa of the aam« ingredient*, thaa candy coated. For children and adults. • SOLO BY YOUR DRUOQISTa Washington.--The surroundings of Washington lack the cozy chalets, the •crowned mountains and the robttsl Alpine climbers and singers that •re ^fallible as guidr posts'tn introducing the traveler to the heart of NwltxerlMud, hut the neighborhood of the national capital boasts one typically Swiss earmark--it Is the Beltsville milch goat herd owned and operated by Unclo Sain nnd one of the best Tom Thumb dairy projects of Its kind In the country. . Washington has benefited markedly as the result of Uncle Sum's entrance Into he goat-raising business some sixteen years ago, remarks the Washington Star, for much of the nutritious and easily digestible goat's milk produced at the national ftirm, about sixteen miles from the White House, has been used in co-operative research at the diet kitchen and Georgetown university hospital for the treatment of puny Infants and Invalids suffering from malnutrition. Disciples of Sanitation. The plutocratic milking goat is 4he exact antithesis of the ordinary fin can alley gpat. The blue blooded goats are disciples of sanitation. They will eat nothing but clean and pure food. They require sanitary stables and yards. Personally, they keep their shaggy overcoats as spotless and Immaculate as those of the most particular "tabbies" of the feline world. The government goat farm features • herd of 40 grade and pure bred Toggenhurg and Saaneti milch foats of all sizes and ages. The average milch doe weighs.between 110 and 115 pounds, yet defti>ite her diminutive size she produces from seven to ten times her weight In nutritious milk each year. The average milch doe In the Beltsville herd produces from to 5 quarts of mtlk daily during the peak production of her nine months' annual milking period. The best doe In the herd has a record production of 1,287 pounds of milk and Qf» pounds of butterfat for one lactation period, while the average output of the entire herd of 24 milch does is well over the 900-pound milk-production mark. Under present conditions U costs about 10 cents a day to feed the lillputlan cows their regular rations of Rlfalfa and clover hay and their grain allowances of cracked corn, oats, bran and oil meal. Durtng the grnslnf seaand browse supplant the hay In the goat bill of fare. In the majority of municipal markets where goat's lullk Is available it* price is double that of the best cow's milk. In New York city goat's milk has sold for as much as 50 cents a quart. TT»e peculiar mechanical composition of goat's milk makes this food ideally adapted for the feeding of Invalids and sickly Infauts. TjUe supposition is thut the increased digestibility of this fluid obtains from the very uniform distribution of the fat globules. Many chemical tests have demonstrated thut the average fat content of goat's milk ranges from 3.2 to 4.4 per cent Relatively speaking, there is no marked difference between the milk of tl»e goat and that of the cow except the more uniform distribution of the fat particles in the former. Goat's milk is eminently suitable for practically all the purposes to which cow's milk is put except for making butter. Overseas, large quantities of guat'i milk cheese is manufactured annually. Unless artificially colored, the butter made from goat's milk is very white and resembles lard In appearance. Tests made at Beltsville, however, have proved irrefutably that a good quality of butter can be produced when the goats' milk and cream nre properly handled. The Beltsville herd of goats was established In 1908 when the Initial attempts were mnde to cross 30 coinmot brush goats., brought to Washington from Alabama with pure bred goats from Switzerland. The breeding experiments have been continued until now most of the goats In the government herd are at least seven-eighths pure while some of them art) 31-32 pure bred. f The national researches In cost faintly improvement at Beltsville demontrate that native American goats can be readily Improved by intermingling their blood lines with those of the aristocratic milch goat^ of foreign ancestry. . Unquestionably Ui'jibe vicinity of every large city In America today there are attractive opportunities awaiting the Initiative and energy of goat dairymen who will establish profitable herds and embark in the special goats' milk business. ^ Dog Kills $1,000 Fox Caught Stealing Hfetti Vancouver, Wash.--A commotion in his chicken yard at nlglit caused R. H. Miliar of Fruit Valley to Investigate, 11 i l l 1111 111 111111111111 It # * i Orders Civil War Record on Tombstone • • * | North Bergen, N. J.