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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1924, p. 9

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: v; PL^rilDEALER, McHESTRY, HX. /ft ** ,<T S)/O &/i f*. JT St /^/CyC/CyC/CyC/r "SfSfE1 ~'.~W w*$- DUTCH yv GIVE UP IN U.S. ••ijiS'VV' r'i52(k.; in *$%£$&»*> 3P I h e hundreds of millions of cigars we fell annually liable us to give you a better cigar better made Also 2 for 25c 3 for 50e Special 10c Dutch Masters Cigar it nudt bv Comolidtted Cigar Corporation, Naw Yorfc ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Not Familiar With Fowl "That chicken you sent me wu a. very old. bird," said the bride of two week*. "You are mlitaken, madam. It was a very young chicken," replied the butcher. "Don't tell me that. Haven't I got eyea? Why, it hadn't a single; tooth In Its mouth."--Yonkers Statesman. Had a Motive Vint Flapper--"Who Invented ttOdt J"®"' "80 the heiress refused Jack." "Yes; it's too bid. He mats a .Wry flnlr proposition, too." "What was itr "He promised to be a good husband and offered to refund the money if he did not tum out exactly as represented^ fBoston Evening Transcript, ,:-:- Quite So A' married woman who says she wishes she were single again is the woman, I suit poo**."--Carnegie ruj U^et.' becomes a widow. . • f %iT Imitations may - jnn U. S. Supreme Court Raids on Trade Record* Washington.--Upholding the district court irv the southern district of New York, the Supreme court handed down opinion, denying the right of the federal trade commission to direct Ashing expeditions for evidence in the case of the commission against the American Tobacco company hnd P. t.orillanl company. Inc., charging unfair competition in regulating prices %t which their commodities are to be *old. The court says it Is contrary £0 the first principles of Justice to AllOw- search through records, relevant jMklrrelevant. In hope that something Mill turn up. > SAY "BAYER" when you buy-' ^JUnless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are - Aot getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe fey millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years foi Colds Pain Headache Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism •X V Accept offiy *'Bayer" pa'CKagftwhich contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet# Alio bottles of 24 and 100--Drusrpistfc Ajplrtn Is ft* pnt» awik «C Bam Manafirtora or Hoooaottlcacldeiter of Salicjiicactf Ride Fence Around Cabin A fence of rifle barrels collected from the battlefields of the Civil war surrounds the cabin In which President Grant once lived when he peddled wood in St. Louis. The Tsetse Ply The deadly tsetse fly of the Jungles Is said to have been jjiven its double name from the Short, sharp souud which It makes twice In quick succession. How atuch louder It soonds wfcea aome one else slams the door I And tbe sweetness of some women reminds us of sugar-coated pills. The men wiio borrows takes things easier than the man who lend*. A man, like a mule, when he Mops to Kick, drops farther behind. Children Cry for "Castoria" A Jtypnlegs Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric^ Drops •nd Soothing Syrups --, No Narcotics! Mother! Fletcher's Oastorla has been in use for over 90 years to relieve babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverlshness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Pood; opiates. giving natural sleep without The genuine bears signature «f Iwo pleasant ways to relieve a cough» Take your choice and suit your taste. S-B--or Menthol flavor. A sore relief for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Put one In your mouth at bedtime. AJtwmya keep m box on hand. SMITH BROTHERS 6ft COUCH DROPS JS3S& 0raft Evader Willing to Serve Prison Term; Ar- ^ ranges for Return, r j ; York.--Grover Cleveland jboll, convicted during the war as a draft evader, has agreed to return to Ametf ca to serve his sentence in a federal prison, it was announced here t»y Norman Hapgood, editor of Hearst's International Magazine. Bergdoll will return at the Invitation of the American Leglm. which, through John Qulnn, national commander, Issued a statement declaring the legidn had been accused of attempting to kidnap Bergdoll, and It was time to "show the world" that the organization stood for law and order. The legion's offer was made hy Leigh ton H. Blood, a member of the organization, who said he went to Germany to carry out a plan mapped out by Garland \V. Powell, national director of the legion's Americanism commission, and Lemuel Belles, national adjutant " "My mission was to lnvtte Bergdoll to come back to America with cue of his own free will," Blood said. "As long as Bergdoll was In Germany the antl-Gerninn feeling* In the legion would be strengthened and would count In American politics. Therefore If a plan could be worked out by which Bergdoll could be brought back to America it would help everybody." Blood said he was violating no confidence in giving a summary df - the terms made to Bergdoll. "Here It Is," said Blood. "Bergdoll must come back. He must serve his sentence. The American Legion is not so much Interested In Bergdoll as In the men who helped him escape from America. Let's bring Bergdoll back and have him make a clean breast and t«m who the enemies In our own camp are. Then let him do his bit In prison. After that give him his money and fet htm go his way." Mr. Hapgood said Bergdoll had sold Jhls automobiles and other properties In Germany, and even selected the •Ship on which he wished to return to A.merlca.