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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Mar 1924, p. 3

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'•?• -*' ' - -•• •"**•*. .•'~£ d' . -^f^: j": -.-: - «*$»» •S^Wv*4-^i5 ?!tiv r*%S. * « / •:*>; jjsMsfe v#,' f • V •>&*? , *,• „/.-v' «s Will ifibirf TPamily Be Happy This Spring? If ycurs ia one of the few remainfcig families lacking an automobile, no doubt you have "finally to get on* iSPM^ within the next four month*. A low-pric«l modern amomobUe Kite the Chevrolet ha* he* > . -; cotrie indispensable to the family of ordinary income. A k k: : million other families can eaaily prove to you that the better V;;,,^ way ia with Chevrolet. The beauties of nature, the interesting :. and educational features cf other place* and ways of living, r -" remain tbion to tod afcout or seen dimly in cold photograph* •' until you aretreetogetto them at yourccmvenience and pleamre. j.ti' But, suppoae you have definitely decided to buy a Chevrolet this spring. Tliii does not necesaarily mean you are going to get it. Anyone posted on conditions i» the nutomobile business will tell you that thou.sst.ndi of families are going to b: unable -•€*:•/£ to get car* thin spring. This h« been true almost every spring >' it for the lust teti years. There just two ways of making cure of getting your Chevrolet for ue when the flowers and balmy - breezes of spring lure yo» to the country roads--buy it now ' ' " or order it now. % I£ you <Io not want to pay It in full at this time, any Chevrolet dealer will arrange reraas to suit your convenience. You will be surprised to learn how easy it is to pay for • Chevrolet and use icwhile you are paying for it. ... , *• "J , i • VA ; ^ '•». 'v. • * • ./V"' . •tt-k Please realize these statement! are made by us in good frith and we mean just what we say about the possible difficulties of getting a car delivered [to you this spring if you wait until then to order it. The only way to be sure of a Chevrolet this Spring u to ocde* it NOW* , •- •-«*.. ,, s , .. : f 1-J * ®j9j Prices /. o. h. Flint, Michigan • tupiiloi Roadster , , . $490 Snperfor Sedatt- -v Superior Touring ... 495 Superior Commachl Superior Utility Coupe « • 640 Superior Light Delivery . „ 495 _ ) Superior 4-Pas*. Coup* . . 725 Utility Exprem Truck Chassis 550 . ^ Fisher Bddfe* on «U Ck>--d Models Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan • Division e/Qaiicr*1 Motors Corporation :V Not Possible f i f u V * T O i f ' m y w i f e s p e a k a t t h e m e e t i n g k-'^Vphsterday V < fj"I don't know your^wlfe, but there \ Was a tall, thin Indy wno rose and said the could not find words to express y-ti""*'1 , lier feelings!" •f*. ~^r^ "That wasn^T my wife P--Kairik*> . fiiren, Chrlstianla. M SfrOMEN! DON'T BE IMPOSED UPON J-^|farninol Not All Paekaga i;; . Aril "Diamond Dyas." Dyas WW: 2?t *" Always ask for "Diamond Dyes" and you don't see the name "Diamond "8>yes" on the package--refuse it--hand •• 'It back! Each lS-c£nt package of "Diamond AJ&ves" contains directions so simple any . .foman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, #alstst sweaters, stockings, kimonos, (ioats, draperies, coverings--everything even if she has never dyed before, '^hoose any color at drugctora, Ibafoae v ^."l^ibstltntes! ' ' A Recent Passenger "I have been on this train aeVeo jsears," said the conductor of a slowly- Roving Southern train, prondly. ; "Is .that ao?" said a passenger. <jjlVhe»£ dld yoa get on?*'--Aasrieta • Soy. 1 ' • ^ Sit • - • • - Freshen a Heavy 8kin nth the antiseptic, fascinating. Cati- Talcum Powder, an exquisitely Icented, economical face, skin, baby |nd dusting powder and perfume lenders other perfumes superfluous )ne of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap |)intment, Talcum).