MY DAUGHTER K? WOULD CRY : AT EVERYTHING HeiTOM and Irritable. By Taking §I^LFmkWiVc|etaUeCoiii* pound Became Entirely Normal CHliton, Wisconsin.--" My daughter fraa in a very run-down condition, and was irritable, and would cry at every little thing she was ao weak and nervous. As Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had helped me when I* was a girl I gave it to her to build her up, and the results were all that we could' wish for. I wish that every mother with growing girls would try ft for these troubles girls often have. I had taken it myself before inv girl was fcorn, and she was one of the nicest Babies any one could wish to have. I recommend the Vegetable Compound v to women and girls and cannot praise it ;<f |bo highly." -- Mrs. I. A. Holpokd, : JPox 48, Clinton, Wisconsin. Mothers can depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve their daughters of those troubles • they so often have. Thev know from ilxperience the value of the Vegetable Compound in the treatment of these -Complaints and many, like Mrs.Holford, dive it to their daughters. £y/rt£cmwtion*t wsm. TVRirnw of*XZCOJS c: in# tiie northwest face of the tower. In excavating a building lying in front of It--a very large lncloaure, which, judging from Inscriptions, may have been or Included the Temple of Glmil-Sin. one of the deified kings of the third dynasty of Ur, who reigned about 2200 B. C. "From this temple we have recovered some good royal Inscriptions on stone door,sockets and on clay cones. From an outlying part of the site we have obtained a series of terra cotta figures of gods, extremely valuable for the study of Suinerlan religion, as most Of them give new types and attributes." • , "The huge platform, originally built by Ur-Engur about 2300 B. C., stands almost Intact, much of its brick work as sharp as when the builders laid it, and even of the upper stages, added by King Nabonldus eighteen hundred years later, we have been able to learn not a little from their scantier ruins. It will take most of the season to lay bare the ^whole slggurat (tower), but when that is done Mesopotamia will possess no other so Imposing monument of Its old greatness." Of the pictures the "writing of 2200 B. C." Is an Inscription from the Temple of Glmll-Sln at Ur. The Temple of the Moon God with Its court and altar, is at Ur and Is the work of Nebuchadnezzar, about 600 B. c. The floor Is that of the Temple of the Mora God. The gold ornaments and ritual spoon are of Nebuchadnezzar's time. CwotMtigs In the report whose Importance Is Land Granted to Lafayette ? In 1808 Lafayette was given ten lUfTerent grants of land along the Mis iteslppl river, and in 1824 he was granted one township which corrtprlsed 11,520 acres of land In west Florida. Tallahassee Is now located on this site. It Is impossible to give the locations of the other grants, as the land was not surveyed at that, time except by special surveys, which were indicated by special landmarks. - ttmla* Skte tM uwaifo ; quickly relieved and healed by Cole'i CarbolisaJve. Leaves no soars. No medicine chest complete without It. 30c and «0c at druggists, or J. W. Cole Co., Rfcskford. 111.--Advertisement. Experimental Arithmetic Teacher (to boy's mother)--Why, what's the matter, has Johnny got the JttOthache? Angry Mother--No, Johnny hain't pot the toothache. His suffering comes *K>m your fool teaching. You told him he was to tell you how long It would take him to eat twenty apples if It took one and a half minutes to «at one apple--and he's got stuck on the fifteenth.--Boston Transcript. BACK ACHY? Lame and achy in the morning? Tortured with backache all day long? No wonder you feel worn out and discouraged! But have you given any thought to your kidneys? Weak kidneys cause just such troubles; and you are likely to have headaches, too, with dizziness, stabbing pains and bladder irregularities. Don't risk neglect! Use boon's Pills. Doon's have helped thousands. They should help you. Ask your neighborl An Illinois Case Mrs. Jacob Watts, Lewis St., Divernon, 111., says: "My kidneys got out of order and I had a dull pain In the small of my back all the time. when I stooped to do my houi . work 1 got . catch across i back that mad< srd to straighten. When I did my washing 1 minded the trouble the most. 1 used Doan's Pills and they drove away the backache." DOAN'S "i," STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS Pprtar-Milbuni Co^ Mig. Chem.. Buffalo. N. Y. F DUTCH MASTERS CIGAR & Tgnpxj? OFjvoair <rOD z'-im&r-T&m :R2TZQi£ spoctfr aFjvzu&r tnsrrrfiiofv^ frzi-ck t-o 49<>0 £,< Th e cigar hesmokes is a part of a man's individuality. That's why millions smoke DUTCH MASTERS Special 10c ^ll^f^25c 15c §m<)c Dutch Muttn Cigar 1* mwi* try CooMtUdated Cigar Corporacipa, N«w Yetfc nn FEED BAGS'lSfS Standard of U. S. Army for years. Scientifically constructed and lighter weight than most feed bags. Leather strap adjustment permits feed to flow evenly; prevents waste of feed. Only $1.00 each, worth fully $3.00. Big Opportunity for Agents Every Horse Owner WiU Buy U. S. Feed Bag Co,Worcester, Mass. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP AUaya irritation, soothes sad heals throat and lang inflammation. The constant irritation of s cough keeps the delicate nucus membrane of the throat and lungs ins congested condition, which BOSC HEE'S SYRUP gently and quickly heals. For this reason it has been s favorite household remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis and especially for lung troubles in millions of homes all over the world for the last fiftyseven years, enabling the patient to obtain S good night's rest, free from coughing with essy expectoration in the morning. You can buy BOSCHEE* SYRUP whoever Medicines are sold. FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL BSESB9SI correct internal troubles, stimulate vittl * ovgans. Three si^es. All druggists. Insist oa the original genuine GOLD MEDAL. Teach Children To^ Um Cuticura Sooth-- amd Heals Rashes mad Irritatioa Cotlrar* Soap Kwp, the Skin rSUlilAttLl^UtJ AI.KM1 lUtt HIIAJUL i 'lX\MOiW Batsbllshed aulom mile manuafcttiring cor- | Jjoration. about to produce tn>icJ. U;w pries, I patented a.r-coolufl care anJ trucks, esp«- dally adapted for rural use. offer* profit a bU ] ear connection to Investor* paichaslnw ' •mall sto~k 'Merest Tou can secure big dla- . count on car . for your own uae and bectfOM owner-agent In vour district. Reply now. •. i you meai buslneaa. Particular# onlv to f«- , aponelble a.iutr*. Re*ereni-e« exchanged. MOTORS CORPORA TIOV Ban 109! - Stamford, Ci By JOHN DICKIN80N SHERMAN KCORDED history has been pushed back another thousand years by the archeologists excavating at Ur of the Chaldees In Mesopotamia near ancient Babylon. They have uncovered a temple near Ur, with an Inscription' approximately 6,500 years old. This Inscription, cut in marble in the Sumerian language, records the fact that: A-an-nl-pad-da, whose reign can be fixed by ancient king lists at about 4500 B. C., built the temple in honor of the goddess Nin-khur-sag. Copper reliefs and statues found antedate by 3,000 years the finds In the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen In Egypt, now attracting the attention of the world. Ur is in Babylonia, which Is the part of Turkey in Asia lying nearest to the Persian gulf. Turkey In Asia is the Asia Minor of the old geographies. In the northeastern part lies Armenia. The Tigris and Euphrates rivers wander around through eastern Turkey and unite just before they reach the Persian gulf. ' So this Is the land of the Garden of Eden, the cradle of the human race. The Euphrates Is named In the Scriptures as one of the rivers which water it. Eden Is the ordinary term for a plain In the Sumerian language. This is also the land of the Deluge and the Babylonian records preserve a tradition which corresponds In details with the story of Noah and the Ark. This Is the land of Nineveh, "that great city," and of Babylon, "the mighty," with its hanging gardens and its Tower of Babel. It is the land of Nebuchadnezzar, who was made to "eat grass as oxen," and who threw Shadracb, Meshach and Abednego Into the fiery furnace because they would not worship the golden image he had set up, and then promoted them because they came out unharmed. It is the land of Belshazzar's feast, where the moving finger writ, "Mene Mene Tekel Upharsln," and "in that nlg^t was Balshazzar the King of Chaldeans slain and Darius the Median took the kingdom." It was Sennacherib the Assyrian, who "came down like a wolf on the fold." Out of Ur of the Chaldees went Abraham to lead the Israelites to Canaan in Galilee. Incidentally this pushing back of recorded history Is hard on Abraham. In Biblical history as It was taught two generations ago Abraham bulked large as just •bout the beginning of things and Israel as just about the greatest nation of ancient days. Now we know that Abraham (about 2100 B. C.) occupies only a middle chapter In the history of mankind and that Israel was a small power which thrived In the late pre-Christian centuries and had occupied a comparatively Insignificant place among the great nations of its age. The excavating at Ur Is being carried on jointly by the British museum and the University of Penn- ' sylvania museum. Maj. C. Leonard .Woolley Is in i charge. In a report to Director G. B. Gordon of ! the University of Pennsylvania museum, now made j public, Major Woolley says. In part: j "The Important archeoiogical results obtained I by the joint expedition last November at the l|| I sites of Ur and Tel el Obeid*rere surpassed by remarkable discoveries made during December. In a previous report I had given some account, of the little temple of Tel el Obeld, about four miles from Ur. The excavation of the buirding U now complete and a far fuller idea can be got of what !