- - Tailored Hat, Tricom, Sailor, Cloche and Toqoa Are Popular. Becomlngness is the point to ba considered in the spring bonnet, and If the headwear should prove to be not of enduring type It still may serve on occasion, and the loss Is not great. In these days, says a fashion writer in the New York Times, when seasons overlap--when chiffons , are worn in mid-winter and furs In summer--a flower hat may accompany a velvet gown, and a fur-trimmed toque be worn with a spring taffeta. The exotic taste demands strawberries In January sad a fox necklace In July. At this season the canny coutouriere has ready something captivating tn a chapeau. Material does not particularly signify, for velvet is as fashionable In summer as tulle In winter. The hat must be suitable and becoming, and for this numberless combinations are created. % They are: The severe tailored hat of sports design, the tricorne, still sailor, cloche and toque, usually of ribbon .or allk In bands, or one of the new straws. The cloche, holding tenaciously, Is varied and shaped to fit many faces. More and more there Is recognition of the flattering line which shows a bit of the hair softly waved or curled. Thus a chic little model Is evolved that Is the very latest thing from the other side. This Is a quaint suggestion In black of the Shaker bonnet, snug, shading the hrow and faced with a deli- ^Woman Put $150,000 Price x on Silence, Dougherty Says Washington.--That Miss Roxle Stln- Son, through A, L. Fink of Buffalo, (acting as her agent, offered to sell to James W. Holcoiub, Samuel Ungerileider, Henry T. Ellis and M. S. Daugli- «rty, her silence on the affuirs of Attorney General Daugherty and her late divorced husband, Jess \Y. Smith, for $ir>(),000. was asserted by Attorney General Daugherty In a letter to Senator Brookhart of Iowa, chairman of the senate investigating committee flow Inquiring into ~Mr. Duugherty's conduct. income Tax Payments la Reach About Half Billion Washington.--The American people In filing their Income tax returns this month poured $377,848,840 Into the federal treasury and nearly $100,000,000 additional Is expected before the end of the month. Reports were compiled at the treasury from all the 65 revenue districts, showing that the revenue collectors had actually received and deposited 3250,507,516 and had received, but were unable to deposit l>ecause of the last minute rusli, «n additional f 121^41,32*^ 4 iMiiii'.-" I/. S. Government Sues for Doheny Elk Hills Lease Los Angeles, Cal.--Charges that bribery, fraud and conspiracy- f-mered fnto the leasing of the Elk Hills navnl oil reserve were made in the government's bill for recover}' of the property, which was filed by Atlee Pomerene and Owen J. Uoberfts, special government counsel. The proceeding here Is identical^, with the one filed for the^ recovery of Teapot Dome. Ex-Crown Prince a Salesman London.--The former German crown prince Is now selling farm machinery and Is living at the home of his brother, Eitel fYledricli, at Potsdam 'with his wife and family, says the Daily Mail's Berlin correspondent. .J ' Me, Hat Is Modeletf «• tult the Face, fhe Height and the Silhouette of the Wearer. No 2.--A Breezy Brim Hat, a 8oftly Drooping Milan, Trimmed With Roses and Streamers. cate shade of pink or light green, as the original model from Rose Descot happens to be. An ornament of green beads Is fastened at one side of this little cloche, and narrow black ribbons tie under the chin. This tie effect Is a novelty, particularly with the smartest French models. One of these Is a small silk cloche, black, with small ribbon flowers and figures forming a pattern Chinese in character all over the crown and narrow drooping brim. A strap attached to each side of the hat, passing under the chin, is of silk, and the embroidery matches the hat. A handbag made of the same silk and needlework It entirely new. Felt Favored In Paris, Pelt is all the rage at Paris, and is now seen In the softer, larger hats, trimmed with flowers, needlework or with severe simplicity, having but a pin or. stiff ribbon ornament in the war of trimming. Yet ribbon hats are exceedingly popular, and the prediction Is made that mllan will be the most popular of all the braids. It la shown In the walking hat, the cavalier, tricorne and drooping brim, both close and wide. In black it la stunning, with glycerined feathers, coque. or one of the new straight ostrich novelties that hang far below the brim and edge, over the shoulder. For the preeent the popularity of felt Is shared with duvetyne, of which some of the most chic small hats are made. The crowns of these are plain, stitched or banded crosswise, with a contrasting cioth or ribbon, and the tight little