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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Sep 1924, p. 5

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i ~ ;,&ir ;. _ ^ wfar*. . ~- • '" : >y '• • " ' >i" V* '%. * kr 1 -Mfm- •Mr. and Mrs. John Kroll and daugh-j home in Chicago after a few days' tier, Virginia, have returned to their! visit in the Wm. Zenk home here. | jEast Side Service and ^ Transfer Station >t Herman Schaefer & Co., Props, . General Garsga^ Moving none 49 McHENRY, ILL. Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL - Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best-companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS ' For 100 per cent Insurance in Ull branches, call on or phone WM. G.' SCHREINER ^ , Phone Sk3-R. • Auctioneering McHENRY :: ILLINOIS iPhone ff ALFQRD H. POUSE , 4ttOiIK7-lt-U|f <v Went McHenry, HI. «nc« Fluff and Rag: Ruff* made to order nM*RoS. DR . PruOPnP WESI 'TH OmNcKh 1k6n2 ry M'HENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Cd, ^ Insurance for Farm an# Sicaidence Property v;i '-1. - '" ••'•Ofiod Protection at Low C«(N0 ";T f ' • Agents | McHenry, Michael Freund, phone 148- j J; Johnsburg, Ring wood. M. N. Schmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove lend Richmond, Fred Meyers. SLOCUM LAKE New lines of dress material at Erickson's. Dishes, dishes. Bargains in dishes at Vycital's. Mrs. Sam'Dickson visited Mrs. Joe Dowell last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary were Saturday evening callers at McHenry. * Dancing for young and old at the Fox pavilion Wednesday night, Sept. 10. Harold Blomgren was a business caller at"Crystal Lake Saturday morning. H. J. Schaffer of McHenry called at the Henry Geary home last Wednesday. Mildred Hoffman was a business caller Jxj Chicago last Thursday and Friday. ' * William Darrell, Walter and Roy Mrs. G. J. Burnett, motored to Michigan last Thursday and will spend a week at the home of a sister. , , Mr. and Mrs. Burmister and daughters, Marion and Frances, Mr. Mid Mrs. Ed. Hoelscher and daughter, Alvina, were week end and Labor day guests at the latter's home here. Mrs. Emmet Geary of Fremont township called at the Henry Geary hbme Friday and was accompanied by Mrs. Henry Geary, who spent the day with Mrs. Harry Geary at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dowell and children attended the Lake county fair Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and John Blomgren motored tfo Williams Bay Sunday, where Winkler were Crystal Lake callers they joined with about twenty friends Medium N?3-Med COMBVNTY -Philadelphia 4 The Quicker, Easier Way OAVE the time and trouble of dictating a letter--avoid waiting three or foiir 0days for a reply to come through the mails. rTHE problem of Turn to your telephone 1 the Illinois Bell. j % « Telephone Company and settle the matter quickly and satisfactorily by direct conversation over the Bell long distance lines. to-day is the one of growth. To take care of demands for new service we must build new plant constantly and this requires new capital in large amounts. To obtain such capital requires assurance of satisfM* tory return. Whenever possible use the station-to-station service and take advantage of the lower rates* ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System • Universal Service Sunday G. J. Burnett and Glen Kirk were dinner guests at ;Wi Henry Geary home Monday. .V'-'.v Mrs. Alice Baseley of Wauconda visited her daughter, Mrs. Jtie Dowell, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Henry Geary were Saturday afternoon callers at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Algonquin spent the week end with the former's home folks., •• Roy Winkler of Chicago visited home folks from Saturday afternoon until Tuesday morning. Mrs. Clara Smith is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. D. Williams, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. J. N. Zimmer of McHenry spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G.eary. Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington spent Friday and Saturday with her mother, Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr_ and Mrs. B. C. Harris and family of Wauconda were Sunday guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Miss Myrtle Darrell was the guest1 week of Miss Leila Baseley at Wauconda Sunday evening and Monday. Walter Winkler and Roy Winkler of J Britz. Chicago were Sunday morning callers! Henry at the Darrell-Matthews home. Al. Staples returned to the Burnett home Wednesday after spending a few days with relatives at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Windle'of Evanston arrived at the G. J. Burnett home Friday and will remain for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and children were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. who also motored there from Rockfor<*- r .All enjoyed a picnic dinner at the T*. M. C. A. camp. JOHNSBURG ST. JOHN'S CHURCH The order of services at St, John's Catholic church on Sunday during the summer months are as follows: The low masses: 7:45 and ;0:00 a. m. Five minute sermon during' first and ten minute sermon during late mass. Benediction immediately after 10:00 o'clock mass. This order will prevail up until Labor Day. Visitors are welcome. $. Plaindealer ads bring remits. New- dinner sets just received. J. Vycital. Attractive merchandise at right prices. Erickson's. Peter