McHenry Public Library District Digital Archives

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1924, p. 4

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r--. / .*••• PERSONALS {V COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK . fl OUR BUSY VILLAGE AS SEEN BY PLAINDEALER REPORTERS AND HANDED IN BY *"//.' OUR FRIENDS % ; Miss Blanche Meyers was fi Chicago ..'Visitor today (Thursday). Ray Gilfoy of Chicago called on relatives in town last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss were Harrington visitors last Sunday. ' Dr. S. Fowler and mother of Woodstock called on friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron passed Sunday as the guests of friends at Marengo. «* Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Jackson of Hinsdale called on old friends in town last Friday. Mrs. Lou Schneider of Chicago was week end guest in the' home of Dr. *. /*,C. H. Fegers. " :; Miss Kathleen O'Reilly of Chicago passed the week end as the guest of ^v^jlfcHenry friends. .. ,' vj ' " O. G. Treadway of Chicago was a -^'iSuhday guest in the home of Mr. and >\„,Hlrs. C. W. Goodell. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay passed a *» few days last week as the guests of ':' relatives at Sterling, 111. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Meyer and son, Donald, spent Sunday with the- former's parents at Palatine. Edward P. Walsh and son, Robert, of Chicago are spending the week, as the guests of relatives here. "JERRY* MORRISON PLACE IS AGAIN RAIDED "Jerry" Morrison's place near Spring Grove was again raided by Acting Sheriff Don Hihbard and his deputies at about nine o'clock last Saturday night and as a result of the raid "Jerry" was taken over to the county seat and lodged in jail. She is charged with conducting a disorderly house and when brought before Judge Edward D. Shurtleff waived hearing. The court placed her bonds at $2,500, in the absence of which she was taken to jail to await the action of the grand jury. Mrs. Morrison claims that she is innocent of the charges, but evidence as found by the officers are said to be quite convincing. At the time of the arrival" of the Woodstock officers "Jerry" was the only woman in the place and it is believed that she had received a tip that a raid was to be made and thru this information the inmates had time to make their get-away. The officers remained at the place about two hours and during that time forty-one men and boys had cabled. Mrs. Morrison was taken into custody by Mfc- Henry county law officers on a similar charge about a year ago, at which time she appeared before Judge C. P. Annual Financial Statement Of the Township Treasurer for ptita lication of township 45, range 8, in McHenry County, Illinois, from July 1, 1923, to July 1, 1924: TOWNSHIP FUND i Receipts Cash*on hand July 1, 1923... .f 18.04 Bonds on hand July 1, 1823 . .3600.00 Total... ... f3,613.04 Expenditures Ca^sh on hand June 30, 1924. .$ 13.04 Bonds on hand Jttne Sq, 1924 . 3600.00 Total.... |3,613.04 DISTRIBUTIVE FUND Receipts • Income on township fund....$ 153.00 From county superintendents. 2566.08 Total $2,719.08 Expenditure* Incidental expenses of trostees * • •$ , 24.00 For pub. annual statement.. 22.60 Compensation of treasurer.. 150.00 Released to districts 2522.48 Expenditure*' • ^ Salary of teachers ........ .$1120.00 Teachers' pension fund 5.00 Textbooks and stationery 28.75 Salary of janitor ..... < 10.00 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 88.57 Repairs and replacement .'... 87.85 New equipment 31.96 Bal. on hand June 80, 1924., 1493.50 rrr::-."- Totals District N*. 89 Receipts Balance July 1, 1923.... Distribution of trustees . From district taxes .$2860.63 «|l234.45 . 50.13 . 1035.86 .$2320.44 #tal. .. .$2,719.08 DISTRICT FUND District No. 12 Receipts Barnes and after a few^days' stay in, Balance July 1, 1923^ jail she paid a fine and costs amounting to $300. At this time she is said to have agreed to leave the county and remain away. Looks very much as if she is up against it this time. • Distribution of trustees* .v;. F r o m d i s t r i c t t a x e s . . Other -township treiasarers. .