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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Oct 1924, p. 7

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X• , .S'-- WW?'IP It ' ,• 1:V "j "; Vi; %* H*,\ V*y;-T; •4Si! . ».%-4 •Wf % T'Vvip „.;' ; •* ^C'" Vv.T^:':r •• *-*. _ -^xAMa*-'. •. "jf '»JW 'is, ^i$i*»* •*» **lh 4w*» . > . • * . * ' t . 1 •> H»"* ^ - •'• v,'"' .;.^i ssr ••v For 100 per cent Insurance in all branches, call on or phone ¥ j; WM. G. SCHREINER Pfcone 93-R. Auctioneering dcHENRY :s * :: ILLINOIS Phone 21 -* '.'AsT^ j£W ALFORD H. POUSE Ailoi*ey-at-LaWp^,p *f" West McHenry, HL East Side Service and 4 « Transfer Station ^ Herman Schaefer 4k Co., Props. ~ General Garage Moving ~ Phone 49 McHENRY, ILL. ffltone 182 The Best Service Always BERNHARD POPP Expert Shoemaker Telephone No. 108-R. SIMON STOFFEL ,-... -Insurance agent for all classes of .property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS West McHenry, :: Illinois Phone 126-W. Reasonable Rates A. B. SCHAEFEll > ' c- Draying l"Vr" ' ^ fccHZNRY, ILLINOIS rm «n&u H'HENRY TOWNSHIP MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. FIRE Insurance for Farm and Property Residence s. 'v^. •; Fluff and Rag Rag* made to order nMlRwS' "R• «P 1f"lIPTP I'HONE 162 WEST McHENRY Cta^Prqtection at Lw-Gpt:/: M^^,*Mfehael Fi^nd,^!^ 1*$ J; Johnsburg, Ringwood. M. N. Sehmitt, phone 623-R-l; Spring Grove and Richmond, Fre<! Meyers. " SS •s&po? OBPf asmucn is not [ust as good Over one third of all the tobacco chewers in the United States chew BEECH-NUT Chewing Tobacco. That* • the reason why there are Over250Million Packages Sold in a Single Year His moat of the best for 10c. KWWBh^)" To CHICAGO From McHenry-- Gra ys Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line train* faking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop. ^ Lv. McHenry 7:35 aaxu, 11:35 a.m., 2:35 pjn^ 7x00 p.m. fcv. Graya Lake 8:18 a.m., 12:18 p.m., 3:18 p.m<, . 7:43 Arr.Waukegan 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m., &25 p.m, Arr.Chicago 10:22 ajn., 2:17 pan., 5117 pun., I(sl7 pun* Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee HR.Go> McHenry House TICKET Northwestern Hotel McHenry IS t OFFICES I McHenry 54-R Buick curtains open and dose with the doors on all tourings roadster models They are snug fitting and keep out wind and rain ~ Any child can operate them. j ffadsUrcmfirt/ MMM MSA® d* A X OVERTON & COWEN McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL. When better automobiles ire fwfit, Bukk wttlwfld SOLON MILLS Get the famous "Black jCjifV hosiery from Erickson's store, Dwight Oaborn was a Easiness caller in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Reno has returned home after a three weeks' illness in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith of Ingleside were calling on friends in these parts Sunday. Miss Maude Spaulding of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott. Mrs. Alms entertained two cars of Chicago relatives over the week end. All enjoyed themselves hugely. George Wirfs and family, also Mrs. Wirfs* father, Mr. Klein, of McHenry were Sunday visitors in these parts. Mrs. George Yunke and little son of Williams Bay visited a couple of days last week in the Ruben Turner home. Mark Pierce and family and Emily Pierce have gone on an auto trip to Michigan, IjTew York state and Canada. # Basket socials artnow in order. • Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner sell your baskets. Office phone 93-R, McHenry, 111. Mrs. Arthur Merrell was called to Hebron Friday to care for he** brother, Paul Trow, who had the misfortune to break his limb. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johonnott drove out from Chicago Saturday, returning Monday, after visiting in the home of the former's mother. Wm. Stevens and the Gusi Ehrke family visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Elmer Francisco, and family at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Aubert and two friends from the'eity were guests in the homes of the two formers' parents over the week end. Linafred Overton and family of Milwaukee are visiting in the Willis Gardner home. We ate always glad to see them as they seem a part of our own people. M iss Sylvester of Evanston was a Sunday guest of Mrs. John Pester and attended Sunday school in the afternoon. Miss- Sylvester has been a worker here in the Sunday school and Camp Fire Girls the past year. Mrs. Clay Hardy had friends from Woodstock and Chicago who came to attend the church bazaar held here last Thursday. In every way the bazaar was a success. All of the surrounding towns were well represented. [Last week's delayed letter] Edwin Vogel is real sick, being laid up with rheumatism. Ed. Aylward and sister, Mae, of Hebron were in town Sunday. The very best quality groceries at rock bottom prices at Erickson's. Mrs. Berry and friends were out to their summer hofne the past Week. j Mrs. Clyde Bell of Spring Grove j visited friends here last Thursday aft-; ernoon. j Edwin Livesey and wife of Kenosha | visited in the James Jackson home! Sunday. j D. W. Overton and daughter, Lillian. are visiting with Chicago friendsl this week. 1 Edwin Vogel has rehted the Mae! Aylward home and will