--When a '! tombstone is raised over the \; grave of James Lyon, who died .. recently, the inscription^ upon it «ill note the fact that he served the entire period of the Civil war as a member of the New Jersey Volunteers In the Union army. The will left by^Lyons. admlt- | ted to probate by Surrogate Norton, specifically mentions that the clause be the ftr«t carried out. 111111111111111 I I I I Ml 11 "Worlds Greatest Tonic It Endorsed by People Grateful for the Reliof It Hai Given Them. Actuated by a deep sense of grnti* tude and desire to help their suffer lng neighbors, more than 100,000 wellknown men and women have offered their personal experiences as proof of the wonderful health-giving powers of TANLAC. the World's Greatest Tonic. Throughout each and every one of this long list of testimonials rings the spirit of earnest sincerity which char» terizes the following excerpts: Mrs. D. J. Pritchard, Cleveland. Ohio: "People wanting to know what TANI.AC will do may communicate with me. It increased my weight 32 lbs. and brought me the very help I longed for." J. II. T ay tor, Memphis, Tenn.: "To me TA\'I<AC was Just like a good friend --gav^ me help when I needed help most." , Mrs. Mary Schumaker,"Racine, Wis.: "Every year at the change of seasons a* course of TANLAC makes me eat with a relish, restores my strength and leaves me in splendid health." Judge George P. Wugties, Police Magistrate, Belleville, 111.: "That I am enjoying such fine health nojr I can attribute only to the belpTf received from TANLAC." Mrs. C. K. Sellers, Springfield, Mo.: "Since taking TANLAC 1 enjoy the blessing of perfect health and have the complexion of a schoolgirl." V. E. Ferry, age 73, Seattle, Wash.: SAY "BAYER" when you buy- Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians ftit Colds Headachc Neuralgii Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis ftheumatisrit * V Wf-s •Accept only "Bayer" packaji which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Alto bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. laMrtil to ttw tek nark of Bam MiwiHrtw of iloooaceUcmridacter of ttUqrUMH -.-vSr Some View Cyclist (thinking to liuve a joke with Simple Sammy)--Is it true that you can see us fur as Australia from the church ? Simple Sammy--Oh, you can see farther than that. "What! Farther thin Australia f* "Yes, to the sun!" "DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug "TANLAC built my weight up 21 lbs.. «tores and general stores sell bottles and he arrived in time to see a blue fox leaving the yard with a chicken In ltd mouth. Ills dog, a mixed Airedale and Alaska wolfhound, dashed after the fox aud killed It before Mr. Miller could interfere. Qr. R. J. Mercer claimed the pelt, as the fox was one of three that escaped from the Mercer fox farm gome time ago. The mate to the one killed was captured the following night at Uazeldell by some boys and the third aulmal Is believed to be In th* neighborhood of the farm, as several chickens and ducks have disappeared recently. The fox killed was valued at $1,000. rid me of fifteen years' stomach trouble, and left me feeling many years younger." TANLAC IS FOR SALE BY ALL GOOD DRUOOISTS. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. OVER 40 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD. at "Dandelion" for 35 cents.--AdV, TAKE TANLAC VEORTABLB PILLS. % Split Infinitive• There sre oushela of magatines fb the United States now, but still only about six that you can sell highbrow stuff to--we glory In split Infinitives. His Hour of .Rest Peck--The afler-diuner nap Is my favorite hour of .the entire Sunday. Heck--I thought you never slept after dinner. Teck--I don't, but my wife does.-- Boys' Magazine. Farm ScientUtt Are Still Going to School Washington, D. C.--Workers In the Ublted States Department of Agriculture are continually going to school and trying to Increase their knowledge of the work which they are doing. &, graduate school in practical agricuin tural problems Is carried on withif the department each winter in order to give department workers a chance to continue their training and keep upto- date in scientific agriculture. Only work in practical subjects such as marketing, plant breeding and the like Is given. The school is unofficial and self-supporting. The instructors com4 fupm the department or are uuthorltiara other lines of agriculture work. A 8lmple, Safe, Sure Remedy for all local aches and pains due to taking cold or over exertion Is an Allcock's Plaster.--Adv. The Firing Poirt "How long do you genersily keep ywir maids V" w , "Oh. until they begin to show 'how sorry they are for my husband."