•* by a good deal the oldest example of building construction yet known. * "A marble tablet was discovered. Inscribed In Sumerian, which records that this was the temple of the goddess Nin-khur-sag, built In her honor, by # the king of Ur, A-an-nl-pad-da, and the latter Is known to us from the king lists drawn up about 2000 B. C. as the ruler of the first dynasty of Ur, the third dynasty to reign after the flood. Taken at Its face value, the Sumerian chronology would assign our statues and reliefs to a date somewhere about 4500 B. C.; even If that chronology has to be modified, we can yet say that our month's work has given us the oldest dated example of man's handwriting and the oldest .known triumphs the art of Tubal-Caln. "One small object found'almost by chaficie afforded us a disproportionate satisfaction. It was a gold, scarabold bead inscribed with the name and title of the man who built this, the oldest building In the world still standing above ground. King A-an-nl-pad-da of Ur, who, if Sumerian chronology is right, reigned about 4500 B. C. "A broad flight of stone steps led to a platform about twenty feet high on the south corner of which stood the temple proper, Its gate tower fronting on the stairway, its facade set back from the edge of the platform so as to leave a narrow step, on which stood a row of statues of bulls sculps tured In tl\£'round. "These stood some three feet high and were made of thin copper plates beaten up over 4 wooden core. Their heads were turned out to face the spectator and their horns were of gold. "Of the frieze of cattle lying down, these «l*» beaten up from copper plates with heads cast la more solid metal and joined onto the bodies, we have now a dozen examples, many of them in wonderful state of preservation. not emphasized are of particular Interest One Is that the inscription In the temple of Nin-khursag Is on marble, that the steps are of stone and that stone enters into the decoration. This is a land where stone is unknown. So^ts use suggests relations with other lands and efficient methods of transportation. The other Is that the great towers which marked the niany cities of this ancient region were all recessed towers, the second stage being smaller than the first, and so on. Apparently history does repeat Itself, for New York has evolved this same type of architecture for use In Its latest skyscrapers. The Tigris and Euphrates rise in Armenia. Of the great triangle between them the north 400 miles is a gently descending slope from the mountains. The remaining 400 miles is a vast alluvial plain formed from silt brought down by the two ' rivers. In the north the channels of the two rivers are <rften deep below the surface. In the south the level of the waters Is often above the surrounding plain. So man had to control the waters-- by dikes and dams and canals, both for Irrigation and drainage. The first-comers made the region the garden spot of the then world. The people who accomplished all this we now 'call"by the name of Sumerians. Whence they came Is unknown. In the time of King A-an-nlpad- da they were a highly civilized and organised race. The city-state was the unit of government. , The inhabitants of the cities were skilled In trades and professions. They had classes. They had : elaborate codes of laws. They had a very complete and highly developed system of writing-- the cuneiform script written on clay tablets with a stylus. This persisted until the fall of Babylon, thousands of years later. The Sumerians were overcome by a stronger and more warlike race--the Semitic people from whom sprang the Hebrews and Abraham. Babylon came into being. The Assyrians succeeded the Babylonians. Assyria strode like a Colossus over the ancient* world--a highly civilized people of Had a Tough Hide The play was "Julius Caesar" and no expense had been spared In the production. But the effect of the us sasslnution scene was spoiled when the trick dagger refused to work. As Brutus frantically jabbed the unfor tunate Caesar with the obdurate weapon a boy in the galley remarked In a calm. Interested voice: "My word, 'e's tough I" Don't Forget Cuticura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites. An exquisite face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume, rendering other perfumes superfluous. You may rely on It because one of the Cuticura Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum), 25c each, everywhere.