>.s- \> •. yv.. '•• ""j • ."• • •A - *: v-1 ' t * •' r**,s^" $>&*•.. rfMfr-ir -v- *; - ~> *>i\ :1M.' mm _.Ti& APRIL 21, 1924 ^ *. AT f I Y \ [£m. i^f'CiT-'.* '-Wv' ^ Jonas' Hall, Johnsburg 5'% •. ••>' *#•':" &5% BUY THE HOME '•JF SOME NEW CLOTHES Ever think of Spring wlthout*new clothes? You'll feel just »s happy wfth sortie new things in the home--a chair, a davenport, a new rug, 'dining suite--as you would with anew gown. And right now Furniture wna never more reasonable in $MnN>*§ 1ft Loath's it costs leak . X , . . . , . . . . . RI«ta,W -74 Grove Ave. Recklord, Opposite Court Hoace i« u*.. SS77<4-t4-Wm Main St. **31-331 Island Ave. I>obu«j. Aurora, r Freeport. §•*? W. Main St. ..., Waterloo, MS M> LtfaytOifMi Belolt, U7-4U 4th St. > lolitt, J1&-JI7 Itfiwion Si. JanevriDe, Xt-IM, Milwaukee St. Eid Claire. Muovk Temple. OnlikMh. 11-11 Main St. Peoria. JJ5 South Adams St. De«%tur. 432-45# N. Water St. .V LEATH'S FEW KINDS OF FUN OUTRIVAL TIE GULBRMSEN When Dad's £ays work is done he's entitled to some fun of his own. He's earned a little time to himself. A spell of rest,, a change, something different from the usual grind--that's wbak,fa« needs. ' M ' .. •' • , So why 'should folks be fussy about little things like keeping dinner waiting when a fellow is right in the midst of an all-absorbing, body-aud-soul-sateafying little session of music--played by himself and for himself--on his beloved Guibraasfu? -Few pleasures afford so complete a change, from .the workaday grind. Few are so fascinating. Few so thoroughly enjoyable. Playing is unbelievably easy because of Gulbransen responsiveness and extreme flexibility. .And--with your Gulbransen-- you get four simple, complete and exclusive Instruction Rolls •bowing » method ,«#, playing. • ^ "IT Four Models--Nationally Priced S42t - IMS - $S75 - MM Nye Music and Jewelry Store PHONE U3-J "WEST MCHENRY. JLT.; .... j fjiilbransen THE REGISTERING PIANO " ^ 1 * * ' 4- * / - ' > . ' 7 ' " -j.- 1 • *. "• f . • i i' , tyAlLy &°lllrtl*lnj l£L%J§> fe> &•. cJnother Reason Why ^ '•'.'-•mm. ... «ii. - - 1 ^ B|#K 6uahfohs Are ComfbrtabLt y".*Oil All Roads The cushions on Buick open cars arc supported y on double-deck springs. The upper spring®, . light and easy acting, smooth out slight road ' irregularities, while the larger and stronger' - lowers absorb the bumps that cause the ordinary seat to "strike bottom". Two pads of *" curledhair between springs and French plaited upholstery give that final softness and assum tte purcbiser « eudiien that #fll stand * "'3\ m- F Men better automobiles are built Buick. will build them >. S'V. • • :> • . .'-3: OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILi*; HARVARD, ILL. S LOCUM LAKE Otis Phillips was a business caller at Cary Saturday. Groceries--highest quality at low prices at Erickson's store. H. Hoelschei' of Chicago spent the week end at his farm here. We gladly give service if we get your co-operation. Smith Bros. Mrs. Essa Fisher of Volo was the guest of Mrs. Clara Smith Monday. AL. Staples went to Evanston Friday for a few days' visit with his sister. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett called on th« Wm. Wright family at Barreville. Sunday. Miss Myrtle Darrell remained over Wednesday night at the Jenks House in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews called on the former's parents at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowetl. Miss Corinne Blomgren spent .several nights last week with Miss Grantham at Wauconda. Willard Darrell attended a community Farm Bureau meeting AT Wauconda Monday night. ; AtMuir and Mae Pfannenstill spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Carl Ohrwal, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. John Geary Was the guest of Mrs. P. W. McCabe at Burton's Bridge last Thursday afternoon.- Mrs. Harry Matthews and Myrtle Darrell were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Henry Winkler home, Mr. McGHl accompanied H. Hoelscher to "Crystal Lake Monday, where he took the train to Chicago. Mrs. Earl Johnston spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hughes, in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett were quests of their daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, at Round Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. . Ray Dowell were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Crystal Lake Thursday last. Emmett Geary of Fremont, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Henry Geary, were'McHenry callers Mqpday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith, Flora Grantham and Henry Winkler spent the week end with relatives at Algonquin. Bert Dowell is moving to his