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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1924, p. 10

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$7 if im There is hardly a day passes but most of us are called upon to draw from our reserve, either physical, mental or financial. ; v •••• . . y; 'y Have you some in store? * This bank is a good place -to start a financial reseiVe and it cannot help bttt be of real service to you. "S't li A. Conrad, Cashier McHENRY, III.. MttfV LEWS IBM HITS FOR AN AVERAGE OF 329 DURING 1924 SEASON % McHENRY BASEBALL CLUB WON SIXTEEN GAMES AND LOST SEVEN DURING SEASON Since the close of the baseball season in McHenry a number of fans have prevailed upon us to print the batting averages of the members of the load team and this week we are granting the request. The batting, averages are taken from twenty-three games and do not include the Cermack game in Chicago or tlif House of Pavtd contest as staged at Waukegan.,, The averages for the twenty-three parries are as follows: in. .niiiii. ni i n i 11 . j i. SBTH ANNtJAL CONVENTION Of McHENRY COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSN. s ' Carroll Bailey Kern. Gross . Ehnert Davison Brunke Rogers Repas Kosier Ehninger «.. Kingsley Walczak Yuncer . Stanczak • s * • V * - " • * • 3 6 8 Uii'viiifiiiii 329 • .310 • "IT » ijJ 301 j : r ; . . V . . . 3 0 0 '•#Kfe?My;*287 ik p... f i #v * *«1826 iv*.& 280 278 -271 * rV« .*..»'•'#» «/..;« *'• 250 •, ,* * jf.y •« * • • %Av • f 240 * « k» *• * . ' . . 238 233 » . . . . ;210 of Business you come into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and offer you the same honest values 'in quality merchandise that we would like to have shown and offered to us if we were the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which a lasting business can be built and webelieve our progress is in no small measure due to adherence .!** that golden rule of business. ^ fMOyN. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST Mike Your Hoae Pleasant With,, Good Furniture FURNITURE RUGS A Really good furniture will give you comfort, the satisfaction of long wear, and the great pleasure of an attractive home, furnished in good taste. UNOLEOM UNDERTAKING JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. While we are dwelling on the subject, a survey of -the games staged, etc., might also be of interest* to the fans. All told, twenty-five games were played, including the two not figured in the batting averages. Six scheduled games could not be played on account of rain, these being: May 25, Wilmot; June 8, Wilmot; June_15, Dundee Peerless; June 22, State Xiine; Sept. 1, Algonquin; Sept. 7, Libertyville. The dates and scores of each game played follow: May 11--McHenry ll;sCary 4. May 18--McHenry 8; State Line 7. May 25--Wilmot, rain. May 30--McHenry 10; Algonquin 9. June 1--McHenry 6; Burlington 4. June 8--Wilmot, rain* June 15--Dundee, dain. • • June 22--State Line, rain. / June 29--McHenry 0; AotWa 4. July 4--McHenry 9; Wilmot 5. July 4--McHenry 4; Crystal Lake 0. July 6--McHenry 5; Cary 7. July 13--McHenry 4; Burlington 3. July 20--McHenry 1; Algonquin 2. July 27--McHenry 6; Cary 1. Aug. 3--McHenry 5; Crystal Lake 3. Aug. 10--McHenry 4; Libertyville 3. Aug. 15--McH. 9; Union Giants 2. Aug. 17--McHenry 2; Algonquin 4. Aug. 24--McHenry 4; Woodstock 0. Aug. 31--McHenry 3; Elgin 14. Sept. 1--Algonquin, rain. Sept. 7--Libertyville, rain. Sept. 14--McHenry 3; Algonquin 8. Sept. 21--McHenry 4; Cary 2. Sept. 28--McHenry 9; Algonquin 7. Oct. 5--McHenry 10; Waukegan 4. Oct. 12--McHenry 4; Elgin 3. Oct. 19--McHenry 2; Elgin 5. V . As'will be seen by the above, McHenry won sixteen of the twenty-three games as staged under the McHenry banner. They lost one to Aurora, two to Elgin, three to Algonquin and one to Cary. Seven games , were staged on foreign territory. The club had no Ipck away from the home grounds, dropping five of the seven. Considering the calibre of teams' played, che McHenry club made a very fine showing, indeed, and we doubt very much if there is a club anywhere in this section which was able to hang up as good a record. Since the close of the season, supporters of the McHenry club have already made a bid to have the same team represent McHenry in another season. Nothing definite has been worked out along this line thus far, but some sort of an agreement may be reached between now and next spring which will bring the same outfit to McHenry for the season of 1925. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Hear the new mystery radio speaker at Nye's. Mr. and Mrs. Val Zillien of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at Lewis Mc Donald's. _! Mr. agd Mrs.L. F. Newman spent ' Hie following interesting program mas been arranged for the fifty-eighth annual convention of the McHenry County Sunday school association, which will be held at the Presbyterian church in Woodstock on Friday, Nov. 7: r : Morning Sessio#' ,• 9s00--Registration jlif 9:30--Open Song Service, Led by Rev. F. B. McDowell Worship Service .... .Rev. D. H. Ross Welcome Rev. F. B. McDowell 10:00--Address--"My Ideal Sunday School Superintendent" George N. Burnie 10:45--A Year of County Association Work.. President, Secretary, Superintendents, Treasurer Music 11:15--Address--M Y outh and the Church" Leon C. Tyler Announcements 12:15--Luncheon .Served M. E. Church Afternoon Session 1:30--Song Service Devotional Period. Rev. R. E. Harkness 1:45---Address--"Making the Grade" ...George N. Burnie 2:30--Roll Call Election of officers and other business 3:15--Simultaneous Conferences 1. Children's Division .Mrs. M. G. Eckert 2. Young People .Leon C. Tyler 3. Adults and General Officers... . . . . George N. B u r n i e BaG©*--Cafeteria Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . Served at M. E. Church Evening Session 7:15*-Song Service Led by P. B. Anderson Devotional Period. Rev. M. S. Freeman 7:45--Address--"The Challenge of the New Day" Leon C. Tyler 8:20--Music. .Woodstock Male Quartet Offering ^ 8:30--Address---"Integrity" * . . . George N. B u r n i e Benediction The public and especially those interested in Sunday Bchol work are invited to attend this convention as the program will no doubt prove interesting as well as instructive to all who attend. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS crrr OFFICIALS MET IN REGULAR SESSION MONDAY McHenry Ice Cream THE reason our ice cream has grown so popular and is now considered the finest and best obtainable any where is because of the fact that nothing but the purest and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before it reaches our factory. The cream is sediment tested, pasteurized and goes thru all of the various operations known only to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our platft it goes thru a spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the very latest type and design and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern cooling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the customer. We pride ourselves on the completeness of our modern plant and invite inspection at any time. Dethe best by calling for McHenry Ice Cream. McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M ;fpmm 2.00 2.00 18.75 2.75 75.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 12.00 15.00 12.00 30.00 115.00 14.32 40.00 8.60 10.00 8.06 McHENRY'S mi or AWfSEWBut "WE CAN T PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" ' THURSDAY. NOVEMBER S , " Buck Jonea -s --IN- - The Vagabond Trail V Action «nd Romanc*, > ^ : >• and the Comedy H "Barnyard Olympics'* FRI. AND IAT. NOV. 7 Colleen Moore IN The Perfect Flapper apd the Telephone Girt*../.' IN '..K'ff "Bees Knees" -- : . -O,'• jf.y' SAT. & SUN.. NOV. I &-9 BIG TIME , SPECIAL . $l£NDAY MATINEE 2:30 * Prices llc-2lc SUNDAY. NOVEMBER • The Woman With Four Faces It'k • "Crook Story" full of tkritti WITH : Betty _Compeon and a Star Cast And An "Our Gang" Comedy "Ghampeen" MATINEE AT 2:30 TUES. & WED.. NOV. 11 A 12 Behold This Woman --WITH-- Irene Rich Charles Post Marguerite De La Motte HarryjMyers, Rosemary Theby Anders I Randolph AND COMEDY "No Pet§" . ADOSnOKAL BXCHUm A ninety-three acre trjaet, at the southwest corner of Milwaukee avenue and ithe Grayslake road, Lake county, was sold last week for%a reported cor*^ sideration of $50,000. ^ Route 19 between Woodstock and Harvard was opened up to travel last Saturday morning. This gives that part of McHenry county a complete cement highway all the way to Milwaukee, Wis., via Walworth, Elkhorn and Mukwonago. ^ Miss Bessie Burke, telephone chief in the Harvard exchange -office, severed her connections