A spUefld line of new giligtiMil tad at IridbM1!. mm WE CARRY A SUPPLY OF - V: ~ " * ' V *' :k. : -S ^\«Com 'V- - . *-\s Cracked (x)fi| 7 Cracketf CoiH, bsitiy chick si Wheat' ^far^r Oatft;; Elgin Scratch Feed .Elgin Baby Chick Feed ' Elgin Baby CMck Mas t Scraps ^.-Oyster Shell Bran [.#C . ^JL.:" Attractive prices i s > ,. • T i * - • ' • v " * ' V " ; r V : S : , ' : r rrf McHenry *Flouli|Mill$ WRST^cHENRY. ILL. V,' , '4^ Walter M. Provine • • - - ;V • • % V . v ? • ; > : > V J-' ' . ^ .... ;JPOR \*4rv *-*• • orney General . WHY? :&W. fawn Prtsidrnt Illinoig SIM* Bsr Aumemtiun. Fire Ttrmt Stmt* tm- Utwre. Former Mayor ofToyhi vmki -4> PROVINE rank* ^Sgh u an Al» torney, having been adhraiy «n> J[aged in successful legal practice or over a quarter of a century. 2. PROVINE has been tried and found true, Ehtring hi- * c- : oi Public Life he has made a reputation for the highest integrity, honor and efficient service. 3. PROVINE will safeguard the interest* of the Fanner. He is a farm owner. 4. PROVINE can unite the Party. He has no enemies to destroy and no favorites to reward. Ha will enforce the Laws. . _fcJ?JftQVLNE will bring new blood to the State Administration. . - AS A REPUBLICAN--Do you sanction KM destruction «| your Party in Illinois through the miihHM^j |'ht Factional Lenders? Answer no by voting fee Haimoav 0 Walter M. Provine, Candidate* ~ ^For Attorney General, Primary April 8th 4 Sbnd Noble Brandon Judah, Campaign Manager ,*V* The Deciding Factor- Buick Character Ask some of your friends who own ^ " Buicks what they most admire in »: v V their cars. You will get a number of t * ^ different answers. Yet in the end most Buick owners will agree that it ais hard to place one Buick point of excellence above another--that what they value most in Buick is, after all, Buick character. If you already are t not an owner, you can get an idea of -- Buick character by letting us give you a ride in the model you prefer. Suit your own convenience as to time. • i. m-in» OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. " HARVARD, ILL. aaaa u MilY'iuiu* - r Hfhia better are kit, Boidc will bofld 8LOCUM LAKB Visit our 10c department at Ericsson's. Henry Winkler is now employed at a factory in Waukegan. William Darrell of Crystal Lake called on home folks Sunday. Al. Staples spent the week-end visiting friends at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Granger entertained company from Cicero over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday. S. J. Russell of Volo was a ^ business caller at Oak Glen farm Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Mrs. Henry Geary were at McHenry Friday. The mayor of Burton's Bridge called at the G. Burnett home Saturday. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller in Chicago Thursday and Friday. When good merchandise can be sold cheaper we will do it# Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. McGill called at the home of Henry Hanson at Barreville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks motored to Waukegan and Kenosha last Wednesday. George Passfteld was a Monday evening caller at the Darrell-Mafcthews home. Mrs. Clara Smith was the guest of Mrs. S. J. Russell near Volo Tuesday afternoon. Emmett Geary of Fremont spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of hi* parents here. - John Murrie and Mrs. John Goggin of Chicago were callers at the Henry Geary home last Monday. Miss Frances Converse visited with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis, from Friday until Sunday. Harold and William Brooks of Waukegan and Lillian Brooks of Kenosha were home over the week end. Harold Blomgren went to Chicago Saturday for a few days' visit and accompanied his wife home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson and family of Wauconda were Sunday gvests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson. If you intend having an auction Ale, farm or anything in the auction ine, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. Mr/and Ms. G. J. Burnett and Al. Staples spent Monday at Round Lake visitiiig at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler. Mrs. Clayton Werden and grandson, Lyle Thomas, of Wauconda were Saturday afternoon callcrs at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the euchre club party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wheelock at Wauconda last Friday evening. Mrs. Earl Dickson and two sons of Mason City, Iowa, who have been visiting relatives in Wauconda, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson. Mrs. M. W. Hughes an daughters, Martha and Margaret, and son, Myron, of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mi's. Earl Johnston. Miss Corinne Blomgren attended the social gathering and movies which illustrated missionary work in India held at tiie G. A. Vasey home last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. EarL Converse and daughter, Frances, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis of near Wauconda, were Sunday guests at the Davis-Fisher homes at Volo. Mr. and" Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the euchre club members Who were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Watson at the East Side hotel in Wauconda Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett and Al. Staples were business callers at McHenry Wednesday and were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake, who spent the day there. Joe Dowell and sons, Rollin and Pete, Arthur Wackerow and Bert Dowell attended the demonstration of tubercular cattle given by Dr. Duket on the Dave William farm west of Wauconda Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Mrs. Henry Geary, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Geary