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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jun 1924, p. 7

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For 100 per cent Insurance ia lit branches, call on or phone WM. G. SCHREINER Plume 93-%. Auctioneering IfcHENRY :: :: ILLINOIS ALFORD H. POUSE A. H. SCHARFER Altai ney-at-1 Phone W it West McHepiy, 111. Mchenry* jniiNOis Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the Jbest companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS m§mi Dr. Carl Strueh's v.- HEALTH RESORT McHENRY»ILJ4NOJS systfeM 6? Natural Treatments. Modernized Milk Cure and other rational diets. Sun Baths in the Open, with curative exercises. B$th Treatments, Rest Cure, etc. Open air cottages. Real country life. Very Homelike. Fine Beach. Golf and other out-door games. -Accommodations for vacationists. Consultations at Chicago office by appointment. >^/ite for free descriptive and illustrated Booklet MP**. -' TELEPHONE MCHENRY 42 a* first Buick Motor Company is now well on its very to the manufacture of its two millionth motor car ~ ~ a record unapproached by3 any other manufac* turer of fine automobiles Wheel-Brakes are Standard Equipment on all Buick* Models OVERTON & GOWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. •Bmmobliei are Built, Bukk will bofld SLOCUM LAKE For work clothing Smith Bros. Ladies' silk hosiery, popular shades, at Erickson's. See our line of men's fine shirts and neck wear. M. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were McHenry business callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. McGill and son, Farrell, spent Saturday at Lake Forest. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller at Lake Zurich Tuesday morn ing. Ed. Railing of Waukegan spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mrs. Wm. Brooks had been on the sick list, but ismuch Improved at present. Mrs. Jane Johnston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dixon at Wauconda William Brooks, who is employed at Waukegan, spent the week end with his parents. George Passfield spent Tuesday evening as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Willard Darrell and J. J. Doershuck of Libertyville made a business trip to Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Mrs, Henry Geary visited relatives at McHenry Sunday evening, Robt. Kirk and Nick Freund of Griswold Lake were business callers at Aurora last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaffer at McHenry last Wednesday. Miss Orpha Morlock of Rosecrans has been engaged to teach the Slocum Lake school the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary at Fremont last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children were Thursday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon at Crystal Lake." Willard Darrell attended an executive meeting of the Lake Co. Farm Bureau at Libertyville Wednesday night. Al. Staples, who has spent a few weeks visiting relatives at Evanston returned to the G. Brunett home last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daugh ter, Darlene, spent Friday evening with Mrs. Kirk's grandparents at Grayslake. Mr. Bacon, who has a summer home at Rousen's Bridge, was a business caller at a number of the farm homes in this community last week. The Chi-Namel contest at Brown's drug gtore, Ringwood, has national prizes for winners as well as local prizes. Costs nothing to try. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and Mary Alice were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson at Wauconda Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pfannenstill of Area and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. Don't forget to call on Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, when you get that new car, for insurance in the best of companies. McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont and Leon Monahon of Barrington spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were business callers in Wau kegan last Thursday. Mrs. Henry Winkler and daughters, Lillian and Mrs. Clarence Whitman, of Wauconda spent Thursday last with the former's daughter, Mrs. Geo. Eisner, at Barrington. Willard Darrell, accompanied by Harold Stroker of Wauconda, attended a special meeting of the executive committee of the Farm Bureau at Libertyville Monday evening. •Harry Matthews was a busines.- caller at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon and was accompanied home by Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, who spent Saturday night and Sunday with hei parents. Mrs. Mort Rittrand three daughters Vivian, LaVera and Melva, of Crysta' '.ake and Misses Mildred and Audrey aynes of Brethem, Mich., Spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Johnston and Mr. :>nd Mrs. Earl Johnston motored to Oak Park Sunday and spent the day .vith Mr. and Mrs. Harry Green and i-hey took dinner at the Oak Park Country club. Mildred Hoffman and Miss*Gertrude Johns of Wauconla were suppei guests of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews Friday evening and saw tht senior play at the high school auditorum at Crystal Lake. . Those from here who attended the circus at Waukegan Wednesday night were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children, Mr. and