-- Boston Transcript. • WOMEN! BEWARBf hf REFUSE IMITATIONS Warning I Not All Package Are "Diamond Dyes." Dyes A smart fool Is dangerous aid an ignorant one Is more so. Be silent and people will let yon alone--too much so. Nine---Count 'Em Insurance Clerk--Here's j who wants her pet cat insured. Manager--All right, but tell her she'll 1 ave to take out a policy on each one of the cat's lives.--Boston Transcript Thousands Keep in Good Health _ by taking one or two Brandreth Pillslat bed time. They cleanse the systeei, ajocLpurify the blood.--Adv. A'V? 'JM i Qaits the Contrary ; : "Did 1 ^understand you to say that )our neighbor's boy was the support ;pf the fHmily?" "Good heaven, no! I said the spoct of the family."--Boston Transcript. BnralnK Skim Diaeuea quickly relieved and healed by Cole's Ca.rboilsa.lve. leaves no soars. Ko medicine chest complete without It. 30c ait# COc at druggists, or J. W. Cola Co., Bockford. HI.--Advertisement. When One It Serene Serenity is achieved when you art old <>nough not to care If it rains 09. t h e d a y o f t h e p i c n A c r -- - • -- t Opens 500 to 1,000 Letters Daily for the President Washington.--The "Human letter opener" might be the designation given Mr. Ira Smith at the White House, for he has sat at the same desk in the White House executive offices for 15 years and opened all tetters addressed to the President. So if yoi^ write a letter to the President, Smith sees It first. From 500 to a 1,000 lexers Is one day's mall. Here's Smith right on the Job--always opening mall, but he likes It , Afways osk for "Diamond Dyes* an9 If you don't see the name "Diamond Dyes" on the package--refuse it--hand It backl Each 15-cent package of "Diamond Dyes" contains dlrectlons^so simple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dress's, waists, sweaters, stockings, klmorn>s. coats, draperies, coverings--everything new, even if she has never dyed bef« " Choose any color at drugstore. Refuse substitutes I 1 MOTHERFletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid Imitations, always look for the signature of Pnwren directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it »*• ~'jh* • J f"1 " K" mmm Probably is Everybody is probably concealing a great deal more than he Is telling you ; and isn't it better so? SICK HEADACHETake a good dose of Carter's Little Liver then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They the organs to their proper functions and and the causes of it pass away. THEY REGULATE THE BOWELS aai PREVENT CONSTIPATION 'v S«nM;MDm;S-lF*s < • | Bequeaths Property to Unnamed Niece Winchester, Va.--bequeathing a valuable house and lot in Winchester to'a niece whose present name.she did not know, and of whose residence she likewise was ignorant, the will of Mrs* Mary Webb, who died recently, has been probated In Cot porttion court. Tlie testatrix prtates (hatcher niece's maiden name .was l&Uf- *;ie Anderson, "but hfer mamed 'name I do not know,** Automobile Output 4,012,856 Washington.--The output of motor vehicles in the United States Ip 1023 was placed. In a Cofomecce department announcement, at K,036.599 passenger automobiles and 37(5,257 trucks, as compared with 2.339,700 and 246,- 281, respectively, in ffjC22. lilgbt passes from the moon to tlie earth in one and one-fourth seconds. GIRL OPERATOR SUCCEEDS IN RUNNING FEDERAL BLOCKADE Evadis "Reporters Aftersciting Experience. Texas City.--The sea still offers romance, although those who are mixed In it take their experiences as matters of fact, and it remains for landsmen to spin the yarns. A bit of, the unusuai came to light when it was learned that tlie tanker pugene v. Thayer, which was heralded as having run the federal blockade at Tampico recently, carried as her wireless operator Auss Lena Mickeisen, duughter o( the captain. True, the ship came through without being mqlested, but this pair had came in contact with the Mexicans enough to know that they often do the unexpected, and a single explosive shell would have sent the tanker and her cargo of crude oil Into oblivion. Nevertheless Miss Mickelsen appeared to have regarded the Incident as a lark. She has been with her father at wireless operator for seven years, aad "Snys that she finds It much more la» terestlng than staying ashore. She 1« just a slip of a girl, with big dark eyes, garbed in starched overalls, and heavy wool stockings. Site had not found It necessary to sacrifice her hair for her career, and it Is piled on top of her head. Miss Mickelsen took things calmljft and she would not become Interested in the uniqueness of her position enough to discuss It to any consider* able length, except to mention In cas% ual conversation a few of the porb| where sha'had been ashore and point*-; of Interest there. She soded that sli#, derived considerable eiftertainmen$ from "listening In" on the big wire* l^ss stations of the world and thai her work kept her busy. Oil-burning vessels eeiy 4K» astrous to 4sh. " j£i_ EXPLANATION ON HOW TO READ S • GOVERNMENT WEATHER from COUGHS 61 COLDS MADAMS ZOi>AC POKTER COCGH B Als* 8AM t9 the oW rWiabl- remedy 1 CTiAdfather to relieve rtxjgfra. eweta. aaaQgd. Sotahfeer fborro cnhcthWiarlc ani.l ments. I Sold Everrymhmr*--25 e. HALL & RUCICEL. N. Y., MFRS • b \ : -- ' ' "-1"' Marks and Lines Made Intelligible by Expert*. Washington.