Stadtfeld of Volo called on friends here last wedfe Wm. Tonyan and Mr. Rtish from Pistakee Bay motored to Chicago Mon day. Leonard Frett of Aurora was visiting friends and relatives here last Max Behnke of Chicago is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. Emma H. L. Brooks and Chesney were j (jay evening. Hettermann motored with Wm. H. Althoff to Aurora last week Thursday. We buy groceries in small lots often and sell many, result, fresh groceries. Smith Bros. Gerald McCormick, noted Irish tenor, at the K. C. dance next Wednesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. A idler of McHenry were callers here last Thursw l&(2fiF©£? (S&Ks So sajelifand satis&ctoribt have BUICK Rur-Whed 'Brakes perforated up&i thousands of Buick cars that not even so much as a co#' ter pin was changed in building the 1025 Buick brake equipment r-SA-MP OVERTON & CO WEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. When better automobiles are built, Buick build thesfc among those from this vicinity who attended the Lake county fair Sunday. Arthur Wackerow and William Darrell attended . the evening entertainment at the Lake county fair Labor day. • Miss Corinne Blomgren and Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and sons Hubert and Leo, motored to Woodstock Monday evening. Miss Dora Schaefer came, up from Elgin last week Friday to spend a feW days with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Driemiller of mond Lusk of Volo attended the Lake I Chicago were guestts of Mr. and Mrs. county fair Sunday evening and Labor j Wm. Oeffling over Labor Day. ^a«-. ®ev- ^ m- Weber and his house- Willard Darrell unloaded a car load keeper, Katherine Riever, were Milof bran at Round Lake one day re cently for the Lake county Farm Bureau. Darwin Brown and daughter, Orissa, of Fremont township spent Mr. and waukee, Wis., visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner and family of Volo spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonyan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettermann Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E., motored to Wheatland and Burlington, Brooks. Wis., Sunday and visited with rela- Mrs. Sophia Lundquist and daugh-, tives. ter, Frances, of Kenosha were weekj Miss Margaret Huemann of Chicago end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. j js spending a couple of weeks with her Brooks. ^ j parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Hue- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell welcomed mann.-- - - bright baby girl, Stella Helen, intoi Joseph Miller and George Oeffling VOLO The Volo school opened Sept. 2. If you dont trade here we both lose. Smith Bros. John Dowe called at Bacon's Tuesday morning. Frank Vincent visited Fred Dunnill Sunday night. Get your tablets and pencils at Erickson's store. Miss Vera Vasey attended thi Libertyville fair Monday. Miss Edith Converse spent a few days at the Case home. -• '• ' Mrs. Fred Sterbenz visited at the Nicholls home Friday. Miss Esther Russell called on Mrs. Smith Tuesday morning. Bert Vasey's family callei ' oh Grandma Vasey Sunday. Mrs. Kate Townsend is visiting at the Grace Kirwan home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker visited at Algonquin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Duesing entertained company Labor day. : Mr. and Mrs. D. Waite attended the Lake county fair last week ' Jennie Cossman started work- £t Ringwood Tuesday morning. Mrs. John Wagner and jwm callers at the Krapf home. , ' Frank Meyer of McHenry called at T. Bacon's Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Haas spent the week end at Libertyvilie. The Roseville school opened Sept. 2 with M. E. Smith instructor. s K. of C. dapce at the Fox pavilion Jlext Wednesday night, Sept. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Bound Lake callers Sunday morning.! Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington at-! tended the Lake county fair last week. Mrs. Herman Bohne spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Rose Dun-j nill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Knipfel of Elgin' called ./at the Geo. Dowell home Mon-: day. A Chicago party was _ taken by a cop near the Roseville school Sunday^ noon. , j Mrs. M. E. Smith and Miss Edith Converse were Tuesday morning callers at Bacon's. Miss Corinne Blomgren and Ray- i mond Lusk attended the Lake county fair at Libertyville. Now is the time* to do your fall painting. Use Patton's sun proof p&int. J. J. Vycital. Mrs. Maude Lawson and son of Chicago are guests of Mrs. LawsOn's sister, Mrs. Levi Waite. Ben Walkington, L. Lusk, Howard Converse and Frank Hironimus went to the Elkhorn fair Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell were week end guests'of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowell. Mrs. H: Pass field and Mrs. G. A. Vasey attended the funeral of Alfred Nicholls at McHenry Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradley, Mrs. H. Bradley and Mrs. Fred Monohan were pleasant callers at the W. Converse home Tuesday. Misses Georgia, Helen and Letah Vasey have returned from a few I weeks' visit with their grandmother at Yorkville, 111. ' Miss Zelma Russell leaves Tuesday! morning for Wesley Memorial hospital in Chicago, where she will take up a course in nursing. Mrs. John Engeln and daughter, Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. George Smith and Mrs. Kline of