m i . I , 1 , ' . 1 " " 1"" 'J. T" m1' ' r ALFORD H. ft*UUS* SIMON STOFFEL for all clssssi of the bast companies LLLINOifl v ** :S ~ mgmrnm^ ;T^ :•' "" ' \ h TIT/WT THEIR PRISON SENTENCE FREMONT HOY AND SO*i TA#JiN TO JOLIBT it--- IteMogtWrnaafUl nUKTBOOKEwrHHtten TBis magnificent book was written for foo. ift contains many profitable pointers for dairymen and fourteen full page color illustrations of the World's Champion Caws of various breeds. It is a masterpiece! Each big illustration alone it ircft wotth framing. Only a limited number are left. :.r,; Kl- Your Copy is Ready : ; 'tkTaler nJkmed below will give you this Dairy Book free prowcrca yoti buy 20 sacks International Special Dairy within 30 days. Buy 5, 10 or 20 sacks today. Every dairyman will prize this volume--get yours v.'. Count 'era From Every Sack of International Special Dairy Molaftet Feel «* cr m£ared to using whflat feed Of grotind t'rair» VVe cuarajuee tin? ' b*a bern trcured in hundreds oi scrual t~sts. Both protein and moiasses produce milk. later- BatitTsl Special Dairv contain* both. Thil gresi itied is digestible c-a palatable aodis skillfully processed mod mixed, thus in* kiff • bip *>ira gain ia milk. Accept WO substitute. Inferior brand* offered by othtff icilic cannot produce the same profitable results as Internauooal Special Dairy. OrM eome todiy. JTHENRY COUNTY FARMERS* CO-OPERATIVE ASSN., WEST M'HENRY PETOTS DRUG STORE Fremont Hoy and his son, Clarence P., formerly connected with the Fox River Valley State bank of this city, and the Ring-wood State bank, are now confined in the state prison at Joliet, having: started serving their sentences the first of the week. Regarding the Hoy case and the sentence the Woodstock American of last week has the following to say: "Fremont Hoy and his son, Clarence, recently convicted in circuit court here, will start Saturday to pay the price for their fradulent manipulations with hundreds of thousands of dollars belonging to McHenry county citizens. "The two bankers will be taken from jail early Saturday under guard of Sheriff Lester Edinger to begin serving their indeterminate sentence of from one to ten years in the state penitentiary at Joliet. "6ince last Saturday, when both! were sentenced by Judge E. D. Shurtleff of Marengo, almost lifelong friend! of the older Hoy, the two bankers have been in the county jail. Clarence, in fact, has been there for several months in lieu of bond, but his father was able to make $20,000 bond and was not imprisoned until after sentence was passed. "Fremont Hoy will serve two terms concurrently, each of from one to ten years. "In one case he was charged with larceny as conservator of the estate of Mary B. Sheldon of Richmond, while in the other he was charged with working a confidence game to swindle Truman Abbott, Ringwood farmer, out of $20,000 in notes and mortgages. Clarence also was convicted on this latter charge. "The first charge on which the elder Hoy was convicted, that of larceny: FOR SALE--Spring seed McHENRY'S FOR A0SBS8OR I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of assessor for the town of McHenry and will be grateful for the support of the voters at the coming election to be held on Tuesday, April 1* 36 WM. SIMES. Visit our 10c department at Brickson's. Fflf. & SAT..-MAttCH 2* A 22- Pioneer Trails Herai» of i»u- c;oid Wwih of '<& in thU . #CM«a fceniMion of TO0*r :y . WITH-- * An All Star Cast. -INC LUDltfG - ^ ; Alice • Calhoun. ^0$, - AND-- Cullen Land is AND THE COMEVT "UNDER COVET* : ' ; "• >-- ]' / SUNDAY;, MARCH 23 The Daring Years Written and Produced fer Carson Goodman , t •:/ AND THE COME1MT.:•/ IN DUTCH"- t SUNt>AY MATINEE At.):3l COMING "BANKS OF THE WABASH" "OARLfflG or NEW YORK" . "SPORTING YOUTH" "THE VIRGINIAN" 1 glasses . : 'a r">? i o "owdi;R.j<&N^Y :(fptoni Otiv'si arid (whsiitn 3407-N..PAUUNA ST. . !tCP :-6o$CO'g A N O. U IN C O < N - A Vt . My spectacles and eye glasses are inown all over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. Absolutely guaranteed, Dr. C. KELLER, V Optometrist and Optician ^ ' Chicago Address McHefiry, 111. 