' "V* ' ALFOR D Ifc POUSB AHwiy at Law . v-efJ#**.-- • *•• '" <4fe0g MtilMfjr, n. " Opp. CqMiauiiHy Higfa Sehoel 4 ^ (t5 KENT * GBPB^ •, .... ""vi,:; Baal Estate & flniMr Resort, Town and Van*.*! m.- X - * Property Ttit&m* N* 1M-E. ; SIMON STOFFEIi Umbmn agent for «D propsrtf i> the but (^jpriN WBBTT McHBNKT, - v^fetlNOIB COMERS AND GOERS OP A WEEK V IN OUR BUSY VILLAGi r- P, Phones 34 & S5-M McHenry, 111. PlWM 126-W. • • ,. A*' Reasonable Bat-- • ---- ..Us^U' jiJwjsii.' McHENRY, ILLINOIS •^V - ' I*/.: ' V' . . 'Sh»^£.^W §§IK: • #i ®C- , *• 'V" . ta-l v 1^- ^V'; &•' i*, %- . fcr.fv*-? • k*;-.v- &.?.V DEICKE FOR CONGRESS ENDORSED BY THE NEWSPAPERS, EX-SERVICE MEN, FARMERS, LABOR AN£ J&IISINESS MEN. TOTE FOR EDWIN F. DEICKE .'A u*v>t • i 'fir' & ' > fe<» &'V • • v ?<. A _v •-• mr- '•%t' Bfe."' " a iET£-S: DRUG STORE SERVICft If we haven't got what you want, we will get it for you. TIOHEIW-JN. H. PETESCH»«ufi6isT ' IX• ?r f<*.v liV':. Irff. I v . > ta^'V fifv- * Br**'" $K| ?v ' *_ __ " v^<v;. [i • r,£ '• t. . . ft'* "' These long winter evenings is the one time of the year when one enjoys and appreciates comfortable furniture. It's a long ways between now and ^fae days when you will be able to spend the evenings out of doocs, so why not make yourself and family a gift of furniture that will make these winter evenings a real joy. Our line is always complete. JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. tiUilfiku If •iai r SfeiA E$Hi '* f:s? mk.,? ;••• --Dessert of Desserts No other goodie can take the place of ice cream as dessert, all the year'round. McHenry Ice Cream with good cake rounds off the meal and insures its success. Everybody likes McHenry Ice Cream. •0 McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY c. UNTI, PROP. *"• „ >>:v • -\ir.p' •iv jjfT • > *• i- .v^, *. ->"jC ?.;•' AS SBBW BT PLA1NDEALER RBPORTKItS AND HANDED IN BT OUR' FKCSNDS Miss Cl»r» StofTel spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Chas. Pultz was a metropolitan city visitor Monday. Simon S toff el was a business visitor at Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Worts were Chicago- visitors Monday. Martin Knox was a metropolitan city visitor last Friday. • \ Mrs.'John F. Miller passed Monday in the metropolitan city. Chas. yf. Gibbs was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. John Givens was a business visitor in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Meyers passed last Friday in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter, Ruth, were county seat visitors Mond* V. Atty. A. H. Poase attended to business matters at the county seat Monday. Miss Agnes Young of Elgin passed the week end,with relatives near this city. Dr. Fred L. Minick passed Sunday as the guest of his sisters in Chicago. John I. Sutton of Chicago spent the week end with McHenry relatives and friends. Ray F. Conway attended to business matters a| Crystal Lake and Cary on Monday. Miss Angela Petesch' spent the week end as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Catherine Ashburner spent the week end with home folks at La- Grange, 111. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bobb passed Sunday as the guests of friends at Crystal Lake. William Schaefer attended to business matters in the metropolitan city last Thursday. Leo Thelen passed the week end with his mother, Mrs. Gertrude Thelen* at Elgin. Mrs. Ed. F. Kelter is spending the week as the guest of relatives in the metropolitan city. Floyd Coolfy of Chicago spent the week end with his"parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cooley. Miss Vera Bolger of Wooodstock spent the week end as the guest of McRcnry relatives. Misses Pauline and Adele Pufahl spent the week end as the'guests of friends at Evanston. Mrs. Albert J. Kamholz is spending the week as the guest of her sister in the metropolitan city. E. E. Bassett, daughter, Floribel, and son, Lisle, spent Sunday as guests of Woodstock relatives. Miss Blanche Meyers passed the latter part of last and first of this week with relatives in Chicago. Edward J. Brefeld of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Math. P. Freund, who is attending school at DeKalb, passed several