take posses-1 sion soon. Mrs. Ida Westlake visited Mrs.! Maude Winters, at Twin Lakes the past Week. Elmer Francisco and family of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the Gus Erke home. C. P. Molthorp, H. E. Tibbets of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Clay Hardy home. Will Stevens and Mrs. Geo. Erke spent one day last week with relatives at Spring Grove. Mrs. H. E. Tibbits and Mrs. 0 F. Mayfield of Chicago spent last week in the Clay Hardy home. } George Elfers has been real sick with the mumps. The two little ones, Muriel and George, Jr., have recovered. Arthur Merrell and wife passed Saturday and Sunday in the home of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Wright, at Elgin. Arthur Merrell had two more car 'loads of coal delivered m these parts the past week. This is his second order filled so far his fall. Mr. and Mrs. John Blakeley of West Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kolthoff and children of Naperville visited in the C. L. Osborn and Arthur Bell homes over the week end. Dr. Shingleman and family of Chicago were calling on friends here Sunday evening. The doctor has just recently returned from abroad. Mr. and Mrs.'Gamlin of Chicago enjoyed a little vacation over the week end camping out at the home of Walter Cropley, Mrs. Gamlin being a teacher and friend of Miss Leona. The many friends of Mrs. Reno are pained to know that she underwent a serious operation in one of the Chicago hospitals last Monday. We hope to hear of a speedy" recovery and that she will be back home ere long. Wednesday of this week. Oct. 15, 1* the day set for the church bazaar. Besides the supper, the ladies have many practical and pretty articles on sale; also home made candy., A cordial invitation is extended to all. We always have plenty good eats. CARD OF THANKS We take this public manner of expressing our sincere thanks to our kind neighbors and friends who so willingly extended their loving assistance during the last illness and after the death of our beloved husband and father. Also do we wish to thank the donors of flowers, especially J. T. Tolson of Rockford, representative for the Reliance Insurance Co., who sent a most beautiful flora! piece. Mrs. Margaret Wegener and Family. NOTICE TO HUNTERS Positively no hunting or trespassing on my premises. 20-2t* Jacob Amd, VOLO Mi88 Johnson' spent the week end in Chicago. Math. Rossdeutscher spent Friday in Waukegan. Del Townsend's family are enjoying their new radio. Ben Wegener died Saturday. Funeral took place Tuesday. John Walton entertained seventeen of his relatives over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Duesing visited with friends in Wisconsin Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Townsend visited at Mrs. D. V. Wait's Wednesday. We are sorry to hear of the death of Wayne Harvey of Grayslake. Mrs. John Brimmer entertained company from Chicago over Sunday. L. V. Lusk and family visited the Jepson family at Ringwood Sunday. Mrs. D. V. Wait has iris and Illy roots for any one who may wish theqi. Mr. and Mrs. J. Vogt and family visited relatives at DesPlaines Sunday. Miss Anna Compton of Elgin visited over Sunday with Mrs. J. Kirwan. Mr. and Mrs. Variden Boom motored to Burlington Sunday to visit relatives."^ Mrs. Will Carman of Waukegan spent the week end with the Russell family. Mrs. Robt. Vogt and daughter of Ingleside visited at J. Vogt's Thursday last. Miss Mary Vogt spent Wednesday and Thursday with heir sister, Mrs. C; G. Benwell. Mrs. G. A. Vasey and family visited her daughter, Mrs. L. Benwell, at Gurnee Sunday ' ' Mrs. John Rosing and children returned home last Friday from their visit in Chicago. Earl Potter„ who is |n the Victory Memorial hospital at - Waukegan, is improving rapidly. Robert Vasey's little son, who has been under quarantine, is reported to be much improved. Mrs. Sidney Russell apd daughter, Orpha, visited at the Western Memorial hospital Sunday. Chub Vogt and Frank Dowell have taken the contract for graveling the road in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Stadtfeld motored to Madison Friday to spend a few days with relatives. _ Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Townsend spent a pleasant Sunday at Genoa City, Wis., with friends. .St. Mary's fall festivall, St. Mary's hall, Woodstock, 111., Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23, 24 and 26. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus visited Earl Potter at the Victory Memorial hospital in Waukegan. The next meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at Mrs. Lee Huson's home. A large attendance is especially desired at this meeting. The date of Nov. 14 has been decided upon for our Ladies' Aid bazaar. All ladies are kindly requested to send in some article for sale in the fancy work booth. Dr. Abjers, a presiding elder from Chicago, will speak at the Volo M. E. church Sunday evening, Oct. 26. Everyone welcome as a good crowd will be greatly appreciated. Coming soon, a carload of fancy Early Ohio potatoes. In sack lots, at the store, 90 cents per bushel; delivered, 95 cents. Order your winter's supply at L. A. Erickson's store. On Saturday evening, Oct. 25, there will be a community entertainment at