--Advertisement. Golden Spike On May 10, iscn, the last spike of the railroad connecting the Union Pacific ond the Central Pacific was driven. It wns made of gold. The spike was first tapped by President Leland Snnford of the Central Pacific, givernor of California, next by Vice President T. C. Durunt of the Union ,Pacific," and the rest of the driving was done of the chief engineers of both roads. WOMEN (^AN DYE ANY GARMENT, DRAPERY Dye or Tint Worn, Faded Things New for 15 Cents. Diamond Dye: Don't wonder whether yon can dye or tint successfully, because perfect home dyeing Is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" even If you have never dyed before. Drdgglsta have all colors. Directions in each package.--Advertisement. Slight Misunderstanding She (after tiller marriage)--"I thought you said you w<re remembered In your uncle's will?" He--"No, I said I was remembered by my Uncle Will. He senr me a postal cai'd." "Above them was a frieze of a different smt, remorseless cruelty whose main purpose was war figures carved In white shell or limestone were Inlaid against a background of black tesserate, the whole inclosed in a copper frame. Of this we have a complete section In perfect condition; some show bulls advancing In solemn procession. "The most interesting, a panel four feet loig, has on one side a milking scene, cows and their calves, and men milking the cows Into tall jars. In the middle of reed-built Jbyre with heifers coming' out from a gate, and on the other side engaged in straining and storing some kind ef liquid, probably wine or oil or clarified butter. "An Important discovery was that of two columns ten feet high, lncrusted with mosaic work black paste, red stone and mother of pearl. "At Ur Itself our work during the month has been less spectacular but thoroughly successful. One face of the greatest Ziuggurat tower has been cleared of debris and the chambers at Its foot have been laid bare, giving us for the first time an idea of what the surroundings of the Ziuggurat were. **We are now engaged, as a preparation for clear> - and destruction. Assyria came to an end about 500 B. C. with its capture by the Medes and Persians. Wrote Isaiah long before (Isaiah 13: 19-22) : Babylon, the slory of kingdoms, ths beauty of the Chaldees excellency, shall be *a when Qod overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It shall never be Inhabited. . . . But the wild beasts of the desert shall He there, and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owla shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. Isaiah's prophecy was almost literally fulfilled. • For more than two thousand years this land was forgotten. „ When Its civilization perished this garden spot went back quickly to wilderness--In the north to barren wastes; In the south to swamp and jungle. The great cities, being built of sundried brick, collapsed into great mounds of clay which resemble eroded hills. But the pendulum of time has swung again. Another people and another civilization will restore this land of the Garden of Eden. Again will I It be made one of the garden spots of earth. I Hairs Catarrh ajIS ja|ga a i* a Combined aVlCUlvluV Treatment, both local and Internal, and has been success* tul in the treatment of Catarrh for over forty years. Sold by all druggists. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio I F frMaag -1 RHEUMATISM LEAVES YOU FOREVER Deep-Seated Uric Acid Deposits Are Dissolved and the Rheumatic Poison Starts to Leave the System Within Twenty-Four Hours. Every druggist In this county is aathor* tfsd to say to every rheumatic Mflerwr UM ' tf a full pint bitttl? of Allenrhu, the sure conqueror of rheumatism, doen not dhow the way to stop the aurorty. reduce swollen Jolnla and do away with even the slightest twinge of rheumatic pain, he will gladly return your money without comment. Allenrhu has been tried and teated tor years, and really marvelous results har* beon accomplished in the most severe cmm wh ere the eufterins and agony «u IntaaM an.I olteous and where the patient waa belpleu. Mr. JimM H. Allen, of Rochester. N. T-. the dl.-<rc^eier of Allenrhu, who for maay year* suffered th^ torments of acute rheamatlym, desires all sufferer* to know that he does not want a cent of anyone's money unless Allenrhu decisively conquers this • worst of all diseases, and he hu Instructed druggists to guarantee It as above In awry Instance. Mall orders filled by BUCK ft RAYNER DRUGSTORES CHICAGO, ILL. IF MOTHERS ONLY KNEW During these days how many children are complaining of Headache, Feverishness, Stomach Troubles and Irregu* lar Bowels and take cold eusily. If mothers only knew what Mother Gnqr'a Sweet Powders would do for their children no family would ever be without them for use when needed. These powders are so easy and pleasant to take and so effective in their action that mothers who once use thera Always tell others about them. Used by mothers for over 30 years. Sold by druggists everywhere. Trial Package sent FllEE. Address Mother Gray Co* Le Roy, N. Y. " , II WELCH'S CONCORD GMM flKM two*y*ar. $1; S6 one-year, $2; 104 asparMP*** 91; 26 rhubarb, IX; 100 Progressive and !