--Advertisement 54 One might benefit other* by relating ]ls experiences If he were not rather lent about U* No Chance for the Beutdits An armored motor car. In.which an Imaginary paymaster and two imaginary assistants were passengers, was peppered with .45-caliber bullets at Otsego and Lcrralne streets, Brooklyn, the othei" afternoon. Several policemen were In the vicinity, but none made a move, for the three bandits who fired at the car were Imaginary, too. The shooting was arranged as a test for an armored motor car designed for use in transporting large sums of money from banks to business houses. The bullets had no effect, even the glass windows being bullet proof. The car is equipped wlHi two tankSi containing tear gas and sneezing gas. If bandits should force the chauffeur to stop they would be gassed as (liey approached the car. ' I * :-ir- I WO GIRLS! A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAffl 36>-Cant "Dander!ne" So Improves Ufalass, Neglected Hair. All abundance of luxuriant hair full of gloss, gleams and life shortly follows a genuine toning up of neglected scalp9 with dependable MDanderine." Falling hair, Itching scalp and the dandruff Is corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly invigorated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderlne" is delightful on . the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic--not sticky or greasy 3 Any drug store.-^-Advertisenient. A Light Talker \ "Did the speaker electrify bto evidence ?" "No; be merely gassed It"--AmeA can Boy. »|8«3s?< _ "M To y6u--he's worth - $2,500 in Prizes THE du Pont Company is offering $2,500 ia DWciiandise prices for taatn and individual scorae in aa International Crow-Shooting Contest. Sportsman in Uw Uoitcd States and Canada are eligible. The crow is a destroyer of growing crops and of gam* Wrda. He ia a menace and a nuisance. Get him t Send for two, free booklets telling all about the ctow. It costs yon nothing to enter the contest. Writ* today for foil information , , E. L DU PONT DE NEMOURS * CO* M&' Sporting Powdmt DMsiom - - WILMINGTON. Dflfe; , • ^r ; PliPQNl RTSMANs ERVICE ^r nfo pleasant ways to relieve a cough> Take your choice and suit jpoor taste. S B--or Menthol flavor. A sure relief for coughs* colds and hoarseness. Put om your mouth at bedtime. Mwsfs Jkeep a box on hand. <AM| ,^lp SMITH BROTHERS SR COUCH DROPS ffswoMS stosa 1847 t-"-nr "U Writing of the styles that promise to prevail this spring and summer, a fashion ~ correspondent in the New York Times, who has msde the rounds of winter resorts, says: Although this Is a season of beautiful colors, white Is of coarse worn extravagantly In every possible form and fabric for every sort of occasion. Nothing Is ever more youthful and lovely and flattering, and nothing else so well forgives any slighting In qnal- Ity or workmanship. The very simplest frock of sll white, so It be correct In style, with proper shoes, hat and other accompaniments. Is always refreshing. This season's frocks la white are a delight and their variety I* amazing. As sports suit with the trim little skirt plaited or flaring, tailored, the conventional bloase and coat Is the first and most stable Item in the wardrobe. This Is severely plain this season. of flannel, faille, rqfshnnara or fine twill, and the silhouette Is absolutely curve!ess. The overhlouse, which Is a part of the suit. Is a simple thing of silk or crepe, held Into a wide hip belt, And Its sleeves are long, 6hort, or none at all. TJie outfit beloved of the flapper snd copied by many a senior Is tlte sports I Malze-Colored Crepe and 8elf-Toned Embroidered Outfit. skirt and sweater of entertaining design. These, with flat beach shoes and a cloche or tan top. put the young woman In the most becoming and comfortable harness for tbe day's contests and diversions. Quite as popular are the one-piece frocks, opening In the front, with wide collar turning away from tbe neck, long or short sleeves, belt and pockets. Pockets, In fact, appear to be de rigueur on all the morning dresses, white or colored, and they add a note of tailored smartness--even to the silk frocks. Small buttons and stitched bands also are used on some of these Informal dresses. Next to white, the gentle shades, something warmer than the pastels. In bice, green, maize, apricot* .salmon snd peach, are lovely In the one-piece frocks. In some of the latest models white is embroidered In one of these colors--a one-piece gown of white poplin, for example, trimmed with bands of needlework or stitched embroidery In color. Contrasts Are Startling In occasional models these contrasts are startling. In one tbe tunic blouse la