with that company the last of the month, after a service of fourteen years. She plans to go to Pond du Lac, Wis., to make her home' with her mother. The beautiful dance pavilion at Fox River Grove, together with their other holdings at that place, have been sold by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cernocky Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kunsch of Chif cago, the latter taking over the property on Monday morning of this wee! Mr. and Mrs. Cernocky own som property at Burton's Bridge, W] they expect to <erect a new home anil * reside in the future. ^ . The stfrreme court has hande<| ,- down an opinion affirming the judg* ment of the McHenry county court i<|§A the case of the Crystal Lake park disi^ trict vs. the Consumers' citopan^.!' This is the final decisiorf in lite eon^ destination case in which the Con* . Burners' company was awarded $19,25f for the land known as the half moo# * beach, abutting the east shore of thi;.f: lake in that city, which is now tJo bj|"* set aside for public park purpose^ while the batfiing beach will be cor£ tinued as it has for many years pasf^ EXIDE 5; 9%'* j/ i '* • •#_ i tyfc* 4 ' >1 RADIO A AND B BATTERIES ; - \ . Will improve your Radio set Ifutfet on Exide Batteries for your new RadiUl' *:^^ i.-i. W W. L. HOWELL & CO. ^ » Phone 101-R McHENRY, ILL. . J. SUERTH UNDERTAKER YOU are sure of reliable, efficient, courteous, reverent service, when you call upon us. Any time, day or light, our entire facilities are in every way at yovr service. It does not matter where ypuiive, wUetUer, Jisray. Call M. J. Suerth. l_JLl Office: Northwestern HMllt Telephone McHenry-' M R , -S GMeftao Telephone; . faUMde MM 4419 ElitM Avenue; Friday "with Mrs. Louis Ecklund at Belvidere. Mrs. Jos. Turnbull of Wauconda spent Saturday as the guest of Mrs. W. D. Wentworth. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Lewis McDonald were Elgin callers Monday afterncKm. Mrs. Mollie Givens, daughters, Leone and Kathleen, and son, John, were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newman and children of Chicago spent Saturday night and Sunday at L. F. Newman's. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer and son, Billie, went to Chicago Tuesday morning to spend a week or more with relatives. Mrs. E. W. Mills of Carpentersville was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth here last Friday and while here attended grand officers' night of McHenry chapter, O. E. S. J. J. Vycital spent the week end with his son, John, at Champaign where he attended "dad's" day at the university. Mr. Vycital's son was picked from a group of fifty-three to participate in the huge parade on that day. Misses Marie Bernard and Bessie Hahn and Messrs. Cyril Fink and Stanley Sorensen of Racine were week end guests of Miss Hahn's aunt, Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, and family. Mr. Sorensen is on a short leave before leaving for a trip to China, Japan and HsMtata hhwria Council Room, Nov. 3, 1924. The city- aldermen met in regular session with Mayor Wells presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Goodell, Justen, Overton and Perkins. The m:nutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were read and approved by the finance committee: Public Service Co., st lights.. .$140.73 Public. Service Co., power for electric pump 40.50 Public Service Co., power for sewer lift 41.76 N. N. Freund, Ibr and team work on streets 88.00 J. J. Leonard, lbr on ww 4.00 111. Bell Tele. Co., phone service 1.76 W. J. Donavin, supplies for ww 3.60 H. E. Buch, lbr on ww v 95.60 Louis Althoff, repairing fire lad F. M. Ensign, lbr on ww L. F. Newman, spec police ser Alex. Lumber Co., sewer pipe.. Fred Miller, salary for 6 mo. to Nov. 1 D. G. Wells, mayor se*"vice.... P. J. Doherty, alderman service R. J. Frisby, alderman serv C. W. Goodell, alderman service P. M. Justen, alderman service R. I. Overton, alderman service J. B. Perkins, alderman service R. F. Conway, clerk service... John Walsh, marshal services. A. H. Schaefer, fgt. & drayage McHenry Fire Dept., rental and storage of fire truck for Oct. McH. Plaindealer, printing.. •. McH. Yellow Cab Co., differential, assembly, lbr and grease Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets.... Motion by Overton, seconded by Perkins, that the question of the city's share of the expense of installation of sewerage on Broad street, be referred to the street and alley committee. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Goodell, that the reports of the treasurer and collector be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Goodell, seconded by Justen, to Adjourn. Motion carried. D. G. Wells, Mayor. MIES We keep tab on the public taste, and you will always find at our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays'us to keep just what our customers demand, so we never try to sell you "something just as good." Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. , * M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ft. f. Conway, Clerk. FOR RENT--House phone 608-M-l. for rent. Call 21-lt FOR SALE--A self-feed coal stove in good condition. Phone 142-J. 22-lt FOR SALE--Young red boar pig. Inquire of Ben M, Kennebeck, McHenry. Phone 614-R-l. 22-lt FOR RENT--220 acre farm, 2% miles north of Ringwood on German prairie. Phone 140-W. 22-lt* FOR RENT--28oVcre farm, located about 3 % miles south of McHenry. Jos. Stilling, McHenry, 111. 22-31* FOR RENT--200 acres, cheap, to man with couple of boys'. Must be good, handy, orderly farmer. Phone Crystal Lake 103-W-l. 21-lt WANTED--Two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Must have modern conveniences. Inquire at The Plaihdealer office. 20 Miss Laura Michels actecj as hostess to the member of the S. B. club at the home of her parents on Riverside Drive on Wednesday evening of last week. The occasion was in the form of a Hallowe'en party with games in keeping with the Hallowe'en spirit predominating. The favors of the evening went to Misses Elizabeth Mc- Cabe and Marion Wegener. The pleasant evening came to a close with the serving of refreshments. The next meeting of the club will take place at the home of Miss Marion Wegener. NOTICE On account of a stroke of paralysis I will close out the largest stock of harness in the county at my place in Crystal Lake. Call and look over this big stock before it is all sold. Any style of harness you may wish to procure. G. L. Hubbard. NOTICE No hunting or trespassing on my farm, 22-3t Henry Degen. PtaindMler £ht FOR SALE--Choice building lot in town in best location. Will be sold cheap to close estate. Kent A Green, McHenry. Phones 34 or 147-M. 9-tf MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 20S Community Bldg., Marengo, 111. Phones 23-M and 993. 9-tf MALE HELP WANTED--Men, a real opportunity. Men who are interested in going into long distance freight hauling. It will require specially equipped heavy duty truck. It will be necessary for you to have $1600.00 down payment on truck. We will help you finance the unpaid balance. We give you a work contract for one year with the privilege of renewal at the end'of each year. This is hauling of commodities that move daily, all on improved roads. Very desirable. An average gross income of $850.00 per month. We secure you to the extent of your investment. In reply give address, phone number and reference. tHs#» Plaindealer, McHavy. * £ sssssssss Young man ally yourself with a strong bank. Use us as a silent partner to heJp.accQi»pl^te your success. ' ' M S West MtHeniy State M ' WEST McHENRY, ILL. - « ? < Tbt Home of the Ten Per-Certt SEES ! 186,000 Miles a Second! (HIS is the speed of the spoken word over a telephone line. Between, two ticks of your watch your voice could be hurled nearly twice around the earth. Bell Telephone engineers have developed methods of using the electric current in the small quantities needed to carry the voice impulses over immense distances. These methods are at the service of tiie American public who use the long distance lines, probably with little thought of the patient work of inventors and researches of scientists behind their perfect performance. WfVERY tehihon* Mh added to our system during the past eight years has re* quired an investment much higher than the amount represented by our investment for each telephone them in service. This condition will appb to each telephone added for many years in the future if present price levels hold. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY • ™'7V'VT-T; : tl BELL SYSTEM y , y^;,; : One Syum . U»lwu*Sm>«U • tss I-*-4

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