•<! Dunlaj strawberry plants. $2; 10 early IMofemond cherry. $4; 10 Compasa. $3.SO. 10 Kieffer p*ar. $*; )0 Klberta p«*ch. $«'; $ Jjnatlut and 6 Delicious, $2. UovmI 4-fo->t tre*s. Prapah!; chocks accepted. Or*'er from thla ad. Guaranteed to reaoh you in good conditio*, ('atslofr fi**v W*»Irh N»ir«ery. tlu CAN YOU BEAT THIS?~ 7 for an electric reading la.up latest finish, wired rumpletcly, [acluJinf * 14-inch silk sbade. I>on't hrsltat*: .>r1er at once. Send $2 00 with order, balance on 4tllvt- ry The Kfle. 405 Tacunia Bids:., ('hlcaff*. ( ATAKKM OUTKREKli, COLDS IN •"tB* Instant relief or money refunded. One lar. WB-UKS srECTAL.TY I'O.. Leoa. IJL PLAY HAMCBAI L AT HOME with (J»it plivloff card*. Bxci'.ln* In-tructlrtn booh. lie. With cu<l«. HERMAiN VAN VORST. R. T. -Appleton. Largest Saw in the World The largest saw In the world measuring 108 Inches In circumference and weighing 795 pounds, has been Installed In a lumber mill at lioquiaur. Wash. Great Bargains in Farm I-and* We have tor aaie sume of the best miprovad farms In the Northwest, locatej In northwestern North 'Dakota and nor!he«ust#m Montana, where we raise premium small grain and corn. Good roads, good 5choola. plenty of rainfall, close to market. We offering these lands on the raoet rva^-onabla terms at 6% interest. Come out and look this over, or write for information to <•( IXICKSON 4 WILLAKI* Plenty wood Most** Bridges Over Seine In Paris tliere are twelve put bridges over the Seine, with an irqs Age of only 345 yards between tIMSk.' ChOdren Cry for "Castoria" Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of AO Age SEES BIG REDUCTION IN COST OF ELECTRICITY tilT RliiHT IM>WN. ft'LAY I'lANO IS dlately. New, noteless method; no e«ercisno» Ordtr today. Pay postman $i when received Ouar UU9CX. tro Ashland Block. Chicago. VN'BKIJEVABI.K. HIT TBl'E--fcrop Price $12,500 Fruit ranch with house, barn, horses, trees, averything. Best California •oil. Get details Big barga!n for somebody J. JflWCKS, S3 Canyon Road, Berkeley. Cal. It Is a fairly safe prophecy that tn 60 years light will cost about a fiftieth of Its present price, and there will be no more night in our cities. Bach Is the startling prediction made by Mr. J. B. S. Haldane. the well-known Oxford biologist. In "Daedalus" (Kegan Paul), In which he has much to say recording science and Um future. He believes that ths exhaustion of our coal and oil fleltls Is a matter of centuries only. "Personally," ho writes." "I think that 400 years hence the power question in Britain may be solved somewhat as follows: The country will be covered with rows of metallic windmills working electric motors, which In their tarn will supply current at a very high voltage to great electric "At suitable distances there will be great power stations where during windy weather the surplus power will he used for the electrolytic decomposition of weter into oxygen and hydrogen. These gases will be liquefied and stored in vast vacuum-Jacketed reservoirs, probably sunk In the ground. "The huge reservoirs of liquefied gases will enable wind energy to be stored so that It can be expended for Industry, transportation, heating and lighting, as desired. The initial costs will be very considerable, but the running expenses less than those of oar present system. "Among its more obvious advantages will be the fact that energy will be as cheap In one part of the country as another, so that Industry will be greatly decentralised; and that no smoke or ash will be produced." Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been In use for over 30 years as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor OH. Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotkn. Proven directions are on •ech package. Physicians everywhere recommend it, Tba kind yoa h«fa always bought bears signature at Kill* Old Divorce Lam China has abolished the old I4w under which a man cotll wife for talkativeness. divorce hla CONSTIPATION Take a good dose of Carter's Little liver Pills --then take 2 or 3 for a few nights aiter.They cleanse your wsu ni of all waste matter and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild --rs easy to take as sugar- bear Ugnclmn-- Small Pill. Small Dose. S? .11 Price. ARTER'S ITTLE E R