i*Sf H' ,^: . ~ " ~r" ~ •*£ -j. : r- 1 -tT- * V'Sr'.v .'"^' mKC.- n •-. V:- =V-iU«ei Mfi fHE McHENTW PtAINDEALER, MCHENRT, ILl! •MM. Quality compare the price would Always buy AMERICAN process \k»z: ** ..v* WW* PROCESS COCOA Grocers: iruits, tie sold only by Regul own store*. We never tell to chain RE1D, MURDOCH & CO. Manu/acturers Established 1853 CHICAGO BOSTON NEW YORK PITTSBURGH COULDNT RAISE HAND HE WAS SO HELPLESS it Tanlac Relieved Him of His Troubles, Declares John Coakley, 10 has done for me sing Its praise the longest day • I live," is the grateful statement of Jiihn Coakley, 518 Spies Ave., Menom- -taee, Mich., a resident of this place for 50 years. , "When I began taking Tanlac I was helpless from rheumatism. I couldn't raise either hand and had to have help to put on my clothes and get up • when down. I couldn't eat or sleep and my wife and children were downhearted thinking my time was about "My wife wrote a Mrs. Miller in Milwaukee about my condition andj the reply came back: "Give him Tan-t lac.' So I began taking Tanlac and after my fifth bottle I was able to get back to my work. And in seven months my weight increased from 128 to 165 lbs. and my troubles were in the'past. I am feeling fine now and I want the world to know that Tanlac is what did it. Anyone wishing to verify this statement. Just call on or write John Coakley, 518 Spies Ave., Menominee, Mich." Tanlac is for sale by all good druggists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Furs to Be Raee Tanlac Vegetable Pills for constipation ; made and recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac. Should Attract Fishermen x /vThe Nile lias a greater variety of flj|h than any other river in the world. An expedition sent by the British Museum brought back 9,000 specimens. French Women U*e Plowa Because of the many smalt farm* in France, hamlplows that may be operated by women as wfett as men are sold there. It is going to be, in the language of the modistes, a "fur season/' Perhaps the tradition that a 'white" wluter will follow a "green" one, such as last winter, has stimulated interest In fur garments, says a fashion writer in the New York Times. In any event, furs are going to be all the rage, and the woman who wishes io secure the choicest things will wisely -give the subject careful attention early. A fur coat has come to be a more important article in the wardrobe of the well-dressed woman than before because the social order of things has materially changed. It used to be usual to .have one fur coat--the piece de resistance-- or to have at most one for daytime and another for evening wear. The time-honored sealskin tyr general occasions and an ermine wrap for evening fully equipped the old-time-woman of fashion as to fur garments. SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and7 prescribed by physicians 24 years Coldf' Pain ** Headachei; - Neuralgia £Toothachftrf ^Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottle* of 24 and 100--Druggists. Splits la the trad* atrk of Btyar IbiidKtaN of UomeitkMldwtcr of SaUerUeaeM No Doubta Then Bob--What Id the best way to find out what a woman thinks of you? Rob--Marry her.--Stray Stories. Rather "Here's a woman shoo^g a man for spurting her love." "Taking leap year too seriously." w Children Ciy for "Castoria Especially Prepared for Infants and Children of All Ages Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has been in use for ove- 80 years' as a pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups. Contains no narcotics. Proven directions are on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend It. The kind yon have always bought bears signature of A knowledge of birthstones never helps a girl to aycqulre a solitaire. One brand of seasickness is the recult of a trip on the sea of matrimony. FOR ITCHING SKIN RUIN For Rheumatism, Insect Stings, Sore Throaty Frost Bites, Piles and Burns A. Pain-Relieving Healing Oil >3- At Drug Stores at by Parcel Pott, 35^" M. R. ZAEGEL & CO. €30 Eighths*^ Shebaref, Wis. Says He Laid Down Law to His Bride Floyd Dell, popular novelist tlis cussing marital problems in Hearst' International, claims he had the temerity to address the following re marks to his bride the day after the wedding: "If you think this is one of th«»se modern, advanced, civilized, artistic, sociological experiments, you are nils taken, young woman! Tills Is a regit lar old-fashioned Imnest-to-Ood mar riage. And If one of us finds the offer falling In love with some one else, she had better not pretend to he relined and unselfish and polite about 't-- she had better trust to her Instincts and ruise b--I, Some things are worth quarreling over and happiness Is one of them. And because we want to * very, very happy, we shall pmbubly have maay, many quarrels." . . Joke