of malxe-colored crepe--the flounce^ knee length, of white cifeptg la flae plaits--and tlte square heck and wristbands of the long sleeves are trimmed with embroider)- in matte silk. A striking model in the one-piece gown Is made of a fine, heavy quality white flat crepe. An arabesque pattern of black cloth cut In wide strips is appllqued over the entire frock. With this is offered a parasol of white silk, on which a great wide-winged blackbird Is stamped, tbe handle and frame being of light bamboo; a cloche of white taffeta and straw, and shoes of white kid with natrow buckled straps of patent leatlier. A decided novelty In the white dresses Is one of muslin embroidery and silks. The upper part of the frock Is a tunic of eyelet all-over embroidery, cut In Russian blouse style aud almost knee length. The straight sleeves are short to the elbow, and about them and the edge of the tunic Is a stitched band of white silk of which the foundation slip Is made and finished with a ileep flounce of narrow plaits. Other unusual eomhlnntlons of material are shown in these softer daytime frocks--silk and flannel, cloth and crepe, and 1 embroidery on any sort of fabric. ( A fashionable model Is a little slipover sleeveless dress of coarse openwoven white canvas of square tnesh. The side of the bodice Is open to the waistline, meeting under the arm, and the neck Is cut In a deep V. Under this Is worn a shirt of white silk, crepe de chine or fine batiste, and with the dress Is worn j^arrow belt of white leather. jr. ** This sleeveless, smfirt and thoroughly easy little froek Is quite the rage and is being made In light twills, ribbed silk and poplins In pretty colors, with ttie under blouse of sheerest white, and With sunshade and shoes matching the drtss In color. Usually the hat ts a small close sluipe in white with a olt of the color Introduced with needlework. Knitted or Woven Dresses. * The knitted or woven dress Is translated Into a weight suited to June-like da>s. One stunning model, uncommonly smart. Is of black Silk Jerseylike weave. The skirt, attached to an underbodice, is straight, with deep hem, and gathered slightly full at the waist. The overblouse Is- embroidered In a solid, all-over pattern, in white silk, which also finishes the Bhort elbow-length sleeves with a deep cuff border. An overblouse and a slip of pale yellow satin crepe Is embroidered In white floss. A white flat crepe Is heavily embroidered in jade green. A maize-oolored one-piece crepe gown lias the straight long-waisted bodice and sleeves embroidered in self-toned silk, and the skirt is plain to the knee^ finishing in a plaited flounce. A frock of hydrangea blue Is embroidered in the same shade and one deeper, and both yellow and green In the lighter shades are popular. The combinations of black and white are popular and some are exceedingly smart. Some very- chic things are seen among the odds and ends, so to speak, of outing togs. One Is the white cloth waistcoat, cut on tlie lines of the hostler's waistcoat worn in the heavier sports suits. It Is sleeveless and severely tailored, and is worn with a white sports skirt and tailored shirt most suitably for golf aud tennis. The greatest viirlety is shown ia sports skirts. The plain tailored or slightly gathered and the plaited skirt are equally good. White is the rage, of course, but many snappy styles are shown in plaids, checks and stripes, especially stripes that itre conspicuously wide and are more modiah in black and white than in colors. SENATE -NEW TAX Bill Finance Committee to Offer Revenue Measure in 7y- Another Form. 1 i ^ 1'" V . »• Washington.