days last week at his home here. William Conway of Elgin spent the latter part of last week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Mrs. Mary Carey and daughter, Evelyn, passed Tuesday and Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N; J. Justen. Chas. B. Durkee of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Claxton. Miss Eva Stilling of Chicago was a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling, over the week end. Mrs. Albert J. Kamholz and Mrs. Fred C. Feltz attended the fnneral of Mrs. Mollie Sternberg, at Dundee last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey of Chicago were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May, over Sunday. Alfred J. Bonslett of Chicago was a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett, over the week end. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin was a week end guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and ^irs. Geo. B. Frisby, south of town.' Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty of Chicago were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint, over the week end. Misses Irene Conway and Mary Phelan of Elgin spent the week end in the home , of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Mrs. E. E. Bassett spent several days last and this week at Woodstock, being called there by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh, Jack Walsh fend Miss Elola Boyle were among those from here who attended the funeral of Mrs. Nellie Renehan at Round Lake on Tuesday of last week. AUDITORS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, 111., will meet at the town clerk's office in West McHenry, 111., on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1924, at 7:30 p. m. to audit any and all bills against said town. Bills may be left with the supervisor or the undersigned. Dated this 12th day of March, A. D. 1924. Chas. B. Harmsen, Town Clerk. Vjsft our 10c department at Brickson's." • . " McHENRY S fftl.* SAT.. MARCH 14 Priacilla Dejin - IN - Hie White Tiger AND A COMEDY ^ 1PUNDAY. MARCH 1« f v ONE NIGHT ONLY > ^ LEW KELLY SHOW Singers--Dancers--C lowns Scenery--Wardroba Price*! «3cW 91.lt Tax PaM H i»VV'II|J^j' •' ;• HI ' COM I NO : • • "BANKS Or THE WABASH" "DAKLDKi OF NEW YORK" THE VIRGINIAN" TBMA COTTA Howard Karper spent Sunday with his family in Elgin. Geo. P. Bay visited relatives in Chi* cago one day last week. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgkt visited it her home here Sunday. • Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Florence Hnox visited relatives is Woodstock last Thursday evening. * Wifl. Conway of Elgin was calling bn relatives and friends here Monday. Vernon J. Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Elgin and also attended the district tournament at Dundee. Friends here were grieved to learn 6f the death of Mrs. Clara T. Bay, which occurred at her home in Chicago last Wednesday. Sjhe had been CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Foi*> 100 per cent Insurance in all branches, call on or phon»1. : •V WM. G.^CHREINER Phone 93-R,%j Auctioneering McHENRY ^ ? ILLINOIS Office Hours Phone 168 9-12' a. •' , 2-5 p. Ml*" ; ' < " " " v -" " Chiropractor F L. MINICK, D.,4*" Palmer Graduatt Brefeld Building West McHenry, Ql. FOR SALE--Spring McHenry Four Mills. seed wheat. 40-4t ill with pneumonia a week, ,8b* Was the mother of Geo. P. Bay «f t*is place and a sister of Mrs. S. B.' Leisner. The remains were brought to! Crystal Lake for burial Saturday^ /Waukegan electricians will get $1.50 p&r'hour instead of $1.25 on and after April 1. It is e^pMted that the corner stone for the liplfr V. M. C. A. building at Waukega* be laid next SaitmUuT* March 15. _ The Plaindealar tor news. ;f n v My spectacles and eye glasses are cnown all over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. Dr. C. KELLER, ' Optometrist and Optici*ft~ ' Chicago Address McHenTy, 111. 3407 N. Paulina St. Phona 157 Phone Graceland 9540. SPECIAL FOR SAt MARCH .1S >,w* mt aor NUT nous >' $5.25 II H.M m ronr TOASTERS $6.50 • >*** Terms Strictly Gash REMEMBER ^ One Day Only H. E. BUCH P|one 4^ McHenry, III. y-4- r' FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. Inquire at Geo. J. Sayer farm No. 1, McHenry, 111. 