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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 May 1924, p. 6

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*«! jjjinw/Mw.mwn1 »' "J!I»»w>* «PWT' V "*T*v.^;_' wv'VMr<n1, WffllYjraULS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK OUR BUSY AS SEEN BT PLALNDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BT OUR FRIENDS Mrs. Fred Justen paaaed Tuesday In Chicago. ; Miss Mary Bonslett vu a Chicago visitor last Saturday. John R. Knox was a business visitor ||; v in Chicago last Friday. S-<J- C. Bickler was among the Chijf *'\,»cago visitors last Friday, fc/, Miss Nellie Doherty was a Chi- Jcago visitor last Saturday. ^ * • , Frank May was a Chicago visitor . ^on Wednesday of this week. "' Atty. A. H. Pouse passed last Friday in the metropolitan city. Miss Pearl Claxton passed last Sat- ||j ' ;iurday in the metropolitan city. > C. Unti transacted business in the metropolitan city last Friday. Miss Agnes Young of Elgin spent ' V.,.. Sunday as the guest of McHenry rela- ;-y: tives. '*•_ Everett Hunter attended to matters ' of a business future In Chicago last v -/ 'Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Marjan ^ .were Elgin visitors, last Friday afternoon. Robert Mueller of Chicago spent week end as the guest of McHenry friends. J. B. Kelter of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of relatives in this city. John I. Sutton of Chicago spent the week end with" McHenry relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyers and Mrs. George Meyers were Woodstock visitors Sunday. c ,«• Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen of Woodstock spent Sunday as the guests of „ McHenry friends Miss Lilian Freund is spending the week as the,, guest of her sister at : Burlington, Wis. Miss K. McLaughlin is spending today (Thursday) in Chicago. Frank riovitt of Algonquin is spending a few days in McHenry. Mrs. Fred Nickels and little daughter passed last Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. L. Monroe of Elgin were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday Editor L. W. Cobb of the Crystal Lake Herald was a visitor in town last Sunday. Misses Carolyn Steffes opd Clara Pitzen were Chicago visitors last Saturday. William Martin spent the latter part of last week with relatives at Woodstock. O. G. Treadway of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. Mrs. B. Maynard of Crystal Lake spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. F. M. Ensign Mrs. L. F. Newman and son, Gerald, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. L. Eklund at Belvidere. John Schreiner of Elgin was a Sunday guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. Chritine Schreiner. Miss Avis Carey of Elgin spent Sunday as a guest in the home^of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mrs. Chas. G. Frett and daughter, Helen, of Aurora passed a day last week with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelleher and daughter of Elgin passed Sunday as the guest of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Heimer of Chicago passed the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer. Alfred J. Bonslett of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett. George Buss, daughter, Lillian, and son, Clifford, passed Sunday with Mrs. Buss who is at the Oak Park hospital in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin spent the week end in the home of Mrs. Warner's mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. Miss Helen Sauer of Chicago spent Miss Maybelle Hauswir,t h of .C h•i .th. e wee,k end, as .t.h. e gu,es,t of- wM-i ss c,a gBo pK assed , the first of the week in Florence Kamhoz. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fleming the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth. passed, SQ undj ay w.i.t.h .th. e ,l atter s par- | Mrs. Chas. Buchert a,n d children+ ovf„ ents at AA,l gonquin. Huntley were week end guests in the Miss Irene Conway of Elgin passed ' . " the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beatty of Woodi stock were Sunday guests in the home \ of Mrs. Mayme' Harrison. ^ i: James Powers of Chicago spent t the latter part of last week as the guest of McHenry friends. Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Woodstock is ' spending a few days in the home of r her daughter, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Harold Miller of Chicago was a * week end guest in the home of his / parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Nilsik of Fox River Grove were Sunday guests in the home of Atty. and Mrs. A. H. Pouse. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarty of Chicago passed the week end with the > latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Miss Mayme Going of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mr. , and Mrs. Clinton E. Martin northwest ; of town. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Hunt of Chicago . were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Sayler, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zimmer of Palahome of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Berner. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Herbes and daughter of Grayslake spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Herbes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin and Thomas Knox of Chicago were Sunday guests of their mother,. Mrs. Anna Knox, on Center street. Mrs. Jacob Freund and daughter, Ethel, and Mrs. Peter Blake spent a few days last week as guests of relatives in the metropolitan city. Miss Kate McLaughlin motored to Richmond and Twin Lakes Sunday with Chicago and Elgin friends and spent the day with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and children of Lake Geneva, Wis., were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. Boutelle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. John Spencer of Edison Park spent Wednesday as the guest of his son, Wm. Spencer, and family and also called on a number of his friends about town. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, of Ringwood were Sunday evening visitors at the Mc- D. OF A. MINSTREL PLEASES LARGE AUDIENCE AT K. C HALL LAST SATURDAY Responding to invitations which had been issued them a large number of the members of Joyce Kilmer court, C. D. of A., and the McHenry council, K. of C., together with a number or friends, gathered at the K. of C. hall here last Saturday evening, where a very enjoyable entertainment in the form of a minstrel show was given by fifteen members of the Daughters of America. The minstrel proved a lively affair and was filled with plenty of up-to-date jokes, vocal and instrumental music. The end men Were Mrs. C. M. Bick ler, Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Misses Verona Niesen, Lillian Stilling, Dorothy Knox and Lillian E. Freund. All of the end men appeared in men's attire-and were in dark face. Miqs Mildred Klein acted as interlocutor.^ Among the specialties were a solo, "Do Ra Me," by Miss Mildred Welch, who appeared as Topsy. Miss Ruth Kent contributed a saxophone solo, Miss Dorothy Knox sang "When Dixie Stars Play Peekaboo" with banjo accompaniment. Mesdames C. M. Bickler and F. J, Aicher and Miss Dorothy Knox sang a trio entitled "I'm Going South," while the girls' orchestra rendered a couple of selections, Miss Eleanor Phalin gave a musical reading entitled "Hats," and Miss Eleanor Klein also gave a reading. A dance number by the group was much enjoyed. Every number of the evening's program was roundly applauded by the audience, which, apparently, was very much pleased with the evening's entertainment. Miss Clara Miller presided at the piano. At the conclusion of the show the young ladies served refreshments, after which dancing was enjoyed. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE The Crystal Lake Ford Sales "and Service station recently sold and delivered 101 Ford cars to the state of Illinois, undoubtedly the largest sale ever recorded in the county. The village board of Antioch ha? instructed its marshal to enforce the pool room ordinance, which provided that all places of this sort are to dose at 10:30 each evening and all day on the Sabbath. George Messenger, who resides on the Terra Cotta road near Crystal Lake, has thus far this year killed seventy-one crows and says that is only a small part of the number he expects to destroy this year. A match game of golf is to be staged at the Oakwoods lodge golf course, Crystal Lake, between "Chick" Evans, former national open champion, and Eddie Lewis, Illinois open champion, on Sunday, May 18. The Crystal Lake course is located on what was formerly known as Walkup's woods. RETURNS FROM HOSPITA^ Anton J. Schneider was able to return to his home here from Garfield Park hospital, Chicago, on Monday of this week. He recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Chicago institution. Mr. Schneider is making a satisfactory recovery and hopes to be able to return to work within the course of the next few weeks. SELECT CIRCUIT COURT JURORS FOR MAT TERM OF McBENRY COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT tine passed Sunday in the home of Laughlin home and attended the play at St. Patrick's hall. Harry Tetlow, Edward Bailey, Miss t Howard X-t The following jurors, both grand and petit, have been selected to serve at the May 'term of the McHenry county circuit court: Grand Jurors Riley--H. H. Dunbar. • Marengo--Ambrose J. Crissey, Monroe Fuller. v , K Dunham--Robert Ueckfe i j Chemung--W. E. Doyle, Jjpfctr J. Pountain. V"/- Alden--N. B. Cl&wsoq, Seneca--Roy Andrewi^?