--The tax reduction bill will be much different when it eomes from the eenate finance committee than It Is In Its present form. Members of the committee, making a preliminary study of the bill prepatatoiy to consideration of it said they expected to completely rewrite the bill -and to submit it to the senate In entirely new form. . » Although the measure will vary from the original Mellon bill, it will be a much closer approach to the Mellon program than the Longworth compromise plan, and In a general wajp will carry out the desires of the ad* ministration. The senate finance committee con-, (ri8ts of ten Republicans and seven Democrats, sat inasmuch as Sehator LaFollette of Wisconsin may be expected, to vote with the Democrats, the committee lineup undoubtedly will be 0 to 8 oh all important questions^ It is assumed that the rest of the ^Republicans will vote as a unit, which there is every iudication they will do. I'he majority members expect to revise the income tax, make many changeft In miscellaneous tax arrangements of the compromise bill and restore tbe original Mellon provision for a ft per cent normal tax on the larger classes ,of Incomes. Senators Smoot of Utah, Watson of Indiana, Curtis of Kansas, Reed of Pennsylvania and other Republican members of the committee have had several informal conferences In the 'last few days on the income tax rates.' Although they do not believe It will be expedient to restore the rates of the Mellon plan, which provided u maximum surtax of 25 per cent, they arc of the opinion that the 87V6 per cent maxtmum rate, which was written Into the bill by the bouse* Is entirely excessive and must tar revised. Jiats Are Engaging and Unique Bats for the present season are engaging. and some are unique. An amusing little model Is hand-crocheted .Biarrits or gauntlet type. af fine white wool, as a table mat would be done, but In the shape of a cloche, the scalloped edge shading the eyea. A green ribbon <s tied around the crown and is knotted at one side. Many hats are shown In fine white straw, in taffeta, ribbon or other malarial. Some lovely shapes are shown by a prominent milliner in wide ribbon sewn together to form the domeshaped crown and covered entirely, with tiny ribbon flowers fastened fiat, A pretty and suitable type of hat Is fashioned of silk and straw combined In alternating strips, light, summery and new. Tams and the soft featherweight felts are for beach wear and boating chiefly, and the fancy, more elaborate hats. In both the close and wlde-brlm models, are thoaa worn for dressy afternoon wear. Gloves are a negligible quantity, being worn little; but some new styles are seen In white or yeilow chamois, suede and kid, some quite richly embroidered, and most of tbetn la the Wraps required at resorts are In light or medium weight, simple, smart and picturesque. The loug cape of military cut shown among the most exclusive Paris models <* particularly popular. It Is made of silk, taffeta, faille, satin or light-weight cloth. That the next summer will be a original and beautiful sunshades designed for sunshiny places. Crisp and frilly affairs are made of taffeta silk In white and all the more delicate shades to accompany the soft crepe, chiffon and lingerie gowns. . One model is a sea-rreen parasol, covered with ruffles gf the taffeta, cut in scallops. Another, also In green, a bright shade, has just three flounces of the silk with edges picoted, sewn on to form deep points. This Is a triumph of artistic design to accompany a charming gown of green and white printed chiffon, and a small white Milan hat trimmed with lace and pale pink roses. SAY 'BAYER" when you buy- Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fof Mi; 22!? "B^er" pacta#; Colds Pain Headache Toothache Neuralgia; Neuritis (jumbagt* V Rheumatism . <•>.: ,.4 . 2 which contains proven directions^ ^ ^ Bandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet* Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists. to tka ttai* a*tfc «f Btj* MsMtecbm ot MoooMrtJeacid«ter of SalierUeadjl " - ---•-- 1 ^ i ;i» First Fossil of Rodents ."$^2?' The first fossil ever found of a fam- - > Human Race Uncontrollable Human race will be what tlie weath- *r will be: Quite uncontrollable in Its I ily of rodents, the living representa- (evelopment. Its course was fixed 1 tives of which are known only In EthU ft'hen it was created. * ! opia, recently was discovered In *•»« Children Cry for "Castoria" Especially Prepared for Infants and Chlfdrifi of Alt -Mother! Fletcher's Castorla has been In use for over 50 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor OH, Paregoric, Teething Drops ind Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Froven directions are on •Mich package, l'hysii ians everywhere recommend it. Tlie kind always bought bears signature of Home of Representatives to