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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Nov 1924, p. 10

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r vlV? -;V; *> 3&S&-. v . -M^ . -M : •• • . CE' • . Sft-V" E .'<&•$& , , '- - :^;-t l^1 There is hardly a day passes but most of ^ us are called upon to draw from our reserve, either physical, mental or finanf cial. Have you some in store?", This bank is a good place to start a financial reserve and it cannotkelp but be of real service to you. *'• -> * id; MCHENRY, •Mil SUNDAY SCH001 CONVENTION #PW OFFICERS ARE N AMB& FOR '• kI^OMING WEAR The Golden Role £> • of Business When you come into our store we try to show you the same courtesy, and offer you the same honest values in quality merchandise that we would like to have shown and offered to us if we were the customer and you were the druggist. That is the only way in which a lasting business can be built and we believe our progress is in no small measure due to adherence to that golden rule of business. 'PHONE 118-JN. H. PETESCHmccisT Another notable convention of the County Sunday School association has gone into history. The program, Which was carried out as planned, fully met the expectation of the hundred or more delegates who came from aii parts of the county to carry back to their schools inspiration and help for their schools. The recent marvelous advances in •the world of education and science challenge the church to make intelligent use of these new methods and materials in an efficient church school, the daily vacation bible school and the week day school of -religious education, for the production of a righteous citizenship. The present ills and' still more alarming tendencies 6f the day can be ] cured only by the Great Physician, | whose representatives we are. With' Him is abundant life, I The following officers vere elected j for the new year: '* | President, J* C. Kline, Ridgefield. j Vice president, W. H. Robinson,! Secretary^ ;^^:>^0-^aiilpan,' Woodstock. Treasurer, F. V. Gefoselbrecht, Woodstock.' > Business superintendent, F. B. Standish, Marengo. Supt. children's division, Mrs. M. G. Eckert, Woodstock. Supt. young people's division, Mrs. G. J. Miller, Woodstock. ^ Supt. adult division, J. EfMcKay, Algonquin. . c Supt. administration division, A. D. Ellison, Marengo. Supt. educational division, Nellie Baldwin, Greenwood. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS CITY ALDERMEN MET IN SPE-, CIAL SESSION MONDAY ;v ' UMake Yoar Home Tleasant With Good Furniture FURNITURE RUGS Really good furniture will give you comfort, the satisfaction of long wear, and the great pleasure of an attractive home, furnished in good taste. 11N0LEUM "«! UNDERTAKING JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. Council Room, Nov. 10, 1924., Th« city aldermen met in fecial meeting Monday evening with Mayor Wells presiding. j Aldermen present: Doherty, Frisby, Goodell, Justen, Overton and Per-: kins. j Motion by Doherty. seconded by; Frisby, that the purchasing committee! and the fire chief examinie our present! hose and purchase enough new hose toj meet the requirements of the Underwriter. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Jus-j ten, that the purchasing committee in-1 vestigate the matter of playpipes and use judgment in regard to buying.! Motion carried. j Motion by Goodell, seconded byj Frisby, that John Walsh be paid j $15.00 per month for tending to pumpi at sewerage disposal plant. Motion! carried. Motion by Ovefton, seconded by Frisby, to adjourn. Motion carried. ! D. G. Wells, Mayor. | R. F. Sonway, Clerk. ; ENTERTAIN IN HONOR OF KENOSHA OFFICIAL ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE Since the opening of route 19 the Elgin-Woodstock bus line has been extended to Harvard. James Murray, one of Wauconda'a oldest residents, passed away at his late home in that village on Nov. 1 aged eighty years. The Schultz school, located about two and one-half miles east of Lake Zurick, was destroyed by fire one. n'ght recently. The fire was apparently of incendiary origin. The corner stone at the new community high school building at Huntley was laid on Armistice day The stone was presented to the school by the members of the class of '25. The Milk Producers' association of this, the Chicago district,'has shown a marked increase during the past few weeks. Many of the smaller communities where the locals have been more or less inactive have