- Hartland--Ray Nolani Coral--William Wertfc : Grafton--W. S. Conover. Dorr--Ralph Walkupi Rawson. Greenwood--Ray Rafter. Hebron--W. E. Bright#}. Richmond--R. C. Burton. Burton--John Lay. McHenry--Peter Niesen, Spencer. Nunda----F. W. Covalt, H. F. Senne. Algonquin:--Clarence Ebel, Anton Pichen. Petit Jurors Riley--Loren Smith. Marengo--James Biggins, SWji[. ! Dunham--John Beck. ; . v Chemung---Lyle Bander, Brickley. Alden--George Hooper, Robert Dowie Hartland--L. ,M. Wakeley, Frank Malon. Seneca--Nick Blane. Coral--Charles Guse, George Becklinger, George Heideman, William Gahl. - Grafton--Louis Baumgartner, J. W. Burns, H. C. Ackman. Dorr--Robert McLain, S. E. Cunningham, Fred Fish, J. O. Baymiller, A. E. Cowlin. ~~ Greenwood--Thomas Burke. : Hebron--Roy Bungard. McHenry--William Claxton, William Heimer, William Adams. Nunda--Charles Cohn, John Berg, L. W. Calbow, Clarence Davis, John Stinek. Algonquin--Paul Bruedigan, John Bratzler, Henry Newbold. A Woodstock man has purchased property at Belvidere upon which he plans the erection of sixteen modern bungalows to cost between $5,000 and $6,000 each. The bungalows, when completed, are to be placed on the market for sale. '•jkiM. William ciissffiD mmm FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms. Call phone 148-M, McHenry. 45-tf FOR SALE--Timothy hay. John A. Miller, McHenry. Phone 639-J-2. 48 FOR SALE--A quantity of good oats. William Justeo, Ringwood, 111. 49-3t* FOR SALE--Several loads of firstclass black dirt. Call McHenry 107-W. 48 FOR SALE--Oil stove, three burner Nesco with oven. Practically new. Phone 60-R. 49-It FOR SALE--Property in the city of McHenry. Inquire of Wnu J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. 85-tf WANTED--Six teams, two months' steady work. Apply to J. J. Dunnigan Construction company. FOR SALE--Living room and bed room furniture. Roy Hankermeyer, West McHenry, 111. Phone 39. 49* FOR SALE--A membership in the McHenry Country club. For further information apply at The Plaindealer office. 47 WANTED TO BUY--A farm ©fioo to 500 acres in McHenry township. Address H. E. M., care of The Plain dealer, McHenry. 48-2t* WANTED TO BUT--Small house in city of McHenry. Will pay cash and will not ask immediate possession. Kent A Green, McHenry. 43-tf FOR SALE--Ford truck, enclosed cab, starter, demountable rims and four new tires. Inquire of Fred Kamholz, West McHenry. 48-3t* WANTED--A girl for general housework. Will pay $10.00 per week. Address Mrs. Jos. F. Kadic, care of Oak Park. Anns hotel, Oak Park, HI. 47-3t PASTURE can be had for 30 head of young cattle on the farm formerly known as the Rogers farm,'three and one-half miles from McHenry and seven from Woodstock. Fred B. Howe, McHenry, HI. 45-tf FARROW CHIX in 100 lots; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds, White Rocks, $11.50; Wyandottes. Buff Orpingtons, Minorcas, $12.50; Leghorns, $8.50; assorted, $7.50. D. T. Farrow Chickeries, Peoria. 45-tf • Casper Krumpen, aged sixty-four, passed away at his late home at Richmond on May 2. Burial was made in the family lot in 'he Johnsburg cemetery. The cadets of the Northwestern Military and Naval academy at Williams Bay are now tions in the handling of big x. WM VMW I KNTON SIS. WIEN'S CORRECT ATTARO. FOR ALL Summer Frocks adorn thtse frocks. Attraetively-J^i^:;|^ Frocks fashioned from light, colorful fabrics that will withstand frequent tubbings without l o s i n g their freshness. Tailored in a manner to befittingly grace any occasion. m to $21.75 Printed voiles, hand-drawn voiles, shrunken linens and the season's newest fabric, t r o p i c a l worsted, a fine light weight wool that is cool and serviceable and smartly plaided or vividly striped.' Rich collar and cuff trimmings or drawn work An ample array affords best choosing i n ' . BOATS' WASH ; $1.45 sttrs Ji special purchase and sate boys' Oliver twist and middy style wash suits in various color combinations. KNICKER SUITS S2.95 H/ith knickers and middy to match in excellent weight khaki cloth, middy has emblem, sizes 8 to 14 years. f'-] the former's^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^ J. N. Zimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geary and son, Edward, of Wauconda were- Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and little son, Robert, of Elgin spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby spent the first of the week in Chicago, having been called there by the death of the latter's sister. Mr. and Mr§. L. A. Erickson and daughters spent Sunday with M#s. Erickson's mother, Mrs. Henrietta Ramsey, at Caledonia. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Genevieve, of Fox Lake and Irwin Griffith of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mchenry relatives. C. W. Stenger and John A. Bolger left Monday for Belleville, 111., where they went to attend the annual Knights of Columbus state convention. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Sayler and daughters of Woodstock passed the week end in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Sayler. Mrs. H. M. Rodenkirch of Chicago spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Stieilen. Mr. Rodenkirch was out over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley of Solon Mills and daughter, Leona, of Libertyville passed Sunday in the home of Mrs. Cropley's mother, Mrs. James McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and daughter and Mr. and Mrs: Frank Spieker and daughter of Burlington, Wis., were Sunday guests in the home of Michael Freund and family. Miss Helen Justen, who has been employed at the Continental & Commercial National bank in Chicago for some time past, has been granted a leave of absence and is now at her home here, where she will remain for awhile. J. Emerson Nye of Kansas City, Kan., passed the week end as the guest of his brothers, Dr. N. J. Nye and A. E. Nye, in this city. He left Monday morning for the east where he will be engaged in chautauqua work during the summer months. 3&H I I 6 «sr'- i- Florence Quivey, Mrs. Tillie McLaughlin of Elgin and Miss Iva Arp of Chicago were Sunday callers at the McLaughlin home here. Mrs. Henry Degen and daughter, Mrs. Jos. Blake, passed the latter part of last week with relatives at Milwaukee, Wis. They also attended the funeral of the former's sister. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Newman and children, Mrs. Gladys Cunningham and son and J. McLee of Chicago were Sunday afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Miss Margaret Stenger and Dorothy Canterbury of Chicago spent the latter paft of last and first of this week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Mrs. Geo. Dowe and daughter, Mrs. Peter Glass and son, Miss Susie and John Zens and John R. Bonslett of Waukegan were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and lirs, John W. Bonslett, Sunday. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE _ John Froelich has been appointed motorcycle cop at Lake Zurich. Owners of radio receiving sets will have them listed as taxable property by assessors this year. Firemen and Ford day will again be celebrated at Antioch this year, the date set being May 22. . The dates for holding the annual Walworth county fair at Elkhorn, Wis., have been set for Sept. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Sixty-four arrests for ftitoxication were made at Waukegan during the month of April. And we are living in a supposedly <lry age. ! Dr. C. M. Johnson,,a practicing physician and surgeon at Harvard, recently reached his seventieth birthday. He is still very active. The Wisconsin Transportation company, which operates a fleet of passenger boats on the waters ai Geneva lake, will start its summer schedule on Friday, June 6, A petition is being circulated at Hebron for the purpose of giving the school board authority to locate and purchase a site for a new community high school building. Three hundred signers are required. mm A Prosperous Territory first three months of 1924, the sales of electric power and light by this Company have increased 17.9 per cent Gas, domestic and commercial has increased in use 16.6 per cent * The more than 21,500 mtockh .lders of this Coat' pony, looking ahead to the continued saf ty of principal and c rtainof return, will find in th progress of this Company * definite forecast of ita future -ize, importance and continued stability. While thes6 figures snow the greater use of the essential services rendered by this Company, they reflect too, the ^ growth, progress and stability of general business in the territorj. The business of this Company has increased 165 per cent in ten years. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 square milms--202 cities and --with Gas or Electricity G. J§? §fcCOLLUM, District Manager Crystal Lpke, Illinois \ V-. 'IRISL Jf

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