farm northeast of Wauconda which he re cently purchased of his brother, Fred Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. QF Burnett and AL. Staples visited with Mrs. Burnett's sister, Mrs. Mort Ritt, at Crystal Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, spent Sunday afternoon with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, witnessed the basket ball game between McHenry and Wauconda on the local floor Friday evening. N. Kennebeck and daughter, Clara, of Griswold Lake spent Friday evening at Oak Glen farm, where C!ara took her music lesson OF Mrs. Hoffman. Mrs. Joe Dowell called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baseley, at Wauconda Saturday afternoon. Mr. Baseley is ill with cancer of the stomach. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brooks and son, Chesney, attended the cafeteria supper and entertainment of the W. R. C. at the community house at Wauconda Friday evening. On account of the snow and breaking down of the engine on the C. P. A »W. railroad the farmers were compelled to haul their milk to Crystal Lake and other places the greater part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mil< dred Hoffman and George Passfield attended the card party, supper and dance held at the Palace theatre at Wauconda under the auspices of the Holy Name society of the Transfiguration Catholic church. TBRRA COTTA Visit the lOe department at Erickson's. Mrs. J. M. Phalin was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. J. H. Gracy was a business_ visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kafper were visitors in Elgin Sunday. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday at her home here. ^ Mrs. Leonard Beal spent Tuesday With her mother at Crystal Lake Miss Florence Knox was a guest of MISS Beula^ Larleta in Elgin Saturday and Sunday.. No better WEARING silk hose on the market than our Na< 2501 at $2.00 per pair at Smith's. Miss Madeline Walker of Elgin spent Sunday wtfh Miss MAR} Frisby at her home here. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago was a. visitor at her home here from Thursday until Sunday. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake spent Friday with the Misse*> Eva and Neva McMillan. Miss Marion Shales substituted for Miss Genevieve Knox last week Tuesday while the latter was attending the funeral of her niece at McHenry. The Fox River Four will furnish the music for the public masquerade to be held at the K. of C. hall under the auppices of the Daughters of America on Saturday evening, March 1. VOLO _ Joe Passfield is sporting a new Ford. Tom Vasey~|s reported on the- sick list Radio tablets, 260 pages,, 5c each at Erickson's. Art Kaiser of Waukegan spent THE week end here. John Lenzea of Fort Hill waf wen in town Sunday. Joe Wiser and son qratoral to Round Lake Sunday. Mrs. John Molidor is spending a week in North Chicago. Albert Rosing of Libertyville spent Sunday at his home here. Frank Hironimus was a business caller at McHenry Monday. A number of our men broke the road to Wauconda Saturday afternoon; Miss Zelma Russell was numbered with the sick a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner were business callers in McHenry Monday. Joe Lenzen and Frank Rosing attended a clay pigeon shoot at Fremont Sunday. Mrs. Bud Ford of Gray slake was a guest of her mother, Mrs. Frost, on Sunday. Miss Evaline Hironimus made a business trip to Wauconda Sunday morning. Joe Wegener, John Rossdeutscher and LO^S Bishop of Waukegan spent Sunday here. Rest your feet while you work in cushion sole work shoes. Per pair $4.75. Smith's. John Daa of Fox Lake and Zelma Russell spent Sunday afternoon at Quentin'S Corners. The Dunker and G. A. Vasey families spent Sunday at the Vasejr homestead east of Volo. Volo was well represented at tile card party and dance at Fort Hill school Friday night. Mildred Hoffman taught music in Volo on Monday instead of Tuesday, her regular class day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frost and children of Round Lake spent Sunday with the former's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ifironimus and daughter, Evaline, spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Libertyville. Sherman Davis and daughter, Ruth, of Round Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Olvin Peterson and family of McHenry spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wagner. ^ Depbty Sheriff Lester Tiffany of Waukegan was a dinner guest at the Frank {iironimus home last Wednesday. Vera Vasey and Dorothy Dillon, who are. boarding at Wauconda, spent the week end at their respective homes here. Miss Ruby Peterson and Frank Rossdeutscher spent Saturday