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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1924, p. 7

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iflPPiPi "*S~J (;'•$ -' ™1 FF<oJ r 100 per cent Insurance in ail branches, call on or phone WM. G. SCB$E1NBR fc» 93-R. .Auctioneering KcHENRY ILLINOIS mm. Phone 12G-W. ; „/ Bwaaibh Rate* SCHAEFVI Draying '," 'hfr McH3NRY, ILLINOIS Dr. Carl Strueh's HEALTH RESORT ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS Complete system of Natural Treatment. Modernized Milk Cure and other rational diets. Sun Baths in the open, with curative exercises. Bath Treatments, Rest Cure, etc.* Open air cottages. Real country life. Very homelike. Pine Beach. Golf and other outdoor games*. Accommodations for vacationists. Consultations at Chicago office by appointment Write for free descriptive and illustrated Booklet "P*V " TELEPHONE McHENRY 41 - BACK OF THE PRODUCT there is a definite knowledge of its quality. We KNOW that EARLY BISER flour will produce good bakings when it is properly handled. Because we take the best wheat that is grown by our farmers--the wheat the farmer knows is good--and mill it in a sanitary way, with a modern process that retains all the richness and delicious flavor of the good wheat berry. Do you know what good wheat things you can make from EARLY RISER flour? A real trial will convinceyou. Be sure to ask for EARLY RISER flear. McHenry Flour Mills WEST McHENRY. ILL. S5iSiSi555333 5S=£HE= horn OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. Whca better aatomobtles are built, Buick will build them Ml MimMl JOHNSBURG Children's % socks at Erickson's. The finest imported olive oil In cans at C. Unti's. Fresh and pood groceries sold by us. Smith Bros. Miss Mary Nimsgern of Spring Grove Was visiting relatives here last week. Boys,' girls' and children's fine oxfords and strap sandals at M. J. Walsh's. Miss Paulind Freund of Elgin spent the Decoration holiday with home lolks here. , Mrs. John Mertes is spending a few 'ays in ^Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. Johnson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling and family called at the home of C. M. Adams last Friday* > Bernard Althoff and George Tonyan motored with Wm. H. Althoff to Aurora last Thursday. Miss Dora Schaefer of Elgin spent a few days last wetek with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wallace of Woodstock called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knox and daughters, Genevieve and Dorothy, of McHenry were callers here last Saturday. Mrs. Katherine. Young of McHenry and daughter, Marie Young of Milwaukee, Wis., were Wallers here Decoration day. When you are contemplating building of any kind call on or phone 93-R, Wm. G. Schreiner for insurance. McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. "Nick Stolzenberger and son of Austin, Minn., spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Chi-Namel prise contest at Brown's drug store, Ringwood, open to everybody. See window for prizes. CoBts nothii% to try. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and family Spring Grove were visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt, Sundayf The Misses Ella, Theresa and Rose mary Huemann of Chicago passed a few days the latter part of last week with home folks. Mrs. Ernest Hoglund and children of Chicago, were guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Huemarfo, a few days last week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and family of McHenry spent last week Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. B. Hettermann. Miss Margaret Smith and a girl friend of Chicago came home last Friday to spend a few days with the home folks of the former. Mr. and Mrs. John . Cossman and family of Waukegan were guests in the home of her parents, Jtfr. and Mrs. N. M. Schaefer, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and daugter, Darlene, of neal1 Richmond were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King one day last week. Mr. - and Mrs. Will Shttem and daughter, Lorraine, of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Sattem's parent, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May, Mr. and Mrs. Peter May and Mrs. Frank Nimsgern of Spring Grove were guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaefer, on Tuesday of this week, . Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher and daughters, Marie and Jennie; of Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. John HinHer and children of Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff Sunday afternoon. Vogel-Freund A very pretty June wedding was celebrated at St. John's church here at nine o'clock on Tuesday of this week, when Rev. Wm. Weber pronounced the words that united in marriage Miss Frances Freund and Mr Edwin Vogel. The wedding march Was played by the Ven. Sister Blanch and little Isabelle Freund, a sister of the bride took the lead in acting as flower girl. She wore an orchid silk crepe dress .and carried a lavender basket containing a variety ^of flowers and ferns. Next came the bridesmaid, Miss Lilliah Freund, a cousin,of the bride, and Mr. Leo Freund, a brother of the bride, who acted as best man. The bridesmaid wore a dress of gas green crcpe with gold lace and narrow green ribbon and a gold band in her hair. She" carried a pretty bouquet of pink roses. The bride wore white Elizabeth crepe with silver flounces of over lace, a braided belt with a pretty bouquet of silver grapes and leaves at the side. She wore' her snowy white veil in a very becoming manner and carried a beautiful bouquet of white roses. ^ The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund of this place. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel of Solon Mills. They are both very popular young people and enjoy a large circle of friends. * Parents, sisters and brothers gathered at the home of the bride's parents, where a reception was tendered the young couple. Hearty congratulations to the happy pahrr Smith-Freuad Another pretty June wedding was solemnized on Wednesday morning L. r - •' • -*• when Miss Evelyn Smith was united in marriage to Charles Freund of McHenry at nine o'clock, Rev. Wm. Weber, pastor of St. John's church, of this village, performing the ceremony. j" While the wadding march was being played the bridesmaid and best man took the lead. Next came the little flower girl and then the maid of honor, following were the bride and bridegroom. Miss Elsie Smith, a sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Herbert Freund, a brother of the groom, was best man, while Miss Bertilla Freund, sister of the groom was the maid of honor. Little Miss Eleanor Althoff, niece of the bride carired the lole of flower girl. J The bride wore a white georgette crepe beaded dress and a beautiful veil and carried a bouquet of white with the Iattor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. New prices on Armour Plate silk hose, 86c, $1.25 and $1.86 per pair. Black and colors. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and children spent Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr1, and Mrs. Leon Smith, at Afgonquin. John Blombren, Mrs. E. Anderson, Corinne Blomgren and Mr. and Mrs. Lagerlund and son were in Waukegan Decoration day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman ofWauconda, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Henry Geary, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Miss Lillian Brooks of Kenosha, who spent the week end here, spent Saturday evening with her cousin. Miss Neva Toynton, at Wauconda. Dr. and Mrs. Brjunswick and Mr. and Mrs. Mosher and son of Chicago were rftses and lilies of the valley. The'guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett Uridesmaid wore a dress of blue silk | from Thursday until Saturday night, trimmed with beaded georgette and! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston of Wawore a head dress of blue tulle and j wautosa, Wis., spent Decoration day a silver band. She carried a bouquet j and the week end with the former's of pink roses. The maid of honor J parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. McHenry. A money maker for hustler. John Knox, West McHenry, 111. 52-lt FOR SALB--A membership in the McHenry Country dab. For further information apply at The Plaindealer office. 47 LOST--Gold chained rosary in or near St. Mary's church last Sunday morning. Finder kindly leave at this office. 52-lt* WANTED TO BUY--Small house in city of McHenry. Will pay cash and iwill not ask immediate possession. Kent & Green, McHenry. 43-tf wore pale pink silk crepe and carriedj pink roses. The little flower girl J vas dressed in a white crepe de chine iress trimmed with white ribbon ahd •x rosette of blue and white on the side •nd carried a basket of sweet peas. Mr. and Mrs. M. Meiser and Mr. and Mrs Chester Eisele and son, Vernon, of Harvey, 111., were guests of Mrs. George Darrell from Friday until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were FOR SALE--Fourteen-year-old mare, suitable for farm work. Wt. 1200 lbs Will be sold at a bargain if taken at once. Phone 600-J-2, McHenry. 52-2t* FOR RENT--Completely furnished summer cottages. " Two four rooms and two five rooms. Inquire of or write Wm. Quinn, route No. 2, McHenry, 111. V- ; 52-lt* FOR RENT--Cottage sotith side of McCollum's lake with boat privilege Furnished and newly decorated. Rent reasonable. Phone F., S. Ridi, 603-J- 2, West McHenry. 62* FOR SALE--1924 Blue books, together with an insurance policy at from $1,000 to $2,000, which goes with each book. On sale at the McHenry Hou^, McHenry, I1L 60 PASTURE can be had for SOliead of young cattle on the farm formerly known as the Rogers farm, three and one-half miles from McHenry and seven from Woodstock. Fred B. Howe, McHenry, 111. 46-tf FOR SALE!