McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jun 1924, p. 5

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OOMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK P ffl m BUSY VILLAGE Mi* AB SEEN BT PLAINDEAJLU KB- ' PORTESS AND HA NT® IN BT our raiapps ^ Ed. Conway was a Qtkogo visitor ^.Honday. ' r. 4 V * Mrs. T. J. Walsh was a Chicago Tis- . . '" Jfcor last Friday. tr -'4, - Clarence Martin was a Chicago vis • y i Ifcor last Sunday. . .. Louis Wrede of Chicago passed Sun- | j|by in McHenry. - "J. S. J. Frazer was a boaln-- visitor •r' : |A Chicago Monday. • Miss Kathryn Weber tpeat Monday the metropolitan city. t W. D. Went worth spent Sunday ; t %#ith relatives at Carpentersville. 4 Jl Robert Taylor passed last week as guest of friends at Dixon, 111. " . Mrs. Wm. J. Welch and daughter, s | Vildred, spent Monday in Chicago. ^ Is; Miss Loretta Quinn of Elgin spent • ' the week-end with her brothers here. : P. C. Lodtz of Crystal Lake spent •• f Sunday as the guest of McHenry jft-iends. • d? Mrs. Mary McCabe of Chicago pass- 5'^|i|l Sunday as the: guest of McHenry r -,. ( Misses Dorothy and Lillian Freond 3,j|assed a dny last week in the metro- 1 jlolitan city. , ^ Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cronin of Algonquin were the guests of McHenry friends Sunday. : Mrs. George Meyers is spending the *?J|eek as the guest of relatives in the Metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton and children passed Sunday as the guests of relatives at Elgin. -Tr Mrs. Fred Weinschenker attended his i.;;|ie funeral of a relative in the metropolitan city Monday. Leo and Clarence Conway of Chicago pased the week-end as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and ^ (laughters attended a family reunion *:T|t Capron last Friday. - 7 Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer and little son, Billie Jim, spent Sunday with Lake Geneva relatives. , j,- Mrs. Patrick McCabe passed the rst of the week as the guest of her aughter at Waukegan. Mrs. Mary Shane of Chicago is spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bacon. James Fay spent several days last week as a guest in the home of his brother, Walter, at Elgin. Anita and Maxine Bacon are spending several days with their aunt, Mrs. Walter Warner, at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller the week-end as the guests of tives in the metropolitan city. Mrs. Walter Warner and children of " Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay passed Sunday as guests in the home of their aon, Walter, and wife at Elgin. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. James Marshall, at Champaign. Miss Clara Miller is spending a few days as the guest of relatives and friends in the metropolitan city, Edward Bonslett of Chicago spent Sunday as a guest in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. James Burke of Chicago spent Sat urday and Sunday as a guest in the| home of his aunt, Miss Ellen Doherty. Miss Ella Feibranz of Belvidere irf spending several weeks as a guest in' the home of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Kam- , liolz. Df. D. G. Wells left Monday for a trip to Montreal, Can., where he will be the guest of his mother for a few ys. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lodtz and children of Crystal Lake passed Sonday as thg guests of MeHenry relatives^ Mr. and Mrs. Ray F. Cohway, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox and Mrs. P. J. Cleary motored to "Whiting, Ind., last % »Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and daughters spent the firat of the week as the guests of relatives at West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sullivan and little daughter of Chicago were Sonday guests in the hom« of Miss Elian Doherty. Mrs. B. Maynard of Crystal Lake spent the first of the week as a guest in the heme of her daughter, Mrs. P. M. Ensign. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller of Chicago passed the week-end as a guest in- the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .J. H. Miller. Mrs. Leui% Eucher of Chicago spent the first of the week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin were callers in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay, Monday. Miss Hazel Heimer spent several days last week as a guest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. John D.,Lodtz, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conley of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. Miss Cecelia Aylward 6f Chicago passed a few days last"week as a guest in the home of her aont, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy. Miss Mae Aylward of Solon Mills passed the first of the week as a guest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy. Dr. D. G. Wells left Monday m on a business trip to Montreal, where he will be the guest of mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and children of West Chicago passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moriarity of Chicago passed Sunday as guests in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and son, Robert, of Elgin were entertained in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and sons, George and Paul, passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt at Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Vaupel, Miss Mable Thurnau and David Neukom of Elgin motored here last Sunday and pased a few hours fishing on Fox riv er. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Warrington and daughters, Gladys and Doris; Mr. and Mrs. John Keg and daughter, Juanita, were Lake Geneva, Wis. visitors Sunday. G. J. Felilngham was called to De- Kalb Sunday morning on account of the death of a sister. Paul Zenk, * nearby neighbor, motored Mr. Fellingham there. Mesdames Geo. H. Johnson, James N. Sayler and Geo. F. Lindsay attended a meeting of the Nunda chapter, O. E. S., at Crystal Lake last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Maxwell and children, Miss Julia Weber and Albert Hagel of Evanston were week-end guests in the home of Nicholas Weber, east of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and daughter, Marcella of Chicago were - weekend guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dwyer of Chicago attended the Miller-Ibsh wedding here last Saturday and remained over for a Sunday visit in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. JFi H. Miller. Miss Ella Ibsh of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday at a guest in the home of her father, Adam Ibsh, she coming oat to be present at the wedding of her sister, Mayme. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rasmussen and daughter, Jean, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schrollo of Chicago, were Week-end guests in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ward. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Misses Minnie Conway and Charmayne Cleary of Elgin passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Adams, northwest of this city. Mrs. Raymond V. Powers and little son spent several days last week in the metropolitan city, where the latter received treatment for one of his eyes which had become infected. Mrs. Sarah Reece and grandson, John Carr, of West Chicago spent a few days the first of the week as guests in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Waiter J. Donavin and family. Mrs. Mary Powers spent Monday in Chicago, where she met her daughter, Ruth, who has been attending Nazareth academy at LaGrange and was on her way home for the summer vacation. Miss Irene Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hough, Dr. and Mrs. Wahman and sons, Dr. Robert and Pnvid Wahman, and Robert and Stewart CoDfcr of Chicago v ere Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Frank Nard. Mrs. Helena Heimer, son, Leo, and daughters, Mesdames F. J. Aicher and Geo. C. Steilen, motored to Chicago late last Thursday afternoon, where they spent the evening as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bickler. Mrs. Wm. J. Welch attended the graduation exercises of the Columbia College of Music as held in the gold room of the Congress hotel, Chicago, last Thursday evening. Her daughter, Miss Mildred, was one of the graduates. Mrs. Jos. Buss who has been spend ing some time in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Cole, at Lawler la., returned to McHenry last Thursday and is now making her home wjth her daughter, Mrs. Geo. J. Wegener who resides east of this city near Lily Lake. Sister .Mary St. Bride and Sister Mary Robertas, B. V. M., of Chicago ITHENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Iwtfsace for Farm and Residence -- "Property •-- Gaad Protection at Low Cast. Agents;; McHenry, Mletiael Fretxttff, phono 148- J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove and Richmond, Fred Meyers. passed a few days last week as guests of relatives in and around McHenry. The sisters are the daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton. They are sisters tct Michael A., Edward and William Sutton, who reside on farms oft the river road at Emerald Park. Mrs. Janes Powers visited her daughter, Helen, at the West Side hospital in Chicago Sunday. Miss Powers underwent an operation for appendicitis at that institution one day last week and her mother brings back the cheerful report that the patient is making a very satisfactory recovery and will soon be able to return to her home here. Miss Dora Kenney of Milwaukee, Wis., a former member of the McHenry Community High school faculty, passed the latter part of last week as the guest of Miss Anna Frisby and also called upon a number of her friends in and around McHenry. Since leaving this city Miss Kenney attended the Madison, Wis. university for two years and last season taught in Minnesota. • QUARTER OF A CENTUfT ITEMS CLIPPED FROM PLAINDEALERS OF 25 YEARS AGO North Side business men o# Crystal Lake have not^iven up hope of a new ornamental lighting system for that section of the city. An opportunity to purchase thirty of these lights at a bargain, has stirred solicitors for funds to make the purchase to greater activity and it now begins to look as if a sufficient amount will be sub scribed tu -.nsure thia added improve* ment. f "Five Minutes for a Morning Tubbipg" Impossible Without-- A IMHKY HEATER-- "Easy" -- when there's a Humphrey in your basement ready to send hot water on the instaat • • i Not an expensive " improvement" -- but it makes home a happier, healtier place; Ask us about sizes and prires. Western itnfted Gas and Electric Company C. K. COLLINS. District Hours, 2:80 to 8:00 p. m. 8. J. FOWLER, D. C. I, Palmer Graduate * CHIROPRACTOR W. McHenry, Mon., Wed, fW.' Phone 158 Woodstock, Toes., Thors., Sat. Phone 448* Foot Comf( for you here this week ^ If you suffer from exhausting foot pains--weakened,sagging arches, unsteady ankles, hot burning feet, corns, callouses, bu nions--this week is your chance for