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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Jul 1924, p. 5

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^ 4- '**-., .;«' • ' • •" *; . • ^ * .* *« • *- ^2j^gj^gjaa^ita^2£SM^£^L5siSSIi^^Sifi^JSL*£^3LiJStai^£fiES3Si£iiSHiiB5S££ Old Customers Our Best Friends It is comparatively easy to get new customers but to hold customers for years and years means goo* Iwrnttara, Vrtendljrsenttoe, a*4. a policy of making good. . ' V ? *' i^lgin 70 Grove Rock ford 502 W. Aurora 21 lalnnd Dubuqu* 67C Ms in * Freeport E W. Maifstx~% Waterloo 500 LaPaytift' Belolt 617 Fourth Joliet 115 Jefferson , Janesville 20J Milwaukee Eau C'.alre M -sonic Bid* Oahkosh 11 Main St. Peoria 3!5 8. Adam* Decatur 432 N. Water' A. LEATH & CO. N?1 Soft N? 2--Medium N?3-MecL Hard N? 4---Hard M/aisd$// PENCIL COMBVNY PHILADELPHIA U.S.A, jm mSSB^SSt^SSSS^StSSSSi^SkStSsASSt&S*€ PfffPWf mmmwm mm "» . ' r >? " ffTii """lYiil I •-. -r^' u-, v.A'-.- - :.->.r LY- - ' ' . , .."Z" . /.c?. Smith The electric plant you've been looking for Tliis is the new, smaller Kohler Automatic Power and Light Plant--Model S. 800-watt capadtjW"- Fully automatic \ ( No storage batteries ** ilO-volt, D. C. An amazingly efficient, economical little plant, just as finely made as the larger units manufactured by Kohler Co., Kohler, Wis. It costs only $43 5, f. o. b. Sheboygan, Wisconsin, complete with 55-gallon gaso line storage tank and all fittings. Easy payments if you like. It is the lighting plant sensation of the year. Come in and let us tell you all about it* Exide Batteries, Battery Repairing, Specialists in Storage Batteries, Generator and Starter Troubles. All work guaranteed '; W. L. HOWELL & CO. PHONE 1«I-R McHENRY. ILI . mLw m t 25^N^w Buick Models at prices that make them thegreatest motor-car values ever offered ' Open Models V~ Standard Sixes t pi. RotUter I pn. Toariaf Master Sins •&> • - • Touring •» Touring - • . • Sport Roada|£ «' SUSS 117* aufis IMS 17SO ISM $ p»" . J-pasa 4-pftM Spaas Closed Mo dab Standard Sixes Double Service Bed-- $1475 ie«s isss 137S S-ptH. 7-paas. 5 pass. 2-pass. 4-pass. 7 past Town Sedan i. Coupe - - Double Service Coop* Master Sixes Sedan - Sedan Brougham Sedan Country Chib Coupe - Limousine - Cat • tins 1415 3350 30. 3 3125 3525 3925 Enclosed Open Models ijVith Heaters) Standard Sixes Master Sixes t^paaa. Roadster - * 91V9S 5 ^" Touring - • - f pall Touring • 1350 7-paaa. Touring • • . »140t : m \ All PWcw Jii». fc» B«rt Pirtirin, C'TWmrmt Twrf : OVERTON & COWEN McHENRYJILL. HARVARD, ILL. IWwa better --tnmnhilrf ite btffli, Bwicfc will build SLOCUM LAKE Try our service in groceries. %os. Ladies' silk hosiery, popular shades, at Erickson's. Al. Staples was a Sunday morning business caller at McHenry. Mrs. H. L Brooks spent Monday with her daughter at Bar ring ton. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Smith and children were Round Lake callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Barrington callers Saturday evening. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday morning- Harry Matthews was a business caller at Lake Zurich Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary were business callers at Wai^ponda Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren and ohn Blomgren spent last Wednesday t Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children and Joe Kirk were at McHenry Saturday night. .-vJ Dorothy Price of Elgin spent 'tfej week end at the home of Mr. an<f* Mrs. Earl Johnston.. Henry Schaffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry spent Tuesday evehing at' ihe Henry Geary home. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent the week end With • relatives at Oak Glen farm. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Watson of WaU" c-onda were Monday evening callers it the W. E. Cooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren and •John Blomgren were business callers at McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son,' Chesney7 visited at the Darwin Brown! home last Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and' Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Geary were Wednesday evening callers at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Jr., of Waukegan were supper guests of the former's parents Sunday. H. M. Hoelscher and Marion Burmister of Chicago spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler. Miss Mae Pfannenstill spent Sunday with the children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith on the L. A. Werden farm. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington were supper and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Stanley Schaffer of McHenry spent Thursday and Friday morning with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Page Smith and C)ara Smith accompanied Ruth Frances Smith to Edison Park Monday and spent the day there. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davit and daughter, Frances, were Sunday morning callers at the home of Mr. and Jttrs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson and family spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson at Wauconda. Mrs. John R. Knox and Mrs. Henry Schaffer of MoHenry spent Sunday afternoon with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Ruth Frances Smith returned to her home at Edison Park after spending several weeks with her grandmother, M rs. Clara Smith. Willard Darrell and Harry Matthews saw the ball game at" McHenry Sunday. The game was between McHenry and Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont township were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of the former's parents. The herd of thirty-nine cows Wnetl by Harry Matthews were recently tested for T. B. and all were found to be free from the disease. Willard Darrell attended a chicken dinner and county meeting of the highway commissioners at the Tonne hotel at Lake Zurick last Thursday. Mrs. Clara Smith and granddaughter, Frances, called * on Mrs. Louise Werden at the C. K. Werden home south of Wauconda last Tuesday. The members of the fire department of the Steel and Wire company of Waukegan enjoyed a picnic at Slocum lake last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children and Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday afternoon with the former's -parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dowell, •t Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Freeling and Mr. Lehman and lady friend of Chicago were Sunday afternoon guests at the G. J. Burnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston of Wauwautosa, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Arwin Herman of Sheboygan, Wis., .spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Martin Burman and three sons of fiatavia spent Sunday at the Blomgren home. About three weeks ago JMrs. Burman was struck by a train on her return home from Batavia and killed. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks of Park Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Fues and son, Raymond, and Miss Betty Brink of Woodstock were Sunday callers at jhe home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston were Miss Dor ©thy Price of Elgin, Miss Lamb of Gurnee and Messrs. Myron and Marion Hughes and Stanley Stone of Wauconda. Misses Myrtle Darrell and Gladys and Evelyn Gardner returned to the former's home Saturday evening after spending the past week with the former's sister, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. • Harry Matthews, Misses Myrtle Darrell, Gladys and Evelyn Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake drove to Jefferson Park last Friday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Spafford. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago spent last Tuesday at the G. J. Burngtt home. Mrs. Burnett returned home with them in the evening and spent the week vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, who is at the Lakeside hospital. JOHNSBUFtt ST. JOHN'S CHURCH The order of services at St. John's Catholic church on Sunday during the summer months are as follows: The low masses: 7:45 and 10:00 a. m. Five minute sermon during first and ten minute sermon during late mass. Benediction immediately after 10:00 o'clock mass. This order will prevail up until Labor Day. Visitors are welcome. Rev. Edw. Berthold of Virgil called on friends here Sunday ; N. Weber of Spring Qrove '"wa* a caller here Tuesday. Miss Margaret Schaefer returned Monday from her visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and family were callers here Sunday evening. " '^Mr. and Mrs. George P. Freund Were calling on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Miller visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michels Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes of near Round Lake were guests of relatives here Sunday. s r Rudolph Gluchmeier motored to Woodstock last Friday to attend to business matters. Louis Althoff and Joseph May of McHenry visited with Henry Hettermann Monday evening. Mi ss Rena Schaefer and friend of Chicago were out Monday to spend the day with relatives here. . * Math. Klein of Webster, Wis., was' visiting his brother, Joseph Klein, on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Schaefer and family were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen at Spring Grove Sunday. Mrs. John E. Freund and son of McHenry were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Adams, last week. Misses Mildred and Rosemary Schaefer were visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Jarak at McHenry Sunday afternoon. Miss Rena Schaefer and Walter Downs of Chicago spent a few days this week as the guests of Johnsburg relatives and friends. ~ Henry Hettermann met with quite an accident last week Friday by being kicked by a horse. He has since been unable to attend to his business. A quiet wedding took place at St. John's, church here at nine o'clock on Monday morning when a party of Chicago people were united in marriage by Rev. Wm. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Stilling and family attended a family picnic which was held at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stoffel near Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of this place were Sunday guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Smith, Jr., were on their way to visit her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund, near Lily Lake and while turning the corner on the cement road were struck by another car. Altho nobody was hurt, the car was damaged . somewhat. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grube and son, Walter, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes. They were accompanied home Sunday evening by Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer and Mrs. John Mertes, who passed Monday in the metropolitan city. While in Chicago they visited Mrs. Mertes' grandson, who is quite ill at the South Shore hospital. John Schreiner, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Catherine and Leo Michels, motored down to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pitzen's Sunday, where they took dinner, and in the afternoon went out to visit the lakes near by, Grass lake, Round lake, Long lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen and son, Frank, made the same trip. All Sunday the men were anxiously working on the paved road to Round Lake SOLON MILLS Market your eggs at Erickson's. Mrs. A. C. Merrill is very ill at this writing. cr Mrs. V. Aim is visiting friends at Evanston this week. Sheldon Johonnott spent a few days last week at the Dells of Wisconsin. Mrs. Geo. Yanke of Williams Bay is visiting relatievs and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester and family spent Sunday with Libertyville relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and daughter, Evelyn, were dinner callers in town Monday night. Mrs. Chet Noertker of Milwaukee is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ovejston drove down from Milwaukee and spent Sunday at the W. H. Gardenr home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vogel and grandson, Jack, drove to Aurora Tuesday and spent the day with relatives. Francis Richardson had the misfortune to break his arm in the same place that he broke it six weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dilly and Lois drove down from Harvard to see Mrs, Dilly's mother, Mrs. Johonnott, who is sick. Mrs. Clay Hardy and daughter, Emily, returned home Saturday evening from a trip around the great lakes and Niagara Falls. Supt. John E. Pufahl, .of the Borden plant, spent a few days last week near Waukesha, Wis., where officials of his company enjoyed their annual VOLO Children's % socks at Erickson's. Harry Fisher spent Sunday at Gage's lake. Mrs. G. A. Vasey is visiting friends in Michigan. Mrs. Emma Stadtfeld was a McHenry callers last week. Miss Matilda Sandm^ spent the week end with Esther Russell. Let us inspect your heating system before the rush. J. J. Vycital. Mrs. Howard Converse will entertain the Ladies' Aid Thursday, July SI. Frank Brown of St. Paul, Minn., visited at the S. J. Russell home last Monday. Mrs. D. V. Wait and Mr. and Mrs. Taggart visited friends here last Wednesday. Miss Evelyn Nish of LaGrange is spending her vacation at the home of Mrs. D. V. Wait. Mrs. C. C. Wright and daughter and Mrs. Cooper visited at the tatter's home last Friday. The ice cream social, givejri at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey, was well attended. Several people from here enjoyed a pleasant trip t<> beautiful Tower lake Sunday afternoon. Mayer Honorbilt shoes feel better, wear better and cost no gidre than others. Smith Bros. Miss Dorothy Dillon spent last Wednesday at the home of, Mrs. Kruger at Wauconda. Miss Corinne Blomgren of Slocum Lake visited at the home of Mrs. L. Lusk last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. *G. Huson' and daughter. Marion, spent a few days last week at L. A. Huson's. Mr. and Mrs. Taggart and daughter, Alva, left Monday for their home at St. Petersburg, Florida. Archie Foss and Miss Johns .of Wauconda attended the social at Vasey's one evening last week. M iss Orpha Russell returned to her school duties at DeKalb aftpr spending the week end at her home here. The "Jolly Dozen" club is making some very pretty garments, which they expect to exhibit at the Central States fair. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haas anil Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family attended the circus at McHenry last week. - IIINGWOOD ri M iss Susan Speaker was a Chicago passenger Monday. Mrs. J. C. Ladd is entertaining her niece, Miss Bonita Harrison, from Iowa. Mrs. Rilla Foss and two sons returned Sunday night from their trip to Vermont. M iss Esther Lusk of Volo is spending the week with Misses Mildred and Lorena Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Hopping from Alabama were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge Tuesday. Mrs. Nellie Hodge of Lake Geneva was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith. Mrs. Lewis McCannon of Greenwood and Mrs. Emery Carr of Chicago were Monday guests of Mrs. I. Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keth and daughter, Cora, and Wm. Kelley motored to Kilbourn, Wis., last week to visit the Dells of Wisconsin. They returned Sunday. Among the Sunday guests in the home of Ed. Peet were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peet and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. John Cortney and two daughters and Miss Minnie Singer, all of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and three children a\id Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn left Wednesday morning foir a two weeks' auto trip. They expect to visit several points in Iowa and Ne braska. A picnic was held in Chase's woods last week Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Dora Williamson of California, Mrs Anna Tweed of Portland, Ore., Mrs. Agnes Jencks and Mrs. Agnes Corbin. Over fifty schoolmates and friends of these ladies were in attendance and to say the least it was a jolly crowd. A picnic lunch was served at four o'clock and everyone went home happy. j A party for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith and two sons of Urbana was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs A. W. Smith Sunday. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flan*- ders, Mr. and Mrs. Edson Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith a^d family, J. D. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd, J. V. Buckland, Misses Taylor, Bigelow and Harrison, Mrs. Emma Bitown of Ringwood, B. T. Butler of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of Elgin. TERRA COTTA Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove visited relatives here recently. m Miss Grace Stewart of Cary was a recent caller in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox visited relatives in Elgin Saturday and Sunday. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago is spending the week at her home here. Misses Mabel and Marie Knox spent a few days last week with relatives at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer and daughter of McHenry visited relatives here Sunday. Paul Miller of Cleveland, O., is saAi^Bi&i q}t.«. s^aaM. mbj b ifuipuads and friends here and in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kuntsman spent Sunday at the home of the lat-' ter's parents, Mr» and Mrs. Geo. 'B. Frisby. ' Mrs. James P. Green and children of Woodstock are spending the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs; Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent a recent Sunday at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Anna Leisner. NortMrn Ite (redid Mr CHAPELL'S ICE CREAM i . • Brick, New York and Strawberry _ ; rillCY CHOCOLATES CKttS AND TOUCpl 3 SCHIESSLE «c WEBER Dr. Carl Strueh's HEALTH. RESORT S|McHENRY, ILLINOIS Complete system of Natural Treatments. Modernized Milk Cure and other rational diets. Sun Baths in the . Qpen, witb curative exercises. Bath Treatments, Rest ^re, ^c. Open air cottages. Real country life. Very homelike. Fine Beach. Golf and other out-door garnet. Accommodations for vacationists. Consultations at Chicago office by appointment. Write for free descriptive and illustrated Booklet "P'\ • TELEPHONE McHENRY 42 To Our Patrons Owing to the large number of week end pleasure seekers who must be accom dated on Saturday evenings, we suggest that you who have leisure attend our dances during the week. This will enable us to give you better service and you will more fully enjoy the superior music of the "Senators", our i«gular 8-piece orchestra h Channel Lake Pavilion -- (Incorporated) The new Channel Lake Pavilion is one of the blgyat pavilions in the state--Dance space MM square feet Save $15 During July SPECIAL EASY TERMS WHY BUY A HEATING SYSTEM NOWr m m jT IS BETTER FOR YOIT "You can get better service now than at any other time of the year. The terms are such that you will ' irdly miss the money. Install#*^ - r; n may be made with less troubla i ar you now than at any other sea- »n. As we have more time in w lich to make the installation now ou can reasonably expect just a ttle better service and more painsking work. IT IS BETTER FOR US There are certain seasons when demand is heavier than others, and t<» meet this, it is necessary lor us ^ i keep our organization intact. Ia f# der to keep it busy, and also to avoid being overwhelmed by the . rush season, we want to install aa. J many furnaces as possible during S the summer. That is why we £ive a special allowance of $15.00 in Jnly. Remember-- that Recirculated moist air is'moi*e comfortable at 68 degrees than dry heat at 75 degrees. --that you are more likely to catch colds in bouses heated by Radiation instead of Circulation. • "--that a Recirculated Heat System supplies greatest amount ot moist, fresh, sterilized, warm air, and, unlike other systems, does not cause dust to collect on walls and ruin decorations. r-that it will ventilate your rooms and make your home mora fiimfortable and healthy. --that it is recommended by physicians as well as heating and ventilating engineers. --that it requires much less fuel than any other type. --that it cannot freeze, that there is no pounding, rattling cop - hissing--no leaky valves: --that the tirst cost is less than that of any other type. ^ Let us do it now and save you $15 CALL -- fcVRITE h^HONE JOHN J. VYCITAL McHENRY, ILLINOIS TELEPHONE Dealer for Quality Products made by THE WILLIAMSON HEATER CINCINNATI, U. S. A. 5T &

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