J". .-•, i,\ ^ ^ ( *^tr ^V-,,V^ •*£•$,• ANNUAL REPORT 98.00 114.00 *f THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER, K- .. ^ 8TEPHEN H. FRBUND John Smith, grading1 Bernard Smith, crushing .... 114. Peter Freund, Jr., crushing.. 80.00 M. A. Weber, crushing and MjSfdi"? .; ••.. .^.130.30 »?V.Sheid, crushing . i'.Jw- 24 00 John P. Miller, smithing <550 pushing ,u. 48.00 * > > ? * • ^V; US? A1 thnff r'Ch, flfrUSh'n^ * V" 82 ' smitW 9-.°3°0 «. Compel, graveling .... r. . . C. J. Reihansperger, hardwire ( larAnAf- , .. 1 • State of Illinois,' >» Town of County ot McHenry,) ss. McHenry The following is « statement by Stephen H. Freund of the Town of McKemy, in the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds teceived and expended by him j Alex. Lumber"Co., "culver la"« during the fiscal year just closed, end- (iilbert Harris, crushing iHg on the 25th day of March, 1924, ;R. Guyser, grading showing the amount of public funds Ed. Freund, crushing i ^ on hand at the commencement of said H. Freund, crushing fiscal year, the amount of public funds Geo. Freund, gravel . * * received and from what sources, re- Peter Oeffling, crushing * ceived, the amount of public funds Neil Carlson, crushing expended and for what purpose ex-1 june 27 ' pjpnded, during said fiscal year, end-j Neil Carlson, graveling . 44 00 ing as aforesaid. |Jack Nicholls, tiling: a fi7 ^n The said Stephen H. Freund, being Jas. Bell, crushing " Clarence Whiting, crushing.. w. C. whiting, crushing r r . . . . * 48.37 3.30 48.00 56.00 18.92 48.00 82.75 52.00 48.00 4.60 24.00 48.00 Mfcv duly sworn, doth depose and say, that John Smith, grading rRRftft the following statement by him sub-jR. Guyser, grading " -**• scribed is a correct statement of the il. M. Blake, crushiju irmount of public funds on hand at Lou Althoff, smithing . .. the commencement of the fiscal year Chas. Olson, dragging !! f above stated, the amount of public R. C. Harrison, dragging funds received and the sources from Math. Sheid, graveling . * which received and the amount ex-;Jos. Smith, grading pended and purchases for which ex- C. E. Sherman, - gravel pended, as set forth in said statement.j crushing Stephen H. Freund. ' John Malsh, road' work ! Subscribed and sworn to before me, July 11 tills 25th day of March, 1924. E- J. Fellows, gravel ... William J. Welch, Justice of Peace.'Neil Carlson, graveling: . jNjkds Received and Fro* What R. Guyser, graveling ... Sources Received Jake Diedrich, gravel ***** / 56.00 .-.,w*f 62.00 7.35 74.75 30.00 47.00 43.00 R. C. Harrison, grading 69,00 Henry Sompel, gravelnig *;.. 188.10 Math. Sheia, graveling *.... 64.00 Chas. Olson, crushing M. A. Conway, gravel is;.**. Walter Huff, crushing A. P. Freund, grading ,vt^. B. H. Stilling, grading ..,. iV E. J. Fellows, gravel November 14 H. C. Kamholz, hardware ,... John Mertes, bridge work ... Alexander Lumbor co., lumber and culverts Alexander Lumber Co., Ringwood, coal for crusher .... S. W. Brown, oil for crusher.. Jas. Bell, crushing ....... Louis Schroeder, crushing ... B. H. Stilling, crushing ...... R. B. Merchant, crushing .... John Smith, crushing ....... John P. Miller, smithing W. C. Whiting, grading and Ben Frett, scrapi treed 72.00 15.20 48.00 20.00 , «4,00 1.20 8.50 80.50 565.91 88.06 16.50 152.00 108.00 96.00 182.00 92.00 6.00 graveling .. Math. Scneid, for . . . *13.00 16.00 Amount of public funds on • hand at the commence- . raent of the fiscal year commenceing the 27th day of March, 1923 ....$ 1,875.98 Received from County Collector May 9 Received from County Collector Aug. 8 Received from County Col- , lector Sept. 4 Received from County Col- • lector Sept. 4, del Received from bridge plank sold 38.80 ..i. J07.05 «..> 107.05 ^ - •- ••••V.v.. 10.00 W. C. Whiting, road worKji-ii, f 28.00 Nick Jung, road work . 10.00 John Smith, grading *.V; ; 64.00 A. Weber, £radin* . • iv»v j.04.00 L. £>. Smith, grading ^.^ -16.00 reter Freund, grading 64.00 5,000.00 j Math. Sheid, grading 55 50 ' B. H. Stilling, gracing .i.! Joioo 2,500.00] July 25 |Math. Sheid, graveling ...... 