Jpftsteni ke (ream ^ r CHAPELL'S ICE CREAM _ '•-•-•*• ±s.- ^ . . . . . • _ • . • ' : « t * . Brick, New York and Strawberry?^ FANCY CHOCOLATES CIGARS AMD TOBACCO 5C HJESSLE 8c WEBER DANCING Saturday Night, Jupe 21 AT "RENEHAN'S" ON ROUND LAKE MUSIC BY TBE "ILLINI SERENADERS" OF ILUNOIS UNIVERSITY DANCING EVERY NIGHT AFTER JUNE 21 BARKING FREE TO DANCERS •I.H PER COUPLE A Better Home One that is more comfortable to the members of the family and more inviting to friends, can ha accomplished at lowest expense for good quality rd*0™ ^ to0UpH0l^ Elgin 70 Orove Rockford 502 W. State Aurora 31 Island Dubuque 576 Main Freeport 5 W. Main ' Waterloo 500 Lafayette " Belolt 617 Fourth Jollet 216 Jefferson Janesvllle 202 Milwaukee ' Eau Claire Masonic Building OaUkcrh 11 Main St. Peoria 321 S. Adams Decatur 4SZ N. Water LEATH & CO. Dr. Carl Striieh's McHENRY, ILUNOIS Complete systen^pf Natural Treatments. Modernized Milk Cure and other rational diets. Sun Baths in the open, with curative .exercises. Bath Treatments, Rest Cure, etc. Open air cottages. Real country life. Very homelike. Fine Beach. Golf and other out-door games. Accommodations for vacationists. Consultations at Chicago office by appointment Write for free descriptive and illustrated Booklet "F\ ^ TELEPHONE MCHENR¥ 42 Four Wheel- Brakes you will neve* go back to a car without them* Standard on aU Buick. Models w) OVERTOP? & COWEtf McHENRY, ILL, HARVARD, ILL. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build RINGWOOD Seed And eating potatoes at Erickson's. <;; , Bathing suits, new, snappy fine, jvst in. M. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Allen of Chicago spent Sunday in the P. A. Hitchens' home. E. F. Hewes and John Francisco of Hebron were calling on friends in town Monday. John W. Smith and Will Brogan spent Sunday with the former's brother, Ralph Smith of Elgin. New prices on Armour Plate silk hose, 85c, $1.25 and $1.85 par pair. Black and colors. Smith's. Miss Lora Harrison returned to her home here last week, after Raving spent the winter in Chicago. George Havens and family of Marengo spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. The Ladies' . Aid society will serve a dinner in the M. W. A. hall next Wednesday, June 25. Everybody is invited. . - _ Job Pierce of Nebraska City, Neb., who was called here by the death of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Coates, started home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were Saturday afternoon guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F.Claxton of McHenry. Don't forget to call - on Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, when you get that new car, for insurance in the best of companies. McHenry, 111. Miss Lillian Smith celebrated her birthday last Friday by inviting about twenty-five relatives and friends to spend the evening in her home. A delicious luncheon was served after an evening of pleasure and all departed wishing Lillian many more birthdays. The Daily Vacation Church School closed Sunday, after a very successful ten days' session. This school was taught by Miss Elizabeth Gordon, of Columbia University and Miss Dorothy Hubble of Illinois University, both estimable young women. About twentyfive pupils attended and were in the Chinese Pageant, which was given Sunday afternoon. The pageant showed a great deal of training, which is a credit to both teachers and pupils. The pupils made scrap books and dolls, which they will send to the Chinese children for Christmas presents. The young ladies have their time and services and were entertained by the membeis of the Home Circle. Mrs. William Coates Josephine Pierce, second daughter of Robert and Dimus Pierce, was born on a farm near Spring Grove, August 30, 1851. She attended the Cole school not far distant, and afterward spent one happy school year at Bloomington, 111. She grew to womanhood in this vicinity and most of her beautiful life was spent in this county. On December 31, 1874, she was united in marriage to William Coates of Ringwood. To this union were born three daughters, Mrs. Rilla E. Foss and Mrs. Alec Anderson of Ringwood and Mrs. Cal Williamson of Los Angeles, California. After a number of years were spent in farm life, this family moved to Ringwood in 1890. Of her own family, but one brother remains, Job Pierce of Nebraska City, Neb. Her three sisters and an infant brother have preceded her in death. She had six grandchildren, Dorcas It Foss Jones, who passed away May 4, 1924; Wayne and Floyd Foss of Ringwood Josephine and Marjory Williamson of Los Angeles, Cal., and Dora Mae Anderson of Ringwood. She was also blessed with