8407 N. Paulina St. Phone 157 Phone Graceland 9640. SEQOND ANNUAL *i & | Automobile, Tractor H^^r^Style ShoW/;:^£v£ AT THE ARM0R% WOODSTOCK, tt| W, THURSDAY --fRIDA Y--SATIiRBAY. ^'.2-' X*' MARCH 27-28-2^ ? t BIG FREE DINNER FOR FARMERS H > < THURSDAY NOON : < ; V ^IIOW FRIDAY 3 p. m. ind 7 p.l| DANCING--SATURDAY EVENING 9 p; Big Display of Automobiles sad Tnctof8?|i Each Day ,|l& $50.00 IN GOJLD GIVEN AWAY EACH EVENING SPONSORED BY WOODSTOCK CHAMBER Or CORHERCE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SERVICE It we haven't got what you want* We will get it for yotf/v McHenry Four Mills. wheat, i 40-4t i WANTED--Girl* at Modern * Laundry. Apply at laundry, West McHenry. 41 FOR SALE--Alfalfa hay. Inquire at Geo. J. Sayer farm No. 1, Mclfenry, 111. ' 40-4t as executor of the $8,000 estate of the late Mary Sheldon, was not pressed because of technicalities on which the defense was expecting to base its appeal to a higher court. "Numerous other indictments against the two men are still in force and will be prosecuted upon their release from prison. State's Attorney V. S. Lumleyv had hoped to secure a plea of guilty from the two Hoys in one of these cases, l>ut, facing in that, he will hold up the charges as a club against any who may try to secure their release after FOR SALE--Property in the city of the eleven months' probationary per- (McHenry. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, FOR SALE--A fanning mill, cheap. The Alexander Lumber Co., West McHenry, 111. , 41-tf WANTED--All kinds of tame rabbits. H. Hoffmann, McHenry, 111. Box 274. Phone 104-R 41-lt* 'I TUQUE 118-JN- H. PETRSCHpkucgist ,i-r West McHenry, 111. 35-tf FOR SALE--Ford truck. Commercial body and inclosed cubV N. J. Justen A Son, West McHenry. 40-4t These long winter evenings is the one time of the year when one enjoys and appreciates comfortable furniture. It's a long ways between now and the days when you will be able to spend the evenings out of doors, so why not make yourself and family a gift of furniture that will make these winter evenings a real joy. Our line is always complete. JACOB JUSTEN Mchenry, ill. ' FOR SALE--1000 bushels of ear corn; also 500 bushels good barley. B. J. Wegener, Vok>,- 111.. Phone 628-M- 2. - 38-tf FOR SALE--Twenty-four laying Rhode Island pullets. Henry W. Ahrens, West McHenry. Phone 99- R. ^ 41-lt* iod has passed "The length of the tierm that will be served by the two men depends largely upon the welfare board. That efforts will be made by their family and friends to secure a parole or pardon at the earliest date possible is deemed likely, but with the feeling against the prisoners because of their bare-faced dealings with others' money and their manipulations to gaitf possession of their friends' life-time savings, little aid will be given to any effort for leniency, it is believed. | WANTED--First mortgage loan of "Stories of misplaced confidence, • $2200.00 on river front property near dealing with bank and administra- j McHenry bridge. Value $5000.00. tors' funds, working of the confi-! Address The Plaindealer. 39-2t dence game and other manipulations j pOR RENT--Best small farm (50, unearthed by the authorities showed J acres) jn county, on cement highway, over $300,000 literally stolen from Good buildings and plenty of them, farmers and others in the northeast- j miies from McHenry. Wm. ern part of the county. On the wit- Bonslett, McHenry. Phone 124-J. 41-2t ness stand under cross examination „ „--„ ., T ; Fremont Hoy could account for but|FOR SALE-8-16 International traca few thousand of the vast sum of L W1* two bottom plow and rear money, he said. !h,tch of tandem pulverizer' AH ,n "Hailed into court Saturday after-""t-class .conation *nd used but one noon after innumerable technical and ^fson- E- G- Peterson, McHenry other delays, Fremont Hoy showed j °ne 127-W. ^ plainly the effects of the last few [0ABY CHICKS--In 100 lots, assorted, months of anxiety and fear. In De-j$ll; Leghorns, $12; Barred Rocks, S. tember he was spruce, nervy andjC. Red Anconas, $14; Wyandottes, maintained a firm upper lip. But his i Buff Orpingtons, Minorcas, $17. sixty-seven years of age, his session on Postpaid. Catalog free. D. T. Farthe witness stand, his weeks of worry row Chickeries, Peoria, 111. 