on Admiral When the hew swimming pool at the Naval academy was opened. Admiral Henry B. Wilson issued orders that women were not to be permitted to swim In it. The officers' wives and their friends were to use the old pool But the word was passed about--and r reached the ears of. t'.te admiral-- That a certain young woman had been in the pool, not once, ••ut frequently And the admiral stM-ted an invest iga tlon. It was quickly called off when he found the "young woman" In the pool Was none other than Violet Itay-- a means used to cleanse the water Laconicisin has always been ad mired In military men. Statesmen, too, need not be afraid of It. Wmmt tprt orttrtmJi Ask your decorator about King Wall Finish. He will tell you what an unusual material it is for decorating--how easy it is to prepare by simply mixing with hot water--how simple it I* to apply--how even the inexperienced home decorator can paint a room without showing lap*, (creaks or (pot*. If you do your own decorating, please remember that King Wall Finith is very-economical. You can buy enough to decorate an average size room for leaa than a dollar. Write today tor the name of dealer nearest you and free color chart showing 19 beautiful colora to choose from. THE CHICAGO WHITE LEAD « OH. CO. Chicago, EH. rate this modern way-- SMake any room in the house look like new for less than a dollar with KING WALL FINISH Wall Finish bon't Forget Cutlcura Talcum When adding to your toilet requisites.;: An exquisite face, skin, baby and dtist-r ;ng powder and perfume, rendering nther perfumes superfluous. You mav l, rely on it because one of the CutleuraS T-'.o (Soap, Ointment and Talcum), Joe each everywhere.--Advertisement, Kolinsky, Old-Time Favorita, ©a Coat of Beige English Material. They were for warmth, principally, and were adequate for ihe days of carriages and a gentler schmee of living. Motors and long flights, however, at stiff pace have made demand for a variety of protecting wraps. More and more fur is used for utility, beauty and luxury. The lady of affluence these days desires to change her fur wrap almost as she changes her gown. It Is qnlte a common experience for a saleswoman In one of the smart shops to sell four or five costly fur coats to a customer at one time. This season's furs are more attractive, more uniisual than have ever been shown, with many novelties in both the expensive and the inexpensive kind?. Cloth Materials Are Used. Sealskin in all Its varieties Is still to be worn, but It Is no longer smart as an entire garment. Some of the dressy coats and wraps sent from the Paris ateliers nre made of satin, crepe and cloth with sealskin introduced as a part of the skirt, in sleeves, deep collar, or In any one of several attractive ways, making a wrap of exceptional dignity and elegance. Mink Is another staple among the handsomer furs. It Is especially good this season, and some of the new mink coats. wraps an,d capes are superb--quite as popular with young women as with the dowager. Perhaps the smartest among the dark furs is caracul, la the natural color and light dyes this had a tremendous vogue last season, particularly in the chic little jacquette which will be worn again this year. It Is shown In many lovely novelty styles for younger women. In the misses and junior models. Baby <amb, broadtail and caracul, especially the fine, silky, "baby" quality are all fashionable, with the preference for caracul. For a slender figure nothing gives an appearance of such smartness as a cont of black caracul, cut In one of the new straight loose-fitting models--a wrap that becomes a woman of the well-groomed tailored type Beaver is another old-timer that Is being made a feature of this year's styles. It was always considered a clumsy fur. rather difficult of treatment, bui that was according to the tightly fitted Idea of dress. The modern style of "slovenly elegance" makes practical the handling of heavier kinds of fur. Beaver Is most attractive in Its softness, and the creamy tint In its color is universally becoming. The variants of well-known furs, the revival of old favorites and Ihe introduction of a larger variety of novelty' furs ore all Interesting--especially the new fancy furs. The fash- Ions In furs of the past two seasons have brought out an astonishing display of skins belonging to ever)' sort of animal, wild and tame. No little i beast has been thought tro humble to furnish covering or trimmings, and i some of the most common have been llSed for the most swagger garments. The latest styles this year show even more of them; some most amusing and some having no claim to attention other than their novelty or their bizarre effect. The babies of the animal kingdom are the greatest favorites of the furrier. Baby leopard, which was so fashionable last