increased their memberships' close to the 100 per cent mark. Mrs. Edith Rockefeller and associates have purchased a .large tract of land along the lake shore south of the city limits of Kenosha, Wis., whereupon it is planned to erect a city deluxe. Fifteen million dollars is to be expended in the development of the property for city purposes. The Globe department store at Waukegan is to have a modern ' n$w home. The new store, work on which is to start early in January, will be modern in every detail. It will have four selling flooi$ with a combined floor space of 40,000 square feet. The Globe was founded in 1899. Walter Lindstedt, twenty-five, lost his life by„drowning in BangVlake at Wauconda last Sunday morning. He and a friend, E. J. Zapel, twenty-five, both of Chicago, were out on the lake hunting when their boat started to fill with water. Both jumped from the craft as it was about to sink. Lindstedt was drowned, but his mate was able to cling to the craft until j rescued. The drowning man was a: poiice sergeant in Chicago and is sur- j vived by a widow. I Lake county last Saturday filed an appeal in the supreme court from the' c i r c u i t c o u r t t h e r e in the case of R o s e j and Gertrude Gerbracht against the county in a suit to clear title to some land in the Grass lake region. Judge Earl Reynolds recently signed a decree for. the Gerbrachts which gave them title to 160 acres of land and upon this action hangs the fate of many other claimants to title of "squatter" land, involving more than $1,000,000 worth. of property. The action to the supreme* court is being taken by the Lake county court in an effort $o get a reversal of Judge Reynold's decision. ENTERTAINED FRIENDS ON ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. George C. Steilen en-| tertained a company of relatives and j friends in honor of Chas. L. Holder- • ness of Kenosha, Wis., a cousin to Mrs.I Steilen, who was recently re-elected j county clerk of Kenosha county. The' evening was passed in a most enjoy-! able manner, while refreshments werej served at about the midnight hour. Those who made up the happy g a t h e r - j ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I<. j Holderness, Mr. and Mrs. George { Blake, Mr. and Mrs; John Blake, Mr.; and Mr%. Ernest Kuessow and son, < Billy, and Peter Elsen of Kenosha,' Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hoffman of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Boley, j Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher, Mrs. Helena J Heimer, Leo Heimer, William Heimer! and William Stoffel of this city. On Sunday the Kenosha guests, together with her children and their families,, were entertained at difiner by Mrs Helena Heimer." The Kenosha people returned to their homes on Sunday evening. . GAME WARDEN ENGELN SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY .Miss Helen Weber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber, entertained a company of friends in honor of her eleventh liirthday anniversary at the home of her |>urents at the Northwestern hotel in thin city on the night of Oct. 80. The occasion was in the form of a Hallowe'en masquerade and needless to say that the spirit of the occasion was carried out. Those present to assist the hostess in making the occasion one long to be remembered were: Auelene Vogt, Elvera Antholtz, Lucile Stenger, Florence Ehle, Margaret Kin&ala, Adele Froehlich, Marie Kinsala; Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, Mrs. H. Kinsala, Billy Kinsala and Miss Catherine Weber.. TWO MORE WINDOWS AT > ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH u* Two more colored windows are this week being installed at St. Patrick's church in this city. One, donated by the Altar an^ Rosary sodality, is being placed in the sanctuary, while the other, a gift of the Holy Name society, is being installed in the organ loft. With the addition of the two which are this week being installed St. Patrick's will have three beautiful windows and it is the hope of the pfestor that all of the new windows will soon be forthcoming. .i. McHenry Ice Cream rT*HE reason pur ice cream has grown ao popular and •1. is now considered the finest and best obtainable any where is because of the fact that nothing but the purest and most wholesome foods go into its making. First of all our cream undergoes one of the most complete tests known to the creamery world before 4t reaches our factory* The cream is sediment