the Volo M. E. church. There are some important church matters to be dismissed at this tim$; also enter tainment and refreshments and a good time for all. John Walton was the victim of a very pleasant surprise Friday evening in honor of his birthday of seventy six years. The evening was spent playing cards, after which light refreshments were served. Everyone departed at an early hour wishing Mr. Walton many returns of the day. SCHOOL NEWS Our new furnace is to be installed this week end. The Volo school visited the Fort Hill schdol this week. James Neish was a Waoconda vi» itor over the week end. Florence and Leita Benwell were absent from school on account of sickness. The stitches were removed from Robert Townsend's injured arm one dpy this week. The children and teacher of the Buck school visited the Fort Hill school Wednesday afternoon. The Buck school has planned to have a Hallowe'en entertainment on Thursday evening, Oct. 30. Everybody is welcome. The Fort Hill school has planned to give a Hallowe'en program and entertainment on Saturday, Nov. 1. Everybody is welcome. HOSTfi&SES AT MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER SLOCUM LAKH Jack Geary was a business caller at Wauconda last Tuesday morning. Mildred Hoffman spent Monday afternoon with relatives at Richmond. , Wilbur Cook of Wauconda spent Tuesday at the H. Brooks home. Joe Kirk spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his brother at Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Tuesday evening callers at Barrington. Mrs. Louis Rhoman of Barrington spent Sunday at the H. L. Brooks home. Willard Darrell was a business caller at Greeawood and Woodstock last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daughter were business callers at Aurora last "Thursday. Mrs. Harry Matthews spent Thursday evening at the W. V. Johns home at Wauconda. M. H. Detrick of Chicago was a Supper guest at the H. L. Brooks home last Tuesday. Mrs. McGill and Mrs. Earl Converse were business callers at Crystal Lake Monday afternoon. Ed. Kalling of Waukegan spent Friday afternoon at the Joe Dowell home at Elm Wood farm. Walter Winkler of near Wauconda was a dinner guest of his home lolks on the Hoelscher farm, Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with her home folks at Oak Glen farm. Miss Katie Slavin and Mrs. Mamie Eatinger were Waukegan business callers one day recently. Lee Murray of the "Flats" was a business caller at the Darrell-Matthews home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and daughpast ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, is spending a number of Mays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour north of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dickson and children of Wauconda called on Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dickson last Thursday! evening. Mr. Sam Dickson is still' confined to his home with rheumatism. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stubbings and daughter, Marion, and son, Gordon, of Wauconda were Sunday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. j McGill on the Hoelscher farm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, accompanied by their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne: Bacon and two children of Crystal Lake, were at Waukegan last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, accompanied by Mrs, Ray Paddock, Mrs. Harry Grantham and Mrs. Homer Cook of Wauconda, attended the Eastern Star meeting given in honor of Florence Lowell at Grayslake last Wednesday evening. " Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Algonquin, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kelly and daughter of Pingry Grove, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake and Mrs. W. C, Williams were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Clara Smith at Orchard farm. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, accompanied by twelve members from Wauconda chapter, attended the official visit of the worthy grand matron and other grand officers at Millburn last Saturday evening. This iras a very interesting meeting. Basket socials are now in onlir. Let Auctioneer Wm. G. Schreiner m| your baskets. Office phone 93-R, Me* Henry, 111. Read The Plaindeal<>r for nnn - FOR SALE Lat«» M«H .•****& DODGE TOURING CAR In excellent condition - 1 Price reasonable STILLING GARAGE McHENRY CARD OF THANKS We wish in this public manner to express our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kind . „ A _ . , favors shown us during the illness t»e r,s w,e re b_u siness callers at Crystal 1 , .. , . , A ' and after the death of our beloved Lake last Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were] one.' Also do we wish to express our _ ^ , thanks to the members of the Me- S„a turda,y afterno• on ca.l lers at th, e Dar' Henry Mu asoni.c .lo d. g- e, the members of. Ki*Awn hntno aAlirn nf WoiVtAVi/iQ < the McHenry Eastern Stars and to those who sent flowers. Mrs. Valeska Hoppe and Family. Order your winter supply of pota- I# sack lots, Phone 101 R Mrs. John R. Knox and Miss Verona tfiesen were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower given Wednesday evening Oct. 16, at the home of the