year, and has lately been seen In collars 'and cuffs and as trimming on some of the sport" coats, Is one of the most popular among the new models. In the finer grades it Is shown for street wear and for motoring, a«tl 1* wry pretty In the short Jackets suitable for young girls. As a trimming on the coats of rough material and on many others baby leopard Is exceedingly effective. Mountain sable is another new fur that is taking very well. It Is a short, soft skin, a lovely shade of brown In this distinctly brown season. All the shades of Ivrown seen in the furs emphasize. Ihe vogue begun last spring when that color became «.» fashionable. In gowns, millinery and most of ali in footwear. A combination of brown and black Is the very last word In smartness Fur Trimming Is Popular* The fashionable coat that Is-eat made of fur this season Is trimmed with fur, and the newest ideas In these are most engaging. The foxes are very good, especially in the natural color and In the short-haired variety, dyed in some shade of nrown. Noth« . ing has quite dis|>laced fox for trimming coats of heavy fabrics--the English material, rodler, ami the tweedst. It Is delicious to the touch, luscious and flattering, and Is sh"wn In lure** collars, cuffs and hwnria iir of tli« latest French models of coats and street gowns. Familiar furs bearing unfamiliar, names are shown In great variety. Fisher-fitch Is one in which, the beau* tlful creams and rich browns are blended In a subtle and most becoming manner. It makes the most adorable collars and bands for trimming the dressier type of wrap. Motion Pictures Used to Save Texas Game Jttmion pictures as educational mc* rors are mare and more recognized. New evidence of appreciation of Iheif possibilities, says the Argonaut, it given by the game commission of Texas. Popularity of automobiles nas increased the numbers of hunters and fishermen until only an awakening o^ state pride can save the deer, wild turkey, trmtf and black bass from extermination. Two ardent sportsmt n who are his® cameramen were sent 10.000 m'le® through the big state In the last year to collect material for a picture ie* picting wild animal life, ami now tlurt copies of the film have beeh shown over the state, there has been started a persistent agitation for the presei va4 tlon of Texas game life. Qther states are becoming Interest* ed, and the two sportsmen-cameramen will" make a similar picture for the state of Arkansas. -«» Important to All Women Readers of This Paper Swamp-Root a Fine Medicine Thousands upon thousands of women Lave kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to he nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy condition they m.iv cause the other organs to become diseased. You may sutler pain in the back, headache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritable and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome such conditions. Mary send for a sample bottle to see what Swnmp-Root. the great kidney, liver *nd bladder medicine will do for them. By enclosing ten cints to ^Dr. Kilmer ft Do., Fiinghamton. N. Y., you may receive lampl? size bottle by parcel post. You an purchase medium and large size bottles it all drug stores,--Advertisement. Tarkiah Divorce Custom in Turkey li|£ Hinder almost any trivial cause sufficient ground for n man to divorce his wife. It has made the Turk man the owner of the po«ver to divorce. He may rid himself of his wife by merely saying before two witnesses, "I divorfe you." Then, If he wlsh<«, be may marry her apiln for a second time, divorce her by the same simple process, marry her a third time and divorce her. But before he marries her u fourth time she must hive been married, if only for one da v. to some other man and then divorced, if a busbniMl chooses, he may Indulge in a cubic divorce process by saying before two witnesses. "I divorce you with three divorces."--Beatrice llill Ogllvie, in Current History Magazine. Mrs. Grace Atiiick. the only police woman In Spokane, Wash., led the oniire force In target practice, scoring 4? points put of a possible SO. One of the world's mission spans. measuring 4,317 feet, swing,*.'across Cheat river in West Virginia. £oats Are Three-Quarter Length The latest styles In fur coats are cot.three-quarters length, very straight and tunle-like--a comfortable, loose fit, with sleeves straight and rather wide, or. In the lighter weight furs. Quite full. ' Some of the handsomest models have collars; some both collsr and deep cuffs of a contrasting fur, though some of the most stylish coats are all of the one kind of fur. Now, as heretofore, ermine is the most popular fur for evening and is shown among the new styles in the most sumptuous wraps--garments fit for an empress and costing a king's ransom. Imitations of ermine have lost