and son, Forest, of Fremont, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary at Gray slake Wethiesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell attended tile funeral of an uncle, George Richardson, at Grayslake Saturday. Mr. Richardson is a brother of Mrs. John . Dowell and of late years has made flkis home with his son, Byron Richardson, at Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews called on Miss Lamb at the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan Sunday. Mrs. Matthews presented her with flowers in behalf of Mayflower chapter, O. E. S. Fully 300 members and guests attended the sixty-fifth anniversary of the Masonic lodge at . Harvard one evening recently. . ' Mrs. Stephen Darrow, who was accidentally shot by Constable Brune, has filed a formal claim with Lake county commissioners for $35,000 damages. . ' VOLO Oran Marble spent Sunday in Ingle- Quality tea and coffee at Erfckaon's store. Watch and clock sale closes Saturday at Nye's. Frank Henkel, Sr., Is reported very ill at his home. Joe Wiser was a caller at Dixon one day recently. Mike Krapf was a caller in Wau- <onda Saturday morning. Ben Bishop of Waukegan is worklag for Chas. Rossdeutscher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Dillon were Waukegan shoppers Monday. Wm. Frost of Round Lake was a caller in town Sunday evening. Math. Rossdeutscher spent Saturday afternoon in Round Lake. Albert Rosing of Libertyville spent Sunday with his parents here. We tend to business as usual even It election time. Smith Bros. Adeline Rossdeutscher of Long Lake spent Sunday at her home here. Emma Bacon and Mrs. Tromlee .were Waukegan shoppers Tuesday. Marbles, balls, gloves, jacks and all Linds of spring toys at J. J. Vycital's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Converse rpent a few days last week in Chicago. Wm. Nicholls and son, Art, of Rosejille spent Sunday morning in town. Mesdames L. V. and Edw. Lusk «/ere shoppers in libertyville Toesflay. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen are the j roud owners of a new Qldsmobile coach. Joe Lenzen is-hauling furniture from Fox Lake to Chicago for Dr. Mazer. The Camp Fire Girls will hold a neeting at the M. E. church next Saturday. The G. A. Vasey and Dunker famlies have been on the sick list the j.ast week. Magdaline Henkle entertained a gentleman friend from Chicago over the week end. A truck load of our townspeople attended the card party at Round Lake Wednesday night. Harry Knox of McHenry was a caller at the Frank Hironimus iiome Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and Mrs. Essa Fisher .attended a funeral at Grayslake Saturday. living Molidor and Art Kaiser of jWaukegan spent Sunday at their respective homes here. John Gaa of Fox Lake and Miss £elma Russell attended a show at Waukegan Sunday night. Jack Stadtfeld and son, Stanley, of Round Lake were guests of the fortier's mother here Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Doherty of Elgin were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Rossdeutcher Wednesday night. Douglas Wait has purchased a new Ford truck from Mhe Knox Motor Sales company in McHenry. Mrs. Rose Dunnill spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Hironimus, at Round Lake. Mrs. Clara Smith and son, Paige, of Wauconda were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell Wednesday. Mrs. Rose Dunnill attended the funeral of her brother, George Rich ardson, at Grayslake Saturday. Harry Hironimus and Chas. Haas were business callers at Rosevttle and Slocum's Lake Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright at West Fremont. Lee Williams and Wm. Rossdeutscher of Grayslake were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson and daughters and Frank Ehredt were in Libertyville Saturday on business. Mrs. George Vasey of Waukegan and Viola Wagner of Fremont spent Tuesday at the Joe Lenzen home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bietzel of North Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. John Molidor. Mrs. Essa Fisher and daughter, Mrs. Leslie Davis, spent Monday afternoon as guests in the Vasey home. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lenzen and family of Grayslake spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. John Lenzen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen, Frank Rossdeutscher and Ruby Peterson were callers in Grayslake Sunday night, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duesing and daughters, Grace, Katherine and Mildred, spent Saturday evening in Wauconda. Madge Pfannenstill has left the employ of Chas. Rossdeutscher and is caring for her mother at Lake Defiance^. Chas. HaaS and ^ Evaline Hironimus spent'Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. John Baumgarten and family at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock spent the week end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Turnbull, at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huson snd daughters spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chauneey Jepson and family at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Wegener entertained a few relatives at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday of their son, Peter. Messrs. Pete Wegener, Frank John Molidor were callers in Waukegan one liight recently. About twenty ef our young folks slipped in and surprised Dorothy Dillon Saturday night and helped her celebrate her fifteenth birthday. The evening was spent at games, after which a delicious lunch was served. Uany mora such hippy birthdays, Dorothy. Rev. James entertained a number of local people with moving pictures at the G. A. Vasey home last Friday night. A light lunch