67.50 2,551.10 Alexander Lumber Co., tUe j and culverts 1,326.59 John Smith, gravelini 52.75 „ __aig .. Henry Sompel, graveling A. P. Freund, power B. Thonneson, crushing .. August 8 ym $13,306.42 Fands Expended and For What Pur- Nick Jung, cutting brush ~rr pose Expended April 11, 1923 'Henry Sompel, cutting brush.! 14.10 John A. Smith Est, gravel... Lou Althoff, smithing .. ..... H. Sompel, graveling & gravel B. H. Stilling, graveling and gravel John Smith, road work April 25 Amer. Express Co., express.. Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts.. Russell Grader Mfg. Co., road drag Jas. Bell, shoveling snow. ... John Malsh, cutting brush ... Bernard Smith, graveling.... M*Krt John Smith, grading I _ August 22 _ , Math. Sheid, graveling ...... f'®8|Lew Hall, gravel ... 88.00 ;B. H. Stilling, graveling .... ofl7n W* Whitin£» grading ! September 4 29.60 | Theo. Schiessle, office rent.... j H. C. Kamholz, hardware .... 51.00 36.81 61.00 71.34 H 90.00 32.00 3.00 7.55 68.40 32.00 71.00 31.50 33.25 32.00 s 24.00 50.00 3.44 Jacob P. Miller, grading 24.00 ! p-*-- rvonJ®eP^em^>er 12 Nick jung, ,0,d work J JJ Otto Johnson| Pete Freund, Jr., grading 80 00 Jas. Bell, grading Geo. Meyers, grading B. H. Stilling, grading1. ...... L. S. Smith, grading f. J. May, hauling grader.... C. ^Harrison, grading ........ . May 9 Btti Frett, grading .../ Mat. Blake, road work .... John Malsh, road work .;.... Martin A. Weber, grading.... R. Guyser, grading C. J. Reihansperger, hardware J. H. Huemann, smithing,, B. H. Stilling, grading ...... May 23 ; H»" Sompel, graveling . /;.... John Malsh, cutting brudi W. C. Whiting, grading B. H. Stilling, grading ...... June 13 McHenrv Lbr. Co., coal ...... O. L. Tonyan, surveytag John Malsh, crushing ...... Nick Jung, power for crusher B. H. Stilling, crushing 64.25 12.00 2.00 Roger Stevens, grading Chas. Olson, grading .. ?'oc , H. Sompel, road work . oi nn I J°hn Smith, grading "*• 1C. W. Carlson, grading .., 80.20 September 26 12.00 Smith, road work.., 30.00 i •J®0'1 Nicholls, tiling 92^45 ; 9" W;. Carlson, scraping . 44 OO j Geo. Meyers, grading . .. 8*40 ^ou Althoff, smithing ... 103^85 McHeniy Lbr. Co., tile . H.00 68.00 48.00 .... 12.00 8.00 48.00 ,... 82.50 101.25 ..•. 84,00 16.05 21.00 .10.00 8.00 Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts October 10 64.00! C. W. Carlson, grading 6.00 • B. H. Stilling, graveling " 10.00 Frank Herdrich, graveling , * 20.00 ' R- Guyser, graveling . ..... John A. Smith Est., g^ravd... 54.95 John Smith, grading 89.50 J- H. Kennebeck, road work .. 32.00 j October 26 66.50 Will Kelley, putting in culverts _81^0_John_Smith, grading 2.25 * 9.78 $08.16 8.00 56.00 52.00 16.00 27.20 38.00 7.00 grading and graveling R. W. Stevens, graveling .... W. E. Smith, crushing Nick Jung, power for crusher . C. D. Whiting, crushing G. Knapp, gravel for crushing 217.50 128.00 14630 108.00 62.00 210.00 128.00 Peter Freund, Jr., crushing . . 116.45 Peter Weber, crushing ...... 20.00 Clarence Pearson, crushing . . 144.00 Archie Biggers, crushing .... 124.00 Frank Herdrich, gravehfig. i. 32.00 Cristy Bros., crushing 64.00 Chas. Olson, crushing ....... 156.50 Wm. Brunswick, crushing"... .* . 8.00 C. Harrison, graveling V., i.A 230.00 Frejl Wiedrich, crushing1..*..^, 54.00 Ed. Peet. crushing 72.00 Walter Huff, crushing 90.00 C. E. Hoppers, crushing 124.00 E. Coates, crushing ......... 64.00 Wm. Dodge, crushing 120.00 November Earl Hendricks, crushing ..,.. 56.00 Floyd Howe, crushing ....... 125.40 Jos. H. Huemann, smithing .. 83.60 Jacob P. Miller, road work ... 8.50 John "Smith, grading ........ 43.00 Peter Freund, Jr., grading .. 16.00 H. Sompel, grading * 51.74 L. Schroeder, grading v-. 119.84 Karl Bradley, oiling ........ 25.00 John A. Meyers, graveling... 19.20 December It- Chas. Carr, crushing .. . 114.00 J. H. Huemann, repairs 56.57 W. Francisco, dragging ..... 7.20 Roy Hobart, dragging ...... 10.80 W. C. Whiting, graveling .... 