Mrs. McGill and son. Farrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the members of the euchre club who enjoyed a seven o'clock chicken dinner at the East Side hotel in Wauconda Monday evening. At eightthirty the members gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Fisher, where ten games of progressive euchre were played. Five prizes were awarded to the ladies, of which Mrs. llarry Matthews won the third best prize, and five prizes were awarded to the men, of which Harry Matthews won second place. This event marked the last of a series of parties held during the winter months JOHNSBURG Children's % socks at Erickson's. Rev. Wm. Weber was among the Chicago passengers this week Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lowe of Chicago were visiting with relatives here Sunday. Joseph Rauen of Chicago was visiting relatives and friends here last week. Boys,' girls' and children's fine oxfords and strap sandals at M. J. Walsh's. Emil Debrecht and friend of Chicago passed the Week end with Johnsburg friends, Ray Horrick of Woodstock was a guest in the home of Stephen H. Smith Sunday. Miss Ella Huemann passed the first of the week with her aunt, Miss Rose Huemann, in McHenry. New prices on Armour Plate silk hose, 86c, $1.25 and $1.85 per pafr. Black and colors. Smith's. The first holy communion for the children will be celebrated the 22nd of June at St. John's church. Mrs. John Brown and children of Wauconda are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hettermann are the happy parents of a nine pound baby boy, which arrived last Thursday. Thousands of people everywhere now use olive oil. We have the finest imported goods on the market. C. Unti. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bertram and children of Aurora were visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mts. Jacob S'hmitt Sunday. 15 prizes given away absolutely free for the best grains made with the Chi- Namel patent grainer at Brown's drug store, Ringwood. Mrs. Elizabeth Hettermann came last Tuesday evening to visit with her sons, Joseph B. and Henry Hettermann, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen and daughter of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathieu and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers. Joseph B. Hettermann transacted business in Chicago Friday and Saturday. His son, Edwin, accompanied him to the . city on Saturday Tom Bresina of Chippawa Falls, Wis., who was out for the wedding at the John Smith place last week, returned to his home Friday evening. Mrs. Christina Brefeld of Chicago c&me out Friday to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Bernard Tonyr. n, and Mr. and* Mrs. Henry Hettermann. George Oeffling and his mother, Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, Mrs. Richard Guyser and Mrs. Peter Oeffling motored to Chicago Saturday evening to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guzzard, returning home Sunday evening. ' Miss Efeie Smith and h«r cousin, Ida Bresina, of Chippawa Falls, Wis., and Mrs. Fred Smith went to Chicago Tuesday morning to spend a few days. Mrs. Charles Freund accompanied them to the city, but returned home the same evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob A. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Michels, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Miller, Mr.' and Mrs. John Degen and Mr. and Mrs. George King gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller Sunday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Stolzenburg, as they intended to leave for their home at Austin, Minn., the first >f the week. A happy bunch of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tohn Smith in honor of the twenty- Answering Advertisements The Last Day of School ... ... Farewell Address, . Memorial Mass A large number of the members of McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, attended the memorial mass as read by Rev. Wm. Weber a^ St. John's church at nine o'clock last Friday morning.* , -- After the ceremony a procession was formed for a visit to the cemetery, where special services in comemoration of the soldier dead took place. Rjw. Weber spoke in part as follow#?* My Dear Friends--I wish to welcome you here this morning in Johnsburg on the occasion of your memorial high mass, thereby befittingly celebrating Decoration day, our national legal holiday. These national holidays shine as stars in the firmament of the beautiful patriotism of our glorious great Republic, the U. S. of America. ' " The object of these national holidays is to honor our country, which 13 wonderful in its greatness and blessings, to honor and praise our liberty and union, now and forever, opeand inseparable. Decoration day in a purely religious sense or in a purely civic sense. We in a religious sense and spirit. Decoration day breathes patriotism, is a supreme love for our country, to beautify the cemeteries, decorate the "heroes, soldiers that laid down their lives on the altar of patriotism. Who is the greatest hero and patriot that ever lived It is He who said: "Greater love than this no man hath, that a map lay down his life for his friends." Jesus Christ, the savior of all mankind, of all nations, tribes and countries. Every single country has