was served and the evening thoroly enjoyed by all. Next Saturday evening* March 29. he will show pictures of "Missionary Work in China" at the S. J. Russell home. Lunch will be served and everybody is urged to attend. JOHNSBUBG New curtain material at Erickson's. Brown's tested seeds sold here. Smith Bros. John Degeri Ir also working at Terra Cotta now. John Regner spent Sunday and flonday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Niesen motored to-McHenry last Saturday afternoon. Miss Coletta Freund was spending the week end with Mrs. Louis Alt- 4 off at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lay and famly were guests at the home of Math. I. Miller Sunday. Mr. Bildner of Chicago came out to Johnsburg Sunday and spent the day at his home here. Come in and look over the fine assortment of Easter candies and novelties. J. J. Rothermel. Miss Pauline Freund of Elgin came tome Saturday evening and spent Sunday with home folks. Miss Helen Pepping of Spring Grove is visiting at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Jos. B. Hettermann. Misses Anna Oertel, Genevieve Bohr and Julia King of McHenry were Johnsburg callers Sunday afternoon. George Freund, Joseph Brown, Joseph Brits and Joseph Klaus of ftpring Grove were callers in town Sunday. If you intend having an auction tale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 9S-R. Elmer Ortel of Chicago and Albert Justen of McHenry were entertained fcy Misses Alvina and Caroline Miller here Sunday. Mrs. John Thelen, daughter, Anne end son, Alfred, and Mrs. William Oeffling were Chicago visitors a few t'ays last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes and family of McHenry were guests at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyer* list week Wednesday. """^tr. and Mrs. Jos. E. Freund and thildren, Ralph and Eugene, of Volo vere Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff of Mc- Henry were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Mrs. Arnold Mueller, who has epent the past two months with friends at Columbia, S. C. and Asheyille, N. C., returned to her hQme here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay arid Mr; and Mrs. John'Lay and families of Spring Grove were guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt, Sunday. St. Agatha court, No. 777, Women's Catholic Order of Foresters, received their Easter communion in a body at St. John's church last Sunday. A majority of the members took part. OSTEND The best in groceries at Erickson's. The Kaiser family are all much better of their attack of grip. Mrs. Nina Sherman and family visited Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Will Harris is reported slight-' ly improved from her recent illness. C. E. Sherman, wtfe and son, Edwin, are all much improved from their attack of grip, but very weak. If you intend having an auction sale, farm or anything in the auction line, let W. G. Schreiner cry it for you. Phone 93-R. The family that moved to the Wallis farm bear the name of Bloodhorn. They moved from near Woodstock, route 2, we are informed. Roy Hobart was in Woodstock Saturday having dental work done. He made home without getting stuck in mud and that was all. Rural mail carrier No. 6 from Woodstock has been making regular trips lately, but thru by the Wallis farm the roads are almost impassable. C. B. Durkee returned to Chicago last Friday night on the five o'clock from Woodstock after spending several days here, looking after business affairs. the bobbed hair craze has not struck this vicinity as yet, not among the grown-ups. It is hoped that the mothers and other grown-ups haven't lost their senses. <%*> Community High •i; KENT * GBBBN Baal Estate * Insurance _ Summer Resort, Town and Farm Frupaty Phones 84 A 8&-M :: McHenry, DL Market your eggs at Erickson's Baseball fans at Harvard want a team there this year. Seven thousand black bass are being placed in the Spring Grove hatchery this week. By next August they will have multiplied into some 14,000,- 000 little black bass. YOU CAN fl.SCBABnft Drayhig McHENRY, ILLINOIS YOU* AT THE FOX NVER VALLEY STATE BANK McHenry, Illinois We keep tab on the public taste, and you will always find at our afore ' the groceries most in demand by discriminating: consumers, ; \Ve find it pays ob' to ' jkeep just what our cus- / tomers demand, so we v never try to sell you v V'something just as good." / Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. M. M. Niesen Phone M •/AM -VOTE FOR ALFORD H. POUSE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR STATES ATTORNEY. McHENRY COUNTY Service to the people^of McHenry county it one of the most important requirements of the Stale's Attorney^ *#ice. ; . . . f I believe this office shonld at all times be H the 9er- < vice of the law abiding citizens of this county for the maintenance of law and order, without persecution, but with honest and efficient prosecution of any unlawful acts. When Eleetric Lai Burn Out REPLACE them immediately. Clean, shining, ever-re?dy light aiways improves the J appearance of the home. - When lamps burn out and if the glass is intactbring them in for exchange. (Broken lamps are not exchangeable.) This (Company furnishes standard 60- Watt Mazda lamps free for original intallation or exchange, ncandescent lamps of other sizes are furnished at greatly reduced prices. Fig.'-*#, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6JOOO tquart miles--202 cities mm4 t&vm , * with Gas or Electricity G. E. McCOLLUM, District Mgr. Itl Williams St., Crystal Lake; 1U. THE NAME mmmmm m^mm, Radio fJGRILBE n rrcivcD c ENITH EXIDE BATTERIES FOR EVERY PURPOSE -AUTO STARTER ANt> T GENERATOR REPAIRS HOUR CHARGING SERVICE i k Fariti Electric Plants f KOH^Eft ^QYVGOT PLANT