former on Riverside Drive in honor of Miss Gertrude Frett, a bride of last Saturday. Those present besides the hostesses were Misses Gertrude Frett, Lillian Staling, Ellen Walsh, Esther Stoffel, Clara Miller, Marie Schillo, Mesdames Allen Noonan, Henry Miller and James Halpin. Five hundred wasj played, with first prize going to Miss Ellen Walsh and second to Mrs. Henry MUler. Dainty refreshments were served, the table decorations being in pink and white. A bride's cake, containing twelve favors, caused much merriment. Gertrude, however, managed to get the ring, while Lillian carried home the thimble. The jollification wound up with music and dancing. Many gifts were showered mm Brown home south of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary of Fremont township were Monday morning callers at the Henry Geary home. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Al. Staples spent Sunday afternoon at the toes at Erickson's store Lyle Litwiler home at Round Lake. * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston attended the World war movies at the Auditorium at Barrington Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk and daughter and Russell Patch were business callers at Crystal Lake Saturday night. * Mrs. H. J. Schaffer, Mrs. Purvey and Mrs. Bauers of McHenry spent Thursday Afternoon at the Henry Geary home. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Burnett of Holly, Mich., spent a few days withj the formers cousins, Mr. and Mrs. G. j Burnett. J Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and chil-| dren and Arthur Wackerow spent last Thursday with the former's parents at I Grayslake. ' Mr. and Mrs., H. L. Brooks were Thursday evening callers at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook south of j Wauconda. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tobyn and family and Harold Davis of Belvidere were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston. Messrs. Wm. Johnston, Earl John-! ston, Bert Dowell and Oatis Phillips were business callers in Chicago last Tuesday. We are now selling a splendid new line of wool and wool mixed dress goods in a variety of patterns. L. A. Erickson. • Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Al. Staples visited Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. ajid Mrs. Ivar Bergstrom, two sons and daughter (of Chicago were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Blomgren home Mrs. W. L. Spafford and son, Bennie, and Miss Silvia Hedstrom of Jefferson Park spent the week end with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kalling and children of Waukegan were Sunday afternoon and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and family. Mrs. Bloomfield nd daughter, Mar- j jorie, and Mr. Kay of Elgin were Sun- j day afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnston of Wauwautosa, Wis., are spending a few days at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary attended the first number of St. Patrick's lyceum course at St. Patrick's church hall at McHenry last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Waukegan shoppers last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sabine and family, Mrs. Ranger and family and Miss Butterfield of Belvidere were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Wm. Johnston home. Miss Orpha Morlock spent the week end with her parents at Rosecrans. She accompanied her sister to Chicago Saturday, where they were business callers. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter called on the former's grandmother, Mrs. Monohan, who is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs.' Converse, at Volo. Mrs. Sophia Lundquist and daughter, Frances, of Kenosha and William Brooks of Waukegan were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stevens, Sr., of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stevens, Jr., and son and Mrs. John Kirk of Geneva were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. Maiman of Wauconda, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary, drove to McHenry Sunday and spent the afternoon and evening at the home of J. N. Zimmer. Mn Fanaia *Cair, wfeo spent the Ttiiiiii Tamre Kent 6^Greer*^ TUfTTT roFira yoo AM t/JV # V Tfo/'XC- TV<f mm* "ITtTE can show you a real * * estaje bargain that you should snap up now. Old man Procrastination is the chap that will steal the profit from your pocket. Act now; 3 4- JCenl S'Green^ McHenru ILL. N •"£',54 -• "GREBE* Synchrophase Radio Receivers Bring in distant stations with clearness and volume W. L. HOWELL & CO. McHENRY, ILL. ANNOUNCING ..RADIO.. FULL STOCK Radios and Supplies NQYV CARRIED Let us give a demonstration in your own home MTISFMIMI CMMHTtB KNOX MOTOR SALES Lincoln Fordson m utiviiiAi <M ' Phones 30 and 31 McHENRvrmr- I t ' V $7 JO to $300 Is Her Birthday Near?-- Give NAVARRE PEARLS » «Qifts That Last" SHE will delight in a gift of these beautiful gems, which are exact ^ reproductions of rare Oriental pearls. Not only are NAVARRE PEARLS "^lustrous and creamy in finish, but foey are indestructible--guaranteed not IcTpeel, crack, or discolour. For sale, in this city, only by A. E. NYE McHENRY. QX.

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