~~ ^ ' • ^m"'?" K •' w'- $160 With such a device as Radio to beguile one's •efi leisure or serve as a means of instruction, it is difficult to understand how anyone living in this day and age and able to afford the^ advantages of current civilization can be without a Radio Set. $ 4R $90 This store is distributor for three nationally recognized lines, viz: t Zenith With Prices Ranging Fran? $35 up Call 123-J and. in a few moments we can g i v e you a demonstration with the. ELIMINATING ALL WUU£ CONNECTIONS Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop West Ncilevy.M. JOHNSBURG Miss Mamie Schaefer visited friends here Sunday. A fine assortment of wool and wool mixed dress (foods at Erickson's. Joseph King: had a cow struck by lightning this week Tuesday morning. The rabbit hunters in this vicinity were all on the job hare Monday morning. * For your feet--Honorbilt shoes, Rollins hose, Converse rubbers. All at Smith Bros. Emil Meersman of Chicago is spending a few day^ with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meersman. Roy Nuel and Mr. Thelen of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John BETTER HOME LIGHTING CONTEST CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REGISTRATION FOR ENTRY MUST BE IN NOV. 15 FOR RENT--House phone 608-M-l. for rent. Call 21-lt "It looks as if our Better Home! Lighting contest is going to duplicate the recent feat of the Republican 'party," was the comment trtade today by Mr. Ober, local chairman of the Northwest Electric league, which is sponsoring the contest in McHenry and vicinity. Altho there is just one weejk left in which to register in the contest, and to write the essay and hand it in £o the judges by November FOR RENT--A seven rom house. In quire of B. J. Adams, McHenry. 23-lt FOR RENT--280- acre farm, located about 3% miles south of McHenry Jos. Stilling, McHenry, 111. 22-31* FOR SALE--A baby buggy " and davenport in good condition.' Inquire at The Plaindealer offiie. 23-2t Pitzen here Sunday. . • i official closing date, local teachers re- Buy your winter potatoes now, 90c per bu. in lots of one bag or more, ~5c extra delivered. Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schmitt and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen N. Schmitt motored to Appleton, Wis., one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family of Wauconda were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, Sunday. FOR RENT--120 acre farm, 2% miles north of Ringwood on German prairie. Mrs. Mary Carey, McHenry. Phone 15, thej 140:W. 23 FOR RENT--200 acre£, cheap, to man with couple of boys. Must be good, handy, orderly farmer. Phone Crystal Lake 103-W-l. 21-lt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and family were visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, here Sunday. Misses Martha Huff, Katherine Michels, Rose Miller and Edwin Kattner of Spring Grove, motored to "Waukegan Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathieu and port a heavy demand for registration cards and home lighting primers. Any child who has neglected to enter the contest may still do so and have ai) excellent opportunity to win <nu> of the prizes. With a little Pxtra study, the ambitious essay' wri has failed to get in with the setter's whistle may yet finish a winner. j FOR SALE--Choice building, lot in Those, who have seen the prizes j town in best location. Will* be sold (most of them--the $15,000 home WANTED--Two or three f urnished rooms for lights housekeeping. Must itor who *'ave modern conveniences. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. >20 cheap to close estate. Kent & Green, McHenry. Phones 34 or 147-M. 9-tf MONEY--To loan on good farms; first mortgages only. Write or telephone A. A. Crissey, room 208 Community Bldg., Marengo, 111. Phones U3-M and 993. 9-tf FOR SALE--Pears, 75 cents, $1.50 and $2.00 per bushel. Apples, $1.75 per bushel. Phones: McHenry 603- J-l; Richmond 947. J. V. Buckland, Ringwood, III. - 23-tf FOR SALE--Pure bred Holstein- Fresian bulls, ready for service. From high producing dams. Herd under federal supervision. C. W. Gibbs, West McHenry. Phofie 620-W-2. 23* FARM TO RENT---560 acres, 5% miles from Marengo. Good land, good buildings. The best of terms to the man who can handle a farm of this size. A. A, Crissey, room 203, Community Bldg., Marengo, 111. 23-3t FOR SALE PLAYER PIANO--Bar gain to party- completing $10.00 monthly payments on balance of $304.90 due on Wm. Molton's $900.00 player piano. This ia»a chance of a! Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin left last lifetime. Address your reply to Geo. j Thursday via automobile for Belle- L. Danner, 2tJf ft Wabash Ave., Chi-i view' P,f*» where they expect to spend cago, 111. 