$3852.54 . 522.44 . 2684.99 ; 204.00 Totals Expenditures board and business office ... .$ 7.00 Salary of teachers „. 715.00 Teachers' pension fund ...... 6.05 Textbooks and stationery .... " 2.90 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies .:«. »•• 6.60 Repairs and replacement ,»/. 365.13 Libraries ...;. 65.72 Bal. on hand Jane 30, 1924... 1153.04 Totals............. ..$7,263.97 Expenditures •School board and business office ..........$ 40.00 1750.00 256.40 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE OFFICIAL DIED JULY 27 Orrin J. Holbrook, assistant to the . . _ vice president of the Illinois Bell Salary of teachers ....._...._. Telephone company, died July 27 at j Textbooks and stationery..: v MTSS Winifred Riley of Chicago is his home, 525 Deming Place, Chicago, | Salary of janitor spending her two weeks' vacation at; as the result of a cerebral hemorrhage Fuel, ig t, power w the H. L. fitter home here. j suffered the previous day. The fu- Miss Ethel Harrington of Chicago neral services were held this (Thursis spending the week in th»- home of Mr. and Mrs. Edw. R. Sutton day) afternoon. Mr. Holbrook, who was in his seventieth year, was born fyi Arthur Bickler of Chicago spent the in Michigan and came to LaGrange, latter part of last and first of this 111., in 1891, entering the real estate week with McIIenry relatives. j business. In 1893 he assisted in the Mr. and . Mrs. Jay Graham and, establishment of a telephone exchange children of Long Lake spent last LaGrange and then entered the urday with McHenry friends. ! employ of the Chicago Telephone com- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago pany. For many years he was comwere week end guests of the latter's mercial superintendent and was active parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. in developing exchanges in the Chica- Mr. and Mrs. Armond Bethke and go suburban division, where he enson, Armond Henry, of Dundee spent joyed a wide acquaintance. He is Sunday with McHenry relatives. j credited with having promoted the Frank Schumacher of Chicago was; first rural telephone line in the United the guest of his mother in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bohr Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steffens and daughter, Elsie, of Chicago spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Caroline Schiessle. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sheehan of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers. Miss Rose Handle of Milwaukee, Wis., spent a few days last week as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. George Paul of Chicago are spending the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Potter and son, Donald, of Virgil, 111., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron last Friday. Chas. Block of Gilberts, Mr. and^ Mrs. Albert Block of Elgin spent Sun- j day as the guests of McHenry rela-1 tives. j Mrs. Elisabeth Brooksbank of Chi-! cago spent several days last week in» the home of Mr. and Mrs. George j Buss. | Miss Marjory Murray of Geneva, 111., is spending several weeks in the I home of her aunt, Miss Kate McLaughlin. ' Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Froehlich of Winnebago, Minn., are guests in the home of their son. Dr. A. I. Frpehlich, and family . .1. j Mrs. Louis Wrede and daughter, Mrs. Albert Gherman, of Chicago passed a few days this week at their cottage here*-: Sol Glassman and Les Neumeister of Mukwonago, Wis., spent a few days! last w£ek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Block and chili dren of Dundee are spending the week at Harmony cottage on Fox riyer south of this city. Sifter Mary Bernard and Sister Mary Augustine of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. Math. Freund, local implement dealer, made a business trip to Rockford Wednesday morning, going over- : land via automobile. ' Mrs. Jas. Patterson of Chicago and Miss Jessie Clark of Pomona, Kan., passed the week end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Burke. Wm. Marshall