one great grandchild, Warren James Jones, besides innumerable relatives a n d f r i e n d s . --i :--• At an early age she. joined the Methodist Episcopal church of Ringwood and remained one of its most faithful workers. She will be greatly missed in the Ladies' Aid Society, of which she was an active member. Lending a helping hand "in time of sickness and trouble was one of her foremost ambitions, and it was not until she lacked strength, that her great work ceased. As a mother and grandmother her virtues were unexcelled. She took pride in her flowers, as well as her household. Aj spirit of willingness and determination burned constantly in her heart. After a brief illness, she passed peacefully from her earthly home to the Great Beyond, on June 16, 1924, at the advanced age of 72 years, 9 months and 6 days. The funeral was held from the Methodist church, on Wednesday at 2 p. m., with Rev. Ross officiating. Mrs. Henry Greeley of Richmond sang several appropriate selections. .Relatives from a distance who attended the funeral were: Job Price of Nebraska City; David Terry and three daughters of Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Williamson and two daughters of Los Angeles, Cal; Mr. and Mrs. Bungard of Hebron; Mtr. and Mrs. Will Goodwin of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Frank Coates and daughter of Lake Geneva. Grandma, dear Grandma, Still think of us there * . In those mansions of glory, Free from sorrow wd care. By the portals of Heaven Watch with beckoning hand; For we all soon shall join you In God's Beautiful Land. E. Finna mm* SLOCUM LAKE Curtain materials at Erickson's. For work clothing see us first. Smith Bros. ,, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jonston spent Monday in Waukegan. . Mr. and Mrs. A1 Granger entertained friends from Chicago Sunday. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Duket of Chicago spent Saturday at the Dave Williams farm. Have your Buit made to measure, a perfect fit guaranteed at M. J. Walsh's. Henry Geary and son, Jack, were business callers in Wauconda Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Billins of Lake Forest were Sunday guests at the Dave Williams farm. / ' Emmet Geary Mid son, Forrest, were guests of the former's parents last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake spent Monday evening with the tatter's parents. Mrs. Jane Johnston visited with Mrs. Martha Harrison in Wauconda last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston were business callers at Crystal Lake Saturday after noon J Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nellis of Terra Cotta spent Tuesday evening at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were business callers at Barrington Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and AT Staples were business callers at Round Lake Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kirk of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zion City .vere Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont spent Tuesday afternoon at the Henry Geary home. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont spent Tuesday evening at the Geary home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary 'were Sun- Jay dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Hen ry Geary were business callers in Wauconda Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson a'nd children spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks Herman Railing and Roy Winkler >f Chicago spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. Mrs. H. L. Brooks and daughter, Lillian, were Saturday evening guests of the latter's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Toynton of Wauconda. Miss May Pfannenstill returned home Sunday, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Carl Ohrwall, of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Sunday djnner guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs., E. F. Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Windle of Evanston and A1 Staples visited relatives at Round Lake Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children of Crystal Lake spent Saturday afternoon and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Mrs. Henry Winkler, daughter, Lillian and son, Walter, were SundaJ evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hinz at Cary. Mr. and Mrs. McGill and son, Farrell, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances were .in Waukegan Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson attended the birthday party at the home of Mrs. Caroline Sorensen at Wauconda on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and daughter, Mary Alice, spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daige at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. George Windle of Evanston arrived at the G. Burnett home Thursday evening, where they will spend a few weeks. Don't forget to call on Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, when you get that new car, for insurance in the best of companies. McHenry, III. William Darrell and C. A. Bevans of Wauconda attended a special meeting of the executive committee of the Farm Bureau at Libertyville Tuesday evening. i Auction sale, of household furniture at J. E. Ft>rst*s, Pistakee Bay, on Saturday, June 21. Sale starts at 10:00 o'clock in the morning and again at 1.00 p. m. , Mrs. Hi. L. Brooks and Harold 6rooks motored to Kenosha Tuesday afternoon and were accompanied home by Lillian Brooks, who discontinued her work there. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mrs. Almeda Grantham aud son, Walter, Mrs. Hansen and daughter, .Marie, an^l Mr. and Mrs. Golding of Chicago. Lillian, Harold and William Brooks will leave Thursday for Mikkelson, N. Dakota, where they will visit their sister, Mrs. Jack Pesheck. Mr. and Mrs! Geore Bagley of Chirae> n snent from Fridav until Monday iiiyiiaifiiiiiti iai & /"B"'c at the Blomgren home, visiting the latter's sister and brothers. Mildred Hoffman attended the entertainment and graduation by St. Peter's school at Volo, at the Empire theatre in McHenry, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Davis and daughter, Frances, spent Thursday evening with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mi#. Earl Converse. John, and Harold Blomgren were business callers at' Gurnee last Friday afternoon and called at the home of H. K. Vose and Mr. Fowler. Mildred Hoffman and Gertrude Johns of Wauconda were in Crystal Lake Friday evening and saw "The Printer's Devil," at the Gem theatre. Those who attended the funeral of Mrs. A. H. Kuebker at Wauconda Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elvira Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. H. L*. Brooks, Mrs. Henry Winkler and daughter, Lillian, and lira. Earl Johnston. x ' ^ohnsbur^'4^;. ; Ladies' silk hosiery, popular shades, at Erickson's. Wm. ^lthoff transacted business- in Chicago last Thursday. Mrs. Elizabeth Hettermann went back to Wheatland, Wis., Saturday. Mrs. Ben Brefeld of Ringwood was visiting with friends here Saturday. Boys,' girls' and children's fine oxfords and strap sandals at M. J Walsh's. Mr. and Mrs. Stottings and daughters, Harriet and Eleanor, called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers are the happy parents of a six pound baby boy. born on Friday of last week. Anthony and Marie Ocvtel of Mc- Ilemy were visiting their sister, Mv. and Mrs. George Michels, Saturday. M iss Ida Bresina of Chippewa Falls, who was visiting at the home of John Smith, returned to her homo Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Schmitt and Beatrice Schmitt of Beloit, Wis., called on relatives and friends hero Sunday., Mat N. Schmitt returnee! last week Thursday from the Foresters' convention at Decatur, 111., which he enjoyed very much. * When you are contemplating building of any kind call on or phone 93-R, Wm. ' G. Schreiner for insurance. McHenry, 111. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Will Lowe motored out from Chicago Saturday to visit with, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Schmitt. Jjfr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Miss Evelyn Siftith and her cousin, Idn Bresina, and Joseph Schmitt motorer! to Holy Hill, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt Dietz an little daughter, Katherine, of Chicago, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family. Miss Genevieve Brefield and her friend, Joseph Kenway and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bell, of Chicago came out Saturday to visit at the home of Henry Hettermann. » • Mr. and Mrs. Emil Boose -of Chippew a Falls, Wis., who were married Monday, motored out here for their honeymoon and are visiting at the home of John Smith and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkmann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirkman, Mamie and Tony Kirkman and Arsella Busch, of New Munster, Wis., were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Sunday. There will be a little change in masses next Sunday. The first mass will be at half past seven. The children will celebrate their first solemn holy communloh at the 9:00 o'fclock mass, June 22, at St. John's Catholic