some of their popularity, some women preferring to use some other fur than white for evening wear. Baby lamb lined with white satin, mink lined with metal brocade, and the new "peach" squirrel lined with»pink and sliver tissue make some of the most attractive wraps for elaborate dress. Among the coats for general wear are stunning things In the new cloths. The rough type of material and the browns, tans, copper and shades of red are among the most prpular. The Prince of Wales topcoat is the swagger novelty of the hour, for which there Is a craze among the younger set. It Is a regulation coat of rough English material in brownish urn with largp cuffs and pockets. The most popular model is shown with a wide enveloping collar of natural fox. Most popular among the novelties Is a street or sports coat of heavy, light-weight cheviot In which are woven wide bands of contrasting colors about the bottom --dark green, blue, copper, orange or Indian red, on a ground of natural tint. Navy Blue and Canary Color Colors may come and colors may go, but navy blue remains firmly in^ trenched In the hearts of womankind perhaps .because It Is so universalis becoming. Most attractive are tht new street frocks of dark blue that have a touch of canary color, either In the scarf of perhaps as a color and tiny waistcoat. This combination of blue and yellow Is wonderfully attractive. flat Sizes Are Larger; Crowns High and Square . What women wear oa their heads baa quite as much to do with their •mart appearance as have the wraps and frocks In which they clothe themselves, says the Cleveland Plain Dealer. This season there is a ray of hope for the woman with unbobbed hair-- hut sizes are a trifle larger, although many of the very prettiest shapes still aeem designed for the girl with shorn locks. Crowns are high and square, due to the Influence of the dlrectolre, while brims are narrow, although the picture hut with its wide brim Is favored for dress occasions. Among the new hats is one of tortoise- shell brown velvet with a facing Sf banana-colored faille. The crown Is encircled with gold metal and brown moire ribbons, while an ornament Is of gold metallic feathers. This Is a pleasing model for the high school girl. An interesting shape which the college girl would like. Is of blatk felt. It has a dlrectolre crown and !• trimmed with grosgrain ribbon. A IM wlUdi Will prove becoming to madame has a brim of felt, while tha crown is of folded satin ribbon. As an ornament a lacquered peacock, made of feathers, is used. The smart dlrectolre shape will go well with an ensemble costume. Black hatter's plush fashions It. th« large cabochon being of black and cameo pink satin ribbons. A charming dress hat is of Venetian fuchsia velvet, a new fall color and is trimmed with uncurled ostricll which shades from a blue purpl* ts American heauty. ' The New Lingerie My and weekly lingerie more beautiful and the counters ar« heaped with rainbow colored silks and handkerchief linens In a bewildering confusion. White silk lingerie that IS trimmed with very fine black chanrll* ly lace is smart, particularly when th« lace is put on In the form of deep yokes on costume slips and night* gowaa. 0 Send for free booklet *The Art of Baking Bread" \eastFoam Good bread makets everywhere prefer it Northwestern ^east Co. i 1730 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago Love's blindness Is not incurable Otherwise there would be no breacli-ofproinlse suits. "Woman has no sense of humor, of course; except that every mas knows several who have. You can be sure there's longer wear in shoes soled with USKIDE NOW you can be certain of getting shoes that wpll wear longer. Be sure they are soled with USKIDE--the wonder sole for wear. Then just try to wear them out! USKIDE fights wear. Will wear twice as long as best leather, often longer* And it is comfortable, healthful, waterproof and anti-slipping. USKIDE soles are being used by many shoe manufacturers who want to give their customers the most for their money by putting longer wear into their shoes* USKIDE is saving money for hard walkers and workers everywhere. Have your shoe repairman put USKIDE soles on those shoes that get the hardest knocks* USKIDE will stand the gaff* •' Qenuine USKIDE has the name USKIDE on the sole* Look for it* United States Rubber Company ..-•v. < >. ,Afor a Better Heel lu H alk&tt A fit companion for USKIDB is the "U. S." Spring-Step HeeU Made of the new Spravcdi.; Rubber--the purest, toughest and most uniform rubber tveif . known. Get onto a pair at **U. S." Spring-Step Rubbeff Heels right away I SemJ this Ceupvm for Free Fill out this coupon tad mail to ths United States Rubber Co . Dept )C» 179© Broadway, NewYoffc City and get m fern oof>y of Ate •only uteg bookht-HowtoOs YottStioi Bill? USKIDE Soles