and sons, Earl and Billie, of Morton Grove were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and son, Robert, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. E. Rossow and granddaughter, Mrs. Kruger, and Mrs. Steger of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson. Mrs. James N. Sayler,. daughter, Mariam, and son, Eugene, left last Thursday for a visit with the former's mother, Mrs. E. S. Wheeler, at Oshkosh, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. John Goggin and son, Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray and son, Albert, of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Schaffer, Sunday. Mrs. Lucy Thomas and granddaughter, Miss Lucy Thomas, of Woodstock passed the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of the former's daughter, Mrs. F. H. Wattles. Mrs. A. Bancroft and son, Joe, and Miss E. Wendt of Chicago and Miss Jessie Vollman of Hersher, 111., spent their vacation with relatives at Rose Ittitsy*, Sonny Side beach. • supplies Libraries .'... 7*. Repairs and replacement ... Bal on hand June 30, 1924.. . 288.50 *73.10 ,. 6.45 812.96 4336.56 Totals. .f.$l,263.97 1__--1 District N®. 15 Receipts Balance July 1, 1923.. $ 5779.67 Distribution of trustees.... 1364.15 From district taxes 13942.76 Sale or rent of school prop 897.87 Other sources ............ 42.34 Totals ..$22,026.79 Expenditures School, hoard and business office !........v •••.••• ,.$ 203.4# Compulsory attendance . . • • * 25.00 Salary of teachers 7215.01 Teachers' pension fund ..... 20.00 Textbooks and stationery 406.63 Interest on anticipation warrants ^ -T® Salary of janitor*........ ...>1402.80 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 1654.67 Repairs and replacement .. 588.99 Bal. oh hand June 30, 1924.. 10518.38 Totals ...$22,026.78 District No. 17 Receipts Balance July 1, 1923 $ 353.10 From district taxes <. 448.71 States. This was at New Lenox, 111., in 1900. He is survived " by his widow, one son and one daughter. OSTEND Curtain materials at Erickson's. ' Bradley bathing suits at Smith's, The Hoppe family are entertaining friends from the big city. Let us figure on your new heating system and save money. J. J. Vycital. Roy Hobart attended a picnic with j Libraries" 71.06 friends at Wing parkin Elgin last New equipment'!.!!! 19-97 Sunday. Miss Ammie Francisco is slowly, but it is hoped surely, recovering from her recent illness. A. L. Francisco, wife and • children of Woodstock were Sunday evening callers on relatives here. Sunday last must have been, a holiday with many people. Every road was lined with automobiles. Haymaking is still the order of the day. Nearly every farmer has his barn filled, some have stacks outside. The cement road is completed from Woodstock to the top of Sherman's hill; two miles west of McHenry, but is not open for travel. This is route 20. WATCH FACTORY OFFICIALS PICNICED HERE SATURDAY Foremen and officals of the Elgin National Watch company held their annual picnic on Fox river near this city last Saturday. Following a banquet served at the McHenry House, the party adjourned to the summer home of C. M. Buel, located on the east shore of Fox river north of this city, where a program of sports made up a most enjoyable afternoon. A ball game, horse shoe pitching contest and various other outdoor games and amusements were enjoyed. C. M. Buel has been with the watch company for fnany years and is considered one of their most valued employes. McHENRY~YOUNG PEOPLE PICNIC AT WAUKEGAN ; - Total............... $2320.44 » Districts No. 40 and 41 ; Receipts Balance July 1, 1923....-.< ^$576.36 Distribution of trustees, • » 29.02 From district taaterf;^ • • •»„; 202.69 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies Repairs and replaremeptu. Libraries New equipment . Bal. on hand June 80, ^24.. ' 883.02 597.90 227.50 1,411.57! 