40-4t FOR SALE--A good work horse. Inquire of Peter A. Freund, McHenry, 111. 40-lt* FOR SALE---Property In tiie city of McHenry. Inquire of Win. J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. 85-tf FOR SALE--Ford truck. Commercial body and inclosed cab. N. J. Justen & Son, West McHenry. 40-4t FOR SALE--1000 bushels of ear corn; also' 500 bushels good barley. B. J. Wegener, Volo, 111. Phone 028-M- 2. 88-tf -fr FOR SALE--At a sacrifice, a new jacquette, never worn. Apply at Rosebud Beauty Sboppe, McHenry. Phone 104-J. 40-lt SALESMEN for lubricating oils and paints. Excellent opportunity. Salary or commission. Jed Oil and Paint Co., 3701 Burwell, Cleveland, O. 40* HELP WANTED--Two expert Ford mechanics. Must have five years actual experience. Apply to E. A. Manley, Manley Motor Co., Harvard, IU^ 40-lt BABY CHICKS--In 100 lots, assorted, $11; Leghorns, $12; Barred Rocks, S. C. Red AnconaB, $14; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Minorcas, » $17. Postpaid. Catalog free. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria, 111. 82~24t FOR SALE--Settings from our pens of excellent winter-laying Buff Orpingtons, $2.00 for fifteen eggs, $8.00 per hundred. John L. Nicholson & Son, Ingleside, 111. Phone McHenry 632-J-l. 40-lt • RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Whereas, our All-wise Father in His infinite wisdom and goodness has seen fit to call from our midst Sister | Christina Neiss, a charter member of j St. Clara court, No. 659, W. C. O. F„ jone of the most beloved of our court, I and | Whereas, in the performance of a jpart pf our duty to he/ we meekly i submit to the will of the inevitable and while bowing to His infinite wisidom we extend our sympathy and I consolation to her family and relatives; therefore be it Resolved, That in the death of Sister Neiss this court has lost an efficient member, her family a kind and indulgent mother and the community a kind, lovable and generous citizen. Resolved, That'these resolutions be spread upon the records of the court and a copy of same be sent to the family of the deceased and also be published in the McHenry Plaindealar. • ' - . Katherine Hiller. * Catherine Freund, ' Committeik ANOTHER ORCHESTRA IS ORGANIZED HERE "The Novelty Four" is the name of a new orchestra that has just been organized here and which is now open to engagements. The personnel of the new organization is as follows: Allen E. Noonan, violin; Miss Dorothy Knox, piano; Hubert Schoewer, slide trombone and saxophone; Carl Bickler, drums. Rehearsals have been going on for some time past and the I newest acquisition to McHenry's musical set is ready to supply music for dances and all other social functions. PICKLE CONTRACTS Contracts for the delivery of pickles are now being made. If interested call phdhe 136-M. Prices: $3.00 per hundred for srihril vat run; $1.00 per hundred for large pickels; $1.00 per hnndnsd for nubs. The L. Woodard Pickle 'Co., , :; McHenry, IE - NOTICE Notice is herkby givten titat all spa* cial assessments payable to the city of McHenry must be paid before March 20. After this date they will be entered as delinquent and filed as such with the county collector. . Mame Buss, City Collectoi. , 9 " f • Bead The Plaindealer for news.l 'X:J ' '• " - - _ *- ' t • r» The Cou nty Treasur# has Made arrangements with us whereby your taxes may be paid at this office, regardless of where you reside. #Save yourself trouble and expense byj paying your taxes at the ^ . West McHenry State Bank • WEST McHENRY, ILL! RUNABOUT Order Your For# Runabout Now! Each spring the demand for Ford Runabouts la iar in of the immediate supply Fast in traffic, easy to park and fitted with ample 1 „ w apace, the Ford Runabout is especially adapted for the Wan of salesmen and others who must conserve time and energy making their daily calls. Byou do not wish to pay cash ior your car, you can arrange ior a small payment down and easy terms on the balance. & you can buy on the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. Detroit, Michigan 8a» ttm Nearest Authorized Ford Deafer CARS • TRUCKS • TRACTORS