fj-rrr him* «Pa ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Crystal Lake's street paving Job fa *•». be started at once and with favorble weather conditions the contract- „ prs hope to have the work completed S|& 40T Dec. 1 of this year. Sg^v.' ' >;.:" v:.'¥ The Cook county fair opened at *-* * - . f" palatine on Tuesday tad will continue ~ ^ Juntil Sept. 1. The fair thist year Is < - * ;|#S»id to be the best yet held at Pala ^"fltine. One of the big features is a Jirery splendid night program, during hich Bachman's band, vaudeville lumbers and fireworks will provide 45;; , \ . Thirteen indictments were returned by the McHenry county grand jury in session at the Woodstock court house last Friday. Among the indictments returned were seven for beer runners recently arrested, two Woodstock soft drink proprietors an* «ne slot machine operator. Six baseball teams have been booked to p'ay at the Walworth county fair which is to b* at THkhorn on Sept. 1 to 6. On the opening day, Sept. 1, Del a van and Burlington will play; Sept. 2, Sharon vs. East Troy; Sept. 3, State Line vs. Janesville; Sept. 4, Monday's winners vs. Tuesday's winners; Sept. 5, Wednesday's winner vs. Thursday's winners. The skeleton of a man was unearthed by workmen near Ingleside last Friday. The grewsome find was made by John Kaskai, who was doing some excavating work for Ford ft Stowell, who conduct a grocery store on Rollins road, at what is known as Indian channel. Officials who were called to Ingleside ar0 of the opinion that the skeleton is that of an aged man, who has been buried from twenty to twenty-five years. %c- , -V/ Just a Few More Weeks • • TO GET TICKETS ON Sept. 9, 10, 11, 12 Pay cash for what you buy. Pay up your old accounts and receive these coupons. Each (me has a number, ' ea£| Mribier is good on §U tto£ecars. Winning numbers wiD be advertised in aO county papers •^•ip GET YOUR COUPONS FROM I^Henry County Farmers' Jpo-operative Association Jos. J. Miller Dr. S. J. Fowler Knox Motor Sales Co. m Main & Benton ' ' Sts. • WIEN'S ANNOUNCING A GREAT SALE -Vv3 WOODSTOCK, - ' ILL. ioo Charmingly Styled New Fall Dresses Meed Exceptionally Lcrw Soil an Introductory Offer Sim 14 to m Individual Come and bring a friend 2 Dresses for $27.5# fight at the time when, it is difficult for you to make a decision as*to What sort of dress to purchase for in-between summer wear, along comes this sale of sparkling new dresses at about saving in price. A fresh smartly styled dress is now possible Without a strain on the purse. Styles for Women, Misses, High School and College Girls |Ro matter what type you will need there are surely several in this group Ihat will appeal to you in an ifresistable manner. In all the leading •hades and navy and black. Materials Twills, Flannels Checks, Stripes Wool Serges Wool Fashrea Novelty Silks Bengalene Sport Wools lYinniih^i Embroidery Contrasting Novel Buttons Lace, Ribbon Piping Braid Beads les Mandarin Redingote Tunics Straight Line Pleated Panels Bishop Sleeves ^SferEtfect All New and Novel Effects, copies of much higher priced modes reproduced for $13.95 SEALED PROPOSALS Sealed proposals are desired from reputable makers of motor fire apparatus, in accordance with these specification* and with the advertisement, a cop< jf which is attached. Said proposals are to be opened at the city hall, McHenry, 111., on Sept. 15. Each bid shall be accompanied by complete and detailed specifications of the apparatus and equipment which it is proposed to furnish and to which the apparatus furnished under the contract most conform, as well as with the following specifications and requirements: It is the intent of these specifications to cover the furnishings and delivering to the City of McHenry, an automobile combination pumping engine and hose wagon complete, ready for use and folly equipped as hereinafter specified. With a view to obtaining the best results and most acceptable apparatus, these specifications cover only the general requirements as to construction and tests to whieh the apparatus must conform, and details as to finish and equipment and appliances to be furnished. Minor details of construction and materials, where not otherwise specified, are left to tiie discretion of the contractor, who shall be solely responsible for the design and construction of all features. , Each bidder shall make accurate statements in his specifications as to the weight, wheel base and principal dimensions, and of the make, kind and composition of material and type of construction of the following parts: Cylinders, pistons, connecting rods, valves, crank case, frame, crank and cam shafts, transmission shafts, drive and jack shafts, gears, bearings, axles, housing of transmission and of differential and jack shafts (or rear axles if direct drive), sprockets, chains, torsion and radius rods, springs, wheels, ladders, chemical or soda tanks and other major equipment. He shall specify the safe maximum speed for which the motor is designed and the gear reduction between motor and driving wheels for each position of the gear shift. The contractor shall defend any and all suits and assume all liability for any and all claims made against the city of McHenry or any of its officials or agents for the use of any patented process, device or article forming a part of the apparatus or any appliance furnished under the contract. In the event the apraratus fails to meet the test requirements on first trials, second trials may be made at the option of the contractor within thirty (30) days of the date of the first trials, such trials shall be final and conclusive and failure to comply with these requirements shall be cause for injection. Failure tojnake such changes as the board of lp!Henry may consider