58,749.61' Totals. $172,000.51 S. W. Brown. Treas. Subscribed and sworn to before m^ this 21st day of July, 1924. W. R. Giddings, Notary Public. * Don't forget to call on Wm. G. Schreiner, phone 93-R, when you get that new car, for insurance in the best of companies. McHenry, 111. ;fiEa&t Side Service and ' Transfer Station Herman Schaefer 9t Oft, Props. General Garage ' Moving Phone 49 :: McHENRY, ILL. Hours; 2:30 to 8:00 p. m. S. J. FOWLER, D. Palmer Graduate , CHIROPRACTOR r W. McHenry, Mon., Wed., • Fri Phone 158 Woodstock, Tues., Thurs., Sat. Phone 449 ICT US rouO WE KNOW HOW m.i Mrs. B. Popp Phone 162 West McIIenry / i - . r r - : Plaindealer ads bring results. Polly Prim tavern, chicken pr steafe dinners, $1.50. No cover Qharg**. Dancing free. iram township nuniAL rate . INSURANCE CO. Insnraace for Farm and Restteito Property 'Good Protection at Low Cost Agents • McHenry, Michael Freund, phone 1|$» J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. ft. Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove and Richmond, Fred Meyers. ^ <#748.07 5.00 9.85 " -Totals...'....... Expenditures : ' VTeachers' pension fund . .. . .$ Textbooks and stationery.... Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 110.84 Other township treasurers... . .348.44 Bal. on hand June 30, 1924. ... 274.44 Totals..., .$748.07 District No 156 Receipts Balance July 1, 1923 .$136,730.62 From district taxes 81,277.78 Reimbursements for voca-: . . tional education . 248.24 Transfers and non-high school pupils i~* 100.00 Exchange typewriters .... 150.00 Com. exercises 26.45 Bank deposits .......... 3467.4? Totals;...: $172,000.5 Expenditures School - board and business office .$ 270.76 Salary of teachers ......." 10,525.29 Teachers'pension fund.... 40.00 Textbooks and stationery.. 586.61 Interest on anticipation * warrants .01 Salary of janitor 1,000.00 Totals.... $801.81 Expenditures Salary of teachers ....... ^. .$ 199.00 Teachers' pension fund .. . . - 10.00 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 81.32 Repairs and replacement .... ,168.97 Other township treasurers .. 31.45 Balance on hand June 30, 1924 311.07 Totals. .$801.81 District No. 34 . Receipts <• School board and business office .....$ 10.75 Salary of teachers ....... 2835.00 Teachers' pension fund 10.10 Textbooks and stationery 103.97 Salary of janitor 264.33 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies . 253.90 Repairs and replacement . . 803.65 Libraries .................. 65.72 New equipment .-..... 259.09 Bal. on hand June 30,1924... 3955.50 Totals.... $8,062.01 Expenditures Balance July 1, 1923 $4146.75 Distribution of trustees ..... 882.60 From district taxes .. .V..... 8532.66 A jolly crowd of young people of this city journeyed to Waukegan last Sunday via the C. & N. S. motor bus and spent the day in that city. A picnic dinner was enjoyed at Foss park, while they attended a movie show in the afternoon. On their return to McHenry that evening a weenie roast was partaken of at the home of Miss Angela Petesch. Those who made the trip were: Misses Helen Welch, Pauline Pufahl, Catherine Walsh, Lillian Buss, Violet Vycital, Angela Petesch, Leone and Kathleen Givens, Clara Barbian, Pamela Rietesel and Agnes Sloey. George Moncur, Woodstock florist, who has conducted a flower shop in the Gracy building at Crystal Lake, has announced his intention of erecting a small greenhouse and salesroom in that city in the near future. The Rotary club of Harvard has started a movement which, if brought to a reality, will give that city a public play ground. Such a recreation center was recently opened at Woodstock and has already proven a great success. Attorney Williaqi Carroll of Woodstock, who last spring was defeated for the nomination of state's attorney, has purchased £he law library and practice of Atty. A. J. Mullen of Woodstock and will occupy the latter's offices, starting tomorrow, August 1 Atty. Mullen expects to depart for Los Angeles, Calif., the latter part of next month, where he will practice law and make his future Totals.. ....$8062.01 ^.District No. 35 Receipts i Balance July 1, 1923.... ... ...