" •;-•»< • , • < \>r ' "" ^-- s . ~ • * - F. <• THE ««HBNltT WfcAIWMALfclt, tt^«K!VK*, the things yotif. children eat and drinks AQ Bothers vatdi wit* care the rtlim their children nt and drink. Tet lomt have overlooked the value of food oocoa- As a dat If health drink lor the children. Me Monarch Cocoa mad* with milk. It Is amooth and rich and creamy- All ehlUlreo like It. And yon know they're yetting Inst what growing bodies need. Monarch is a tn» Dutch proceM coeoa. We think thor t- no liner cocoa paoketf. • Bat that s f m you to aar when jov h*ve tried <t Most all good groccro aeli lk Why not order some today? The recipe bslow will make a pint of • rich chooolate tyrnp. Two or three teaspoons of th« syr'j. in a glass of cold milk makosan all-the-year-'rounddrink the children will love. Delicious, nourishing and economical. S riuti<-c» Monarch Cocoa, 1 cup sugar, 1W cups boiling water. Hi teaspoon salt. Mix aogar, coon* and salt. Had boiling water alowly. Boil live minntea. Keep In cool place. ^ptfARc; V? Dutch Process set up Immediately and that the local Red Cross unit would meet prepared to do its duty. To quote General I'ershing again: "The fundamental Idea of our defensive plan is founded on the principle of the local organization. The system follows the chain of military responsibility until the commander of each company Is given his share in the task. His plan of action must take into consideration the neighborhood facilities for recruitments, assembly, shelter, equipment and training of his unit. He is in direct contact with his home people whose interest and spirit are Invoked in his aid.". General Pershing says further, "we have never before undertaken such a step in Instruction and In the last emergency we found ourselves in a very serious dllem- JML Now we are trying ge COCOA Qttaliiy for 70 years NOTH: If jron piefer American prorpRg cocoa,always ask for Farm Hous.v This choice cocoa is a true quality product, altho priced unusually low. UaeltMft beverage and for all cooking. BKID, MURDOCH * CO. S»taUM»d USI Chicago - Boaton - Pittsburgh - Hew Talk Grace Hotel ---- CHICAGO t * Jackson Blvd. nnd Claris 3t. Hooma with detached bath 31-Sfl and 12.00 per day: with private bath 13.00 and S3 W Oppmli* PM| I)IM -- Hear ill Tbulru and Stara*. Stock yarda cars direct to loor. A clean, comfortahlo, newly deoorated hotel. A a alo place for vour wife, mother r-r -»»•»» Yes, of Courte •'Oh, what a pretty child! Ia It a little boy ?" "You can see it ain't a big one, can't you?" Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS _25<t AND 75* PACKAGES EVERYWHERE PAXTINE IS FOR WOMEN who have feminine ills that need local treatment-- Douches of Paxtlne Antiseptic destroys disease germs, heals Inflammation, Ulceration and atopa the discharge. The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. recommended Paxtlne for years in their advertising. A pure whito powder to be dissolved In water as needed--one box makes gallons of strong antiseptic solution that gives positive satisfaction--60c at druggists or postpaid by mall. THE COMFORT POWDER COMPANY. BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. ' i 1 , HIN£S SVXJ. GEN: SfAZ&Y C. HALE BROUGHT HOME FROM MEXICO ON STRETCHER \•*3 ****-•g X0 - £%: But Mrs. Herman Is Now in Good Health, Thanks to T&nlac* • few years ago Mrs, K. It ff«rmnn, 215 Hitohings St.. San Antonio, Texas, "returned to the states from Monterey, Mexico," she says, "in such a low state of health that she had to be carried to her home on a stretcher." As time went oa and she still lingered In the throes of "Nerve exhaustion, stomach disorders and bodily weakness," she determined, "on the advice of her druggist," to try Tanlac, which she declares "brought back my health and strength after I had almost despaired of ever getting well." The results of Tanlac in the case of Mrs. Iferman, while indeed remark able, are by no means unusual for Tanlac, as many hand reds of people everywhere have testified to having taken the famous medicine with a# less wonderful results. "I returned from Mexico," said Mr*. Herman, "so thin and weak that 1 feared my life was going to be cot short. I could neither <?ai or sleep ia «\ natural way and It seemed at tlmw that heart palpitation and nerve exhaustion would take me away. "The makers of Tanlac will alway* have my heartfelt thanks, for it is \» Tanlac that I attribute my recovery and present good health. Tanlac tal like a blessing from heaven to me, that is the way I think about it." Tanlac is for sale by all good drag* gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 Million bottles sold. Tanlac Vegetable Pill* far LBHit'v pation, made and recommended by tjfcii manufacturers of TANLAC. A man'who is stitlslied with what he has.' usually delights chiefly In the pleasures of the Intellect. Cuticura Soap for the Complexion. Nothing better than Cuticura Soap daily and Ointment now and then as needed to make the complexion clear, scalp clean and hands soft and white. Add to this the fascinating, fragrant Cuticura Talcum, and you have the Cuticura Toilet Trio.--Advertisement Rattle of dry bones is* beard in the dice cup. WANTED: Local, County and District Distributors for 'Beautiful, Efficient, Long 1(ange SIX-TUBE RADIO SETS Portable, can be demonstrated anywhere, any place--splendid earnings assured -- no experience necessary, we tea<& you how and help yo«» V Write or wire for further particulate 1 Monarch Commercial Corporation Old Colony Building, Chicago • £ BtUHkHS IND2I3G ESTION Resemblance "Dick said 1 was like a girl on a magazine cover." "That's because he only sees you once a month." WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND SWAMP-ROOT For many yean druggiita have watched with much interest the remarkable record -maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Swamp-Root is a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and Madder do the work nature intended they should do. Swamp-Root has stood the test of year*. It is sold by *11 druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medi- «Sc has so many friends. Be* sure to get Swamp-Root and start treatment at once. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer A, Co., Bingharat*n, N. Y., for a •ample bottle. When writing, be sure and mention this paper.--Advertisement. * Faint heart ne'er won fair lady. It la the one that is predestined to get mitten. *59 4? saenuuic ASPIRIN Say "Bayer Aspirin ?f INSIST! Unless you sec the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you fe not getting the genuine ayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 24 years. A re- Accept only a t, 7^7 Bayer package which contains proven directions Bandy "Bayer0 boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100--Druggists Aspirin In tbe trade mirk of Beyer Mas«- 7 factor* oX BwwoiticirtiWm of SnUcyllcacM Beauty Of Hair and Skin Preserved By Cuticura Soap Co ChtBM Ointment to Heal By JAMES P. HORNADAY ASHINGTON.--Friday, September 12, will be "National Defense Test Day" throughout the land. The "defense test" will demonstrate and explain what preparations for national defense means In this country. It Is to be a daygiven to patriotic gatherings by citizens of every community during which everyone will learn his place and portion in the defense of his country should Us security be threatened. President Coolidge and the members of his cabinet hope it will turn out to be a day that marks a rebirth In patriotism throughout the land. The plans for the test are not secret, as the methods of organization and the success of the defense system require the co-operation of units nnd the voluntary action of Individuals. The "defense test" will be a demonstration of the country's military organization and plans and its dependence on the great body of citizen soldiers supported by the patriotism of every community. The test might well be called a demonstration in good citizenship, for that is what It will be. It is not the expectation or hope of the government that the test will arouse any military spirit. It is 'Intended that it shall be a snne patriotic 6howlng of what citizens of the land would do In case of an emergency. The test will not be followed by any call or demand for an enlargement of the military program of the United States. It Is not a test that is prompted by any menace from any quarter of the world. The United States was never on better terms with the whole world than It is at present. The bonds of friendship that It made during the World war have been cemented and there is not a threatening cloud in the sky. In June, 1920, congress laid the basis for national defense In case the country should ever again be called to go to war. The legislative act of that day provided: "The organized peace establishment, including the regular, army, the National Guard and the or-, ganized reserves, shall include all those divisions and other military organizations necessary to form the basis for a complete and Immediate mobilization for the national defense in the event of a national emergency declared by congress. The army shall at all times be organized so far as practicable into brigades, divisions and army corps, and whenever the President may deem It expedient, into armies. For purposes of administration, training and tactical control, the continental area of the United States shall be divided on a basis of military population into corps areas. Each corps area shall contain at least one dlvlson of the National Guard, the organized reserves, and such other troops as tbe President may direct." The act" further provided that It shall be the duty of the War department "to prepare plans for national defense and the use of the military forces for that purpose, both separately and In conjunction with the naval forces, and for the mobilization of manhood of the nation and Its material resources in an emergency. . . Under that legislation the United States is maintaining and will continue to maintain the smallest regular military force of any first-class government. The whole purpose of the new defense act was to put the responsibility for national defense in case of an emergency right back to the community and of course to the citizens In the, community. In past emergencies the government had no plans and relying on hastily created forces suffered from the extreme confusion Incident to sudden expansion. Immediately on the passage of the 1920 defense act the general staff set about devising a scheme to carry out the terms of that act. Defense test day will afford the people an opportunity to become familiar with the principles on which the new scheme for national defense is founded. '"The keynote of any military plan is organization," said General John J. Pershing, chief of staff, in approving the plans for this defense test day. "This test will be a tr.vout for our small regular forces and the National Guard, but more especially will It show the preliminary steps required for prompt utilization of our large reserve forces of patriotic citizens.