--1924 Maxwell coupe, re^ finished and completely equipped. Good as new. Also Velie touring in good condition. Both are bargains at the prices we ask. G. A. Stilling's parage, McHenry, IU. 62-tf FOR SALE--Ford tooling car which has been in our garage for several months will be sold for storage after June 5 unless owner pays all charges on or before that date. The East Side Garage, McHenry, 111. 50-3t FOR SALE--A quantity of furniture, including dressers, beds, rockers, t hairs, pillows, etc. All in good condition. Can be seen at Venice Resort, Pistakee Bay. Phone 609-R-l. Inquire of Mrs. Forst, Pistakee Bay. * The bride is the second eldest j Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. LaDoyt j 'aughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith! Matthews at Crystal Lake and called : •'ho reside on the McHenry road, while ,he groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Freund of McHenry. A reception was tendered the couple ;t the home of the bride's parents ahd was attended by relatives and > riends of the newly weds. SLOCUM LAKE \ Sfeed and «ating potatoes at Erickoqn's. For work clothing see us first. 3mith Bros. Will Pfannenstill has been on the ick list. Mildred Hoffman W*s a Chicago business caller Thursday. * Roy Winkler of Chicago spent the week end with his*parents. George Passfield was a Tuesday night caller at Oak Glejj farm. Mrs. McGill and son were business callers at Volo Monday morning. Mrs. Henry Geary and son, Jack, .vere Monday callers at McHenry". Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary were Saturday evening callers at McHenry. Mrs. Al. Granger was a Sunday evening caller at the G. Burnett home. C. A. Bevans of Wauconda was a on Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Rowley' in the afternoon. j Willard Darrell and, Wm. Fink attended a boys* and girls' club work banquet, sponsored by Sears Roebuck agricultural foundation, at Waukegan Thursday night. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick and Mr. and Mrs. Mosher And son of Chicago and Mrs. G. Burnett spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Roun^ Lake. Sunday afternoon callers, at the -Pfannenstill home were Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Pfannenstill and son of Grayslike, Mrs. Anna Bloomfield and daughter, Marjorie, and Wm. Kay cf Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green and son, Willis, and daughter, Ei'na, of Oak Park visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston over Decoration day. Mrs. *H. L. Brooks and Frances Lundquist of Kenosha were Sr.nday morning callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman at Barrington and were accompanied home by Mrs. Rhoman, who spent the day here. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mr< FOR SALE--1918 model Ford touring tar. In very good condition. Also 33x4 afid 32x4 Michelin cord tires. Call at.Nye's Music & Jewelry store, West McHenry. 50 FARROW CHIX in 100 lots; Barred Rocks, Single Reds, $9.50; Rose Reds, White Rocks, $11.50; Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Minorcas, $12.50; Leghorns, $8.50; assorted, $7.50. D. T. Farrow Chickeries. Peoria. 45-tf Wednesday evening visitor at Willard E,la P T ar u ks of P\rk Ri(,*e called at]he Wm. Johnston home Decoration day and were accompanied home by Mr. iJarrell'S. Mrs. Ray Powell accompanied Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Davis to Waukegan NVednesday. ' , Mrs. Henry Winkler and daughter, Lillian, spent one day recently at 3arrington.' Lillian Brooks of' Kenosha, Wis., spent the week end at the home of her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda spent Friday evening at the flenry Geary home. M iss Frances Converse spent the veek end with her cousins, Dorothy :ind Harold Dowell. Joe Kirk went to Aurora to spend Decoration day - and visit relatives a few days last week. FOX RIVER on Savings Accounts We kwp tnb on the public tast«% a> d you will always find at our store the groci ik-s most in dt-nvand by discritninat- ' ii)U consumers. Wc find it pays lis to " keep just v^hat our customers demand, so we never trv to sill \ on **»onu tliing just as good." • Our ye:irs of experience are al your service and ready to (Alter to your wants. M. M. NieSeft i-v j M oHrnry Phone M and Mrs. Lee Johnston, who are visiting here from Wawautosa, Wis., and .spent Saturday there. j Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the t reunion of the class of 1917jheld at the home of Miss Neva Toynton at Wauconda last Saturday afternoon. The afternoon was spent in talking over the school days and the activities of "each other jn th«< last seven years. At five o'clock the guests assembled in the dining room, where a delicious two lourse luncheon was served. In the renter of the table was a large basket of sweet peas and each guest was presented with some of the flowers as a remembrance of their class flower. At Miss Esther Kalling of Chicago! the close of the afternoon the guests! All Roads' Lead to Leath's iSlfln it Grove Rockford 5C2 W. State Aurora SI Island Dubuque 576 Miln Fr»eport 5 W Mala Waterloo 500 l.ifajhltt* Belolt 61" Fourth Jollet SIS Jefferaon" Janravillt 202 Milwaukee Eau C'.atre Masonic Bid* Oshkosh 11 Main St. P«orla S2S S. Adima Dwsatnr 4*2 N Water And ell roads of bome furnisMngs lead to Leath's savicga--Leath's furniture la good furniture «nd <t coeta you loaa-- A. LEATH & CO. Mspent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Henry Winkler. Miss Frances Lundquist* of Kenosha spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and Mrs. McGill called on Mrs. Monahan at Volo Decoration day. Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children and Mrs. Al. Granger were business callers at Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington ind Mrs. H. L. Brooks were McHenry and Crystal Lake callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lagerlund and son of Chicago spent Decoration day and the week end at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews df Crystal Lake spent Decoration day with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis to Gray slake last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary were Friday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary of Fremont township. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont were Monday evening callers »jS«t the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams of Crystal Lake spent Decoration <lay with the latter's mother, Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell and family near Fremont. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick and Mr. and Mrs. Mosher of Chicago were Tuesday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett. Mrs. Emory Sinnett and daughter, Mrs. Whitford of Elgin, were guests of Mrs. Clara Smith Decoration day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Danlien and children of Davis Lake spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk. v" William Brooks of Waukegan came home Thursday night and spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. * Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Fridr.y evening departed, hoping such an occasion. to meet again on J;;sr STOLEN CAR FOUND Dr. Arnold Mueller of this city, whose Ford coupe was stolen in Chicago a short time ago, received word from the police department in that city this week that his machine had beeti found. However, the body had been removed and replaced with another and other changes made so as to render same useless to the owner. It is quite likely that the doctor will accept the insurance rather than the machine. ^ ADDITIONAL PERSONAL "Miss Rosalind Nye is spending a few days visiting friends at Coal City, 111. Miss Pauline Smorada of Elgin spent the week end with Miss Agnef Young. Mrs. Christine Going of Chicago visited with McHenry friends over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. A# E. Nye and children spent Memorial day with friends at Coal City, III. The McHenry County Federated Woman's clubs will hold their annual meeting at Algonquin on Saturday, June 7. The meeting will be called at 10:30 o'clock. A picnic lunch will be served at noon. The afternoon address will be given by Miss Lydia Schmidt of Chirnro. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Timothy hay. John A. Miller, McHenry. Phone 639-J-2. 48 FOR SALE--Oil stove, three burner Nesco with oven. Practically new. Phone 21. ^ 49-tf FOR RENT--Eight room flat, modern. Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry, III. phone office 614 or 75-J. 52' WANTED--Man for porter and general work. Make application at Polly Prim Tavern, McHenry, 111. 52-lt FOR SALE--Busy Bee cafe in West SEASONABLE UNDERWEAR UNDERPRICED Men's Ralbrigan Union Suit*, well made, aleoly finished. fch-»rt sleeves, ankle length ..i........ . ... IMS Men's Halbrigan Shirt's and Drawers, long or short, sleeve# ... S#e Men'* Pajuma t'lxck Nainsook Union Suits, elastic web back, an exceptional value at. only . : We Men's I'ajama Check Nainsook Union Suits, made with elastic web bsck, cut extra large - He Hoys' Pajama Check Union Suits Me Women's Athletic Union Suits, made of fancy barred and stripped mull, very special . tlJM Women's Knit Union Stilt*, built up shoulder style, laee or shell knee, sizes 3H, 38. Mt; sices 40, 42, 44..66c; sizes 4ti, 48. 50.. 7Sc WEST McHENRY 'V'SSl JOHN STOFFEL, CHI-NAMELING CONTEST ABSOLUTELY FREE The most unique contest you ever entered Jut try the pa tea ted grmiwr. Sea utedew fer 4e<aib aai; Contest Starts Monday, June 2, Satureay, June 1£ ' Fifteen prizes to be given away S. W. Brown's Drug Store • RINGWOOD, ILL. * Vi WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN STORAGE BATTERIES, GENERATOR AND STARTER TROUBLE; OUR MODERN EQUIPMENT ENABLES US TO RENDER 24 HOUR RECHARGING SERVICE. BETTER, QUICKER AND LASTING EXIDE BATTERIES LAST LONGER AND COST LESS PER MONTH OF SERVICE. ASK AN EXIDE OWNER. PHONE 101-R _ W. L. HOWELL & CO., [Inc.] McHENRY, ILL. V -..Vi".,

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