shapes are made the more conspicuous with trimming of extreme style, high, long and drooping, or wound In scarf fashion nnder the chin. . To relieve the trying effect of these hats a new arrangement of the hair is seen, so that the curled tops of the bobbed or the marcel wave of the longer hair Is Just visible In a softening line about the face. ' The needlework hat Is so universally liked that it is to be had In endless variety. Effective yet Inexpensive hata are made of satin, with machine stitching or applique of whatever sort. But the most exclusively modeled little shapes are shown by a milliner who translates Paris ideas. They are light as thistledown, snug, covered with taffeta or satin and with a delicately traced pattern of flowers embroidered in floss and ribbons. These are not inexpensive, but they are lovely and artistic, and they lack any "period'*' expression. Motifs From the ChlneeOb The extravagances In Egyptian, batik and other showy types have given place to the more graceful stylea, though certain motifs from the Chinese are much liked. A stunning turban built on Oriental lines Is of black satin, with a bit of Chinese jtfde ornamenting the front. The influence of Persian forms and fahrics is seen In some of the toques that serve for mauy j occasions In the between seasons, and are worn smartly with the one-piece gown and the Incidental trinkets that are the fad of the day. A unique turban, Invented to meet the demand of sports togs, is formed by wrapping a length of sntln around the head and tying the ends passed under the chin to form a bow at one side. A medallion in coral-colored enamel is posed in the center, over thp brow. In picturesque rajah fashion. The radical change of a few seasons ago which absolutely stripped hats of any and every sort of trimming has given a modified type to the fashions of this year. The hat itself is modeled to suit the face, the height and silhouette of the woman that wears It. Its becoiuingness does not depend upou the trimming, though a finished effect is acquired by the addition of a feather, flower or ornament Just as a buckle or other high light is used on a gown. It attains Its full value because of the simple background. The crescent-shaped bars and other half circling bnnds of brilliants, so popular on the plain black cloche tn the winter hats, are still seen on the silk toques and close shnpes for usual wear, but a fancy ostrich, a chou or cluster of ribbons or a single large flower of velvet or silk outlined with silver dust or beads Is a newer feature. Some of the flowers are ravlshingly beautiful--calla lilies of silk and velvet, water lilies, lotus blossoms, big luscious roses, oftea a slngle flower with long stem. % -.V.ssMts i iS^lb Unusual C° TftRMJfOjv; "KTOTE the price* of these rwocccoM. COCOA * ' Then read this: Monarch it equal to the beat imported brands coating rwic* as much. Farm House sell* for about hall what you pay for American PtocMS Cocoas of similar quality. That's why «• My, "Unusual Values--Buy now." Qroce \ Raid. Murdoch & Co.'i food products ara sold only by the Regular Retail Gi»> earwbo owns sad uptin» bwowa stats. IV* mtmer ttfl to Chmlm Statu RE1D, MURDOCH & C O . , Mammfacturers and ItmporUrt Ettablifthed 1853 CHICAGO BOSTON NEW YORK PITTSBURGH "« *• 'jSP But Few Streams Along the entire Lower California coast Use, longer than from Key West to Boston, there Is only one all-theyear- around stream entering the ae<L It's easy to look on the bright side • long as It Is turned your way. Girls, brace up and get,,busy; It's a long time between leap years. Gas Mantle Heater " Resembling an electric room heater of the copper reflector type Is one te which the beating element la' a pas mantl*. If yon have a queer belief, defend It It does no good. It saves some expense to wear yotjr* Windshield on your eyes. }* '"i 4sk\burDealer A SK your local dealer to recommend a practical decorator. If you are unable to secure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and stenciling your walls to give beautiful results. MflhaBne Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper Alabastine from your local dealer, white and a variety of tinc% iy to mix with cold water and apply with a suitable brush. Each package has the cross and circle printed in red. $y intermixing Alabastine tints you can accurately match draperies and rugs and obtain individual treatment of each room. Writ* for special suggestions end lat«*t color combimattom ALABASTINE COMPANY IM7 GnadnBt Am, Hick. Craving for Individuality The tendency toward the styles of the directolre Is evident In some of the latest models, and there Is distinct feeling for Individuality. A certain mode Is the established standard of the day, but many variations are seen, and at no time have there been so many different stylea In the "French room" of one milliner of prestige are a watteau, to be worn frith one of the costumes of the period; an English walking hat, a needlework cloche, a breezy brim hat, a softly drooping mllan--trimmed with roses, and coquettish ribbon streamer--and many others of the medium, leaa distinctive types. Ribbon Is an important