evening in McHenry, visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Grace, Mildred, Clarence and rP»: ir.V ....m- f mmtmwmm . *jr' -'t; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Adams of Johnsburg were transacting business in town Tuesday. A silk hose without whiskers for men. See it. No. 1046 at 76 cents a pair at Smith's. Miss Adele Heimer of West McHenry was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Karl -Bradley, one night last week. Miss Ingrsm spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchart of Richmond and attended the W. R. C. ball Friday night. A. J. Butler "started for Ashton, IH., Sunday and expects to spend several days there with his sister, Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, and family. Peter Wiederich of Sharon, Wis., came Tuesday morning to visit his mother, who has been seriously ill since last Sunday. fcfrs. Jessie Trow, who has been spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Schroeder, returned to her home in Hebron last Friday. ' SOLON MILLS E. B. Gropley is very ill at this writing. V Alfred Parker spent SUNDAY with his family here. THIE Royal Neighbors met in THE Will Merchant home Tuesday. Mr. Berry and son of Chicago spent Sunday here with the former's wife. Mrs. Chet Reed of Grayslake spent Friday evening in the Robert Sutton hotne. Mrs. AL. Bennett of Fox Lake was a visitor in the J. Pester home Tuesday evening. Will1 Geiser of Chicago spent the fore part of the week with his family here. A suprise PARTY was tendered Geo. Turner by his friends here last Friday evening. Mrs. C. W. Cropley and" daughter, Leona, were business callers in Chicago Friday. Jas. Foulk AND family of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the home of Geo. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCinnon snd family of Wilmot were here visiting her mother Sunday. The Camp Fire Girls gave a Martha Washington party at-the Will Merchant home Saturday evening. Mesdames and Messrs. Hardy, Merrill, Overton, Osborn and Sutton attended the Washington birthday dance at Richmond. Mrs. W. H. Gardner gave A dinner in honor of her aunt, Mrs. Maggie Brown, Monday, it being her eightythird birthday anniversary. The farewell party, held at the community hall last Wednesday evening and sponsored by the members of the community club in honor of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Overton, WA? well attended. A short program was rendered, after which a little social dance was in- The famous Allen A hosiery for all the family at Erickson's. **t;» hU you can". •' .w. FOX 'RIVER VALLEY . STATE BANK McHenry, Illinois TrfWe keep tab on the public taste, and you will ' always find at our store the groceries most in I .demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays us to "Tkeep just what our customers demand, so we ynever try to sell you . "something just as good." Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. . M. Niesen McHenry Phone 4t 'V-VIS ii '•I _ ' FT* - * -SI • ^ J 'MS- •"4'PL M Prices Cut Close to Cost Damask, 72 in. roercerited, yd. Me Sheeting, 9-4 bleached, yd....S4c Sheeting, 9-4 unbleached, yd. lie Toweling, union linen, yd SSc Huck Towels, ) ~>x30, each . .. ISc Bed Sheets, 81 x^ seamless FL.S» Pillow Cases, 46x36, each.... .SSc Dress Percales, light patterns.tie Dress Percales, dark patterns.2Se Boys' Slipover Sweaters... 11.75 Knit Petticoats, reg. 50c val.itSc Flannelette Bloomers ....... SSc Dress Ginghams, 32 in., y4L. He JOHN STOFFEL, WEST McHENRY > '-Alflt-?"l *l|3 .o. .:.:i ..ii dulged in. The music was furnished Charles Duesing and Earl, • Clarence ^ THE club orchestra, comprising the and Howard Hironimus spent Sunday Gardner, Cropley and Merril combinaafternoon at Griswold Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossdeutscher spent last Sunday at the Dr. Ross home at Wauconda, where the latter's sister, Alice Myer, is employed. The basket ball boys of McHenry high school journeyed to Volo last Friday night in cars and from here were taken to Wauconda in a bob sleigh. V Due to the recent snow storms, the train at Wauconda has been laid up and farmers have been forced to take their milk to the Bowman dairy at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson are entertaining the latter's parents, Mr. "AND Mrs. Fred Croker of Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Croker have just returned from an extended visit at Los Angeles, Calif. On March 6 Mrs. Joe Vogt will entertain the Volo Ladies' Aid and their husbands at a hearty 12:00 o'clock dinner. Everybody is cordially incited and we feel sure you wont be -sorry for attending. The Young Folks' society entertained the Wauconda young folks