church, Johnsburg. A large crowd attended the closing exercises of St. John's school here Friday evening and all spoke well of the splendid program. Two girls graduated from the eighth grade, Miss Cecelia Schaefer and Miss Genevieve Adams. Rev. Wjn. Weber, pastor, awarded them the diplomas and delivered a good speech. ' OSTEND Market your eggs at Erickson's. Fresh and good groceries sold by us. Smith Bros. J. M. Sayler is again on the job, delivering mail, after sev^al days off on account of illness. Mat Glossen's silo was moved a little off itsyfoundation last week Thursday night, when the wind struck it. P. W, Freund's little boys aJe the proud owners of a fine little Spotted pony. Don't ask if they erjjriy it. Joe Harrer has been hauriing cement staves for a new cemenn silo on his farm, which he purchase/a from C? B. Durkee. I E. L. Francisco, wife and little nieces of Woodstock were callers here j in the Francisco home \one evening last week. J " | The Greenwood grocery truck made its regular trip Monday. Last week the roads were so bad they did not de-1 liver goods. When you artf contemplating build-! ing of any kind call on or^ione 93-R, i Wm. G. Schreiner for insurance.; McHenry, 111. Frank Kaiser is helping Joe Harrer build a milk house. The former owner of the farm did not dairy, consequently there was no milk house. Gilbert Harris, wife and sons wert calling at the Hobart home Thursday evening, when the storm made its appearance. They made a hasty departure. Auction sale of household furniture at J. E. Forst'sJ Pistakee Bay, on Saturday, June 21. Sale starts at 10:00 o'clock in the morning and again at 1.00 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Hoppe enjoyed a . visit from two of their old neighbors and Phone 162 The Best Service Always •ERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker West McHenry, Illinois ALFORD H. POUSfe Attorney-at-Law Phone 26 West McHeiury, HItheir wives from the southern part of the state. It cheeced Mr. Hoppe up very much to visit again with M neighbors. .Mrs. Ammie Francisco has improved a little in health, but not as much as she and all her family would like to see. She gets meals and does much of the necessary household work. Her main trouble is bad actum of the heart. East Side Service an4 Transfer Station ^ ® Herman Schaefer & Co., Pnqp%;t:s| General Garage Movi^r Pfcone 49 :: McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-B. ^ > J SIMON STOFFEL , "Insurance agent for all classes tf property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILUNOIS For 100 per cent Insurance in Phone 126-W. all branches, call on or phone WM. G. SCHREINER Phone 9S-R. Auctioneering McHENRY : i"-j't ILLINOIS Seasonable Bates" A. 9. SCllAEFES , " *4 ' 'Draying v . 'j. * 5' McHENRY, ILLINOIS FOX RIVER VALLEY 3% tfJMB We keep tab on the public taste, ai d you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays us to keep just what our customers demand, so we never try to sell you "Something just as good." Qfur ye-.irs of experience are ai your service and ready to cater to yourv wants. M. M. Niesen M uHenry Phone 4# N° 1 Soft N? 2---Medium N°3-Med. Hard N?4---- Haid Jfi&isde// PENCIL COMRVNY .PHILADELPHIA (julbransen THEsREGISTERING PIANO The Only REGISTERING Piano What an astoundingchange lias come to pass in pianos played by ] music roll and pedals! To bringyourself musically up-to-tbe-minute-- investigate the R KG I STER1NG Piano! What an amazingly ^iner and a'together better quality of music~ you now^an play because of this new-day Registering feature! To realize how completely this epoch-making idea has u|«et all your former opinions of instruments of this type--get acquaintlite Qtilbrausen. Keys pressed down, as in hand- . piaying--not knocked down, as In yesterday's player-pianos. That's what the Gulbraosen Registering feature does! It registers your exact "touch" on eacti note. You can graduate each note's shading, not merely rplay it loudly or softly. With such direet and perieet Control as the Gulbransea gives of each and every note ou the key board, y o u can regulate their tone--separately, individually-- exact ly as the pianist does In professional concert plajfin^l Four Models^- Nationally Priced -- $49$ % $575 -- $45#.. Nye Music and Jewelry West McHenry, IU. * WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN • STORAGE BATTERIES, GENERATOR AND STARTER TROUBLE OUR MODERN EQUIPMENJ ENABLES US TO RENDER 24 HOUR RECHARGING SERVICE. BETTER, QUICKER AND LASTING EXIDE BATTERIES LAST LONGER AND COST LESS PER MONTH OF SERVICE. ASK AN EXIDE OWNER. PHONE 101-R W.L. HOWELL & CO., [Inc.] ^ ' ' Sj-^-.McHENRY, *•: •. y" rk"i