--Almost everyone to fsmfltar with the large weather maps located in public places, such as railway stations, post offices, or government buildings. The weather bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture "Issues a printed explanation of the weather map. telling in detail what the various marks and lines mean, and how the map Is read. The daily weather reports consist of observations of the ^barometer and thermometer, the vclocltv ttnd direction of the wind, state of the weather, and amount of rain or scow. On the weather maps solid lines, called isobars, are drawn througn points that have the same atmospheric pressure. Dotted lines called isotherms are that have the The direction of U., CHICAGO, NQ. the wind nt each station Is indicated by an arrow which files with the wind. Shaded areas are sometimes usecf to 6bow areas of rainfall or snowfall. Tabular data gives other detaila. The centers of ar^as of low barometric pressure are Indicated on the map by the word ••low" and the centers of areas of high barometric pressure by tbe word "higli." In tbe northern hemisphere winds blow spirally inward, counterclockwise, toward and around tbe center of a low, while from the center of a high they blow spirally outward as the hands of s clock move. These facts influence _ the direction from which prevalli^ winds at any point are blowing. There are rather weil-deflned storm tracks which may be traced on a weather aiap, and very definite Indications of the character of approaching weather changes, which may be found on the weather charts. Topography and the location of land and water areas with regard to the place where the observer happens to be are, of course, important factors in weather changes. Turtle Soup to Be Scarce San Diego, Cal.--Turtle soup madee from turtles caught on the west coast; of Mexico will be scarce for the next ten years, according to word sent to,, local canneries by the Mexican govern-..^ ment. An order prohibiting the catching of turtles for con.aicrcial use in^ coastal waters of Mexic > for the next decade has been issued, according tox the notice. Two turtle ?cup ~anneries| in besrer California have been rinsed Sell Kaiser's Yachts flHvre.^--Two yachts that one?'belonged to the former efhperor of Germany have Just been sold In Holland. One, the schooner Meteor, was bought by Mine. Herlot, the noted French yachtswoman. The Meteor's future home port will be Havre. The other yaeht, tlie Yampa, which belonged more particularly to tlu former empress, has been bought bf *n AiB*r> lean, Herle Howlaud. < 75% of disease avoided through internal cleanliness WHY run the risk of sickness? Keep clean internally. When yoti are constipated, poison* form in the accumulated food waste. These poisons, absorbed by the blood, attack all parts of the body. The first results, headache, biliousness, a feeling of "heaviness," etc., serve as warnings of a graver danger. this intestinal poiloning continues unchecked, you become the ; victim of some serious organic disease. . „ This is why intestinal specialists state that constipation is the primary cause of three-quarters of sill ilhiess, including the gravest diseases of life. , . . „ .... .. Laxatives Aggravate Qonsttpatom Laxatives and cathartics do not overcome constipation, sdys a noted authority, but by their continued use tend only to aggravate the condition and often lead to permanent injury. , . .in Why Physicians Faxtor Lubrication - Medical science, through knowledge of the intestinal tract gained by X-ray observation, has found at last in lubrication a means of overcoming constipation. The gentle lubricant, Nujol, penetrates and softens the hard food waste and thus hastens its passage through and out of the botly. Thus Nujol brings internal cleanliness. * $ Not a Medicine Nqol is used in leading hospitals and is prescribed by physicians throughout the world. Nujol is not a medicine or laxative and cannot gripe. Like pure water it is harmless^, Get rid of constipation and avoid disease by adopting thte habit of inter* nal cleanliness. Take Nujol as regularly as you brush your teeth or wash your face. For sale by all druggists. X. Nujol RES. U.S. PAT. CTfT. For Internal Cleanliness ; v; - • ,>T % i. JS.

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