McHenry called at the Hironimus home Friday. The following members of the^irls RINGWOOD In wet weather it surely pays to buy^ Honorbilt shoes at Smith's. Mrs. Mary Green of McHenry was visiting friends in town last week. Knights of Columbus dance at the Fox pavilion next Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet and family were Sunday guests of the Frank Peet family at Richmond. Miss Gertrude Van Den Burg of Morrison, 111., was the guest of Miss Mary Smith last week. Mrs. Priest and two daughters of Waupon, Wis., were calling on friends in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon spent Sunday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ray Bartholf, and family at Richmond. Mrs. John Lay and three daughters and Miss Regina Miller of Spring Grove were Sunday visitors in the h >me of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Mrs. Brefeld, Who had the misfortune to break her limb about ten days ago, is resting more comfortably at present. Mrs. Lewili Hall is assisting to care for her. \ " , The school teachers in this "community are all journeying to Crystal Lake every day this week to attend teachr ers' institute. They all report interesting meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munshaw of San Claire, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bown and two daughters and Richard Law- « son of Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon last week. •-^ The Home Circle will meet wMl £!f Mrs. J. W Cristy on Wednesday, Sept. 10. All are invited. If you have no .. way to get out there, please notify the president and aNray will bepnt*.' vided. . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin and three daughters returned to their home at Hutsonville, 111., last week after having spent a couple of weeks with Mrs. Newlin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens. Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Collins, after having spent a couple of weeks-iB this vicinity, left Monday for Madison, Wis., to attend the wedding of their son, Allen, on Wednesday. Rev. Collins occupied the pulpit here Sunday morning giving a splendid sermon, which was thoroly enjoyed by a£L \ CARD OF THANKS . We wish in this public manner* to express our thanks to the kind neigh-, bors and friends who donated flowers and tendered the use of cars at the i funeral of our beloved one. ! , • Mrs. Eva Nicholls. ..V'/'T' 'Either,^Sisters and Brother*. Phone liS2 The Best Service Always Phone 126-W. BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker Weak McHenry, Illinois Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHZNRY, ILLINOIS their home last Thursday morning, | went to Chicago Saturday and Sunday won premiums at the Lake coun- Aug. 28. | toQjj a trip from Chicago to Mil- Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of waukee. Crystal Lake were Thursday evening and Friday guests of relatives at Oak Glen farm. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forrest, of Fremont township were Sunday evening callers at the Henry Geary home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson and childx-en of Wauconda were Sunday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and family visited with his mother and brothers, Jacob and Henry Schaefer. last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zotn and family of Chicago were out over Laobr day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels. Mr. and Mrs. John Elbert and daughter, Helen, of Elgin called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff and family -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and Mr.< Sunday afternoon and Mrs. Jack Geary were Sunday! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoglund and dinner guests at the home of Mr. and ( children of Chicago spent Sunday and Mrs. H. E. Maiman. I Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Brooks, accompanied by Mrs. Jos. H. Huemann. Mrs. Sophia Lundquist and daughter, Mrs. Mary Nuel of Chicago wa^cMiiian. Frances, were Crystal Lake and Mc- visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Henry callers Sunday. Michels and Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen Chester Decker of Waukegan spent here a few days last week . Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and accompanied them to the Lake county fair Sunday. Mrs. Blomgren and daughter, Marjorie, and Mr. Kay of Elgin and Mae Pfannenstill spent Sunday and Labor day at the Lake county fair. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick and Mr. and Mrs. Mellick and Al. Irwin of Chicago motored to the G. J. Burnett home and spent. L.abor day there. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Mr and Mrs. Joe Guzzarde returned to thei& home in Chicago Monday evening after spending a couple of days with the latter's parents here. Wm. Klapperich and Hubert Freund of McHenry and Martip Weber and Frank Klapperich from here took a, trip to Iowa last week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen, Arthur Rauen and Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove and their son, Arnold, of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Walter, of Chicago, accompanied by j Mrs. John H. Freund Sunday. Mrs, G. J. Burnett, called on Mrs. Lyle George Oeffling and Joe Miller mo- Litwiler at Round Lake last Thursday. | tored to Chicago Friday evening and Joe Kirk accompanied Glen Kirk, j from there they went by boat to ifilwho spent the past week at the home! waukee to attend the Wisconsin state of his cousin, Robt. Kirk, to Aurora Sunday, where he will visit relatives. Mildred Hoffman, Mrs. Elvera Dar* rell and Mrs. Fannie Carr were Sunday supper and evening guests of Airs. Albert Stubbings aud Mrs. Ida* Darrell at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Johnston visited their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston, at Wauwautosa, Wis., last week and attended the Milwaukee fair on Friday. Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, and Mrs. Fannie Carr motored to Crystal Lake Thursday and spent the day with Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews. Mrs. Harry Matthews, Myrtle Darrell and Mrs. Fannie Carr were Tuesday afternoon guests at the Wm. Fink home east of Wauconda. Mrs. Carr remained for a week's visit. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago, accompanied by fair, returning home Sunday night. Charles Karls was in Chicago >^on Monday and while riding in a track with another man was hit by a street car. He received a few scratches on his face and had one leg hurt a little, but he expects to be _ able to work again in a few days. _L_ Radio fans in this vicinity listening in^on Thursday to the noonday farm program broadcasted from the Sears- Roebuck agricultural station, WLS, were pleasantly surprised to hear the announcer say: "The following number is dedicated to Jacob H. Adams, route' 3, McHenry, HI." { Henry Althoff of Elgin and his niece, Miss Barbara Althoff, motored to Kenosha, Wis., last week Wednesday and on Thursday to Milwaukee. They took the beautiful lake shore drive and were accompanied to Milty fair: Kathryn, Angeline and Ruth Henkel, Lisle M. Huson, Florence Benwell, Hazel Dillon, Vera and Helen Vasey, Beatrice Wilson, Esther Lusk, Corinne Blomgren and Rachel Smith. TEltKA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan were callers in Elgin Monday. Miss Florence Knox was a Chicago visitor Thursday of last week. John J. Hefferon of Chicago called on relatives here Monday afternoon. Have Vycital install your furnace now and be comfortable next winter. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove spent the week end with relatives here. Frank Spraud of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Frank Mrs. Nels Person of (Chicago spent the week end at the home of her mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox and daughters of McHenry called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Getzelman of Elgin called at the home of Henry McMillan Sunday. Miss Eleanor McMillan went to Elgin Monday, where she will attend the Ellis Business college. ^ Misses I£va and Neva McMillan attended the Labor day celebration at Carpentersville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited at the former's home here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green and children of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Etta Haible and son and Mrs. Winifred Tobin of Elgin called on Mrs. Henry McMillan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Arline, of Elgin spent the week end at the home of Henry McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flanagan and daughter, Mary Helen, were guests in the home of B. J. Shine several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. ET'Knox, son, Thomas, and daughters, Anna and Dorothy, of Ch\cago visited at the home of M. Knox Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bertram and daughter, Agnes, and Miss Luecht of Crystal Lake called at the. home of Henry McMillan Sunday. j Martin Foley and daughters andj Miss Campbell returned to their home waukee by Miss Helen Althoff andj in Cleveland last Thursday after a two Mrs. Louis Althoff of Kenosha. weeks' visit with relatives here. j Kankakee Inter-StateFair WORLD'S GREATEST OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT SEPTEMBER 8, 9, 10, 11, I2t 1924 Complete Livestock and Agricultural Exposition REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS Paved Roads In All Directions -- TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 -- ILLINOIS HARD ROAD DAY LEN SMALL, Secretary KANKAKEE, ILL. EMPIRE THEATRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS ONE NIGHT ONLY MONDAY, SEPT. 8th R.OV P. LEWIS Presents \ /^ARK TWAINS GREATEST STORY [STAGE PRODUCTION) HVCK1IBERRY FINN <-A UIUPIOUJ MUSIfii fAIKKMDVl . NW/YORlCCASrofPUYERS . COMPLETE SCENIC PRODUCM "tom SAS/>^P "°TA WCTUftE* Prices 50c and 75c ADVANCE SALE AT THEATRE, PHONE 109-J ONLY THE GULBRANSEN REGISTERS "TOUCH" A piano, played by music-rolland- pedals, that positively registers personal "touch!" Which means--a piano all folks can play as skillfully, wiih all the expression and feeling possible to the best hand-playing! ' This is the latest and most amazing development in the art of piano-making--a new-day musical instrument indeed--the Gulbransen Registering Piano. Registering your "touch." Thii is Uwfctaiog about'the Gulbransen that has so stirred the imagination of the music-hungry public--that has awakened, too, :the interest of many capable pianists in the artistic possibilities of the Registering Piano.' 2 Years to Pay- Mail This Name Addreai; Four Models--Nationally Priced $45t - $53t $41$ - *7M Nye's Music and Jewelry Store PHONE 123-J WEST McHENRY. ILL. Qui bransen THE REGISTERING PIANO •M % , „ ;

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