• mm • wy 9 With such a device as Radio to beguil£ one's leisure or serve as a means of instruction, it is difficult to understand how anyone living in this day and age and able to afford the advantages of current civilization can be without a Radio Set This store is distributor for three nationally recognized linffi, viz: Zenith, With Prices Ranging From $35 up McHENRY TOWNSHIP VOTE FOR PRESIDENT-- . 1st Calvin Coolidge, R. > . 16B John W. Davis, D . ,»,«*% *. Robert M. La FoIlet«it |KV. FOR U. S. SENATOR-- Charles S. Deneen, R .............. . Albert A. Spraugue, fii > .;.... FOR GOVERNOR-- Len Small, R V.\ ..... . . Norman L. Jones, D FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR--, Fred E. Sterling:, R. ................ F. A. Garesche, D. ......... .j ........ FOR SECRETARY OF STAT®--5 , i Louis L. Emmerson, R. ............ .. 181 Andrew Olson, D 16 FOR AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOtfJrfS-- Oscar Nelson, R 181 Edward J. Hughes, D 18 FOR STATE TREASURER-- Osffl&r N. Custer, R. ....«•» 1«# %)lffi C. Martin, D. • 13' FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL-- Oscar E. Carlstrom, R ................162 Thos. F- Donovan, D. ...., . 20 1, .180 24 ; n .172 . 20 2nd mn 16 rm: • • m-: •. t ;/ * Stt ' i P? . • 2ir 195 28 192 25 i#o 43 FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS--State at Largfe Richard Yates, R ............ j , .... 171 ,2Q5 Henry R. Rathbone, R .*V.-.v'». 166 198 " Mary Ward Hart, D. .'i15 - .' 13 Allen D. Albert, D ..... .. i.. . ! . . . . . . 15 18. FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS-- ;v Frank R. Reid, R .,wl68 'X'tff ^ C. L. Schwartz, D <U'-'16 FOR MEMBER GEN. ASSEMBL*--. , ' > Rodney B. Swift, R 160 ">200 . ' Chas. J. Wiphtman, D ... 26 '•'28 FOR REPRESENTATIVES-^ v• - " -^. *C' William F. Weiss, R. . ;175Vi IBS Charles H. Francis, R. ••.... 178V4 263% N. L. Jackson, R. .....a. 164 285% Thos. E. Graham, D 111 281% Charles F. Hayes, P .131 109 FOR CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT-- Charles F. Hayes, R -- ...."178 214 FOR STATE'S ATTORNEY-- Alford H. Pouse, R ....175 245 FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR-- George L. Tryon, R. 175 208 FOR COUNTY CORONER-- E. H. Cook, R. .. 172 201 ROAD IMPROVEMENT BALLOT-- Yes •••....208 324 No .••>.. •••• AS a l: FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVES-- Lake Weiss, R 25,215 Francis, R. 1.. .-15,071 Jackson, R. . r. 14 007 Graham, D. jo 478 Hayes, P._ .............3 ^ 6 3 2 3rd 182^® 68 *»V • 180- 181 ». m 251 128 205 79 248 94 207 91 V ••• ' . m 77 ^9 91 19ff 187 72 n 214 tm Total • ' 569 V 93 i 415 557 271 677 -«tl 574 125 641 ISO 583 12 2 568 ,120 561 154 572 546 95 101 599 115 :oi| 209 101 1*9* 185 141 550% 220% 214 226 219 205 861 . ML 148 563 627 540 893 460 606 64ft 602 585 888 106 McHenry 7,083 11,742 Boone 2,002% 2.7B2 Totals 34,300% 29,595 34,701 15,889 NOTICE No hunting or trespassing on our premises. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. 22-3t Bernard Kennebeck. • 5 - A unique topographical map, show-| ing the 900 miles of high tension transmission lines, the eighteen electric power generating stations and; twenty-seven sub-stations of the Pub- j lie Service company of Northern I l l i - j no.s was one of the interesting features of the Illinois products exposi-| tion held during last week at the American exposition palace, 666 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. -/ Complete in every detail as to the' geography of the territory around JEJhi- j cago and embodying in a graphic way j the company's immense facilities f<fr the production and distribution of elec-, tricity for light and power in the homes and industries in this section, this map attracted large inuwds at the exhibit. . ' • f The display'of the huge map, representing a territory of 6,000 square miles, was enhanced by a novel lighting arrangement installed by the Publice Service company fighting engineers. , : . A battery of colored flood lights immediately above the front of the booth was arranged in such a way as to play on the map at half-minute intervals, producing the effects of daylight, dusk and darkness over the territory. A» the blue lights, denoting dusk, tiny electric lights were thrown on, each of the power houses brilliantly illuminated by bulbs on the shone brightly period, symbolizing the activity in the stations during the Service company customers are dependent on electricity in HELP' A good cause along and assure yourself of a good time, by * « • ting your tichets now for the Firemen's Ball, Tuesday night, November 11th at Polly Prim. MADE TO ORDERJ&NLY WOND0 f'pfom<?tris{ and 3407 N. PAULINA ST. COR.ftOSCOE AND LINCOLN AVE. 9,264 11,430 4,422 5,399 1,805% ... CENTRAL GROCERY'S MARKET Our Sale on Crockery still continues. offering Stone Jars, from 1 to 39 gallons, per gal. Fancy Chenock Salmon, per can, Apricots, No. 2 Can, per can, Quart Jar of Raspberry Preserve, per We are, 14c 16c 22c 38c M,v <:»jriij glasses are cnown all over America. Thirty years I experience testing eyes and grinding glasses to order only. We make all j repairs. Absolutely guaranteed. Dr. C. KELLER, Optometrist and Optician I Chicago Address McHenry, 111. 8407 N. Paulina St. Phone 167 Phone Graceland 9640. Oil Sardines, No. 2 Cal»» per can, Navy Beans, 2 lbs. for -- • . ' . Potatoes, per peck, -- 15c 15c 25c Home Made Sauerkraicl| per quart, Call 123-J and in a few moments we can give you a demonstration with the New Radio Wonder ELI MINATING ALL WIRE CONNECTIONS Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop . West McHenry, III. PRINCESS WOODSTOCK, ILL. SUNDAY AND MONDAY November 9 and 10 Matinee at 3 , Evening* at 7 and 9 We have Home Dressed Pork of any kind. Though we are not quoting prices, you will find them as low as the lowest. -my- rtnnn c* nr»r>nr>marLnrtrinn nnnn «W Adolf* ZuiMf 4 SIDNEY OLCOTT RUDOIPH ENIINO 'Monsi Beau sicui €dirc BE BE DANIELS, Lois Will Ooris Kcnyon, JLowdi ShcrmMI PRINTED MATTERControls the destiny of commerce; it is the source of education;' the acme of civilization. Good, plair^ painting has an appeal an4 means a better JOB DEPARTMENT