104.00 John Smith, gravel & graveFg 316.00 Art Kattner, gravel 48.00 Fred Diethorn» gravel 25.35 H. Sompel, gravel & gravel'g. 52.60 B. H. Stilling, grading ...... -72.00 C. E. Sherman, gravel 17.80 F. H. Wattles, gravel 9.80 Mrs. John-Stilling, gravel.... 4-00 Louis Schroeder, graveling and gravel 68.00 j, December 26 John smith, grading 146.00 Martin Klintworth, graveling. 127.00 - - - - " 78.10 12.80 94.40 24.50 40.00 76.24 24.00 20.00 20.00 44.00 30.00 47.75 88.75 2.66 *£0 8.87 16.00 122.18 7.15 86.00 Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts Frank Blake, gravel P. F. Miller, graveling Russell Grader Mfg.» Co., scrapers Lynn Hall, gravel Peter Freund, Jr., road work . Clarence Whiting, graveling. . Jacob P. Miller, graveling . .. . L. Schroeder, grading ... Ben Freund, graveling John Schmitt, graveling R. C. Harrison, graveling .... Math. Sheid, graveling Amer. Express Co., express .. January 9, 1924 ^ L. F. Newman, labor '.»• January 23 Alexander Lbr. Co., lumber.. L. Schroeder, grading J. H. Huemann, road work ... February 13 8.00 ", Legal. Ad Pub. Co., stationery ST^SP^rFVeiHidjJrj^craging^ ... 40.00 /?«ty24.00 >154.00 1.00 1.33 59.96 L. Schtwu vi 1 Fetoaafr 27 Jos. JL. Freund, graveling J. Pint, smithing Alexander Lbr. Co., lumbe£$ J. H. Huemann, smithing March 12 x B. H. Stilling, gra#** ^4.00 L. Althoff, smithite . • • 150 John SmiUi, gradh% 63.00 March 25 H. L. Kreutzer, painting «igns 4,50 Mrs. Theo. Schiessle, office rent^ 50.00 S. H. Freund, coa»mission on money paid out 142.11 $12,853.43 Recapitulation Amount on hand at beginning of fiscal year $ 1,875.98 Amount of funds received during fiscal year 11,430.44 Total amount ...... 13,306.42 Amount expended during-fiscal year 1. .......... 12,211.32 Commission 142.11 Total amount paid out. .$12,863.43 Balance on hand.... 952.99 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE A. J. Mullen, Attorney Estate of Spsanna Freund, Deceased. j The undersigned, having been appointed Executors of the last Will and Testament of Susanna Freund, deeased, late of the County of Mc- Heitry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that they will appear beore the County Court of McHenry Count, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday jn May next, at which time all persons having claims-against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 18th day of March. A. D. 1924. Henry M. Freund and Anna Vogt, 41-4t Executors. WAyCONDA MOTOR BUS JUNE INCORPORATED aukegan, Lake Zurich and Chicago Transportation company incorporated at Springfield last Saturday to operate a motor bus line between Wauconda, Lake Zurich and Chicago. The capital stock is $5,000. The incorporators are A. M. Sowers, L. E. Sowers and Annette Sterling, all of Wauconda. Before service can be started it will be necessary to get from the Illinois commerce commisa certificate of convenience and necessity. The promotors say that they are starting in a small way and that if the business warrants the service will be improved from time to time. GRAYSLAKE NEWSPAPER UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT F. E. Brewer of Herscher, 111., is now in" active management of the Grayslake Times, owned by Peter W. Newhouse. Besides being the owner of the publication, Mr. Newhouse is also interested in the moving picture theatre in that village and also holds a county office. He has found that the work envolved is too much for one man and therefore has secured Mr. Brewer to manage the paper for him. * . -- The amount of income tax collected thru the Aurora district, which includes McHenry county, will be fifty per cent more this year than last, according to an announcement as made by Earl T. Weeks, division chief. Of the total of $605,343.66 to be collected about $265,000 has been turned in so far, the rest to be received in quarterly payments. Delinquents who come in voluntarily will be dealt With leniently. * v x FOB ASSESSOR I hereby announce my canmilacy for the office of assessor for the town of McHenry and will be grateful for the support of the voters at the coming election to be held on Tuesday, April 1. 