Investigate Members Washington. -- Congress, the midst of its lnvestlgaticfti of corruption in the administration, was besmirched Itself by the latest eruption of evidence of official dishonesty. Two member*, of congress stand accused of enriching themselves by the Sale of pardons, paroles, commutations of sentence, and other forms of clemency to convicts in federal penitentiaries or to their families and friends. The two legislators are said to have collected between $150,(100 and $200,0«X) from a multitude, of prisoners and tbeir friends in two or three years, > * Disordered Stomach Take a good dose of Career's little liver Pills --then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. You will relish your meals without fear of trouble to follow. Millions of all ages take them for Biliousness, Dizziness,Sick Headache, Upset Stomach and lor Sallow, Pimply. Rlofvliy SV;n They end the mitely cf Constipation. s--11 pai;s«nd.m;s^Pn« BARTER'S ^'iVER 1 PILLS Alcyone Is Brightest Star of the Pleiades Alcyone, the brightest star of the Pleiades, equals in brightness the star Zeta, says Nature Magazine. It was )t one time fancifully pictured as the :enter of the universe by the astronomer Mulder, but this was merely a (peculation for which there is absolutely no foundation. The Pleiades form, in fact, a moving cluster of stars ot 200 or more members aud the prin- ;ipal stars are associated with a nebula of vast size. There Is no reason to believe that our sun with his family American rum running treaty, made j )t planets Is moving around this or any public here by the British foreign of- , Mher center of the universe. It has flee, bears out forecasts of its essen- i been estimated that the distance of the Booze Treaty Lets U. JC1' Seize British Vessels London.--The text of the Anglotial terms. The treaty, which was signed in Washington on January 123, Pleiades from the solar system Is over 800 light years, or. In other words. expressly upholds the principle of the that the light from this cluster takes three-mile limit for territorial waters, but confers on the American authorities the right to examine, and In special circumstances to search ships under the British flag up to a distance from the coast "not greater than can be traversed In one hour by the vessel concerned." Declares Pope Halted this Trad of Former Kaiser • Munich.--The late Pope Benedict, Cardinal Gasparrl, and the Japanese delegation to the Versailles conference prevented the extradition of former Kaiser William from Holland and the delivery of General Ludendorff and Field Marshal von Ulndenhurg to the allied governments. Baron Cramerklett asserted In a severe arraignment of General Ludendorff for his attacks on Catholicism and his outbursta Bgainst tlie pope during his trial for treason. Baron • Cramerklett .called General Ludendorff an ungrateful wretch. aver 300 years to travel to the earth. We see these Mars today as they were before the Pilgrim fathers landed, in America.--Nature Magazine. Hairs on Man's Head Forty to tifty thousand hairs Is the crop on the aVerage man's head, according to Investigations conducted by professors of the Munich university. . . • f Face Powder to Suit Delicate Complexions Consider your complexion carefully when you choose your face powder. Powder should as nearly as posslbla match tbe skin which It Is to cover. If you will study your face carefully you can find the powder that exactly matches your skin, so that when you nse powder It will not be obvious at all, but will simply remove the shine from your nose, and enhance the natural coloring of your complexion. There are really very few women who can use a pure white powder, and most of the blondes who affect It would do better to use pink, just as those with darker skins should use rachel or peach. If you aren't sore yet whether you are a dark blonde or a light brunette, choose the "natural" shade having a hint of the cream tone, to be on the safe side. Tbe natural coloring of the Anglo* Saxon skin is a soft, creamy color with a noticeable flush on the cheek and lips. When the artist wishes to color with pink. But If we buy pale pink powder at the drug store we do not get flesh color unless the cream tint has also been added. There are almost- as many shades of face powder on the market today as there are women to buy them. You can get white, flesh, pink, brunette, tan, ochre, rachel, peach, shades of purple, pumpkin yellow or bronze, and that new "mountain haze," which is Just between orchid and pink. Black Moire Hat. A black moire hat Is nearly compulsory now. The prettiest sort is a soft, rolled brim affair, rather larger Uan the usual run of huts today. It Is trimmed at one side With a large bow of brown ribbon. Gives Back $123^992.820 • - in 1923 Tax Refand Washington.