$469.77 Distribution of trustees... ;v.. 29.02 From district taxes 371.23 (jpasse:-, •;A D E TO ORDER^N LY i . j j z. « 1 h\ ( . ('pforTiofrisf hni 3407 N. PAULINA ST. COR.FLOSCOE AND LINCOLN AVTT . My spectacles and eye glasses are cnown all over America. Thirty years experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. Dr. C. KELLER, Optometrist and Optician Chicago Address McHenry, 111. 3407 N. Paulina St. Phone 167 Phone Graceland 9640. Canned The Oven Way Tomatoes, firm enough for salad! That*s just one of the nice things about oven canning--it's so SURE. But best of all--it's so clean, so cool, ana so easy. ^ It's GAS--under perfect control. The gas range with oven regulator is the biggest improvement that has come into the home kitchen in a generation. Have you investigated its advantages and reasonable cost? See them here. V^steHjUnlted (3 as tad ElectocCompaitf C. E. COLLINS, Distr.ct Mantwr Used Cars For Sale-Used Cars Everybody Drives a Used Car--and if you select yours from those advertised in this column, you know that you will get value received for your money. 1923 Lexington, :1 California Tof 1923 Mitchell Sport 1922 Buick Touring, like new 1923 OUIsmobile, California Top 1922 Jordan Touring 1921 Hupmobtle l ouring 1923 Cleveland Touring 1923 Haines Coupe 1921 FordTouring Variou- kinds and make? of cars. SPR I N(,S for -.til makes of tires in aH sizes. EVERY used car that we sdlisguxranieedtobi 100% value for your nu.ney. EASY terms on ajl cart, % days Free Service. EAST SIDE SERVICE & TRANSFER STATION PHONE 49 McHENRY, ILL. Value Behind Securities •fa Totals. . . .. .*870.02 Expenditures Other township treasurers... .$508.25 Balance on hand June 30,1924 361.77 Totals District No. 3$ Receipts ' Balance July 1, 1923 Distribution of trusees Proa district * $870.02 ..$573.94 .. 76.52 ,. 630.94 Totals. ...$1281.40 Expenditures ^ School board and business office . t » .$ 5.00 Salary of teachers ........... 600.00 Textbooks and stationery:. . .;. 14.80: t Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 58.24 Impairs and replacement...... 7.35 Balance on hand June 30, 1924 596.0X1 Totals .....$1281.40 District No. 3$ " Receipts Balance July 1, 1923....... i$128l.59 Distribution of trustees.. . ... 68.60 From district taxes 983.93 Other township treasure!*... 576.51 Totals ..*>.$2860.6$ The announcement that the Public Servico Company of Northern Hiinoim has been awarded the Charles A Coffin Medal for 1923, ia a tribute to the territory ixt whtch this Company operatea aa well aa to the service it render*. This award waa made to thia Company in competition with the eltfctric light and power companies of the United States "for distinguished contribution to the development a:' *l*ctr;c. Ii,"iht and power f->r the con vmience of the publie and the benefit of ih< industry". No. 6 m m series of statemental about thia Company's businesr A . THE value of the physical assets behind the securities of a Company is one of the first things the conservative investor inquires into. • . ^ The value of the property used and useful in the public utility functions of this Company was found to be $60,759,000 as of January 1, 1923, by the Illinois Commerce Commission in entering it& final order in the Company's rate proceedings. ^ The Company at that time had other properties such as its water power sites, coal properties and other assets valued by the Company at $8,088,255 which were not included in the Commission's valuation because they were not used in actual production of service. The Company's total properties, therefore, had at that time a combined value of $68,847,255 and this total has since been increased because the Company has added materially to its properties. It is interesting to note that totrf valuaf . ? ' tion above mentioned after allowing par for each bond outstanding and each share of preferred stock gave a property value of $131 for each share, par and no par, of common stock. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS GfQOQ square miles -- 202 cities and towns with Gat av Elactfiaty 4 G. E. McGOLLUM, District Manager * Crystal Lake, Illinois fife Preferred and Common Stocks of this Company art listed on The Chicago Stlcft

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