39 • WM. SIMES. EXPLODED! That is what facts have done to the 3" argument that you 4 get your household hot water for ; \; * nothing ^ V ; when you heat it from a coil your furnace. That pipe in your* furnace takes one out of everffc five shovelfuls of coal that go I into your furhal It's the system costs more and serves you onlyin winter. i. The Humphrey " . : Automatic Gas1 1 L water heater costs i ^ less and works «fl year round. See an automatic working here iig-tlv our show room* ; Learn about its" : price and its , ^ performance. ^ v v Western" United Gas and Electric Company C. E. COLLINS. Diatrict Manager A thousand and one bargains at Erickson's store pv .v., IT*.? T ' " -* Vote for Chafte^ M. Eldredg^e _ RICHMOND, ILLINOIS 1 j Candidate for STATE SENATOR Stb District--Lake, McHenry and Boone Counties Endorsed by the Republican County Central Committeeof McHenry County, at Woodstock March 3, 1924 He believes in sane legislation and enforcement of such laws, rather than the indiscriminate piling up of laws that only encumber the Statutes and are not enforced and are therefore inoperative and useless. He believes in legislation that will Lenetit the workman and'Is a real friend of labor. He feels that the outstanding question of the day k the present condition of the farmer and the-agricultural situation, and pledges his utmost efforts in support of legislation that w ill give to th« farmer an opportunity to more fully profit by his laboc~and industry. ' He is for the " Woman's Eight Hour Law*"" Primary, Tuesday, Aprtt fcfl^if • -V'.| L DG TO THE Hl- dl; IG in IUh ^ .... .' t.'v j.- ' ." • - ""-r- - • • . - f.. . , :V " - ° ... ^ "* - * - Next Satw&y, Sfaroh 8^^1984, the voters of the City of MdHenry' will be called upon to express tlfemselves on one o?0le mosC^uoipoSanii questions that has ever confronted our people--a $10,000 Bond Issue to provide Et jupjuis "f raigjpg mon^y whi^ tq pnrphp bb t,hp ght.-nfe •; Way for the proposed State road, route No. 20, as it will pass thru otircit#; " *,s* v i-k • r , In view of the fact that the present route which has been the final selection of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings has ha<| K the approval and endorsement of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors, the City Council of McHenry and the McHenry Community Club* we take this means of presenting the following: The passing of this Bond issue in the amount of $10,000 will give McHenry a permanent improvement, maintained by the state, the value oi|^ which pannot be overestimated, and, for the information of the voters we may add that the present bridgejover Boone creek (west of the railway s tracks) Has been condemned and must be replaced by the city in case the Bond Issue should lose. The cost of this structure (Boone creek bridge^.- ^ would easily exceed the amount of the entire Bond Issue. Then too, the building of the new road would so lessen the traffic over the bridge neair he city hall as to make that structure serviceable for a number of years to come. Without the proposed new connecting link between the tw$.^ sides of town this bridge will have to be replaced by a more substantial and wider structure in the near future. This -would also entail the ex*r:-.~.- < ( • . . . . . " K.S,'"!- P^di ture oi several thousands of dollars* The question is one which commands the serious eonsideration of every voter in tfiis ttity. ~ X "-•» '>r/' """r" The prox>osed improvement would give the city Another th0m11 hfttntraftn tv>q gf and West sides, the need whi^h hflf hefn fptt m a n y y e a r s . • . . . - . " - . i ' : ' . " f r " 1 ; Now that the complete right-of-way has been secured through the city of McHenry, the McHenry Community club as a body, respectful^ ai^ tta support of this important issue at the polls next Saturda^l^jr. V - : s". -;r' COMMUNITY. CLUB - awMshv; THIS ADVERTISEMENT ORDERED AND PAID FOR BY THE ABOVE CLUB 3E 9£ at DC DC =JBt • -- ---w "j-' -> '* m p>';: " ¥"".' •pi.-' .... 'i