its own heroes. George Washington, the father of our Repub- ( lie, was the shining light and bright star in the firmament of true patriotism. Jesus Christ, in his supreme !oye of all mankind, his patriotism to save the heavenly kingdom-, laid down his life for his friends thnt they may enjoy eternal life, eternal liberty, eternal union with him, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Such must be our patriotism Here ort earth. As Jesus honored his heavenly father for his greatness and blessings, so must we honor our glor ious country, supreme in all the world, for its greatness and blessings. As Jesus Christ honored and. praised the eternal liberty and union in heaven, so we must honor and praise our glorious country in the memorable [ words of Daniel Webster, "Our lib- j erty and union, now and forever, one 1 and inseparable." This indeed is true J patriotism. • ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mike Zenk of Elgin was a week end visitor in the home of his brother, Wm. Zenk, and family south of town. Dr. and Mrs. Harry A. Hartley ol Chicago were Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Miss Rosalind Nye returned home the first of the week from a short visit as the guest of friends at Coal City, 111. Mi*, and Mrs. Warren Thomas of Woodstock spent Sunday as guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. M iss Harriet Epstein of Chicago has been spending a few days in the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I. Levinson. She likes McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dans and ." Mr. and Mrs. August Vogt of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. an 1 M rs. Wm. Zenk south of town. George Bohr went to Chicago last evening, where he met his sister, Mrs. Emma Scherfick, of Mohrland. Utah, who is here to make an extended visit' among relatives. Math. Freund and John Stilling 1 drove to Rockford on Wednesday! VALLEY STATE BANK o on Savings Accounts We keep tab on the public taste, and you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays keep just what our customers demand, so we never try to sell you "something just as good.'* Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. M. M. Niesen M wH*nry Phone 40 .-•i? Mwestem Ice (ream Parlor CHAPELL'S ICE CREAM .Brick, New York and Strawberry FANCY CHOCOLATES (KARS AND TQMCOI SCHIESSLE & WEBER CHI-NAMELING CONTEST ABSOLUTELY FREE Tha moat unique contest you ever entered Just try the pataated graiMr. ™ « flat wiatew far detaila aad: Contest Starts Monday, June 2, and Closes Satureay, June 14 I ; Wfle^h prizes to be given away S. W. Brown's Drug Store RINGWOOD, ILL. i ' irst birthday of Miss Ida Bresina of: morning from whence they brought a 1 truck load of farm machtnory for the former, who is doing a thriving imple- Chippawa Falls, who has been visiting there since last week. Those who attended the party were Misses Hildegard Freund, Verona Smith, Clara and Rose Klapperich, Bertilla Freund of McHenry, Elsie Smith, Messrs. Joe Schmitt, Alfred Debrecht, Serbert Freund, Joseph Huff, Billie ay, George Oeffling, Joe and Frank Klapperich, Nick and Albert Miller of Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmitt. The evening was passed in a very enjoyable manner. The closing exercises of the Johnsburg school will take place at the parsh hall here on Friday evening of ^his week, June 18, when the following program is to be presented: Welcome Song The Lost Ring ......'« ... Jimmy's Cutis Recitation Procrastination Is the Thief of Time Herd Bells--Song % Recitation Fan Drill • Recitation Flag Recitation Song--Soft as the Voice of an Angel A Place For Everything Graduation from the first and aee»« ond grades . Honesty is the Best Policy ment business this spring. Phil Mays, Frank W. and Herbert Bennett of St. Paul, Minn., arrived-in McHenry on Monday night'of this week for a few days' visit with oldtime friends. The Mays and Bennett families left McHenry more than twenty years ago. Herbert is now making his home with his brother-inlaw, Phil Mays, who resides at 1045 Fauquier St., while Frank is married and liveis at 20 So. Fairview Ave., St. Paul. ' . «•- .. j Good Luck* IC? wtetst YOUR RUG 5. WE mm Mrs. B. Popp WITH EVERY RANGE EQUIPPED WITH AN OVEN HEAT REGULATOR Good baking used to- be a matter of luck. But with an oven regulator it's just as sure as sunrise. The word luck is dropped from the modern cook's vocabulary. Every new recipe now gives the "time and tem^ perature" rules for its baking. You set the thermostat-- it does the rest. The full garbage can was witness to the oven failures. " Time and temperature " rules make saccess sure. You buy both " good luck " and " economy" when you buy a gas range with oven control. We recommend and offer for sale tht ACORN--ROPER--RELIABLE /5£\ Western United Gas a/)d Electric Company • 4 3 Phone 162 West McHenry C. E. COLLINS, District Manager Ik ^ * WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN ^ STORAGE BATTERIES, GENERATOR AND STARTER TROUBLE OUR MODERN EQUIPMENT ENABLES US TO RENDER 24 HOUR RECHARGING SERVICE. BETTER, QUICKER AND LASTING EXIDE BATTERIES LAST LONGER AND COST LESS PER MONTH OF SERVICE. ASK AN EXIDE OWNER. „ PHONE 101-R W. L. HOWELL & CO., Tlnc.l McHENRY, ILL. \4V y

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