--More than 2o0,000 taxpayers received refunds of tuxes erroneously collected during the fiscal year 1D23, according to a, statement filed by the treasury withHlie^hoS* ways and means committee. Tine total refunded during the year wal $123,992,820. The statement includes names of 10,152 taxpayers receiving refunds of $1,000 or more, their refunds totaling $101,687,405. Begldfll these it was stated that 243,168 taxpayers received refunds of less than $1.000 each, tbe total aggregating $22jr 305,415. Certain Bhe--He speaks seven languages. He--1 felt cure he was one af thoaa Ignorant foreigners.--Life. Human Voice Causes Avalanche in the Alps Avalanches, which in the last few years have caused much damage in the Bernese Oberland, are sometimes started by trivini causes. Even a whisper has been kn#wn to set them off. and lives have been lost by a climber shouting to his companions when cr3ssin& a snow slope. The starting of an avalanche which a few years ago overwhelmed a caravan of sleighs In an Alpine pass was attributed to the tinkle of sleigh bells, and ever since the use of bells on this route has been prohibited. Newcomers to Switzerland often-Inquire what purpose Js served by tha little barriers dotted about the mountain slopes. These are the avalancha breakers, without which traffic on many of the Alpine lines and passea would be Impossible for part of tha ^ ^ y e a r . I t w o u l d be f u t i l e to p l a c e o b - , , V , structlons across the foot of the track taken by an avalanche; once the maaa has gained momentum It sweep* all before it. So thick stone barriers are built on the slopes of the mountalna.-- Manchester Guardian. . v v j j Yes, and Without Aiifafgjteg "Oh, captain, what shall I do when I become seasick?" "It Isn't necessary for me to Ml that It vtll come aH of Itself." 4* 't Put You in for That! ^n^ e?ir sai4} M JWU I'm here!" _ -After your sleepless nighl^ from 99 Socialists Repudiate Soviet Harrisburg, Pa.--The conveutlon tit Pennsylvania Socialists refused to approve a resolution sending condolenct* to the Russian people over the death of Lenine. Another resolution wax passed condemning the Soviet. Demand-Dry Law Repeal Trenton, N. J.--The Society ot the Sons of the Revolution of New Jersey passed a resolution describing the prohibition law as a product <4 "selfish fanatics." * r Tailored Frocks. There Is every Indication that It will he a tailored spring. But side by side with the straight, severe lines there will be slinky Egyptian effects and a . aatof^ Aa awaa ritam j faw Jtouacaa, g*': *** y ^ * X Work for Postal Wage Boost Washington.--An Inquiry into the par* eel post service Is being conducted i< order to determine whether costs .cus be lowered to provide Increases it pay for employees, according to A» slstant Postmaster General Stewart To Change Amendment Ptali Washington.--The senate Judiciary committee approved a resolution which would allow the electorate of the various states to pass on the constitution^ al,amendments. 'fcbffee drinking and your friends say it's all imagination, remember the sleepless night. .*?•;[ Also remember ffost Pbstum, the 'pure cereal beverage, contains nothing that can interfere with sleep. It has every desirable quality of a mealtime drink---cheering warmth, delightful . ^ f flavor and wholesomeness that makes?- for health. for Health "There's a Reason" . Tour grouw ac!k Pot ma h two ionna: laHant RKua fin tins} prepared instantly in the cup by the addition of loilirg wtt-r. Post am Cereal [ia packages) lor these who prefer the flavor brought out Dy boiling fully 20 minutes. Tie cost ct either lo.r® abou* aorhall cast a «{Qr

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