** I In the World war after enormous expenditures and serious loss of time In construction and to transportation the government eventually concen- Bedrtnrm f ^^D/CitcKinf (3)Dinittf;R»emf !L-T> Hall? September 12 Demonstration I^EIW trated masses of untrained Individuals tn a fe* centers, distant from home ties and associations, where they were segregated and trained with the utmost difficulty. Profiting by these experiences the defense act of 1920 made provision for skeleton units partially trained in defense which can be concentrated locally when necessary. In an emergency thje change would necessarily have to be rapid, and, to be effective, must be without confusion and the smoothness of the transition would be dependent on the perfection of the plans and their comprehension by the public. In practically *BR/G. GEN: Mm A, J3HOM educate each Individual In a practical way so that when the time conies, If it should come, he will not efcpect someone to lead him by the hand and pointout what he should do or perhaps even do It for him. The idea Is to suggest to the officers their respective duties and undertake to indicate Just enough to enable them to visualize the problem for themselves. When we went into the World war everything was confusion; nobody appreciated the task and it Is little wonder that there was so much lost motion, so much backing and filling liefore we really got under way. With tljis In mind we hope to make n beginning now so that we may avoid the hopeless confusion of past efforts." The War department illustrates what n local officer would be expected to do on defense t'est day in this way: Captain Smith Is called out on defense day. He wonders what It is all about and what he has to do. We are going to tell him that it Is up to him to make a study of the problem. He will probably gonclude first, that he should locate some place tor his headquarters. Then he would plan for the enrollment of the men from the community, decide where they could be quartered, determine on local arrangements for every community In the country are now men and feeding them, and select a suitable drill ground. women who in case of a call to defend the counHe would probably call the lieutenants nnd nontry would have certain duties to perform. There is the National Guard, the Red Cross, the men wild have gone Into the Officers' Reserve corps, and the men who would take charge of the machinery that would be used in raising a voluntury army. Units of the regular establishment and the National Guard which have been fitted Into appropriate places constitute the government's first line of defense and would, in case of an emergency, be ready to take the field without delay. Their actual preparation would consist In recruiting them to full strength and In arming, equipping and completing the training of additional personnel needed for their purpose. The nhility and foresight of both regular and National Guard contingents to handle these questions will be observed during the proposed test. Behind this first line the government, under the new defense scheme, has a body of reserves which would constitute the bulk of the armies In case of an emergency. The units of this force have been allocated to sections of the country according to population and the character or occupations of the people In each community. Reserve officers have been assigned to local units ur groups of this skeleton force nnd the "defense test" will be a trial of their knowledge of the duties which would automatically devolve on them to recruit, shelter, equip, supply, trnin and otherwise care for their respective organizations. „ Tbe test will last one day. Perhaps the duty tfuit will devolve on every citizen who h&s agreed to lend a hand In case of a national emergency can best be described by saying that on September 12 the government will expect him to do precisely what he would do should he be notified on the morning of that day that the United States has been compelled to enter on a defensive war. The War department points out that the individuals In each community who have obligated themselves to do certain things in case of an emergency could not succeed in carrying out their plans without the help of the entire local community; nnd BO It comes about that the government expectsevery community to hold a patriotic celebration CO defense test day. To put it another way every Community will be expected to do Just what It would do In case an actual emergency existed."" This, of course, means many things. It means that where there Is the local National Guard itn will assemble, perhaps parade, select a camp site, take Immediate steps to recruit to full strength, etc. It means that the reserve officers would Immediately take steps to organize reserve companies; that machinery for handling men would be Do Any of Your Rooms Need Decorating? Enough KING WALL FINISH for a pom for Less Than a <DoQar Experienced decorators who know King Wall Finish always use it. If your decorator is not acquainted with this wonderful new matettal, tell him about it. If you do vour own work YOU can get wonderful results too. It's easy to prepare--bimply mix it with hot water. It's easy to apply--never laps* streaks or spots. Surprisingly beautitul results can be produced even by the inexperienced. Think of it, you can buy enough to decorate an average room for 1ess (Kan a dollar. Tty King Wall Finish on one room. A single test will prove it all we claim. Your money back if you don't 6hd it so. Write today for the name of the dealer nearest you and free toloc card showing 19 beautiful colors you can choose from. THE CHICAGO WHITE LEAD ft OIL CO. C hicago, ill. Wall Finish If things fall to come youf way go arvund and head them off. Don't disckle if 70a rat «v«r a whltoli whea ai advertised prthd is ciIM far. Majk year csrtaaw wiH at vw cm* back Sometimes a hnnk cashier saves up enough to pay his running expenses. American Journalism Ed'tor (to new reporter)--Are rev married, JenksV * . Jenks--No, sir. v ;• Kditor--Then hurry up and marry and give me about three columns by ten o'clock on how to manage a wife. California property in tichui* for |o*4 Bactern property. Southwest Union 8ML Corp., Baa Diego, Cal.