32-24t and dread of the him considerably. future had aged There was no FOR SALE--Two sets breeching harcolor in his "cheeks and his lips were ne98' broadcast seeder, 14-in. Deere ashen white as he faced his old friend, Judge Shurtleff, after a long session with -his lawyers in a sideroom. " 'Have you any reason why sentence'should not be pronounced?' asked the judge. "There was no reply from the accused. Words could not come. Even gang plow, Deere sulky plow, walking plow, 14-disc pulverizer, Deering corn binder, corn planter, 2 single row cultivators, International hay loader, Mc- Cormick mower, 6 ft. cut; gray mare, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1400; bay mare, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1100; bay horse, 11 yrs. old, wt. 1400. Apply to Robt. H. Fuller, Route 2, McHenry. Phone 619-J-l. w. W:y Ice Cream Clarence, apparently not fazed by, ^^^j^ru Prices the weeks of confinement and verdict j ^j^jjjjaL TOWN MEETof the jury, could say nothing. ING AND ELECTION "After the judge had passed sen: tence--one of the most difficult things he ever did, he said afterwards-- the Hoys were taken to their jail cell by Sheriff Edinger." --Dessert of Desserts No other goodie can take the place of ice cream as dessert, all the year 'round. * McHenry Ice Cream with good cake rounds off the meal and insures Jts success. Everybody likes McHenry Ice |!!ream. c ANNOUNCEMENT OF COLORS FOB BALLOTS County of McHenry )ss. State of Illinois, ) Office of the County Clerk. This is to certify that the ballots for the primary of April 8, 1924, for the respective parties shall be printed on paper of the following colors: Republican, white. , - Democratic, green. Socialist, pink. Farmer-labor, blue. In witness whereof I subscribe my name and affix the seal of the County Court this, th4 15th day of March, A. D. 1S24. . 'G. E. Still, County Clerk. tiitmmmmmmmm--mmm--m------ ! ! . ^pcHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. ^ ' AUDITORS' MEETING Notice is hereby board of auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, 111., will meet at the town clerk's office in \?est McHenry, 111., on the 25th day of March, A. D. 1924, at 7:30 p. m. to audit any and all bills against said town. Bills may be left with the ! supervisor or the undersigned. Dated ithis 12th day of March, A. D. 1924. if ' 4ftM^ B.-liarmsen( Town Ctek. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters, residents of the Town of McHenry, County of McHegry, Illinois, that the annual town meeting and election of officers of said town will take place Tuesday, the 1st day of April, proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. The election of officers will be held in the places designated, as follows: District No. 1, Wdbdman hall, Ringwood, 111.; district No. 2, city hall, McHenry, 111.; district No. 3, Colby builing, McHenry, 111. The officers to be elected are: One town clerk, one commissioner of highways, one assessor. The town meeting will open in the city hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour of two o'clock p. m., and after choosing a moderator will proceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate money to defray the necessary expenses of the town and to deliberate given Tth. .a.t the' •a. nd decide on ,su ,c h measure,s .a s ma'y, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. The polls of election will open at seven o'clock a. m. and close at five o'clock p: m. the same day. Given under my hand this 19th day of March, A. D. 1924. " Chas. B. Harm sen, Town Clerk. ... .L 'iilL?. W Coftte in and look over the fipe assortment of Easter candies and hovel- "7 TAXES! •. . The County Treasurer has made arrangemente. with us whereby your taxes may be paid at this office, regardless of ;• where you residfc Save youfself trouble and expense by sgj^ying your taxes at th? >- • • "' f™ '. . «. • -it:,- '.j* - WEST -McHENRY, ILL Make this a Fordsan Year Have dependable Fordson Power ready when the fields are&ratready for breaking. Through all the.year, use it* steady, versa tile power for bigger profits on every farm task that requires power. To be sure of this, however, we musthave your order now. Spring with its peak load of Fordson buying orders is almost here. Don't wait. Order today. Fordson year. Make this a Detroit, Michigan •J*. 'K