at a Washington birthday party Saturday evning. About thirty young .folks came from our neighboring town in three bob sleighs and we feei assured they had a good time. Sunday guests of Mrs. John Molidor were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bietzel and son of North Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Molidor of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stadtfeld and son of Wauconda, Irving Molidor of Wau? kegan and Joe Molidor of Libertyville. • -- V RINGWOOD - Snappy new patterns in high quality percales at Erickson's. Ed. Hopper was a business visitor in Woodstock last Saturday. Miss Grace Pearson spent the week end with friends in Chicago. Public masquerade at the K.' of C. hall Saturday evening, March 1. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith were Chicago shoppers last Saturday. Robt. Bacon of Grant, Iowa, is here visiting his brother, C. D. Bacon. George Richardson of Solon was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Bert McCannon of Woodstock was calling on his sister, Mrs. L Merchant, on Tuesday. Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Saturday with her mother,' Mrs. McDonald, in West McHenry. tion. This was followed by the serving of light refreshments by the ladies of the club. Mr. and Mrs. Overton, after spending a few days in this vicinity with relatives, will depart for their future home at Milwaukee, Wis , where Mr. Overton will resume his old occupation of cement building and contracting. The community unites in wishing them the best of success. JOHNSBURG A complete line of Parker pens and pencils at Nye's. Miss Katherine Frett is spending a few days this week in Chicago. The Lady Foresters had a very enjoyable meeting here Tuesday. John H. Freund and son, Fred, were McHenry callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher were McHenry callers Saturday. Alfred Debrecht and Jos. B. Hettermann passed Monday in Chicago. Misses Mary and Katherine Althoff of Elgin visited home folks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Guzzarde of Chicago were visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oeffling, Sunday r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff in McHenry Tuesday afternoon. (L The patients at the home of Jos. B. Hettermann are all getting along very nicely and no doubt will soon be out again. . Those who 'are on the committee for the dance Monday evening, March 8, will no doubt see to it that all have A good time. A home talent play will be presented here on the evening of March 2 and from what we have heard it is going to be very good. , Mr. Somsen and Jos. Hettermann were at Spring Grove one day last week, where they installed a radio at the home of Glenn Esh. Quite a number OF^ our people enjoyed the Forester dance which was held at the American Legion hall in McHenry on Monday evening. Election of officers for SI. Agatha court, No. 777, W. C. O. F., will take place on March 11 at two o clock. Members are all requested to be present. Math. Schaefer of Chicago was the guest of his brothers, Joseph and J Mike Schaefer, a couple of days this j week. He took the train back to Chicago from Spring Grove Tuesday. -VOTE FORALFORD H. POUSB; REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR - STATE S ATTORNEY McHENRY COUNTY I have been engaged in the practice of law since 1911 for the past nine years have been City Attorney of McHenry, excepting about two years while ih the service during the war. V ^ I believe the law can be and should be more effectively enforced in McHenry County atid if'elected State"* Attorney promise to McHenry County an hon&t and efficient enforcement of the law. '•IS "1 -.A M 'J 4*. I | - 1 '1^|| . -4 4 •<' •" J ..vM *4 i 3 J THE DIGNITY AND PUMP OF SERVICE « mean nothing unless there is a wholesome plessure Jo be derived from the fdod served. Many a millionaire would give a great deal to be able to enjoy a meal as oDce he did when a boy, on the kitchen tabl^at the old homestead. 'EARLY RISER flour will bake into the best there Is to be bad; as a good flour it makes good bakings. f EARLY RISER flour is milled from the choicest of home wheat and its price to you does not include high freight waste. You ean go further, and pay more but you cannot get better flour than EARLY RISER flour. Try a sack and then'your will*appreciate what we mean. McHenry Floiir Mills WEST McHENRY. ILL. •ii':: IF ,*3 I R? -- . a .i •«$« ":•**'• NAME Radio . II HOWELL ^STANDS FOR THE BEST IN rage j ZENITH RECEIVERS EX1DE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE AUTO STARTER AND GENERATOR REPAIRS I HOUR CHARGING SERVICE 'Fartn Electric Plants i'^AOT^IKSWr ...... 9 •• . Vv-'! A.