sure relief. Here at this store we are co-operating with the noted foot authority, Dr. Win. M. Scholl, to remove the cause of those foot troubles which afflict seven out of ten persons in town. teScholl's^ Tost Contort is an organized drive to end foot troubles. Get the benefit of it by letting us fit you with the Dr. Scholl Appliance or Remedy which your tortured feet demand. We have, ready to serve you, a Foot Comfort Expert specially trained in Dr. Scholl's method of foot correction. His services are absolutely free. Bring your foot troubles to •June 21st to the 28th A new roof is being placed on Ike McHenry Laundry building. Carl Mead is employed at the Riverside Hotel in the capacity of clerk. The McHenry Military Band played at the Mineral Springs Hotel opening day exercises Sunday. Newell Colby and Geo. Slimpin have Supt. W. A. Christy, chairman, Geo. F. Rushton, clerk, and Chas. S. Robb. met at Woodstock Wednesday. The grand opening day at Mineral Springs Hotel was held Sunday. Music was furnished by the Military Band of McHenry and Noonan's orchestra. Will Rosing of Volo has entered the employe of Walter C. Evanson and it-ill assist in the store hereafter. He takes the place of Harry Kennedy, who has gone to Elgin. Chas. P. Barnes, of Woodstock, and filed their entrance fees for entering Miss Clara Lucas, of Waukegan, were the Richmond road race, July 4. married at the Fourth Baptist church Ed. French, who has taught the parsonage on Madison street, Chicago. Griswold Lake school the past^year, Thursday last, the Rev. J.< K. Wheeler officiating. There were only a few immediate friends present. H. N. Allen'of Ringwood met with has been engaged to teach the Ostend school. Joseph Nickels of this place was given a surprise party in honor of hisja1i on gatur;l ev<?ni ^ seventy-.sixth birthday, which occurred . , • . . • June 18, Wm. F. Mead has go&e to Nunda, where he has secured a poMtion as electrician in the Nonda Electric Lighting plant. Children's Day exercises were held at the Oniversalist church Sunday evening. It was vender the direction of Miss Kate Howe. The usually large crowd that spends the warm summer season at Pistaqua Bay and alonj? the hank- of the Fox river is continually increasing. The board of review, composed of wiil cost him much time and suffering. While driving down town the seat tipped toward the side of, the wagon and in trying to make sure of the team he jumped to the ground, striking on his left foot in such a way that both bones were broken a few inches above the ankle. A two-story brick laboratory wiH be built by the American Terra Cotta and Ceramic company at their works n Terra Cotta. The company has >ecn experimenting in a small way, over, the manufacture of pottery ware, and the new laboratory is considered to be a step further along that l;ne. It is thought by the company that a pi Citable business may be developed in pottery production, and that the m?'iufacture rf this ware will give employment to their men during the dull sousens in the building f adc. The new offte or architect's building, which has been under construction, is nearly completed and is a substantial addition to the thriving terra cotta works.--Nunda Herald. THIllll TfiniWB Kent 6^*Greetj^9 luiin i urn KNOw Mrs. JS. Popp Phone 142 West McHenry GQLF PROFESSIONAL M'BENRY COUNTRf CLUB Golfing lessons, Golf clubs, balls and bags.> R e p a i r i n g o f ' c l u b s . Headquarters a t McHenry Country Club House. For appoiatment call phone 150. McHenry, r. Uliuois [H^ (JiassGs •1A D E TO ORDERJ&NLY / H/9V£ £/*></&* 70 ' Dr. 0. (Ipfomofrisf bnd Optician 3407 IM. PAULINA ST. COW.ROSCOE AND LINCOLN AVE. My spectacles^and eye glasses are cnown all over America. Thirty years rxperience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. Absolutely guaranteed, W4 Dr. C. KELLER, Optometrist and Optician Chicago \ddress McHfenry, 111. 8407 N. Paulina St. e Phone 157 PYvmp fj rn eel and 954ft.'» ; H KN you think of indcpendence and h* alth and a happy family with appetites that relish the goiid foods that you raise yourself you think of a farm. We'll sell you the right one. V JCent &Grecrp~ McHenrij NOW in a M. J. WALSH * WEST McHENRY. ILL. 1 Goodrich Silvertown Cord M ask for die Low Price on your size Silvertown Cord-- and remember it's a . Goodrich Product; • • Knox Motor Sales Stillings Garage ^EST IM THI LONG RUM" - you can swtm perfect-fitting Jantzen! 1 f suit that changed bathing to swimming VACATION days are coming! Keep fit and keep cool in a Janus#, tbe swimming suit that incites you to swim^ Get into a Jantzen and go for a swim. Claim the coolness you hanker for. You will enjoy absolute freedom of every movement in this wonderful suit You can swim more easily in a Jantzen because the original Jantzen-stitch of all-wool gives with every movement, then springs instantly back into place. The patent bow-trunk and non-rip crotch make for freedom and ease of movement in your swimming stroke. . June 26th to July 3rd is "Jantzen Week* the time to get your swimming suit for the Fourth. We will feature 1924 Jantzens then, in the approved new colors and styles. Let us show you the Jantzen exclusive features--the Jantzen-stitch, the rubber button, the non-rip crotch, the bow-trunk and the improved shoulder straps . We have a Jantzen for all the family. Start out on the Fourth with a Jantzen under your arm. m • I"'-' The Nation's Swimming Suit McGee's Clothing Store Mctiaory, Illinois

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