Item tn the new millinery. Whole hats are made of ribbon bands, wide and narrow, and some of the prettiest little shapes In felt .and In straw have but a single band, perhaps Just a knot of brocaded ribbon, striped or flowered, for trimming. Formal cockades, rosettes, chons and dashing bows trim the shapes of the graceful or the more severe lines. " The glycerined ostrich appears to have had its day, though It has 4 certain brilliance and style and is still used on some of the smaller hata, sometimes as a full band about the toque shapes. The full cstrlch plume Is seldom seen, the preference being for the fancy novelty feathers made of ostrich. Some of the most exclusive hats of satin, ribbon or braid have but an Inconsplcious touch of trimming. Veilings Used on Hats. The Idea of veiling the flowered;land figured silk frocks with lace, now so fashionable, is Illustrated in some of fhe new French hats. A black mllan of medium size, the brim shorter behind and shading the face, Is trimmed with small pink silk roses sewed flat against the crown, over which drops a slightly gathered frill of chantllly lace. On golden brown mllan the crown Is outlined with dull bronze rose.leaves under fine gilt lace. Importations of veils for tbe earliest spring hats show many pretty colored nets and dyed laces, beige and brown being apparently most popular. Prizes worth $2jSOO ENTER the du Pont International Crow-Shoot --$2,500 in merchandise prizes. It coats yws nothing to register. Destroy this menace to gatna andcrops. Writatodayforbooklttsaboutthacrotfc E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, INC. Sporting Powdmr ZJiasai WILMINGTON. DEL. Pll PONl RTSMAN5 ERVICE When It Is Home " Bone seems more worth Its upkeep on the cold, black nights when "going somewhere" for entertainment la such a trial. Every great and commanding movement In the annals of tbe world la the triumph of enthusiasm. There are times be with a fool than a bee. when It lla n It Is to 1 safer is fool will When a woman's teeth chatter usurp her tongue's prerogative. The man who wears the best dothtt may have the most creditors. What is aTeaspoonful? Household Hints That Will Interest Women Cotd Miners to Strike Calgajy, Alta.--Negotiations between operators and miners in District No. 18'of the United Mine Workers have been broken off and a strike lias fyyefl called definitely for April 1, ' SICK HEADACHE Take a good dose of Carter's little liver PHIs then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. They restore the organa to their proper functions and Hswlsrlw and the causes of it pass away. IBT HBGULA1S IB BOWELS ani PREVENT OONSnPAIfON £2 £ Ijyorld Flyers Hop Off ' Sacramento, Cal.--The first leg of the army aviators' flight around the world was completed Successfully Monday afternoon when the three planes arrived here safely after flying 400 allies from Santa Monica. Mussolini Is Knighted Rome.--King Victor decorated Premier Mussolini with the order of Anrimiziata, the highest rank in Italian knighthood. Wearers of the order are considered cousins of the king. * ® v **7" ' " „ Japanese trays may be cleaned by rubbing with clear olive oil, applied with a flannel cloth. A brush dipped In salt water should be used In cleaning bamboo furniture. Grease stains on leather may be removed by applying benzine or pure turpefitlne. Wash the spots afterward with well-beaten white of an egg or a good leather reviver. If you have difficulty In driving small tacks Into the wall, put them Into a piece of thin cardboard sn Inch or so apart, drive them In, than pull otf the cardboard. Before attempting to drive a screw Into woodwork cover the end of the screw with soap. When serving afternoon tea. If you pour a few drops of hot water Into the saucers, enough to Just moisten them, you will find the cups will not slip about on tbe saucers when yon are passing them to your guests. To remove laundry marks from household linens place linen on clean blotting pape* and wet the marks with carbolic add (prison). Repeat ff necessary, then rinse linen In clear water. Lemon juice applied to brown or tan shoes will remove stains. Rub well Into leather and apply brown polish. The stain will quickly disappear. To prevent the clamps of the food chopper from working loose place a piece of sandpaper, rough aide op, around both clamps and screw the food chopper up tight Platinum Gray Platinum gray, that delectable shade a bit more luminous than tbe pewter gray of a few seasons ago, la to be a welcome addition to the spring shades. It will contrast" beautifully with the prevailing navy. --it depends on die Baking Powder you use. You must use s heaping spoonful «f many brands because they don't contain as much lean* aolng strength as CALUMET Th. Economy BMMKO POWDER Level spoonfuls are all that are nec* essary when you use CALUMET--it makes more bakings which means a real saving on bake day* fkirts May Be Startling Some Paris modistes predict a skirt so short as to be startling, but others are Inclined to forecast something more .than knee length. €> rTBS WORLDS OAMNQ ~ •s .... _ ,r. fe.

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