tested, pasteurized and goes thru all of the various operations known only to the most modern scientific methods of purification. We do not use powder in any form. After the cream reaches our plant it goes thru a spotless process while in the course of being made into ice cream. Every piece of machinery in our modern plant is of the very latest type and design and undergoes a thoro cleansing after every operation while our modern cooling system keeps the product at the correct temperature until ready for delivery to the customer. We pride ourselves on the completeness of our modern plant and invite inspection at any time. Demand the best by cjiiuag for McHenry ice Cream. McHENRY ICE CREAM COMPANY WHOLESALE PHONE 79-M Calling him away from his favorite game of pinochle, a company of relatives and friends tendered Game Warden John A. Engeln a very pleasant surprise at his home east of the river last Saturday evening. The occasion was planned and executed in honor of his birthday anniversary. The company journeyed over to Weber's hall on Riverside Drive, where a most delightful few hours were passed at dancing and music, followed by a chop suey supper. The occasion was mont thoroly enjoyed by all. SOCIAL WHEEL ENTERTAINED BY MRS. VALES CHe members of the Social Wheel were most pleasantly entertained at the country home of Mrs. Albert Vales last Thursday afternoon. High honors at five hundred were awarded to Mrs. George H. Johnson, while Mrs. J. W. Smith carried away the consolation. The customary refreshmentwere served at the close of the afternoon's social activities. The next meeting of the society will take place at the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 20. NOTICE No hunting or trespassing on our premises will be permitted without the permission of the undersigned. Fred Howe. F. R. Eppel. E A. Thomas. C. E. Jecks. Becoming to Every Woman--- A Rope of NAVARRE PEARLS A ROPE of genufQt •* pearls commands a small fortune. But this six' /-inch rope of Navarre Pearls is an exact reproduction, and costs but a small fraction as much. Appropriate fqr %the formal or informal function alike -- f|up dress or street wear. NYE McHBNKY'S mm or AWJSEKWT V "Wt CANT PL-AY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 13 "The Mao From Wyoming" WITH - Jack Hoxie r It's a real Western -AND THF COMBt>Y ' THE MESSAGE FROM THE SEA FRI. AND SAT . NOV 4 AMD 15 <«V :i; t r!.u» It'tf a feature strong in drama, rare in beauty •; V • --WITH £6lliue Griffith and Coriway Tearle heading a strong cast AND THE COMEDY r ; v "DETAINED" " A'SUN.. NOV. 15 & 16 /' BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE * SPECIAL SUNDAY MATINEE 2:30 j- " I Prices 19c-20c r iilUNDAY. NOVEMBER 16 May McAvoy • I N ' - - K "ONLY 38" A William IV Mille Production AND TH1 COMEDY "UNEASY FEET" MATINEE AT 2.30 TUES ft WED., NOV. 18 * 19 "THE MAIL HAN" AN I . B. O. SPECIAL AND COMEDY ; • ' WINNERS TAKE ALL - r_ • • THURSDAY. NOV. 20 Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel spent Sunday with Chicago relatives \-r and Mrs. C. F. Richter of Chicago at- f fc^ Si tended the Klein-Young wedding here j Tuesday. "EXIDE" RADIO A' AND B BATTERIES % '-/r•••Will improve your Radio set Insist on Exide Batteries tor your new Radio j v. ¥'• r:. gp-'-, W. L HOWELL & CO. Phone tOt-R j ; McHENRY, ILL. T»' ,T" You£ Gait# St - si * * r There i® one group ol men that all may haveas partners in getting ahead. That group if i . the men of this bank. Wcit McHenry State Bank WEST McHENRY, ILL* ' f. TO BOARD 1 304oO,. Your Kitchen Trial - This kitchen unit, pictured above, is jxxcelain enamel steel with large diffusing glass bowl. Makes four kitchen bright, light and cheery. Light turns .on and off at handy pendant switch and you can also plug in your iron, toaster or o%»r v appliance here* - , - Special Offer We will install this superior light in your house FREE-- if you have a ceiling outlet in your kitchen--for a 30 days FREE TRIAL. Then, if you are as satisfied with it as we believe you will be, you can purchase this lighting unit for Only $1.00 a Month payable with vour service statement If you are not pleased after 30 days trial, we will take unit back and replace your old fixture. Could we make you a more liberal offer? PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS G; te;~McCOLLUte, District Manager Ml Williams St. . Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 21 % •

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