23-3t i the coming few months at their winter home. - •' < .Jj Jk. - -• • *4 'y-XjFa. GREBE n Synchrophase Radio Receivers w •£> firing in distant stations with, - clearness and volum? W. k IJOWELL & CO. Phone 101-R McHENRY, IUL 6k?** '••'Siv 'V-. couldn't very well be displayed) all ex-' press their opinion that ho expense seems to have been spared to provide fitting rewards for those who write the favored essays. The local prizes alone are well worth a few, evenings of intensive study--and any girl an«J hoy in McHenry has just as good a chance as any one in the country to Theodore Meyers motored to Racine annex one of the .national prizes, Wednesday of last week to visit with arnong which a $15,000'home is not an Ben H. Meyers. impossible object to aim at. 1 The high grade school room vas Mr. Ober wishes to call essay! closed Tuesday afternoon on account writers attention again to the fact j o f t h e d e a t h o f t h e f a t h e r o f t h e V e n . t h a t e s s a y s a n d p r i m e r s w i l l be a c -i Sister Blanche. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Freund of Volo and Stephen Klein of Inglesidei were Sunday guests in the home of: Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. j Mrs. Joseph King, Mrs. Stephen: May, Misses Verona and Laura Smith and Martha Huff boarded the train for Chicago last Thursday. Miss Helen Blake of Pistakee Bay and George Justen of McHenry were married on Wednesday morning ati nine o'clock by Rev. Wm. Weber. | This week Tuesday the Lady For-: esters received holy communion in a cepted right up to closing time on! Nov. 15. There are also plenty of) primers and registration cards wait-; ing for the boys and girls who have; not yet entered. There is a whole I week left, which ought to be plenty of; t i m e f o r s o m e o n e w i t h l o t s o f p e p . j Prizes will be awarded solely on the! basis of the merit of- essay submitted. The element of , time will have abso-' lutely no bearing on the awards. Let's; make this final week a prize getter.! Here is an Ixcellent chance for our' boys and girls to put McHenry on a par with the up-and-comers. body. A requiem high mass was read in honor of the deceased members. J RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schaefer aqdj A fine assortment of wool and wool daughter, Eva, and Mrs. Lawrence! mixed dress goods at Erickson's. Baer and son of McHenry motored toj Mrs. Erma Williams was a recent Techny, I1L, last week Wednesday. | guest of her sister, Mrs. Irving Mer- Math. Smith and son, Clarence, J chant. Laura and Verona Smith and Joseph; Mrs. Louis Schroeder spent Thurs- Huff were guests of Mr. and Mrs. j day with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Jacob Miller at Zenda, Wis., Sunday.! Trow, at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. John Oeffling and fam-1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty are ily and Mrs. John E. Freund and son j the proud parents of an eight pound of McHenry called at the home of their parents, Mi*, and lAra. C. M. Adams Sunday. A pleasant surprise was tendered Miss Verona Smith at the home of her father, Math. Smith, one evening recently. Miss Smith is a bride to be and was presented with an aluminum Kitchen set. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lahr and family, Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thelen and two children and the two Simon children, all of Chicago, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathieu. . Mrs. Math. Lay and son, Leo, Miss Regina Miller of Spring Grove and Miss Agnes Schmitt motored to Woodstock last Saturday, where they attended a foot ball game. The social meeting which was held here last Thursday evening was well attended, about eighty members being present. Some of the men Foresters gavfe a little entertainment, which all helped to make the evening most enjoyable one. Refreshments were served, and enjoyed. A .family reunion occurred at .the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Freund Johnsburg last Sunday. Those present on this enjoyable occasion were Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen and son, Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove and their son, Arnold, of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bishop and daughter, Jeannette. and Miss Emma Freund of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund and Lewis Freund of Johnsburg. - * EAST SIDE GRIDDERS~ DOWNED BY WEST SIDERS son, born Sunday. Mrs. C. D. Bacon started for Ros-; well, New Mexico,\ Tuesday to^yisit; h e r b r o t h e r , W i l l B e a t t y . j Buy your winter potatoes now, 90c1 per bu. in lots of one bag or more, 5c extra delivered. Erickson's. Stephenson underwear for men and! boys, Dolby's for women and children is good enough for all. Smith Bros. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson and I family of Wauconda were Sunday guests of the C J. Jtepson family. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon and daughter of Antioch were Sunday guests in the Dodge and Bacon homes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay entertained their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Ritter, and fgiend from Kenosha lastj Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Jepson, ljlrs. Raymond | Harrison and Mrs. Clarence Whiting | attended a Home Bureau meeting at | Woodstock last Thursday. ~ j Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, son and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ferman of Woodstock werp invent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. TvIcCannon. j - Lyle Hopper and Andrew Hawley,! accompanied by Mrs. D. C. Bacon, and Mrs, Frank Hawley, started Tuesday morning for a v i s i t with r e l a t i v e s a t . New London, Iowa. • . ! Among the Sunday guests ,of Mr. J and Mrs. E. C. Hawley were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawley of E l g i n , Mr. andj M r s . F r a n k H a w l e y o f C h i c a g o a n d j Mr. and Mrs. C.:. D,. Bacon of Crystal! Lake. ; The Ladles' Aid socifety will hold | their annual bazaar and chicken dinn e r a t M. W. A. h a l l on W e d n e s d a y , j Nov. 19. There will be aprons, fancy The east and west sides of the city j work and candy for sale.< Dinner will once more met to decide their athletic! j be, served from eleven until all are supremacy last Sunday afternoon j served. Everybody is invited. when two elevens representing the; two sides of town met on the commu- NOTICE nity high school grounds in a foot ball [ hunting or trespassing on our and rough premises. Violators will be prosecutfortunately extent of the law, match. After a hard struggle, during which there were no casualties, the Westj Siders were ruled the winners on t h e i r a c h i e v e m e n t o f t w o t o u c h - j downs. The first quarter found the two teams on about an equal basis, but as the game progressed .the strain! seemed to have a more telling effect on the East Siders, with the result that the opposing eleven were able to! push over twelve points. Paul and j 'Beef" Patzke carried the ball across the enemy line for the touchdowns.' Lockwood, playing with the West Siders, was ordered to carry the bali '< on one occasion and that was more than plenty, he having been brought j down to earth with a thud that fairly ; rocked the big school building. There being no "understudies," Lockwood was forced to finish the game, which he did. It's a safe bet that there will be no more foot ball in McHenry, so far as the fellows who took part in Sunday's struggle are concerned. ^ Mrs. Minnie Gerding, Paul and Julius Gerding, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. A. Schmidt, Albert Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Gerding, Mrs. A. G. Schmidt, Mrs. Valbrect and Miss Bernice Valbrect of Chicago were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Barbara Schiessle and family. 22-3t M rs. Henry Kennebeck. Bernard Kennebeck. We keep lab on ihe public taste, ai d you will always find fit our store the groceries most in demand by discriminating consumers. We find it pays us to keep just what our cus lomers demand, so we never try lo sell >ou "something just as good."' Our years of experience are at your service and ready to cater to your wants. M. M. Niescn McHenry Ph< "M. J. SUERTH FUNERAL" The unrivaled elegance of materials, the superb specially-built Cunningham Funeral Limousines and Hearses, and the unexcelled expertness of service, seen and experienced only at "Suerth" fufierals are at your service without additional charges McHENRY 54-R Northwestern Hotel CALL SUERTH CHICAGO PALISADE 4407 ELSTON AVENUE <PW> Let the Badger Limited Earn for You •1 i \ Mail This Coupon Utility Securities Company 72 W. Adams Sfc, Chicago, lit Without obligating m«, please send map •ni ttnatratad folder on the North Shore and information about the 7% InnilniHI opportunity now offered. » A<Mreee / You can share in the earnings of the fast INorth Shore Line trains. - Your money'will safely earn 7% when Invested in our Prior Lien Shares. Dividend checks--four each year--will help you to meet your financial needs of today and tomorrow. Start now on the road of' systematic thrift and extra income. This Company's operating revenue hit multiplied five times since 1916. If you can save a few dollars a month you can own these income-earning shares. A •new limited issue is now offered at $100 per share--cash or payments of $10 down and $10 monthly per share; 7% interest ^allowed on payments. - Dividends are payable quarterly at the rate of $7 yearly on every share you own. A$k amy employe or send the coupon far illustrated folder and large map of the North Shore Line system* Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company 72 West Adams Street, Chicago