necessary to conform to any clause of the specifications within thirty (30) days after notice is given to the contractor to make such changes shall also be cause for the rejection of the apparatus. Permission to keep or store the apparatus in any building owned or occupied by the city of McHenry, or its use by the fire department during the above specified period with the permission of the contractor shall not constitute acceptance of the same. General Requirements - Carrying capacity, at least one thousand feet of 2% inch D. J. C. rubber lined hose, all equipment and eight men, without injury to the apparatus. Gasoline motor to bfe capable of propelling said apparatus at a speed of 30 miles per hour when carrying the load specified above without showing the loss of power or overheating. To be capable of running pumps at the rated capacity for the several pressures specified by the National Board of Fire Underwriters without showing loss of overheating. , Fire pump may be of the displacement, impeller rotary type or centrifugal and must be capable of delivering at least 350 gallons of water per minute against a net pump pressure of 120 pounds per square inch, onehalf of this quantity at 200 pounds net pressure and one-third of the same at 250 pounds net pressure, when drafting water with a lift not exceeding ten feet or taking water under pressure from a hydrant. Pumps must be provided with the following connections, arranged as outlined: Two 3Mi or 4% inch suction inlets with centers not more than four feet above the ground, removable strainer to be provided inside each inlet. Two 2% inch gated outlets, provided with one in£h hose line drain cock or valve. One churn or hand relief valve and automatic relief valves or pressure regulators controling pressure on lines from all outlets, necessary piping to be not less than two inches internal diameter. One or more pressure guageB on the discharge side, registering up to 300 pounds, to be provided with-5 onequarter inch standard pipe connections. A compound guage on the suction side of the pump registering at least 100 pounds and up to 30 inches vacuum. Drain, air relief and priming cocks. Safety catches to be provided to prevent accidental shifting of pump clutch or transmissions levers when not in use. Metal finish to be alumimim thruoat. 1. Complete standard fire equipment including one foamite extinguisher. Pumping test: The pumping test shall be made in accordance with the method of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, it shall consist of at foil capacity of *60 gal' Ions par minute, efe, as above specified. % The board reserves the right to refuse or accept any or all bids. P. W. Frett, Chief. R. F. Conway, City Clerk. _ Alford H. Pouse, Solicits State of Illinois,) McHenry County,)ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A.^p. 1924. • Joseph W. Freund vs. Unknown heirs or devisees of Char>- ity Overocker, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of' William T. Van Kirk, deceased, unknown owner or owners of the note secured by the mortgage recorded in Book 97 of Mortgages on page 553, McHenry County Records, and tie unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate, to-wit: Part of the west half of the Northeast quarter of Section Number twenty- nine (29), in Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the said west half of the Northeast quarter and running thence west along the section line seventy (70) rods to the Northeast corner of a piece of land affd Mrs. E. G. Peterson were Lake conveyed by Charles E. Jecks to Wil- Geneva visitors Sunday bur Bassett by deed dated February! Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ruch and children 29, A. D. 1908, and recorded in the I of Chicago passed the first of the week recorder's office of McHenry County, with McHenry relatives. Illinois, in Book 127 of Deeds on page Miss Mabel Durland of Chicago was 123; thence south along the east line - a week end guest in the home of Mr. of the piece of land so conveyed 91.43 j and Mrs. Robert Thompson. rods; thence east parallel with said; Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger and section line seventy (70) rods to the chi'dren passed a few days last week WEEKLYJKSONALS COWERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK ;il OUR BUSY Cllf 48 SEEN PY Pt A IN DEALER RK rORTEHfc AND HANDED !N BY OUR FRIENDS J. W. Smith transacted business in the metropolitan city .Monday.' Misses Clara and Esther Stoffel were Chicago visitors Monday. Miss Adele Heimer passed last Thursday in the metropolitan city. Ernst Barbian passed last week as the guest of relatives at Oak Park. Wm. Aebischer of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mrs. Kate Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mftta o£ Oak Park passed the week ead with relatives here. Miss Floribel and Lisle Bassett spent Sunday as the guests of friends in Woodstock. Nick Smith of Chicago was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich last Friday. Miss Mary Grasser spent the latter part of last and first of this week with relatives in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron and Mr. east line of said west half of the: Northeast quarter; thence north 91.43 rods to the place of beginning, contain-! with relatives at Powers Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loom is of Wood stock passed the week end in the home ing forty (40) acres of land, more or|0f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins. less, and situated, lying and being in Miss Rosemary Nye returned home the County of McHenry and State of last Friday everting from a several Illinois. In Chancery, Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the weeks' visit with relatives in Ohio. JUr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard .MM! daughter of Woodstock were Sunday above is the title of the Court and the , guests in the home of Mathias Weber. names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the twenty-second day of September, A. D. 1924. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 19thviay of August, A. D. 1924. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor . State of Illinois,) McHenry County )ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. D. 1924. Henry Schaefer, Complainant, vs. Unknown heirs or devisees of Thomas P. Whipple, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Herman N. Owen, deceased, Clara 6. Owen, Olive Owen Wright, Nellie C. Owen Waite alias Mary Cornelia Waite, Raymond H. Owen, Paul D. Brown, Clarence H. Brown, Dorothy Brown Mills and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate: Lots number Sevens (7) and Ten (10) in Block number Four (4) of the original plat of the Village (now city) of McHenry, on the west side of Fox river, according to the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book B, of Deeds on page 160, said block number Four (4) being located in and being, a part of the Southeast quarter of Section Number Twenty-six (26) in Township Number Forty five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8), east of the Third Principal Meridian, and situated, lying and being in the City of McHenry, in the County of McHenry, in tlje State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery, Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said ' defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois,- on Monday, the Twenty-second day of September, A. D. 1924. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office in Woodstock this 19th day of August, A. D. 1924. ll-3t Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. WOODSTOCK TO HAVE NEW POSTMASTER Woodstock will soon have a new postmaster, the terni of the present official having expired some time ago. There are three candidates for the office, Mrs. Lucy H. Renich, wife of Chas. F. Renich, publisher of the Woodstock Sentinel; Wm. R. Cairns and Albert E. Schroeder. Mrs. Renich has held a clerical position in the office during the past nineteen years and is therefore well qualified to discharge the duties should she receive the appointment. Mr. Cairns, an exservice man, is now employed as auditor and bookkeeper for the city of Woodstock, while Mr. Schroeder is also a postoffice employe. Those who follow activities of the politicians more closely than othiers declare that recommendations of one of the three candidates will be made by Congressman Frank R. Reid very shortly. The office pays $2,600 per year. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ^ Mi^s Vk>!a Say'.er of Woodstock; > pent the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. .Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conley of Chicago: v>as .• week end guest of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Barbian. Frank Schumacher of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with his mother in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr. Mrs. Emma McGinnes of Elgin spent the latter part of !ast and first of this week in -the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens Mrs. Wm. Gillespie and little daugher, Kathleen, of Chicago spent the first of the week with McHenry friends. Miss Margaret McDonald of Highland Park spent several days this and last week with friends in and around McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Garrity of Chicago were week end guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander and Miss Vinetta Freeman of Hebron were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompson. Miss Eva and Leo Stilling of Chicago were week end guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Stilling. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and children of Chicago spent the first of the week in the home of her father, Mathias Weber. j G. C. Loomis and son, Charles, of Beloit, Wis., spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. Jas. T. Perkins, and family Mr. and Mrs. Harold Engstrom of Moline, 111., spent the week end as guests in the home of Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. John McDermott and children of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs. McDermott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Smalley and daughter and Mrs. P. G. Engeln of Woodstock called on McHenry relatives and friends last Saturday. James B. Perry left last Thursday for Waterloo, la., where he expects to spent a few weeks in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Henry W. Grout. Miss Lizzie Walters and brothers, Joseph and Philip, and Michael Lambert of DesPlaines were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nye and daughters, Alice and Virginia, of Alvado, O., passed the latter part of last and first of this week as guests in the home of Dr. N. J. Nye. Mrs. Ray Smith and children of Libertyville passed last week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mr. Smith was here for a Sunday visit. Mrs. Al. Guthrie and children of Waukegan passed the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mr. Guthrie spent Sunday here. _ Miss Lenore Freund, who has been spending a part of her vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. W. Freund, left Sunday for Yorkville, where she has been re-engaged as one of the teachers in the school there. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zimmermann and two sons and the former's mother and sister and the, latter's family of Chicago called on*fri*ed* in McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Zimmermann grew up in this city and is a graduate of the McHenry high school and later took a course at Armour institute in Chicago. He«is now employed in the engineering department of the Chicago, Burlington ft Quincy railroad in Chicago. For ten years Notice is hereby given that I will prior to taking up work with the not be responsible for any bills con- j above company in Chicago, he was emtracted by anyone except myself. j ployed as an engineer by the city of Aug. 14, vm E. SCHOEL. J James Powers of Chicago spent £b* week end in McHenry. Irving Griffith of Ingleside passed Sunday with McHenry friends. Miss Genevieve Walsh of DaKalb. called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W- Fay passed Monday with their son, Walter, at Elgin, John I. Sutton of Chicago passed the week end with friends in He* Henry. -Rev. John is spending a few days as the goest of friends at Genoa, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Mirfc»*> Cronin ct Algonquin called on relatives and friends here Sunday. Miss Eleanor Larkin of Elgin spent the week end as the gtiest rf Henry friends. , Dr. S. J. Fowler and mother of Woodstock were gqasts of McHenry friends Sunday. Miss Lois Bacon spept several days this and last week as the guest of friends at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. N. f. Barbian fre spending a couple of weeks vacation at Marinette, Wis. Miss Ethel Gilfoy of Chicago sp«nt s Saturday evening as the goest of HcHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jordon and aon of Chicago spent the last of the week #ith relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James Gannon and children of Woodstock called on Me- Henry friends Sunday. Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox are spending a few days this week - with Chicago relatives and friends. ' Elmer Winklemann of Oak Park passed last week in t&e home of Mrs. Anna Knox on Center street. Mrs. Barbara Schiessle and daughter, Clara, .spent a few days the last >f the week with Chicago friends. Mrs. John Walsh and daughters, ularjory and Boraatbqe, of Fox Lake \ were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Mis. Daniel Gilfoy of Chicago spent the latter part of last and first of this week in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Behlke and lfttle daughter of Chicago spent the latter part of last week with McHenry elatives. Mrs. Fred Justen and daughter, Mae, and Miss Adeline Perkins spent ast Thursday and Friday in the metropolitan city. Wm. Mahcney and sons, Philip and Joseph, of Chicago spent a few days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty. Misses Rose McEvoy and Marie| Doherty of Chicago spent several "• days last week with the Misses B. Mary Doherty. Miss Agnee Lanos and brother, Walter, of Chicago spent last Thursday as guests in the J. J. Doherty home south of town. Misses Lillian Stoffel and Marion Eucker are spending the week with the former's brother, George, ami family at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shales and children of Woodstock were week end guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and children of Marengo were guests hi the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block, last Saturday. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Dec Moines, la., spent a few days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Phalin, south of this city. Sisters Frances and Sophia, Sisters of Mercy, of St. Patrick's academy, Chicago, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Waltyr Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Wagner and Mrs. "Rossi of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter last week Wednesday. Mrs. Stephen Heimer and daughter, Helen; Mrs. Williams and son, Roland, of Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler here Sunday on their way home from Delavan Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spieker and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and daughter of Burlington and Miss Rose Freund of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the home of their father, Michael Freund. Mr. and Mrs. John Keg and daughter, Juanita, and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Warrington and daughters, Gladys and Doris, attended the Ringling Bros.' and Barnum & Bailey circus at Grant park, Chicago, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fitschen and daughter, Georgia Ann, of Washburn, 111., have returned to their home after a pleasant week's visit in the home of Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher. They were accompanied home by the doctor's mother, who has been spending several weeks in the home of her son. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and children, Ed. Knox and daughters, Genevieve and Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Conway and daughter, Betty Jane, M. A. Conway, daughter, Eleanor, sod son, Leroy, and John Bolger were among those from McHenry who attended the K. of C. picnic at Elgin Sunday. William Anderson and sister, Haael, of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman over the week end. The former is known as the one armed marvel of the Lake View high school, Chicago. He is a star on the school's foot ball team, plays tennis, baseball and golf and bears the distinction of haying won a cup for the school on account of his swimming ability. Altho handicapped thru the loss of his right arm, very few young men are able to compete with hi-- in general athletics and out-door games and sports. He has already displayed his capabilities with f| a golf club at both the McHenry and ||h**l Hfll ^ '• :& \ i • "'s-3 V '< <"*4S ' '%/*j '$1 y 'SibrnZs**: ,§i