--Adv. Without labor there were no eas% no rest, so much as conceivable.--* Carlyle. 5 Be sure of good bread: use \east Foam m commissioned officers together and discuss the organization of the company. So when an emergency really comes he will have thought it all out and have nn idea of how to solve the problems efficiently. Without such preliminary training, mobilization as contemplated under the law of 1920, cannot be a success. These lessons apply not only tp the captain of the company but to all personne\ ^he battalion commander must *also work out Ills problem anil determine his duties. He must plan for training and equipment of his four companies, nnd determine where he Is going to assemble them for their battalion instruction. And so on up to tlie regimental commander who proceeds In the same way and likewise the brigade nnd the division commanders. The proposition Is, then, to put John Smith and everybody else to work and have them think over their problems. The department has not reached final conclusions Itself as to how some of these question are going to bf solved, but it has made a start and believes the results will greatly aid later on. The "test," the department hopes, will have a most beneficial effect on national sentiment, through which It hopes to establish this system as a permanent policy. Says the department: "All of this then has for Its purpose the demonstration to the American people that It Is necessary to have some preliminary organization In order to avoid the danger of delay if war comes. We want the people to realize the expediency and the wisdom. In fact the necessity of having some sort of foresight in this matter. We expect them all to participate in this 'defense test' and In some suitable manner celebrate tlje day In commemoration of the victory of American arms nt St. Mlhiel." Maj. Gen. John L. Hines, deputy chief of staff, as CSeneral Pershing's Chief assistant. Is supervising the plans for the test. Maj. Gen. Hugh A. Drum, assistant chief of stafT. Is In charge of the training section of the general staff and Is In active charge of the plans. Brig. Gen. Harry C. Hale Is commander of the Sixth corps area of, the Second army, which Includes Illinois, Michigan nnd Wisconsin; his headquarters are In Chicago. The War department emphasizes the point that this September 12 event will not be a "general mobilization." The test will be only a demonstnir tlon of mobilization plans, John W. Weeks, secretary of war, points out. Another point emphasized hy*the War department is that this department, aswell as the government as a whole, is striving for peace, and thnt this test is in line with the desir# oi; the government to promote peace. WAS GREATEST OF ALL VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS • . m I Hrnd yonrnam<*LWE will mail TOU lice to WOBOl! frm.alOcbouieLwnii) V kn bkh. Wonderful lor Austin#, polishing pi anus 1 u roilorp •1 wwdwoik.' Liquid vitVKt. Co.. BoBalo. H. T, W. N. u., CHICAGO. NO. 35-1W The most spectacular volcanic eruption that ever occurred was the eruption of Krakatoa, In the Malay archipelago, in 1883. This was, undoubtedly, the most stupendous event of the kind that has occurred within the period of volcano observation. The great crater of Krakatoa rose to the surface of the sea in a series 3f peaks. One of these was the tsabove the water to a height of nearly 3,000 feet, says Harry A. Stewart in the American Magazine. On August 26, 1883, a succession of violent explosions began which lasted until the morning of August 28. Half of the island was blown into fragments. Where one of the peaks, 1,100 feet high, had stopd was a submarine cavity more than * thousand feet land of Krakatoa, which projected | deep. The mass of stones and dust thrown upon some of the adjacent Islands was so great as to bury their forests and largely augment their land area, l'he actual sounds of the explosions were so great that they were heard at Rodriguez, 3.000 miles awny. Never before or since have sound 'waves been heard at such very great distances. A Loa Angeles man who. hap been divorced nine times says that nine times out of ten marriage is a failure. Her Lucky Day Three-year-old Dolores Dilworth tumbled out of the second-story window of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dilworth's apartment In New York, amid the startled screams of women on the street^elow>But she flopped right ovCFln the nir and landed right side up in her own baby carriage. An ambulance clanged up and a doctor jumped out. He could not find s bruise. Then they took Dolores uj> stairs--her mother abut the -^ndoa . If your children do liot possess a keen appetite try home-made bread: they love 111 flavor and need its nourishments Send for free booklet "The Art of Baking Bread? Northwestern Yeast Cow 1730 N. Ashland Ave.,Chicago, HI, To have the feeling of gentility It Is not necessary to have been born gentle. There are men with whom you have to break the Ice every time you pretty good men. too. (LU PON! SPORTSMAN*- SERVICE 9 More hunting for fanner and sportsman! Don't fail to send for this free book, "Hunting Potted Property". It shows you how farmer and sportsman ci|| w get together to their mutual advantage. Sportsmen spend more time hunting for shooting poanil than they do hunting game. More property is being posted each year. This book will help yea find more and better shooting. Write for your copy today--it's free. E.I. DU PONT IMS NEMOURS & CO., Ia» Spmrting Powder DMaiam Wilmington, DeL . |v. ij P&OJPEB-IT Trank Winch